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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » Wild Card Weekend (June 29th) PPV RP Archive
You Want Serious Hunter Payne?
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06-27-2013, 06:41 PM

-Hunter Payne is doing a small charity event in Los Angeles, when Steve Sayors shows up and shows Hunter Payne the video Andy's Morrison's visiting Joy, and ask for comment-

Payne: Hey I'm really sorry, I have to go. Something came up....

Charity Coordinator: No, you can't go. We still need you to go up there and speak to the kids.

Payne: Can't you just give them the tickets to the show, like we planned and skip me?

Sayors: Hunter, Joy is fine. I spoke to her briefly on the way over here. She wants to know why you haven't answered her calls or texts?

Payne: My phone has been dead. I'll just go now. I have to, to make sure that motherfu....

-Hunter realizes there are young children in close proximity and calms down-

Payne: ...Ok, here's what's going to happen, we are going to talk outside for a minute, then I'll be back to talk to the kids.

Charity Coordinator: Ok.

-Hunter and Sayors go outside, out of sight from the young impressionable children-

Payne: Fuck that cowardice motherfucker! That son of a bitch wants serious Hunter Payne?!.... He's got it!!!

Sayors: I think he did it to get in your head... And I think it worked. Can I get your thoughts?

Payne: Really John Madden? Way to point out the fucking obvious! Hey Andy! I really hope you listening. You showed up at our 'headquarters' and tried to intimidate Joy, and even though you failed miserably, you still crossed the line, you got a problem? You come talk to me coward! You don't try to scare your opponents girlfriend and then try to act all big and bad about it, like you accomplished something... You know what I take that back, you did accomplish something... you finally showed everybody how much of a little bitch you really are! "Wah Wah Wah, I don't like you making jokes about me Hunter"... The truth is, I don't need to make jokes about you, You do it yourself! How do you go to a wrestling company and call yourself the Texas Tornado and not expect to get made fun of by everybody? At least I mock you for the 'Joy' of it, I'm pretty sure you mock yourself by accident. I wasn't the first person on the roster to mock you and your stupidity, and I won't be the last. You are one of a couple of wrestlers here in the company that are a complete laughing stock... You think you bring destruction? Hell no! Now you do bring laughter with your little Hurricane thing, You bring headaches to the wrestlers that have to deal with your egotistical "I'm the toughest guy alive" bullshit, You also bring that pathetic excuse for a wrestler that I am going to annihilate on my birthday, in my hometown. You want me to be serious? Why don't you try to be serious; and lose that joke of a nickname, stop trying to live the Undertaker's shadow, Because his shadow is more of a legend then you could ever be! And if you call me a mean person from school. Doesn't that make you the teacher kiss-ass that gets his ass kicked all the time? Yeah, it does...

-The Charity Coordinator comes out-

Charity Coordinator: Mr.Payne you're almost up...

Payne: Ok, just one more minute...

-The Charity Coordinator goes back inside-

Payne: Andy you want to go to Joy's offices and give off a rapey vibe?! You will pay for every rapist thought that crossed your sick little head going into Joy's office. Saturday was supposed to be a fun night for me with my hometown crowd in tow. But now, you single handedly turned a joyous night into a vicious fight. I will be spending Saturday night and Sunday morning partying with Joy and all the fans for my birthday. But you will be spending the night in a hospital!... But since you love my Podcast so much, We'll be sure to do another one before the show, just for you Andy. So be on the lookout for it.... I can't believe you tried to intimidate Joy, when you came in to her office she should have said; STAND BACK! THERE'S A RAPIST COMING IN! You are a freak, and you're going to get what's coming to you Wild Card Weekend!

-Hunter Payne gets his emotions in check, then goes back inside to applause from the kids and their parents, as Sayors follows in to silence-

Charity Coordinator: Everybody please welcome to the podium, Hunter Payne....

-Hunter Payne walks to the podium to applause from everybody-

Payne: Thank you. Thank you for having me. Man, this is cool. You kids are awesome. How many of you watch wrestling?

Crowd: YEAH! WOOO!

Payne: Alright. Then I got somethin...

-One of the youngest kids there suddenly raises his hand-

Payne: Uhh.. Yes question. What's on your mind little man?

Kid 1: What are you going to do about Andrew Morrison going to Joy's office?

-Hunter is caught off guard with the question, but stays calm-

Payne: Who???

Kid 1's Parent: The Hurricane...

Payne: Oh... hey I'm just curious, how many of you saw that video?

-Majority of hands go up, Hunter looking astonished, covers the mic and whispers to the coordinator-

Payne: What did you guys do, have a public showing of that???

Charity Coordinator: No, these are just 'smart' kids, that watch your wrestling show.

Payne: Nooo not 'smart' kids...

-Payne talks into the mic again-

Payne: Ok, this guy obviously has serious issues... And I am going to beat them out of him Saturday night. To the boys here, here's some advice, if a guy shows up where your girlfriend is, and attempts to harm her. It is officially your job to fuck him up ... kick his butt... I meant kick his butt. This guy is going to regret what he did, this Saturday Wild Card Weekend. When I withstand his little gust, and proceed to break his face with my fist! How many of guys plan on watching on TV?

-All the hands go up-

Payne: Well I need you to cancel those plans... Because I want you guys to be there in person to watch me decimate this hurricane and we can all celebrate after. I actually have here; tickets for everyone of you to go!

-Crowd errupts with excitement-

Kid 2: We get to see you beat him in person?!

Kid 2 Parent: Will Joy be there?! Woooo!

Payne: Hahaha, Joy will be there. And so will you guys. Now I gotta take off and see how Joy is doing, Ok, I was supposed to give you guys a long talk but just remember the key points for me, remember the great advice I got growing up. If you always do, what you've always done, you'll always get, what you always got.... You kids can do anything you set your mind to.... Don't cuss until you're an adult... And if you work hard enough, you can have anything... Oh and when you go to the show, stay away from The Hurricane and Dean McGovern. Parents, I'm serious, keep your kinds away from those weirdos! Ok, I gotta go. You all have a good time and I'll see you after the show.

-Hunter Payne gives all the tickets to the coordinator to hand out, and walks off to applause and the video ends-
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