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Forgive and Forget
Author Message
Brooke Hernandez Offline
Your Fucking Nightmare

XWF FanBase:
Drug addicts, rebels, weirdos

(the villain you love to hate; has cult following; may deal drugs on side)

06-13-2021, 08:15 PM

Everyone kept bringing up satantic cults and the Left Hand. Truth is, I had no recollection of any of it. Why? The doctor looked at me.

"Selective Amnesia, better known as repression. You don't want to remember so your mind has blacked it out."

I shook my head.

"Are you sure? I mean, from what I have heard, The Left Hand didn't do anything bad or traumatic to me."

The doctor looked at me.

"Repression isn't always to do with trauma or anything bad. You will one day realize what it was that caused this repression. Until then, I would not worry too awful much. Focus on the present and the past will present itself."

The doctor's words stayed with me all the way home. Nevermind them. I had a return to XWF to focus on. I sat in my car in the parking lot of the Doctor's office as I fired up my camera. I started a live video feed to the XWF website. I smirked as I spoke, my blonde hair glowing like the sun.

"XWF fans and haters alike… How the fuck have you been? Ya girl hasn't been doing so well. I can't remember much of the end of 2020 or beginning of 2021.

Sure, there are videos of my antics. There are videos of me naked in the woods. There are videos of me, Ash Quinn, Lycana, and Marf aligned with Baphomet. I personally don't remember any of it. I don't remember the Left Hand and I don't know why.

I need to move on as I am on a timed schedule here. Maria Salvatore. This Anarchy you step in the ring with a former Anarchy Champion, a former Internet Champion, a former Shooting Star Champion. Let me remind you that I never lost any of them. An injury forced me to relinquish the Anarchy and Internet titles. Jenny Myst lost my Shooting Star Title.

That is the past and, as my doctor said, it is time to focus on the present. Presently I am back on Anarchy and it doesn't matter if it is Ruby or Oswald, sooner or later I will get a shot at the Anarchy title.

I also need to impress the War Games captains so that I am selected to stand beside them in war.

Maria, you are in an unfortunate spot. You are stepping into the ring with a woman who has everything to prove. You are stepping into the ring with someone that is set to atone for her sins. A woman who doesn't give a fuck about anything but herself and her family any more.

You looked solid in the ring against the russian bitch. I will give you that but facing me is a whole nother level. You won't submit me. You aren't as good as me or the people I have beaten. Look at the list of people I have defeated. Ruby, Atara Themis, Barney Green, Jenny Myst. Do you think you can beat me when that list of talent failed? You are too big for your panties if you think you are on their level, if you think you are ready for me.

Many have tried to rid the wrestling world of me. My former employer tried to get me to retire. Instead, I came here. I showed my old employer why I was made for this business.

I love competition. I love the thrill of the fight. I want you to bring your A game. I want you to give me everything you have because that is what it will take to give management, our peers, and the fans the best that they deserve.

If you don't bring your A game, then I pity you. I want you to know that. I pity those who make a mockery of the business that me and my husband love. The business we are bringing our daughter up in.

The choice is simple. Bring a fight to me. Meizumi Kirigawa gave it her all in MMA and I knocked her out. Dont make me knock you out, Maria. Don't make me end your whole career. If you come into this match and half ass it, I will end you.

XWF faithful, you deserve the best and the best is back to cause Anarchy!"

I pulled into my drive way as I was greeted by my husband, Derrick, and our daughter, Makayla. Makayla had just begun walking and was a little hellion. I couldn't let her know my past. I didn't even know my own damn past. An eerie calm fell over the land. A wolf howled in the distance as I shivered. I zoned out for a moment. A chill went all the way up my spine, a feeling of uneasiness. Derrick yelled from the house.

"Babe, you coming?

Makayla chimed in.

"Come play mama!"

I looked back at them as I walked to them. As I reached the door and looked back. It felt as if I were being watched. In the distance a black wolf ran off into the distance. I walked in as the scene faded to black.

The fact that I was back on Anarchy was like a reboot of sorts and given the circumstances I was okay with that. The problem I faced was trying to figure out what was stalking me. An old foe? A new foe? Was it Amy, Derrick's ex girlfriend? All I knew was I felt like my family was in danger and it was my fault. Even if I didn't know how. All I could do was shake off the negativity and focus on the positives. I had to show the world, my family, and especially myself, that this business was mine for the taking. I was on top of the world. I was a force. Maria Salvatore wasn't going to be prepared for the onslaught I was going to bring to Anarchy. I don't envy Maria and the absolute hell she was about to endure.
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[-] The following 9 users Like Brooke Hernandez's post:
"Loverboy" Vinnie Lane (06-22-2021), ALIAS (06-25-2021), Atara Raven (06-13-2021), JimCaedus (06-15-2021), Lycana (06-14-2021), Marf (06-14-2021), Morbid Angel (06-13-2021), Mr. Oz (06-13-2021), Vita Frickin Valenteen (06-14-2021)

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