Billy B. Blankenship
Active in XWF
XWF FanBase: The 'cool' kliq fans (booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty while setting the trends)
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Joined: Fri Jun 11 2021
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06-12-2021, 08:13 PM
The feed cuts to an office where we see Billy B. Blankenship, his feet strewn across a desk. A live stream of Retro Anarchy from Mongolia has his partial attention while his head is leaning onto a corded phone on his shoulder.
”Uh huh! Yes! The boys are going to need royalty deals for glycerin suppositories because when they show up, these full of shit, non-wrestling circus acts are going to be filling up toilets left and right...”
Something on the TV catches his eye,
“Retro Anarchy Said:Maverick and Centurion both grabs Barney and try to pull him out of the corner, but Barney’s head is stuck inside the microwave, which is stuck between the turnbuckle ropes. Maverick and Centurion pull with all their might, and eventually the microwave gets unstuck from the ropes, but Barney’s head remains inside. Barney is out on his feet with a microwave on his head when Centurion and Maverick look at each other and shrug.
1000 Mile Slam!
Maverick climbs to the top of the turnbuckle and looks around to the crowd that is on their feet. He leaps off…
Jack Of Clubs Senton!
Mav and Cent both make the cover.
”What in the name of living monkey feces is this? Fikki! I’m going to have to call you back!
Billy slams his phone on the receiver and looks into the camera.
This is exactly the type of undigested, unfiltered sewer waste I’m talking about. We get a single goddamn “tag team” match, in Mongolia mind you. It’s lucky the goddamn Mongolians have never seen someone live beyond 60, let alone a wrestling match filled with them. They just got conned out of their money. They paid to see wrestling and got four club footed, washups stumbling around, too sleepy from missing their post Price Is Right nap to put up a good effort. It’s a disgrace.
Do you think we'll ever see these pricks booked on XWF television as tag teams again?
Hell no!
Fuck you, fake tag team.
They don't know the first goddamn thing about tag team wrestling. Hell, the ref is so numb to it that he allowed a double pin. What in the fuck does that tell you? To make matters worse, you've got the tag team champions not even competing. They've already beaten all of the two teams in the XWF. Hell they're so bored they're running around and kicking the shit out of a woman who was flying solo. Flying solo to goddamn Mongolia? She's supposed to have a posse too. But where in the legacy of vaginas were her teammates? Too egotistical and busy sucking one another off on Twitter to participate in the show! There's no XWF tag team division. There's TNGB who has had the pleasure of beating up a bunch of teams too focused on singles action, and no one else. This division is a snapshot of false pride and indifference.
To the XWF fans who've been long starved for some competition in the tag team ranks, you're prayers are answered!
I promise.
Now get that goddamn camera out of my face!
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