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Rekindling of old friends.
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Chris Page Offline
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP

XWF FanBase:
Very random

(heel alignment but liked by many; has earned respect despite breaking the rules often)

06-07-2021, 12:12 PM

February 11, 2021
Atlanta, Georgia

It was a cool Thursday night in the downtown area of Atlanta, Georgia.

[Image: giphy-downsized-large.gif?cid=6c09b95270...e.gif&ct=g]

The scene opens at an undisclosed warehouse in the industrial district where a large group of people has gathered to watch several underground fights. Hundred of people can be heard as they watch a fight in progress.

[Image: CheeryBlackAsiantrumpetfish-size_restricted.gif]

The crowd responds with a huge ovation as the fight is stopped via knockout. Our focus changes from the caged-in octagon towards one of the many exits where we see looking on is none other than…

[Image: tumblr_pxe2gigIAP1tzogbdo6_400.gifv]

There is a sly smirk from Chris Page as he makes his exit from the warehouse. Out scene fades outside of the warehouse on the backside where the fighters come and go as they please. Chris is waiting when suddenly the door opens and out walks…

[Image: baMn1U2.gif]

We can hear Chris call out towards who we now all know as Andre Dixon.

” Well is this not a simple twist of fate.”

Andre stops walking as he hears the voice of a former friend. He slowly turns towards the left where Chris is leaning back against the 2021 red mustang.

Andre Dixon: Oh shit, if it isn’t Chris Page.

Chris walks forward towards Andre.

” And if it isn’t goddamn Andre Dixon.”

They slap their right hands together, clasp them before drawing each other in for a bro hug. They release as Chris takes a few steps back as he states.

” You are never a hard man to find.”

Andre Dixon: You know, taking money from chumps until the day I die. Did you see the fight?

” I saw the only part that matter when you knocked that mother fucker out. Safe to say some things never change.”

Andre drops his gym bag on the pavement as the door to the warehouse opens as several more fighters from the night's underground event. Andre walks out of the path of the other competitors and towards Chris Page.[/green]

” Let me ask you something, are you happy knocking out chumps for peanuts?”

Andre Dixon: Here you go… I ain’t seen ya ass in almost nine years and you want to start with me?

The last time I had seen Andre was back in the days of the WGWF. He had always been on my radar, even if from a distance. We have been the best of friends and the bitterest of enemies but the one thing we share in common is mutual respect.

” You need to calm your big ass down because you should know more than anyone else I would not pop up on you if I was not here on business, and did not have an opportunity for you to make some sweet, sweet money in the process.”

Andre Dixon: I’m listening.

[i]There a head motion towards the car from Chris as he responds.

” Get in.”

Andre picks up his bag as Chris walks around the front of the cherry red “stang”. Andre makes his way over to the passenger door and opens it up. He tosses his bag in the backseat before stepping into the front seat while Page does the same on the driver’s side of the car.

Fading inside the Mustang Chris uses the keyless starter to start up the car. He reaches into the glove box pulling out a silver tin before tossing it in the lap of Andre. We see Andre pick up the square tin and crack it open where there are several joints rolled.

Andre Dixon: My man!

Andre takes a joint out of the tin before closing it back up. He grabs a lighter out of the cup holder and sparks up the joint as Chris reverses and backs the car up before throwing it in drive before exiting out of the gated parking and onto the downtown streets of Atlanta.

” As I was saying, are you content knocking out these nobodies, or do you what to start knocking out a lot of nobodies?”

Andre cracks a window as he exhales out smoke before he responds.

Andre Dixon: Is this some WGWF bullshit?

Dre asks as he takes another toke off the joint.

” Not at all. What do you know about the Xtreme Wrestling Federation? It has been around for a hot little minute, and was my competition back in the good old days.”

Andre Dixon: I remember Jayzon rambling on about it a time or two. Is that the same place?

” The one and the same. I have been under contract there for about a year or so, and won their Universal Championship a few weeks ago…

Andre passes the joint over to Chris who takes it with his right hand.

Andre Dixon: What do you need me for if you are the top dog?

Chris pulls on the joint before exhaling the smoke out.

” I am in the process of building an organization that you can serve a great purpose for. I know what you are capable of just like I know knocking around scrubs like you did tonight does not scratch that competitive itch. I want to put the band back together with you, because now more than ever there is an opportunity to squash the wrestling world in one fail swoop.”

Andre Dixon has always been a badass mother fucker when it comes to throwing down. His placement within BOB would be mutually beneficial for no other reason than the caliber athlete he is. His overall no fucks given attitude coupled with his street smarts will be more than enough for him to not only find success with the XWF but within BOB itself.

Chris takes another toke off the joint before passing it back over to Andre. He inhales before quickly exhaling out before he continues.

” You are the heavy that I am looking for, and I trust you.”

Andre Dixon: I feel you. How do you want to bring me in?[orange]

” Ideally I would like for you to reach out to Jayzon, are you two still tight?”

[orange]Andre Dixon: I mean we are aight, it is not like we talk every day.”

” I think that it would be a better setup if he brokered you a deal with the company. He is a former Universal Champion and he still has name value to get you in the door. I do not want our association to be known off rip because I have a plan for that if you choose to break by into the wrasslin’ business.”

Andre takes another deep pull on the joint before inhaling deeply as his eyes shift off and gaze towards the skyscrapers that surround him as they are now taking a cruise on I-275. Andre exhales his smoke before he responds.

Andre Dixon: I mean I will give him a call but he is probably going to think it is a little strange to blow him up out of the blue over setting up an appointment to see representatives for the XWF.”

” Nah man, just tell him you are thinking about getting back into the game and ask him his views on the XWF. I am sure that will open the door for the conversation to start. Once it starts it is like opening Pandora’s Box. Once you sign the contract and are officially on the XWF Roster we will start planting the seeds for what will be one of the biggest moments of your professional career. You will make more money than you ever dreamt of making all the while becoming a bigger presence within shooting fighting as well. It is literally a win/win situation.”

Andre passes the joint back over to Chris.

Andre Dixon: Alright man, you sold me. I’ll shoot Jayzon a call and see what I can set up. What if he is not prepared to make some calls to get me a deal?

” Then you call me and I will get the deal done for you. The only drawback is any secret planning will be out the window because all bets are going to be off. If we can slide you in under the radar, you make that impact that I know you can make, and when the time comes for our cards to hit the table it will leave everyone else in a state of shock and awe. I have no doubts that you can run rough shots over ninety-eight percent of the current roster so it will only be a matter of time before you are wearing gold. What do you say?”

Chris pulls on the joint as Andre responds.

Andre Dixon: Fuck it, man… I am in.”


Words from the Stoned One:

Well goddamn if the stadium tour does not continue on Saturday Night Savage where for the first time in our careers two Hall of Legends competitors shall meet one on one in the middle of the ring. I cannot speak for the rest of you but that is enough to give me goosebumps running across my body. The first thing that I want to practically beg for is not a typical Centurion promo. You guys all know the ones’ right? The ones where he uses precious airtime, much like a majority of you fucktards do, trying to sell us on “you are going to say this or that” nonsense because the one thing you can expect from Chris Page is to expect the unexpected. You and I are the last of a dying breed, aren’t we? Both of us are very much responsible for shaping the form of Professional Wrestling today so that there is a spot for the younger generation today; granted for very different reasons, and even with our career’s paralleling each other, working with each other in the WGWF, being in the XWF on and off at the same time we have never stepped in the ring one on one up until now. I assume you expect me to bury you based on your lack of accomplishments to even the opponents you have been working with as of late; Nah bro, that shit is just way too easy even if it is very relevant. What I do want to speak to you about revolves around the differences within our careers themselves. I spoke earlier about how we have both shaped this sport; the single biggest difference is the levels within the business, the success within the business we have shared. You were smart enough to know that you would never be “the guy” when you are in the mix with the likes of a Steve Jason, James Raven, Big Shank, or even a Chris Page… it was smart and it got you a spot in the Hall of Legends… but it never got you that Universal Title.

Truth be told Cent, I can give two fucks about the past whether it be our times sitting in Los Angeles with Paul Frost and Ranma talking creative or about titles won and lost. What I care about is the present, and what I care about is continuing to add to my legacy while you are content with the status quo. You can pretend that whatever you have going on with this latest blast from the past is going to be groundbreaking or Earth-shattering because make no mistake about it you and I both know this ONE chance encounter will trump anything else you have going on for the rest of the goddamn year. I am standing here calling your mother fucking punk card to do anything BUT bring me the watered-down Centurion that I see day after day and laugh at. I want you to bring me the Centurion that gave a shit once upon a time ago. When you look at me compared to you the one thing you do not see is complacency. I could easily be sitting my ass at home collecting a mother fucking check like seventy-five percent of the roster, or I can continue to forge the path I created for absolutely no other reason than to keep the critics silenced, and now that the Universal Title has been stolen from me I will outshine and outdraw the new goddamn champion because he cannot hold my mother fucking jock.

Something that you both share in common.

What you are going to get on Savage is the motivated Chris Page that has kicked ass and taken names while leaving jaws on the floor and bodies broken in the ring. I am going to continue to leave bodies in my wake with yours being among them. I dare you to try me, I dare you to make the same mistakes you make against me that you make against others for you know I will love nothing more to embarrass you more than you embarrass yourself. Now, let me make something else perfectly clear; do I think I am going to slay you? I do not think I am, I know I am, but not because beating the modern-day Centurion amounts to much… beating the legacy of Centurion, the legacy within your own mind that you belong in the same conversation as guys like me will serve as the notch on my belt. You are already walking into this your back against the wall for you are smart enough to know that I am on a mission, a mission that you will never be able to comprehend because you have not been to the heights that I have been to. You will be made a martyr on my quest, and I will not allow you to get that one bragging point that can validate why you are even still trying… a win over me.

We both are walking into this with different motives and both have our own reasoning. I am not going to take this lightly or brush you off for even Centurion has been known to get a little lucky a time or two in his career, and that usually happens when eyes are taken off the ball. You do not get that luxury with me, Cent. This very well could be one of your last big attractions because ApeLeg certainly did not ring your phone now, did they? Before you try to twist my words around allow me to clarify “last big attraction”; the last time you were in the ring with someone of my caliber was Leap of Faith 2020, and the time before that… who the fuck knows. You hoover around a certain placement on the card without ever trying to push yourself to be the Centurion that people actually gave a shit about watching. You have this careless attitude whenever you are dealing with tippy-top guys because you know what you are walking into.

This is not going to be an exception.

You do not have to care about what I am going to say or how I am going to crush you beneath my boot like the cockroach that you have become. But you know, I actually hope I knock some sense into you because the same Centurion that found moderate success back in the day does still exist deep in that heart of yours… and I am the perfect guy to bring him out of you. That my friend is exactly why when I saw your name as talent for this card I had to oblige. It has nothing to do with your recent outings against BOB Elite members, it has nothing to do with targeting members within BOB yourself, and everything to do with this match needing to happen. You can save your crystal ball for someone else mother fucker because you are about to get taken to school by one of the best of the bests to ever lace a goddamn pair of wrestling boots, and I am going to show you firsthand why I reached the Universal Championship…. And you did not.

Nice tag match on the Retro Anarchy show by the way, really testing yourself with that one.

In closing I want the roster to take notice as to who is showing up and competing on these “little” programs versus who is not; and then I want you to ask yourselves why? According to the masses I am supposed to be butt-hurt over losing the title, so shouldn’t I be the one hiding the background? Yet here I am in the wide-open taking on what some call stars on this roster. There is no quit in Chris Page, and I am going to continue to show the world why I the whole fucking show, and why at nearly fifty goddamn years old that I am better today than I have ever been in my life.

… and here is a fun fact for you, Cent.

When I knock of Lycana the stakes are going to rise and this will be for the Xtreme Championship. Think about that long and hard while you change your goddamn depends.

- 2019 Heel of the Year
- 2019 Locker Room Leader of the Year
- 2019 Feud of the Year w. Robert Main (you’re welcome)
- Former
[Image: OW3ycxe.png]
[Image: fMJwa5h.png]
Robert "The Omega" Main
[Image: OZdvB4F.png]
XWF World Heavyweight Champion
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