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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » Leap Of Faith 2021 RP Board
For God your Soul...For me your Flesh!
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Morbid Angel Offline
Баба Яга

XWF FanBase:
Very random

(heel alignment but liked by many; has earned respect despite breaking the rules often)

05-28-2021, 11:34 PM

Well, I am glad you decided to list my accomplishments in the XWF. It was most flattering.
You followed it up by talking saying that 2014 was a long time ago…who is that a long time ago? It’s not like it was 1999. It was only 7 years ago. I am not that much older than I was, and a lot has changed since then so I can’t complain about the direction things have gone in.
The XWF has changed a lot since then too. It has arguably changed for the better. A lot of new faces and champions and yes, I changed. I would say I changed for the better. Something that drives me to gain what I lost many years ago. Some things never change, and this is something I want.
See, I never held the Television title before. You say this should be beneath me, but I am thinking it is just on par with what I want. I was Universal champion and Xtreme Champion before and to be honest I have no interest in holding it again. There is a lot that goes into being Universal Champion that people don’t realize and it’s more than walking around like your shit don’t stink.
Well, that is part of it.
You see, it is about conquering what you have yet to conquer. There have been very few titles I haven’t held here, and I want to hold them. I have defeated people that were considered unbeatable or for the very least hard to defeat.
I guess you can say I was once something great. Not that I am not great anymore. I would settle for pretty damn good.

I am interested in seeing what it’s like to fight on the motherfucking moon! I bought all the Doge coins I could just so I can buy shit!
I hear Elon Musk is just trying to put a Tesla dealership on that bitch. I would never own a Tesla because they are for pussies. I am a fucking man! I want to have a real vehicle on the motherfucking moon! I’m going to but one of those electric F-150’s just so I can drive around that bitch. Change out the American flag to a Russian one because I will be the first Russian on the motherfucking moon!
Vladimir Putin better give me a medal of honor for this shit!

Did you actually expect a gimmie match for a title defense? What kind of hacks do you think Theo and Lane are?
This is for a title on a pay per view. I have been apart of the XWF since 2012 so it’s safe to say that easy title matches don’t happen on PPVs. It would be ignorant to think they would put you up against the likes of Barney Green for a defense. If they did the outcry would be huge. Afterall this isn’t the WWE.

Settling for me, huh? That’s hilarious because I was asked if I wanted this match. I had the option to take another match but I looked at you and decided you were not worthy to hold the title. Andre Dixon. You sound like some backwoods hick that fucks his sister.
I know what you are going to say…you’re black so you wouldn’t fuck your sister or cousin.


I bet you do fuck your sister because you strike me as that type of piece of shit. Considering you are from Atlanta Georgia; I think it’s a safe bet you do. 99% of all black people that come from there think their the best shit ever.

I know what you’re thinking.

What does being black have to do with thinking you’re the best.


See, in my experience, people like you are the most arrogant and ignorant. Especially from motherfucking Georgia. You just don’t think before you speak. You blurt out the first thing that comes to mind and never thinking of what may be the rebuttal.
What did you think I was going to do, just sit here and let you mildly talk shit on me? Did you think I was just going to suck your tiny dick to inflate your ego like you did for me?

Fuck that!

I don’t kiss anyone’s ass. Champion or no fucking champion.

Listen to me you fucking monkey…I mean that with respect…not because you are black. Has nothing to do with you being black…I am not a racist! I am a Christian man and because of that I cannot be racist. My proof is Jesus Christ.
Go ahead and prove me wrong! I dare you.

Speaking of black. You are somewhat of an anomaly. See, 95% of all black people in the united states believe in Jesus Christ and worship him. You said “Puke” so that means you are one of the 5%. How does it feel to be a godless heathen? Or were you just saying that in a sad attempt to get me going?
I understand there are some people out there that don’t believe and it’s my job to convert them.

I, Morbid Angel will convert you to see the light! You will go to my church and worship me….er…Jesus Christ…yes, Jesus Christ.

You are also talking about my steroid days. Yes, because you don’t do steroids, right? Never took P6 or testosterone boosters…none of that? I doubt that 100%. Everyone here except very few don’t do steroids. I mean, look at the competition. All jacked up to be at their top physical peek and that is to fight. Everyone knows the wrestling world is built around the use of steroids so you making such a bold claim makes you a hypocrite to the highest degree. I’m glad you brought that up though so I can call you out for your bullshit.
Yes, the body can only do so much without help. See, there are certain muscles that won’t be do defined without the help of the juice. You can build muscle naturally but let’s take a look at body builders in the beginning without the use of steroids of any kind. What do you see?
Let’s look at the ones who started it all, Eugene Sandow or Author Saxon. They were what would be considered the first real bodybuilders and look at their appearances. Not overly bulging muscles filled to the max. You can say that they didn’t have the technology we have now but still what is weightlifting? Picking things up and putting them down. Kind of hard to fuck that up.
It is impossible to get the inflated look that you have without the help of steroids. Truly it is scientifically impossible. Certain muscles have a maximum when it’s natural and people use steroids and HGH and even synthol to get those muscles bigger because we as a society view large muscles as something to strive for.
If you didn’t do steroids you would just be looking a lot thinner, a lot less jacked and probably a little more humble than trying to make me look like a sad sack of former roid glory. At least I am honest with what I did and not trying to deflect with the sad old bullshit so many others have done. Get some new material.

Is it my turn to make you deflect? Is it truly my turn?

Listen friend, I don’t need B.O.B or any other group to back me. It is known they protect their own and it’s no surprise that you joined them. I view it as you needing the help to win. You can’t do it alone, so you need a group of people to have your back. I get it. Winning is tough and you need that extra lift because you don’t do steroids, right? I get it.

Let me go and analyze you for a minute like you did me.

Andre “The King” Dixon who doesn’t even go by ‘The King”. Even in your logo for your bio you go by just Andre Dixon.
What, did they charge by the letter when they made that tacky piece of shit?

So, we are going back to Steroids for a moment. You are 6’3 and 230lbs. wouldn’t that make you chubby without a little boost?

Oh, that’s right! You do steroids. I forget with all the judgment going around.

Just admit it and this way I can move on with my life.

WKRPN Minneapolis Reporting live before the Space X Launch for the XWF Pay Per View.

“We are standing here with Kyril Krizchiv, better known as Morbid Angel to all wrestling fans out there. He is going to be the first Russian to step foot on the moon. How does it feel?”

The reporter said as he stuck his microphone in his face. Morbid had his award-winning smile on and a bag slung over his shoulder full of his wrestling attire. He was wearing one of his $5000 suits nicely pressed and cleaned. He has still yet to replace his watch from when he stalked Alias.
Perhaps he was still in mourning for his beloved timepiece.

“Well, I am proud to do this for Mother Russia. It is an honor and privilege for me to be the first one. There are many other more qualified people that could have done this but the XWF made is possible for me. After 70 years of trying, finally Russia gets to walk on the moon! FUCK YOU NORTH KOREA!”

The reporter looks noticeably nervous with Morbid saying “Fuck North Korea” on live television. This could possibly cost the man his job and if North Korea gets a wild hair up their ass, it could be his life.
Morbid Angel doesn’t care…fuck that guy! He’s fixing to head to the moon.

As Morbid Angel was giving his interview there was a commotion from around the corner.

Camera’s flashing, a small horde of people flocking around someone.
This drew the attention of Morbid Angel and his interviewer and they both looked.

The interviewer was preparing to leave Morbid Angel for a better prospect if it were someone better, Morbid prepared to grab the interviewer if he tried to escape. No one skips out on a Morbid Angel interview! Nobody!!

Here it is! A glimmer of a title and the face of an ass. Nefariously a pain in Morbid Angel’s ass, Ned Kaye!

Morbid grabs the arm of his interviewer as he and the camera man try to leave. His grip was intimidatingly strong for a holy man.

Ned Kaye was dressed in his space suit and was preparing for his adventure to space. He has yet to find out that Morbid Angel was actually going to be on the flight with him. Morbid Angel didn’t look happy that he was going to share a fuselage with the same bastard that beat him, tried to destroy his church and accused him of stealing.

This bitch!

Morbid needed to get ready for takeoff in an hour.

There are two ships taking off today for the moon, one is carrying the news crew and one of the XWF new wrestlers named Savage Stephen Staph or Triple S as he likes to be called. He was new with the company and Vinnie Lane wanted to promote the new talent by having him make an appearance. The crew was going to interview him in space before the match. I guess you could say this was his official push in the federation.

Behind the nefarious bastard was Stephen Staph walking in all his buff glory. You can tell he was going to be something because he had the machismo that is required for greatness. Not the attitude of a sniveling pussy like Andre Dixon.

Morbid Angel felt like these two fucks were trying to steal his spotlight.

This cannot be allowed! Morbid Angel must remain center of attention at all times…which is weird because he really isn’t but completely is in his own little world. To his followers he is the living embodiment of god on earth.
Morbid being frustrated storms off to get changed into his suit for takeoff.

The scene fades to black.

It picks up again with Morbid Angel in his space suit standing next to his archrival Ned Kaye waiting for the doors to open for them to enter the ship. The two exchange evil glances as they wait. These men have a bitter feud stemming from a few weeks ago. Who cares if Ned Kaye moved in next door. Seems like it works out because Morbid Angel was stealing his cable anyway.

Gotta save that money even if it is only $100 a month. Fuck that shit. He gets to watch the Golden Girls for free on Ned Kaye’s dime…also, fuck him because he is a prick.

Stephen Staph walks out in a custom space suit decked out with XWF logos and colors as Ned Kaye and Morbid Angel have the standard white and blue suits. Nothing Special. The two watch as Triple S stands at another set of doors with the news crew in toe. The two are not happy with what they see. Looks like Lane is trying to replace certain people…maybe some of the more aged fighters like Kaye and Morbid. Less squabbling.

Stephen Staph’s doors open first as Ned Kaye spits in his general direction because fuck that guy.

“Fuck that guy! I hope his ship blows up and he fucking dies!” Ned Kaye says to Morbid.

“Well, that’s uncalled for. What would Jesus say if he were here and heard you say that?”

“He wouldn’t say a fucking word if he knew what’s good for him. He is a giant pussy, just like you!”

“Who are you calling a fucking pussy, you fucking fat tittied bitch! Yeah, I noticed your man boobs, you fucking cunt! Don’t fuck with me! I’m having a rough day.”

“Rough day? Of what? Kissing some sky-daddy ass? Whatever happened to the dick collector Morbid Angel? Where is that guy? He was a lot more fun to be around AND he was actually a winner! So, why don’t you take your bible shit and stick it up your ass. Stick it all up there like a holy dick and rotate!”

Morbid Angel looks rather offended. He shoves Kaye and the two are fixing to go at it but is broken up quickly by the ship’s captain.

“Guys, this isn’t the time or the place for this. We are boarding soon so keep it cool. We don’t want to have any issues while I’m flying.”

“You know something Ned Kaye, I can still collect dicks for Jesus! Don’t fucking tempt me because I’ll fucking do it! I’ll cut off your tiny, crusty cock and feed it to your fucking mother! I’ll do that right before I fuck her in the ass in front of you. Yeah, I’ll do that for Jesus!”

With those words the doors open and the two men head towards the fuselage that will transport them to the moon where they can fight in their respective battles and hate each other on another planet.

Morbid Angel waves to the awaiting new crews as they film this monumental event. Not only will this be the first people to step on the moon in over 50 years, but it’ll also be the first event to be held in outer Space

Second will the Kiss and their seventh Farewell tour because that band just doesn’t know when to quit.

The men climb the stairs and enter the ship and are buckled in by the assistants that were standing by. Their only job was to make sure they were secured in their seats because if they weren’t they would be thrown about the cabin from the g-force that will be forced upon them.
Outside the window they see the second rocket ship ready to go with the news crews and Triple S. Morbid couldn’t help but think about them giving all the prime time to that new golden egg that popped out of Lanes ass. He always had a knack for picking winners.

The assistants leave the chamber and the door is locked like a fucking bank vault.

The countdown begins










1…Ignition. Lift off!

The rockets blaze on both ships as they take off together. The pressure smushed Kaye and Morbid in their seats making it difficult to move. They are almost about to break orbit when there was an explosion! Space X 1 blew up with the news crew and Savage Stephen Staph!

“Holy fucking Shit!” Morbid exclaimed


“AHHHHHHHHH!” Morbid let out a high-pitched scream as they started to break orbit. The ship was shaking like it wanted to fall apart. What a piece of shit it was. Fuck Elon Musk and his hackery.

They finally reach orbit and the zero gravity kicks in.

“Did you scream like a bitch?” Ned Kaye asked Morbid.

“No, that wasn’t me…it was the captain…yeah, the captain.”

“No no, it was you.”

“You were screaming, I was screaming so the captain must have been screaming too. It’s only natural. I definitely screamed like a man and not some bitch. I guarantee that.”

The two unbuckle their harnesses and float upward and the first thing Ned Kaye does is weakly slap Morbid Angel in the face. Weakly because there was no gravity, so it was like trying to slap someone under water.

“That’s for talking about fucking my mother in the ass!”

“You fucking hit me!”

Morbid threw a punch at Kaye hitting him in the chest causing him to float backwards. The bunch did nothing more than push him a little.

“You fucking hit like a woman!” Kaye said as he kicks at Morbid. The two circle the cabin throwing weak-ass punches and kicks, trying desperately to hurt each other. Morbid out of desperation grabs Kaye's arm and bites it hard!

“OUCH! You fucking bit me!” Kaye said as he rubbed his arm.

“Yeah! Yeah! Hurt didn’t it you little bitch! Don’t fuck with me!”

Kaye went back on the attack and the two continued to battle as the scene fades to a Blood Red!

болезненное ангел!
[Image: 8IZ5unY.png]

Intercontinental Champion
UFO Champion x2
Ark Champion x2
Heavy Metal Champion x2
Xtreme Champion x3
Won at War Games 2014
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JimCaedus (05-29-2021), Mr. Oz (05-29-2021), MrBig (05-30-2021), Ned Kaye (05-29-2021), Theo Pryce (05-30-2021)

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