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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » Leap Of Faith 2021 RP Board
Phase Three: Chapter Two
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Chris Page Offline
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(heel alignment but liked by many; has earned respect despite breaking the rules often)

05-27-2021, 05:50 AM

Phase Three:
Chapter Two

” Goddamn if this was any easier I might say that Robert’s heart just is not into it anymore.”

The scene opens as we catch up with Chris Page and Jessica packing bags for the upcoming Leap of Faith Pay-Per-View; you all know the show, right? The one taking place on the goddamn moon!

Jessica: You make it sound like you are disappointed by it? Maybe he realizes that he is in way over his head and this is his attempt at waving the white flag.

” It is not that I am disappointed by any means but I would be lying if I did not express how lackluster his presence has been while on this road to Leap of Faith. For a guy that is hell-bent on beating me within an inch of my life he is not acting like it.”

Let us be real for a change, Robert.

You are not the same dominant guy that you once were, and for the first time in your XWF career, you have come to the realization that I have already buried you to the point of no return in two fucking promos that I have released thus far while you are content with sitting back and waiting for me to spoon feed you some goddamn material so you can attempt to save a little face. Here is the problem with that should you choose to try and go balls out with what little time you have left; by doing that you only validate my stance. Face it, chump, you are fucked four ways from Sunday with any move you try to make.

… but that is what happens when you fuck with one of the greatest of all times.

Jessica: He knows just like everyone else knows he is fish out of fucking water when it comes to dealing with us, and by us I mean BOB.

Chris finishes packing his suitcase before zipping it up while Jessica puts a few last-minute items in her bag as well. She zips it up before they both take a seat on the edge of the bed. Chris wraps his arm around Jessica’s shoulders as he pulls her in.

” It is just a little disappointing to hear and see because I seriously thought by having his goddamn skull cracked that he would come at me with some fire rather than the sound of crickets chirping. I know he is a scared little boy because he is fucking with a guy that is just flat out better than he could ever dare to dream to be.”

Jessica: I am sorry that he has let you down because I know how much kicking his teeth down his throat means to you.

I am still going to destroy Robert with or without him adding to this equation or not. He will not spoil the work that has been put into watching him burn. This is exactly what I wanted to see happen but did not quite expect. What I also know is just because Robert has still reserved the right to remain pretty much silent this is not something that should take many people by surprise.

” It is not that I am let down by it, not by any means. The way I see it is he is playing his game and I am playing mine. I am not dumb enough to make the same mistakes twice, he lured me in like this once before. It is not is he going to speak out, it is when does he speak out.”

Sure the longer Robert waits the easier it is to defend. Like why wait a week and a half to suddenly give a shit? Problem solved in the form of one simple question. This has never been about what Robert is going to do or not do. It has always been about me reestablishing and rewriting the single biggest wrong of my professional career by defeating the great and powerful Robert Main. I knew it would be easy, just not this easy.

” I have loaded guns ready to open fire upon him at any and every point. I have the proverbial bombs just waiting to drop upon him like it was mother fucking World War Two; that is if he warrants it. As of now, he is slowly drifting away into an afterthought when we look at what is on our horizons.”

Chris leans forward kissing Jessica on the forehead before removing his arm from around her shoulders before he lays back on the bed resting his hands behind his head.

” Who would have thought that this little plan we devised would have worked out to the perfection that it has become. I mean really sit back and think about just how far we have come over the last year and a half or so. You are poised to take the Anarchy Title from Ruby; which I cannot wait to see happen, Them No Good Bastards are killing the Tag Division while Andre Dixon is making everyone around him his bitch.”

BOB takes a lot of pride in being the bread and butter of the XWF. I mean where would this fucking place be right now without us? I will be the first to tell you that the XWF in general would be going straight down the goddamn crapper where it was when I walked back through the doors in 2019. Regardless of what anyone has to say you cannot and will not deny us the fact that we keep the wheels of this machine rolling.

Who can touch us?

Demos? Not hardly. Been there done that got that t-shirt. Continuum? Please they split faster than Robert Main does every time he takes a fucking loss after falling victim to Them No Good Bastards. They were supposed to be the real deal, right? Wrong! Exposed as the overrated hacks they have always been. Ruby? Get the fuck out of here. She is scared to tiptoe outside of her comfort zone for a goddamn reason and that has everything to do with not being able to stand on her own two feet unless it is on Anarchy. Who else? Alias? The dumb prick has every one of you fooled but me. There is a reason why he is trying his hand at mind games and failing as opposed to just calling his shot like a fucking man. Lycana and Marf? Do not make me laugh. Apex? They can fuck off knowing that one of their heavies is sulking in a goddamn corner rather than making this remotely interesting.

” We have even suckered Theo Pryce into backing the bWo. Even a principal owner of the XWF knows where the future rests, with us.”

Jessica: This is our time, and you are absolutely right. There is not a single person that can hold up to the fire that BOB brings every time we step foot inside a wrestling ring. This is one of the best concepts I have ever been a part of.

” Do you know what makes it just a little more sweater?”

Jessica: What is that?

” Even Oswald is elevating his game. Now I know he and I do not and probably will not see eye to eye on many issues but I cannot and will not sit here and say that even he is proving himself more valuable than originally projected.”

Jessica lays back on the bed as well as she rests her head on Chris’s chest.

Jessica: I am so glad that you are starting to come around on Ozzy because he is not such a bad guy and he is passionate about what he is doing for us in BOB. Can he be a little overbearing? Probably, but he has something and nobody can deny that.”

” It says something about someone like Oswald to step to the plate and refuse to lay down while being involved in this massive Leap of Faith match-up. How he slaughtered Demos with one comment the other night was epic.”

That is right ladies and gentleman; Demos opened his mouth and got shut the fuck down by Big Money himself to the degree it did not require a response from yours truly. Not to mention that shit was bait and I am just flat out smarter than that. It is almost the equivalent of trying to talk shit on Twitter or any other social media forum. Being a keyboard warrior is easy, ask guys like Robert Main, but backing up those fucking words proves to be more and more difficult with each and every win I rack up along the way.

Jessica: Yeah that was pretty funny if I do say so myself.

” I mean Demos is being Demos with the challenges to anyone that will give him the time of day, but when you have not won a match since fucking March that kind of downward spiral is tough to come back from when you have the talent of a fucking slug.”

Jessica starts to rub Chris’s chest as she states.

Jessica: Yeah well it is not our fault he sucks a bag of donkey dicks and cannot keep up when it matters, then again he can always wait for the final hours to speak out like he typically does; because you know, that stuff works out so well for him.

Jessica’s statement brings some laughter to the room from Chris Page.

” We have done well for ourselves that is for sure. I could not be prouder of where we are and where we are going. We do not have a glass ceiling, and when we exit Leap of Faith still carrying all the gold it will serve as nothing more than further proof that we are everything we say we are and then some.”

It is easy to be on top when you are surrounded by talentless fucks that are craving the spotlight they are not good enough to occupy. We have done our homework and we are prepared to continue dominating over anyone that bothers to step to the plate and try us. Examples have already been set and with me standing before you as the Universal Champion I have done nothing but elevate the entire division in the process. I took a tainted title and made it relevant by outdoing any other champion in the modern era, I did not just hold the title for the sake of holding it. I defended it against any and all challenges that have earned the right in the eyes of management to stand before me.

I have taken the very best anyone can throw at me and made it look weaker than a Dean Rose promo.

One day you will all wake the fuck up from your fantasy worlds and come to the realization that I am every bit as good as I profess myself to be. I have tamed the untamable Robert Main to the degree he is looking for a backup or dusting off relics from the past to boost him up going into what will be his single biggest failure. I cannot help the fact that his words have been less than stellar, I cannot change the fact he is choking harder than Demos and I sure a shit can give two fucks about who thinks they are next when we all already know who is next, right Lycana?

” I am just ready to get through this goddamn event so I can move on to someone, anyone else that will actually give me some effort other than rolling over on back like a bitch; then again Robert does refer to himself as the omega, and in this instance that never rings more true for the true Alpha is standing right here ready to continue to establish my dominance.”



A lot is going on within the land of Xtreme now isn’t it? My opponent for Leap of Faith has determined that this match is not worth his time while undercard talent tries to take shots at me over it. It truly is a beautiful world to live in when some of the most non-relevant competitors, some of the lower class pieces of talent that had an opportunity to shoot their shot… and failed… have the audacity to flap their gums for no other logical reason than to lash out for the attention that he no longer has. Did you hear that Robert? Other people notice that your work rate is fucking trash, while I am being called out over it because I am now and forever will be held to a higher standard than you. Goddamn, it sucks to be you, doesn’t it?

As a matter of fact, it seems like my name is in the mouths of a lot of people this week, everyone but my opponent that is.

What is the matter,, Robert? Thunder Knuckles knock the fight out of you when he cracked that dome of yours? Glimmers of sheer excellence in the Battle Royale to get to this point so that you can finally get your hands on me… only you shit the goddamn bed when it matters and where it counts. Your passion and desire are almost nonexistent, and this does disappoint me. Beating you under the circumstances does absolutely nothing for me when the rest of the goddamn world can spot your lack of attention you have elected to give this entire situation. If I am you, and thank fucking God I am not, I would be looking for any and every opportunity to rectify that within the hearts and minds of the fans around the goddamn world. I would love for you all to blame me for Robert’s silence but the truth of the matter is this is not uncommon territory for Mr. Main and if any of you had bothered to do your research you would see that this event two years ago did something eerily similar. Do you remember, Robert? Do you remember carefully releasing your promos; hell you put out two the first week before cranking out six the following. I remember vividly, why? Because I was lured into a false sense of security and it cost me. Hence why I say I have learned from my previous mistakes. Why do you think I have been limited with the verbiage I have laid upon you, Robert? I am hoping that you bring something to the table that warrants the heaviest of hits. I can safely say that I see why you brought back Jim Caedus once I dropped you like a bad habit; someone that can slide in and take your spot because you are nothing more than a goddamn hack trying to play professional wrestler that has not got the goddamn heart to step to the plate and take advantage of an opportunity that you worked so hard to attain; oh yeah, I forgot man, that shit does not matter because this is not about the championship. At this point even if you do try to bring some fire the sheer nature surrounding it will be pointless for you have already exposed yourself to why I have played to your level and all you have done is drug my name down in the process. You are a mother fucking disgrace to this company but more importantly, you are a disgrace to yourself.

How can your mother and father look into your eyes knowing that they birthed a pussy?

You were supposed to be the shining light… that beacon of hope for your entire family and the fans around the world.

You failed them.

… And you failed me too.

You do not have that killer instinct anymore, and perhaps I should thank myself for taking that away from you as well. When I am done with you at Leap of Faith not only will I still be the XWF Universal Champion but I will eagerly await whichever briefcase wants to come my way. That is right mother fuckers I am now officially looking at Alias, Corey, Dock, and even Caedus because they have presented a bigger challenge and they are not even fucking involved in a goddamn thing… yet. What makes you all hate me is none of you can fucking be me. When I play the game my way I am goddamn unstoppable and the masses bitch about it; when I play down to lower standards the masses bitch about it. I guess what they say is true in regards to there being no such thing as bad publicity.

Am I right?

Robert Main is dead and gone for he has shown us all over the last week or so that I have robbed him of his soul. You are all very, very welcome for that.

Hell, I have had more fun watching the efforts put out by our Leap of Faith Match participants more so than the lack of work you have elected to put in. You can tell that you boy Jimmy gives a fuck, you can tell Corey gives a fuck, Dock gives a fuck, and even Oswald has shown he has bigger nuts than you do. What worse for you revolves around how you are okay with being upstaged by the goddamn undercard! That might be okay with you but it is far from okay with me. Unlike you, I pride myself on being the focal point for all the right reasons as opposed to being the Champion that is defending his title against a piece of crap who can care less. Maybe that is your angle going into this and might explain the silence because you do know more about me than most; and you know I am not going to take this shit laying down. That boils back down to Chris Page carrying Robert Main again much as I did over the last two years.

I will not allow you to take this away from me my old friend.

The only thing that matters is knocking your dick in the dirt for the entire Universe to see. I cannot wait to hear your excuses for pulling a Hellen Keller with what was being billed as a big deal that you have allowed to swirl down the toilet. Fuck you for that. Now I am going to come into Leap of Faith to do more than beat and embarrass you; now I am coming to the moon to ensure that you do not come back to Earth for we are a much better place without you as recent memory serves.
You all have your eyes locked on the guy that is the driving force behind this federation. You have all become my puppets while I watch you all dance to the beat of my drum. BOB has never been stronger as our stranglehold on this federation will only tighten when we wrap up this shit show on the moon. Dixon, Fury, Them No Good Bastards, and Chris Page ARE the measuring ticks, we are the Mount Rushmore of this goddamn federation which eats most of you up. Tough shit! We are dominating by choice and we conquer because we fucking can. There is not a group around that can hold a candle to what the fuck we got, and we fucking know it. We are not the cowards that you all try to convince yourselves that we are. Every piece of gold we have in our collection was earned by our own talent and ability. We are going to continue this trend of dominance come Leap of Faith while adding a double champion in our midst when my girl Miss Fury finally puts down the superhero that reigns over Thursday Nights.

We are not stopping here.

We will not stop until we are good and goddamn ready.

Robert Main is in the rearview and now the attention shifts to the only pieces in this equation that ends with a loss of the Universal Championship, briefcases. Thank you, Robert, thank you for being a fucking flake.

- 2019 Heel of the Year
- 2019 Locker Room Leader of the Year
- 2019 Feud of the Year w. Robert Main (you’re welcome)
- Former
[Image: OW3ycxe.png]
[Image: fMJwa5h.png]
Robert "The Omega" Main
[Image: OZdvB4F.png]
XWF World Heavyweight Champion
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