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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » Leap Of Faith 2021 RP Board
“Appear weak when you are strong, and strong when you are weak.”
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Robert "The Omega" Main Offline
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP


XWF FanBase:

(gets varying reactions in the arenas, but will be worshiped like a god and defended until the end by internet fans; literally has thousands of online dorks logging on to complain anytime they lose a match or don't get pushed right)

05-20-2021, 06:34 AM


Robert studied his medical chart trying to understand when and how, his brain was tied in knots, wheels spinning and going nowhere fast… He felt stuck in the mud as he shifted his brain into overdrive… Then out of nowhere the lightbulb came on. As the ah-ha moment most men dread kicked “The Omega '' in the teeth… The dissatisfaction builds and suddenly Robert believes he might detonate like a nuclear weapon… Robert tries to take a deep breath as he feels the exasperation building in the pit of his stomach... He wanted to scream, have a temper tantrum like a child that didn’t get candy in the grocery store… His heart begins pounding like a jackhammer, his breathing becomes more erratic, his hands trembling, all of which Robert is trying to disguise. He bit his lip tossing the medical chart at the wall…

” DAMN IT!” He whales… ” I should have seen it coming, hell, I should have known something was off.`` He bunched his hands into fists, feeling his fingernails bite into his palms. ” That vile son of a bitch drugged me, stabbing me in the back is one thing… Robert pointed off in the distance. ” And I expected that shit to happen at some juncture of this little experiment… But to drug me? Who in the hell does something like that?” Robert throws his hands into the air. “To try and manipulate me into doing all the heavy lifting so he could swoop in and take something that isn’t his… That is an all-time low… That shot was mine, I earned it... The guy was an utter catastrophe before he met me… His career was circling the shitter until I made Chris Page a household name again…” Robert thought, hell, Robert believed he was doing everything right and yet the XWF was still a goddamn mess… ” Because of me the people at home dusted off their memories, remembering who “Cronic'' Chris Page was… And after some strenuous thinking they came to the same conclusion I did, Page was the same old sleazebag doofus they remembered… Always the bridesmaid, never the bride…”

Kayla tries to interject but Robert continues with his unhinged rant as he sits up in his hospital bed…” I pulled Chris Page, from the gutter and plopped him on front street where he rode the hell out of my coattails. I carried his broken ass over the finish line more times than I can count. If it wasn't for Robert Main, Chris Page would be contending for the Television Championship or in an endless feud with Tristan Slater.” The rage swelling inside Robert continues to building, sweeping him further along like the current of a frenzied river. ” It’s hard to believe that Slater is a bigger jackass than Chris Page, but here we are… In the trainwreck of a year 2020 the man pilfered away every match that didn’t have Robert Main attached, to lend a helping hand for a man who couldn't wrestle his way out of a paper bag…” Robert releases his indignation without thought of consequence. Even those that didn't earn this wrath got a full dose… ” Yet, the man’s claim to fame is he picked up most of the pins in our Tag Team Championship run. Who in the hell taught him how all this works?”

“I’d golf clap if that meant a damn thing… That is a moot talking point but then again relevance is something Chris Page has never brought to the table… Hell, it took that incompetent underacheiver twenty fucking years to win the Universal Championship… Twenty years! I made more cash off of one record-setting run than Page made over his lackluster twenty plus years in the business... No matter how much he pushes his propaganda down everyone's throats, everybody knows I’m the reason Chris Page is soaking up the limelight…”
Robert understood that Chris Page took what he had made without a thanks or even a backwards glance. So, now Robert is reducing everyone around him into human rubble with his words... ” This new and improved Chris Page 2.0 is something that I helped him create, I rebuilt him from the ground up and now I’ll demolish it just like the first two times we faced off… The mere thought of him holding the Universal Championship turns my stomach… It’s a misscarrage of justice that he even had the opportunity to face Thad…” Robert falls back into his bed crossing his arms… ” Chis Page believes he’s pulled one over on me when I’m hip to his game. B.o.B and that Championship has blinded him and once he’s good and comfortable I’ll carpet bomb him into the stone age...”

Robert finally allows Kayla to interject…

” So, what’s next Robert? You do remember that you are still in this hospital room right?”

Robert’s mind took off a million miles an hour behind sleepless eyes he grinned…

” What’s next sis, is I play the long game, be the master of manipulation that I’m known for... I’ll allow Chris to believe I’m in the dark, while I watch every single move he and his lapdogs make… This will keep me several steps ahead… B.o.B is nothing more than a group of miscreants but that’s neither here nor there at the moment… They are just cannon fodder for Page to use when needed… A shield to hide behind... I’ll let Page keep playing checkers while I continue playing three-dimensional chess… And when the time comes and it will, he won't see me coming… The art of war is something I’m very familiar with.”

Kayla takes a seat on her brother's bed thinking out loud.

” First the doctors have to release you to wrestler…” She ponders to herself for a moment.” Robert, how can you even be certain that you want to go back and do this professionally? I can’t stand the thought of losing you, or something like this happening again.”

Robert looked at his sister through wide red-rimmed eyes, his mouth slightly open.

” I’ll be fine…”

A little secondary voice floating somewhere in her was urging her to stop, but this was an explosion in progress, no reverse gear, no dampeners. Kayla’s every word was clipped, punching into the air.

” Robert I refuse to let you go out there and get yourself killed… It’s not worth it… Think of what you will put Mom and Dad through… Is all of this worth it? All of the pain and suffering, the tears, it's been an emotional rollercoaster ride for all of us Robert, not just you… I understand the way you feel.”

Robert cuts Kayla off…

” Don’t”

” Don’t what Robert? This vendetta could end your career or even worse your life… Think of how selfish you are being… You are blinded by hate...”

Kayla can see Robert’s enraged eyes tell her that his brain is in an incompatible mode, that he has switched gears from empathy to cold emotional indifference. Never once has Robert directed this mode in his sister's direction, yet it emerges when he senses a daunting threat. His softer self has taken a backseat and the hero has the wheel.

” If I die in that ring so be it, but know this, I’ll have my revenge and if I go down… I’m bringing everyone involved in this little thing with me…” Robert sits up grabbing his sister's hand. ” So, don’t tell me you know how I feel Kayla because you don’t, they tried to kill me…”

Kayla places her hands over her face…

” God please…”

” God’s going to sit this one out.”

Kayla shakes her head as Robert squeezes her hand.

” Don’t worry sis, I’ve got some help incoming… The kind of help that can change the game…”

” Who Robert?”

Robert chuckles…

” I’ll say this, I’m digging up bones…”

” Bone huh? Have you spoken to Caed….”

Robert stops his sister from saying that name.

” You know we don’t say that name…”

” Okay, I’m sorry… But you are hopelessly outnumbered…”

” For now…”

” So, how can we be one hundred percent certain that Chris Page was the one who was drugging you? We can’t prove it… But if we could, XWF management would fire him on the spot…”

” Simple, Chris Page was the only individual that had access to me… He fed me cigars and bourbon like I was a starving child… He knew I couldn't resist fine cigars and booze… So, he laced them… We don’t need to prove it, if my theory is correct my contact will reveal everything here shortly… Plus I don’t want him fired, I want him to know I caught him red-handed with his hand in the cookie jar...”

” Who is the contact? Is it someone I know?”

” Somethings are better kept a mystery…”

Kayla rolls her eyes…

” Whatever you say Robert…”

Suddenly the door comes swinging open as Chris Page leisurely walks into Robert’s hospital room with the Universal Championship over his left shoulder. Robert stares a hole through Page grinding his teeth to the point where Kayla has to nudge Robert. Page points over his shoulder chuckling…

” Get this, I just passed a guy in the hall dressed as a pirate… What a loser, am I right? It’s not even Halloween… The nerve some people have is out of this world...”

Robert chuckles nodding along trying not to explode as Kayla gets up from Robert’s bed… Page lays the Universal Championship across Robert’s legs as the two fist bump…

” So, homie what’s the news? Anything I need to know about? Or is there anything that I can get you? Maybe some cigars or a nice bottle of bourbon?”

Behind Robert’s icy stare was a mountain of regret, yet extracting it would bring pain and instability. Either it would be born and his soul reborn, or he would lash out and it would be his end. “The Omega’s” gaze was as uncomfortable as a chorus-girl corset and had the same effect on Kayla’s breathing, constricted and shallow. There was no life behind those eyes. Every move he made betrayed his intentions and none of them was noble. Robert was about to pounce on Chris and Kayla knew it… So, she did the only thing she could think of… Draw the attention of the mongrel. She speaks up as Page turns his back to Robert...

'' No, no… I know my brother would love nothing more than an amazing bottle of bourbon or some Cuban cigars, but the doctors have told us that they could cause side effects with his new medication that he's currently on… Trust me Robert's been complaining since the moment he woke up about a smoke or drink.”

Page’s ears perk as he raises an eyebrow before asking…

” What medication is he on?”

Thinking quick on her feet Kayla responds.

"Robert's on anti-seizure medication and might be for the rest of his life. Since the attack, Robert has been having seizures here and there. Honestly speaking Robert may never wrestle again… There isn't a doctor on this planet that will release him to wrestle and the XWF isn't going to run the risk of having one of their most prominent wrestlers die in the middle of the ring. It's bad optics… It’s a shame we don’t know who did this..."

” I’m on it…”

Page looks around the room for a moment trying everything he can to camouflage his excitement…

" That's terrible news…"

Page places a hand on Kayla's shoulder then leers over his shoulder at Robert.

" I'm sorry to hear that brother… But don’t you worry I'll catch the son of a bitch that did this to you and make him pay the ultimate price… You can count on that…"

Robert smiles as he shakes his head in agreement.

" I know you will brother…"

Page then turns his attention back to Kayla.

"Listen, if you ever need anything, anything at all feel free to ask. I'd do anything for you or your family…"

In the background Robert rolls his eyes makes a jerking off motion as Kayla giggles.

"We appreciate that Chris, but I believe we will be okay for now…"

Robert interrupts…

"So, who do you have at March Madness Chris? I've been hearing a lot of different things on the dirt sheets… Especially about this Anarchy character… Word on the street is he knows something, any idea what that could be Chris? The moment I find out who did this to me is a marked man..."

Page turns his nose up at the mere thought of Anarchy.

" Na homie, it's all bullshit, someone out there is just trying to steal my thunder and drive a wedge between us. You know how it all goes… These clowns don't want us riding together Rob because it's curtains when they face us… Neither one of us have been pinned in tag team action and that’s bad for business… They've been trying to split us up since the day we formed Cataclysm… United we stand, divided we fall and they all know it… We are an unstoppable force, hell it's just a matter of time before we get you up and back into a ring. So we can take those Tag Titles back and put them where they belong… So, let me go ahead and toss a bucket of cold water on this schmuck… There is nothing to know, just someone flat out trying to get their fifteen minutes of fame… And as for March Madness, I haven't gotten the word."

Page winks at Robert grabbing the Universal Championship.

" But I'm ready for whomever they decide to toss in the lion's den with me…"

” I know you are…”

Page nods with a shit-eating grin adjusting the Universal Championship.

” Alright man, I’ve got to run, the Champion never sleeps but hey you know that right Rob?”

” I do… Take care Chris…”

” You too…”

The duo fist bumps one last time before Page begins to head out the door… He stops opening his arms to hug Kayla… She’s reluctant at first but gives in, giving Page an awkward high school hug...

” Alright guys, I’ll see ya soon. I wonder if that moron is in the hall dressed as a pirate…”

Page walks out the door and can be heard yelling…

” YEP he’s still out here…”

Kayla and Robert both look at one another for a moment…

” He knows something, did you see the way he reacted when I told him that you were on medication and might never wrestle again? He got giddy as hell… Your right, he either knows what happened to you, or he is the reason it happened to you…”

Robert sighs in agreement…

” Kayla, if there is one thing that my time in this industry has taught me, it’s always to expect the unexpected especially from someone like the degenerate dirtbag “Cronic” Chris Page. Throughout my checkered career I have come across numerous dastardly fuckers, but not once have I ever despise someone more than the buffoon that just walked out of this room. To say that I loathe him would be the understatement of the year… My disgust for that man runs all the way down to my bones, I resent that fraudster douchebag. I absolutely hate that man, and I’ll never apologize for saying so. And soon the time of the mighty Universal Champion known as Chris Page will cease to exist… The intimidating, the oppressing and bullying and threatening will all stop dead in their tracks. The strong-arm tactics will be no more. The attacks when no one is looking are done... No longer will Page victimize, when the doctor releases me from this hell I’ll make sure Chris Page becomes the victim… But I’m not going to stop there, because there is just too much at stake this time around… In a flourishing federation, I’m going to do what no one else has the balls to do… I’m putting him down for good…”

Kayla struggles with the thought of war, one Robert seems prepared to lead…

” Robert, don’t do anything stupid? Okay...”

” Kayla, this is war… And I will not stop until I obliterate Page, wiping away something that should have never been… Like a child born out of wedlock, I’ll erase him from existence... I want to put his ass six feet under in the deepest hole I can dig lobbing shovels of filth on top of him until he begins begging and pleading with me to stop as his mouth fills to the brim with grime. I want to hear the constricting asphyxiation of his lonesome cries. I want to know the very fucking second he doesn’t exist anymore, so I can savor every solitary second. I’ll rejoice in Chris Page’s death, cherishing it as my greatest accomplishment. I’ll commemorate the occasion by pissing on his grave… I’ve saved the XWF once before from this man and I’ll do it again… This time though we are playing for keeps…”

From nowhere in walks a familiar face dressed as a pirate.

” So, can anyone tell me why Page is dressed as a porcupine…? I mean that leather jacket with the spikes screams I’m an asshole… The guy walked right past me...”

[Image: h4IWF9k.jpg]

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[Image: fMJwa5h.png] x2
[Image: WPoUWuI.png]

Longest Reigning Tag Team Champions in modern history. W- Drew Archyle & James Raven
Longest Reigning Hart Champion in modern history:280 days
2nd longest reigning Universal Champion :269 days
Tag Team Champions W- "Chronic" Chris Page as Cataclysm
Trio's Champion W- AX3
2020 May Superstar Of The Month
Winning Team Wargames 2020
Winning Team War Games 2019 W- APEX PROPHECY
2019 Feud of the year W- "Chronic" Chris Page
2019 Tag Team of the Year W- Drew Archyle & James Raven as APEX
Roleplay of the Month February 2019 "Junkyard Dog"
Leap Of Faith Winner 2018
July 2018 Superstar Of The Month
December 2018 Superstar Of The Month
December 2017 Superstar Of The Month
Winning Team War Games 2017 W- APEX
Mr. 24/7
[Image: Qfgvjya.png]
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