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05-17-2021, 04:09 PM
“What a fool I’ve been.”
Betsy Granger is on camera, weaving her way around the remains of Aphrodite’s Temple in Izmir, Turkey. She is dressed as one of the Charities, the simple white cotton dress dragging gently behind her across the debris; her golden locks are wild and unkempt, blowing freely in the gentle breeze.
“I trusted you, Atara. I ignored the warnings that were given to me when it came to you because of the sources they were coming from. I chose to believe that you were the better woman, that the others were merely trying to drive a wedge in our friendship to gain some sort of upper hand on us. I believed you when you said that the doubters were only jealous of you and the success that was waiting for me around the corner. And to that end, you weren’t wrong; you were revered by those girls, even as they tried to drag your name through the mud. For a time, when they talked about me, they couldn’t help but compare us and criticize our friendship. To the likes of Jenny Myst and Geri Vayden, I was nothing more than a scrapper trying to get my name thrown into the mix. And I made it a point to quickly make one crucial thing very concise: never underestimate me. I warned them not to dismiss me just because I was green; but the more I spoke, the more they ignored my words. My actions, though, forced their heads to turn my way. No one expected the upstart to cash the checks she was willing to write. You did, though; for a time, I thought nothing was going to stop us from grabbing everything we’d ever want. We were both amazing and knew that we’d only be better as a team. You agreed with that sentiment... At least, I thought you did. Now I have no idea if any facet of our faux friendship was legitimate on your end. What was it that finally made you decide to show your true colors and turn on me, hmmm? Was it the fact that I lived up to my talk or the fact that I started to over-shadow you as quickly as I did?
I suppose it doesn’t much matter now what caused it; all that concerns me moving forward in solving it. Despite what you’ve been doing, I don’t hate you, Atty. I never will; our friendship was real for me and I grew to love you like a sister. That bond won’t break as easily for me as it seems it has for you; that’s fine, I’ve made my peace with it. At first, I thought this was just a weird spat that was the result of you unceremoniously dumping Shawn for doing his job... Again. Foolishly, I let myself believe that you’d come back around; that your suddenly snide attitude towards me was just some sort of protective barrier. That perhaps you thought I’d choose Shawn and Legacy over our friendship and cast you out; it hurt to think that you were just trying to push me away first. It bothered me that you were turning on me when your issues were clearly with him, but it soon became clear what was going on in that deceitful head of yours. The way you started to target me had nothing to do with you and Shawn; this time, it was all about me. You had a hornet up your ass about something when it came to me, and when you laid out the reasons... that’s when I knew that no matter how much I loved you, there was no mending what was about to be broken.
I ignored the warnings of your truest nature even though they’ve been scattered all around me this entire time. Once the rose-colored glasses come off, the harsh light of reality is one you can’t escape from. Coming out to attack me after a match and declare your desire to take the Shooting Star Championship from me? All good, girl, I would have granted you that no matter what. History shows that you are the hand-chosen OG champion of this division... Though any ‘honor’ coming from Roxy Cotton should also be taken with a grain of salt and a few shots of Tequila Rose. You may have been hand-chosen to lead this division in its infancy, but it has grown far beyond your narrow vision for it. People barely remember the night Roxy handed you the belt and declared you a champion; it’s become nothing more than a notation on some nerd's championship history file. To her credit, Jenny Myst busted her ass to carry this division and bring it out from the darkness you were content to leave it in before now. I came into this company and I earned my way into holding this belt that you suddenly have such a desire to take back.”
Betsy finally pauses in between the two massive mud, clay, and marble made pillars of the temple. She reaches out a hand and traces a finger down the cool material, enjoying the rough feel of the materials against her skin. Her hair blows in and out of her face, but she doesn’t seem to notice as her dark green eyes take on a faraway gaze.
“We were meant to be the Goddess and the Impossible Traveler; that wasn’t just a tag team for me, you know. It was the foundation of a friendship that was supposed to span decades and galaxies; we could have taken the entire wrestling industry by storm. Tag teams would have crumbled one by one before us, federations would have clamored to make us a marquee attraction for their shows. Unlike you, I never saw one or the other of us as the better of the two; we were always as balanced as the scales your namesake forever carries. What a joke that’s become, calling yourself Themis; nothing about you personifies balance, justice, or wisdom. Your counsel is anything but good and your practices don’t suggest a sense of fairness. When you joined with B.o.B you made it crystal clear that any sense of law and order had been thrown to the wayside; though to be fair, in this business, there never truly was an actual foundation for a just system of balances. Civility has become a relic as battle lines grow clearer by the day; you and I are merely an example of the brutality that’s to come before all of this is said and done.
Please believe when I say I wish it didn’t have to be this way. You know damn well that I’m the forgiving type and I’d let anyone back into my heart, no matter their sins. This little spat of ours could have been easily mended once the match was over. I understand jealousy rearing her ugly head and bringing out the worst parts in the best of people from time to time, but this has turned into something much more personal. I know the world is waiting for me to get into this part of our drama... But I’m afraid they are going to have to wait.”
Betsy smirks at the camera and touches a finger to her lips for a moment. As she lowers it, a dark look crosses over her face.
“You chose your blood kin over the family that chose you and I respect that choice. Do I disagree with it? Obviously, but what’s done is done. Throwing in with B.o.B, talk about another ‘plot twist’ where the writing was all over the wall for me to see. Do you think either Miss Fury or Chronic Chris Page is going to allow you or Osira to climb any further up the ladder than the Internet and Shooting Star titles? What happens if you two feel the itch to challenge for the Tag Team Titles; do you think those members of the Elite B.o.B are going to be keen on having their stable ‘underlings’ coming in to try and take what they believe is theirs? Congratulations, Atty: you betrayed a handful of people who loved you like a family for a group that would use you as little more than an errand girl to do their dirty work for them.
At the end of the day, it doesn’t matter which part you do play in the B.o.B machine; I’m here to slay all the beasts they plan to send out. I never thought the first one I’d have to go through would be you, but here we are. Our paths are finally going to cross and there are no rules to stop us from doing what we please to one another. If you thought this would be an advantage to you, I’m afraid you couldn’t be more mistaken. I can see you now for what you truly are, Atara Themis: a coward unworthy of holding the Shooting Star Championship. After such a sound victory over Dean Rose for the Internet Championship and ensuring my failure in the battle royal at Mayday, you should be all over the place. You have made the internet your new temple of worship, yet you have disappeared from those who would willingly pay you tribute. What’s wrong, Atara? Have you grown bored with exploiting yourself for the benefit of B.o.B and meager profit and rewards? Or maybe the pressure of manipulating videos to look like something they aren’t just got to be too much for you. Then again, maybe you finally realized the uphill climb you set out on when you challenged me and common sense has finally forced you to back down.
Whatever the reasons are, it’s time to come back out and play, Atty. This is exactly what you wanted, now you’ve got it; time to come out and finish it. How fitting is it that the inevitable face-off between the Goddess and the Impossible Traveler takes place among the stars? Only such an arena could contain the force of the battle that is about to be waged by you and me. You’ll be within reach of those deities you look to for inspiration; only when it’s too late will you realize that you’ll never join them. That you are to be the ultimate sacrifice for their appeasement. The altar of Aphrodite will be stained red with your blood; the ultimate price to pay for your hubris.
When you look into my eyes after I defeat you at Leap of Faith, I hope you realize just how little you truly are. Girls who call themselves Goddess come as frequently as those who would declare themselves a queen; I’ll make a game of destroying them all, starting with you. The Shooting Star Championship, much like your beloved Olympus, are both mountains you’ll never see the top of. For there will only ever be one Impossible Traveler and that’s a level you’ll never reach.”
Betsy turns from the camera and walks through the remains of the temple to the village beyond. The camera remains on the temple, capturing a perfectly purple sunset sky, the last of the bright orange sun disappearing beyond the horizon and Betsy disappears from view.
The young female cautiously pokes her golden-haired head from the cave in which she resides with her family. Despite their warnings, Medusa’s curiosity to see the world outside of her home was overpowering. The salty smell of seawater immediately fills her nostrils and she takes in a deep breath, reveling in it. The waves break just beyond the mouth of the cave; a smile crosses her lips as icy water hits her bare feet. She stomps her feet, splashing the water all around her before digging them into the sand and laughing at the gritty feeling between her toes. Leaning over, she picks up a clump of wet sand and watches in genuine fascination as the pieces fall from her fingers with a splat back to the ground. It was then that the clouds broke and the sun hits her skin for the first time. She gasps and retreats into the cool darkness of the cave for a moment, staring out with wide eyes at the great ball of fire that had just appeared overhead. It was as though Apollo himself had invited her to come out to play for a bit. Taking a deep breath to calm her nerves, Medusa steels her courage and tentatively walks fully out of the cave.
The warmth of the sun causes her to smile as it hits her milky white skin for the first time in her life. She looks upward, attempting to get a better view of the sun. As she shields her eyes against the blinding rays of light, she realizes that gazing too long wouldn’t be in her best interest. Looking ahead of her, miles upon miles of impossibly blue water are spread out before her. A thrill goes through her, knowing that she could run into Poseidon himself at any point on this mission; that is until her heart sinks as she realizes she has no way to make it to the mainland of Greece itself. Beautiful, but unusual green eyes look around her for something to design a raft out of. Her heart sinks as she realizes her only true working materials were the stones that littered the sand at every step and the occasional tuft of seaweed that would wash to shore. Feeling defeated, Medusa sits down and buries her head in her knees, on the verge of bursting into tears. She had come close to finally leave her depressing home, only to be thwarted at her doorstep.
Unbeknownst to her, the aforementioned god of the sea had taken an interest in the young woman the very moment she’d stuck her head out of the cave. Drawn in by her beauty, Poseidon watches from just beneath the waves as Medusa experiences her first taste of life outside of her ancestral home. He smiles up at her as she splashes around and laughs with childlike wonder, admiring her beauty and innocence. Desire begins to stir within him; as he watches her initial joy fade into defeat, he feels compelled to help her. Gathering up his powers, he begins to use the water itself to create a solidified body for himself. Medusa, feeling the wind picking up violently, lifts her tear-stained face to see what was happening. A startled gasp escapes her as she watches the water itself rise and transform into the enormous figure of a man. With a scream, Medusa attempts to get to her feet and run back into the safety of the cave; unfortunately, the edge of her long black skirt caught her toes and all she was able to do was crawl away. Poseidon, now fully transformed into a flesh and blood male, glorious and still exuding all his godly energy, approaches her cautiously.
“Do not fear me, dear girl; search your heart, do you truly not know me?”
His voice is deep and booming; Medusa would swear to her dying day that she could hear it coming from every inch of the water itself. Even though she was frightened, something in that booming tone was relaxing; feeling a sense of calm wash over her, Medusa finally gets to her feet. She and Poseidon gaze at one another for seemingly hours, neither one saying another word to acknowledge his unanswered question. Medusa felt her breath catch in her throat as she took him in: tall and muscular, Poseidon was an intimidatingly handsome man. His eyes were the same shade as the sea, his hair was black and soaked, tangled down his back, and covered in various sea plants. As her eyes flickered slowly downward, she realized two things very quickly: he was visually perfect at every level and very much on display. Her cheeks burn crimson with a maiden's blush as she turns her face away from his naked body; a wicked grin crosses his face as he realizes the reaction he’d just incurred from the young girl. Spotting a bit of dried-up seaweed, he uses it to create a short toga to cover his manhood with. With a sigh, Medusa slowly turns back to meet his gaze. Without breaking it, she slowly sinks to her knees before him.
“Of course, I know who you are; and of course, I am at your bidding to do whatever you wish.”
Medusa’s voice is husky, further giving away what was happening within her. Annoyed with herself, she determinedly maintains eye contact with the god as he appraises her quietly. Poseidon, pleased with her beauty and easy supplication, smiles down upon her and holds out his hand.
“Sweet girl, it is I who is here to do as you wish. Name whatever your heart desires and it will be yours; all I ask in return is your hand in marriage.”
Medusa is breathless for a moment as a gasp gets caught in her throat. Drawn in completely now, Medusa steps forward and places her hand upon his, her face growing sad as her eyes light up with desire.
“I am honored by your admiration, but my life has been dedicated to the service of Athena. My chastity remains hers until she deems it otherwise. If you love me as you say, would you take me to land so that I may worship at her temple as a priestess?”
A flicker of anger passes over his face; it disappears so quickly that Medusa wasn’t even sure she had seen it. He smiles warmly at her and lifts her into his arms gently.
“As you wish, dear one; I shall deliver you directly to Athena’s Temple. She should be so lucky as to have such a devoted priestess as you.”
With ease, Poseidon begins the journey across the water to Athens, sinister schemes already forming in his mind as Medusa nestles comfortably against his chest...
FORMER ![[Image: 8pr1Az7.png]](https://i.imgur.com/8pr1Az7.png)