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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » Leap Of Faith 2021 RP Board
Because of You, I Am Who I Am
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Mr. Oz Offline
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(gets varying reactions in the arenas, but will be worshiped like a god and defended until the end by internet fans; literally has thousands of online dorks logging on to complain anytime they lose a match or don't get pushed right)

05-17-2021, 12:39 PM

One day, a child was sleeping in his bed, the servants constantly checking on him as he slept, making sure nothing wrong was happening to him. To be there if he was having a nightmare. Normally that would be his parents' job, but they wanted a night out, to go out on a date. However, a fire broke out in the kitchen. The Sambuca used for foods like Saganaki, and Sambuca cream sauces for some of the more fancier dishes the parents liked, immediately burst, sending flaming shards around the kitchen, which then spread down the hallways, as flames licked the floor up, the flames like reddish-range waves soon igniting and clinging to walls and ceilings.

The parents saw a raging fire, out of control, forgetting for this one instance about their mortality, sprung into action, running into the burning home, running to their son's bedroom in the second floor, their clothes being caught on fire at the very edges of his father's pants, his mother's dress, slowly climbing up their bodies, but they knew only one thing: Keep their child safe. So the father, as he felt the flames beginning to climb up his back, raking his flesh with the anger of a small sun, coddled the child and ran back down the stairs, running past his wife, who had soon collapsed from the smoke, from the pain and anguish she suffered from the flames consuming her. The father however, constantly ran, even as his hair soon caught aflame, making it seem like he had a halo made of the inferno. His father was slowing, the flame wracking his body with pain.

The son watched his father cry heavily, watched as he began to slowly fall to his knees, bringing his child to safety while the flames still consumed him, turning his body black and the skin and fat crackling as he was being eaten by the element.

The child spoke "Dad! Please! Stay with me!"

The father however, only uttered only a few words, as a charred looking arm slowly held out, as the man's head turned to his son.

"We... love you."

And then he collapsed. His father perishing from the fire as police and firefighters came, doing their best to fight the raging sea of flames consumed the mansion as the last screams faded from the house as the last of his servants perished with his mother and father.

"Because of you, father, I am who I am.

All of this an illusion, created by him, as he remembered his beginnings, to his rise to who he eventually came to be. He almost died, but his father and mother's noble sacrifice to try and save his life from being consumed by heated death, costing them their own. Oswald sighed softly, sitting on his throne as he watched the memory began to skip in certain places. The funeral, the passing of estate and power, the child placing power in another's hands until he was ready, made through contracts that should he need anything, he would receive, but until he is ready, the control of the Sephtis family brand was entrusted to his favorited member of the board, only for him to leave.

Years would pass, the young Oswald started to live out in the wilds of both cities and forests as he traveled through North America. Random strangers giving him drink. Giving him shelter. Giving him friendship if he needed it. In Las Vegas, when he was around 16, he met another homeless orphan. They looked feminine, but yet they put on airs of masculinity, out of fear.

"Watch yourself! I'll hurt you if you come closer!"

Oswald rolled his eyes. stepping closer.

The figure brandished a pocket knife, but he could see the fear shaking the other teen. Oswald, at this time, was still naive and ignorant of how other teens were, moved closer, causing the other boy to slash at him, and while Ozzy took the hit, he hugged the other child. On his journey, he'd met many adults, suffering from poverty, but this was the first other teen he'd seen.

"I am not going to hurt you. I've never seen someone my own age, in my predicament, in the years I've traveled alone. Let's work together, shall we?"

The teen, looked up at Oswald, still a bit fearful, since Oz had begun to grow in his puberty, growing like the beanstalk in the fables. The child then spoke out, while feeling something they've never felt before, acceptance and care,

"I'm Alle-"

The feminine boy spoke, and seeing that Oswald, in spite of being hurt, chose to be kind and caring towards them, finally had enough strength of their own, to speak out the name that got them ejected from their home,

"I'm Alysia. May I ask who you are?"

He smiled, understanding what was happening and being taught by his mother and father to show kindness to his neighbor, to treat others how he would want to be treated, no matter what, and he hugged Alysia once more.

"My name is Oswald. Please, call me Ozzy or Oz, okay Alysia?"

She smiled to him, hugging back for the first time as they went off into the streets, to make money to get food. Did Oz truly need to? No. He could ask at any time for a bit of cash to get himself out of trouble, however he forced himself to stay on this path, a path that would hopefully pay forward the nobility, passion and love, his father showed to him.

"This, was the first time I met my beautiful wife. What a beautiful phoenix she became."

It showed Oswald picking fights with store owners, distracting them while Alysia stole food from some convenience stores and clothes from others. They began to grow closer, and Alysia continued on her path to being happy, knowing that each step was one taken to make herself happy. Oswald began to distract people, but in a more legal manner as he started to learn wrestling, and she, knowing Oswald was becoming more busy with training to become a professional wrestler, coming back to their hovel in whatever abandoned building that would suit their needs for the night, beat up from his training, making him incapable of trying to perform the necessary distraction so she could grab their food and clothes for the night. So, this caused her to look into the ways of misdirection, sleight of hand, working with cards and pulling off three-card monte scams, gathering from the compulsive gamblers so they could acquire their food without stealing, per se.

One day, she saw Oswald was bleeding, bruised more heavy than usual. It wasn't just rope burns or being slammed into the ring mat. No, someone had ganged up on Oz and hurt him heavily. She went out, got money from her card tricks, and bought first aid supplies and began to soothe him and take care of his injuries as he cried from the intense pain he felt.

"Ozzy... are you sure you want to keep going with this?"

He nodded as he spoke softly

"Yes, Alleycat, I am sure. We can't keep stealing. With enough training, I will become a well known wrestler, and we will become rich and famous. No one will ever hurt us again after this."

She sighed and once she had wrapped the last of his injuries, she slowly pressed herself up against him, cuddling up to him, causing him to smile softly as they both drifted off to sleep.

"Because of you, my beloved, I am who I am."

The images of the memories slowly disappeared as if each memory was made of smoke and shown to the world. He looked towards the camera, grumbling low.

"At Leap of Faith, I will win. I have to. To accomplish that goal my younger self set all those years ago. To grow my legend. To grow famous and rich. I've accomplished one of these tasks, but the fame still yet escapes me. Everyone talks about Page, everyone talks about Them No Good Bastards, everyone talks about Miss Fury. You all, talk more about the rest of BOB than you do of me."

With a swing of his left arm, as if cutting the very air apart, causing the portal to appear inside this dimension. He growled low, before scoffing as he turns to enter the portal back to reality, turning his head to look over his shoulder at the camera.

"It's time to change all of that, by winning and grabbing that damned briefcase, and no one, not a single soul...."

He chuckled softly, looking into the portal, seeing his home, seeing his loving family preparing for dinner. He looked back once more smiling,

"...shall take this victory from my hands."

As he stepped forth into the portal, his Godly visage crumbling, as if it wasn't allowed to pass through the portal, causing the man to appear on the other side, where he joined his daughter and wife for a meal of steak, pasta and potatoes. Their conversation turning to current events, Fuzen's schooling, and learning more about each other's interests as the visual fades to black as one image stamped itself into the screen:

[Image: u7sM3sI.jpg]

[Image: xdagprt.gif]
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"Loverboy" Vinnie Lane (05-28-2021), (Gravy_Xtreme_5000) (05-24-2021), ALIAS (05-17-2021), Chris Page (05-17-2021), Dean Rose (05-17-2021), Doctor Louis D'Ville (05-17-2021), JimCaedus (05-18-2021), Miss Fury (05-17-2021), Morbid Angel (05-19-2021), Prof. Bobby Bourbon (05-18-2021), R.L. Edgar (05-17-2021), Theo Pryce (05-24-2021), Thunder Knuckles™ (05-17-2021)

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