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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » "Savage Saturday Night" RP Board
Escape and 3rd Testicles. Don't Ask
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Ariel Dixon

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05-14-2021, 04:37 PM

The laughs and screams echoed down the hallway as Jones made his rounds. I can’t believe I lost that last fucking hand to Carter. Fucker always bluffs.

The beam of the flashlight shook as the hollering and screams got louder. A wing held the worst in the asylum. Serial killers, head cases and super whack jobs were all in this wing. The end of the hall seemed to be where Doc kept the really crazy ones. Bozo the Kiddie Killer, Mcgrath the Crime Dog and of course Ariel Dixon.

Ariel Dixon, known to everyone in the building as Rel, had been there as long as anyone remembered. She was just a little one when a shooter swept through her school killing everyone in her class but her. Covered in blood surrounded by dead bodies, she was found by police shaking and screaming babbling. Her parents tried over the years to help her, but finally the doctors and the parents agreed she must be committed.

As the days creeped by Ariel did what she could to survive. Becoming more and more unhinged, more and more a fabric of the place, she was eventually moved A wing after some unfortunate incidents with guards and their entrails. Now she had become so violent, no one could go in her room alone. It had a double key lock, one held by the on duty guard and one held by the doctor on call. Ariel had gutted a handful of guards with makeshift shives made out of anything handy. Her room had been stripped bare only a matress on the floor and a stainless steel toilet remained.

Jones shook his head. Why did the action always come from Rel’s room. Couldn’t she give them one night of peace. Her wolf howl and giggle echoed down the wing freezing Jones’ blood cold. He would never get used to that sound no matter how long he was here. A cross between a timber wolf and one of the twins in the Shining, it was the creepiest thing he had ever heard. He had done the cursory check of all the other rooms banging on her door her siren call still echoing he yelled for her to shut up.

Shaking he looked in the small window and did not see her. There was nowhere for her to hide for chrissakes, the only thing in the room was her and corner shadows. Check that a body in a guards uni was splayed out like a doll in one of the shadows and Rel’s eyes shone bright from the other corner.

“Hey, hey I thought Carter was on tonight. I saved the biggest surprise for him!!” She stepped out of the dark, wiping her hand across the dark stain on her face, eyes bright and wild her smile ear to ear. “I guess you will have to do you cute little fucker” She jumped toward the door barking like a dog her teeth bared.

Barely able to get to his radio, he was shaking so bad, he radioed for the on call doc and another guard. Ariel was up to something and needed put down again. The guard and doctor came and on the three count the two unlocked the door. The second guard had a wicked shot gun looking tazer and Jones was loaded down with his standard gear. The Doctor had a case full of hypodermics to put her night night.
She growled quietly like a wolf or dog, howling and snapping as the three men came in. The second guard fired up the taser and all Rel did was giggle. The doctor in a calm soothing manner tried to reason with her. She was a little beyond that though. Jones looked over and say the other guard ripped to shreds posed in the corner. No coming back from that.

Reasoning failed and as the doctor prepared his syringes the guard sparked up the taser and Jones pointed his standard issue gun at her. Neither was going to phase her she just laughed her high pitched giggle jumping out of the corner. She jumped Jones first, ripping out his throat with her teeth blood spraying everywhere. The other officer let out a stream of creative curse words as she threw Jones’ body in his direction. With the distraction she was able to pick up the gun and put a bullet in his forehead. Grabbing the taser from the guard she slung it over her shoulder sliding the gun in a knot she had made in her pants. She punched the doctor in the face and jabbed one of his syringes in his neck.

Covered in blood and gore, she heard the wailing siren, the boot stomps of more guards and the wailing and hollering of the others. Wiping her face and eyes with the back of her hand, she used the guard’s key to unlock a few patients to slow down the guards. Yeah it’s an over used plot device but who asked you.

Running down the hallway she pulled the fire alarm and turn the extinguisher on smoking up the entire wing slowly. Howl/giggling she slammed open a security door running away, down the stairs before anyone could follow…..

So here we are!! I’m in this lovely building facing down, until now, the fed’s resident cuckoo, His name is like Charlie, Demos, Mr. Pennies. Hell I don’t know. It’s whatever his sexy, grimy ass ended up deciding to call himself today. It’s a shame everyone gives him so much shit. I know nuts, I mean look at me, and he is like a monkey on peyote. A little off and flinging poo, but no real harm to general humans.

I was told we have to connect ourselves to this company somehow. I mean I could literally do that. All I need to do is swipe a pair of handcuffs and latch them on to the X Tron. BooYah..connected. But in the worldly, esoteric sense. Yes crazy people can use big words. We actually do a lot.

There was this one guy. We named him Fluffy. He used to be like a professor or something before he dressed up in a bunny suit and picked people off from a bell tower. What was my point?? Oh yeah good ol Fluffy had three balls and what he claimed was a third nipple but all us gals thought he was bull shitting about the nipple. After all, all of us had seen his third ball. It was like jammed on top of the other two. It was really fucked up. It did make his dick look bigger though. Point being Professor Fluffy used big words all the time trying to make us all feel like dummies.

I lost it again. Damn mood altering drugs. Oh in the worldly sense, I mean we are all connected to the fed really. Each action or thought we have or do while we are here has an opposite thought or action. BOOM!!! Connection!! I need some stronger shit man. Where do you all get your meds at, I can tell ya where to get the good shit these suck. Oh never mind….

Ariel turns to go and as the camera fades we hear her talking to herself wondering if Demos has a third ball,
[-] The following 6 users Like Ariel Dixon's post:
"Loverboy" Vinnie Lane (05-15-2021), ALIAS (05-15-2021), JimCaedus (05-15-2021), Lycana (05-15-2021), Marf (05-14-2021), Thunder Knuckles™ (05-14-2021)

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