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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » "Savage Saturday Night" RP Board
Origins: Chapter Ten
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Chris Page Offline
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP

XWF FanBase:
Very random

(heel alignment but liked by many; has earned respect despite breaking the rules often)

04-18-2021, 07:19 AM


May 31, 2020
Washington, DC
White House (yes you heard that correctly)

My plan was coming together better than I could have ever envisioned. Cataclysm had slain VVomen in March, crushed Chris Chaos, and Hanari Carnes in April with successful title defenses as all eyes shifted towards War Games 2020. War Games was a special event for Chris. Returning to this Pay-Per-View marked a complete year that he had been back into the mix and per usual remained as high profile could get without the crutch of the Universal Championship.

The XWF presented us with an ultimatum when it came to the captain's match; one of none.

Naturally, I stepped aside so that the ego-driven prick that is Robert Main could have his precious spotlight; the bitterness that I pushed into him was on full display as he sliced through Shane , Shawn Warstein, Centurion just to name a few of the captains; only he fell short! That’s right boys and girls the UNBEATABLE Robert Main got beaten by Shane to lose the right to choose first when it came down to teams. You know that stung his ego. When it came down to drawing the teams Shane neglected to pick me first which naturally Robert did, and as we talked about the possibilities of who to pick to round out our team I can guarantee you ONE name I brought up.

Thunder Knuckles.

Over the last month or so Thunder Knuckles had continued a very impressive run with the Television Championship defending it week in and week out against whoever was being put in front of him; something the longest reigning Television Champion of the modern era would not know anything about, but hey I digress. Thunder Knuckles was on my list, and now with that selection would give me a little time of my own to feel him out for myself.


Chris had reached the White House earlier than expected, earlier than Robert Main as he sought out one person, in particular, the XWF Television Champion…

[Image: RiGLvhu.gif]

Chris located Thunder Knuckles as he was arriving through a private entrance to the White House. He made his way to the Cataclysm dressing area where he threw his bags down while assuming he is by himself.

Thunder Knuckles: Those goddamn pricks can’t get here on time or what..”

Thunder Knuckles is taken by surprise as he hears a voice call out from behind him.

” I am never late.”

Thunder Knuckles quickly spins around where he is met by one half of the XWF World Tag Team Champions...

[Image: tenor.gif]

Chris Page was finally in the same room with one of the men his gut tells him is going to be something big in the not-to-distant future.

Thunder Knuckles: Oh shit! Fuckin’ Chris Goddamn Page!

” If it isn’t Thunder Knuckles.”

Thunder Knuckles is a man fueled by greed. His taste for X-Bux leads him to try and sell out Team Cataclysm and send us into War Games with a man disadvantage. A lot was riding on this particular show for Robert and Chris, they needed to secure the win for the entire event if they were going to continue selling that they are the best thing going in the federation. When Robert found out about Thunder Knuckles selling out to Michael Graves it caused a complete shit show that put so much heat on Thunder Knuckles it could almost have been described as red hot.

Thunder Knuckles: Are you ready to kick some Shane ass or what homie?!?

” Do not ever call me that again.”

Thunder Knuckles took several steps away from Chris not knowing what the unpredictable nature Page very well may be in.

” Chill out dude I am not going to hurt you. I wanted to talk to you, and I wanted to talk to you face to face so I can look in your eyes.”

Thunder Knuckles: Well what’s on your goddamn mind?”

Before Chris could answer we see Jimmy, the manservant of Thunder Knuckles walking into their dressing area which draws a left palm towards Jimmy.

” Out.”

Jimmy: Who the fuck…

Jimmy does not finish his sentence before he is backhanded across the face by Chris Page. He is hit so hard his head spins as he yanks it back clutching the right side of his face as he glances towards Thunder Knuckles.

” Don’t look at him boy, look at me.”

Chris snatches Jimmy by the face turning it back towards Chris.

” Did I stutter boy? Get the fuck out of here.”

Jimmy looks completely shocked as a trickle of blood rolls down his chin from his bottom lip.

” Are you going to do something or are you going to stand there and bleed?”

Jimmy looks down towards the crotch of his khaki where he has now stained with wetness. Chris releases his face and shoves him towards the door. Jimmy looks at Thunder Knuckles looking for some sort of direction only to have Thunder Knuckles shrug his shoulders. Jimmy exits the room. Chris turns his attention back towards Thunder Knuckles.

” I wanted to take a few minutes to clear the air.”

Thunder Knuckles: Listen man I don’t know what you heard but…”

” Hold up; do not try to backtrack over your actions because you do not even know what I have to say about this. When I heard that you took a deal and sold us out…”

Thunder Knuckles: I wanted to apologize…”

” It took a lot of balls to accept X-Bux to screw over us, and it was a move that I would have made if I am in your position.”

You can tell Thunder Knuckles is caught off guard by Chris’s statement.

” Don’t get me wrong Robert is pissed as fuck about it, but Robert and I are two different people with two different agendas. The only thing I want you to do is to go out there and make yourself a star at whoever's expense even if it means my own.”

Thunder Knuckles: This is the last goddamn thing I thought I was going to be hearing.”

” Sometimes things are not as they appear… and then again… sometimes they are.”

Robert Main enters the room and immediately comes to a halt as he glares across at Thunder Knuckles. The tension within the room starts to build as Robert and Thunder Knuckles maintain silence as they continue to lock eyes.

” Well, this is not awkward or anything.”

” How the fuck are we supposed to trust him to put the team before self after all that bullshit.”

” Robert calm the fuck down; he and I were just talking about what happened, and he has something he wanted to say to you.”

Chris turns towards Thunder Knuckles and kicks his head towards the side. Thunder Knuckles steps forward towards Robert as he starts to state.

Thunder Knuckles: Chris and I were talking and I was just apologizing for that shit man. I should have never accepted that deal and sold you guys out. I held up my end of the deal and even as a way to show my apologies I shared all the X-Bux with the entire team.”

” Do you think this is about goddamn money? This is about loyalty and you showed me that you do not have any! Let me tell you right here and right now; if you fuck me of anyone on MY team I will slit your goddamn throat and watch you bleed out.”

” Robert he fucking apologized for it; he has said he is not going to screw us tonight, hell he has been backed into a corner by powers above our heads. I get that you are upset about it, I was too… but the past is the past, and we have to look into the future for the future is now.”

Robert scoffed as he then exited the room. Chris knew how heated Robert was about this entire situation as Thunder Knuckles states.

Thunder Knuckles: Kind of a dick move when I was trying to make it right.”

” That’s Robert Main, homie.”

[Image: Q7t83DV.png]




[Image: wg-me.png]

After Skunking Team and losing one team member in our first match we walked into the showdown with a distinct advantage.

TEAM #1:
#1:Hanari Carnes
#2:Michael Graves ©

- vs -

#1: Shawn Warstein ©

- vs -

TEAM #3:
#1: Robert Main
#2: Chris Page
#3: Alexei Medved
#4: Thunder Knuckles[/event]

Shawn backs up across the Oval Office where he charges forward with a full head of steam looking to take Main’s head off with the KING’S CROWN….

Only Chris Page manages to knock Robert out of the way and take the KING’S CROWN from Warstein!

Warstein seizes the moment to make the cover!





Shawn has cut the numbers down to two on one after the sacrifice of Chris Page! Shawn doesn’t waste time as he reaches his feet where he picks Main up off the floor and looks to deliver the EGO TRIP! Main is hip to it and spins out while transitioning into position before delivering the DEAD MAN’S HAND to Warstein on the President’s Desk which does not break! Main covers Warstein on top of the desk!






Main immediately reaches down helping Chris to his feet who is holding his jaw with his left hand. Chris and Robert look at Shawn laid out on the desk.

” One wins… we both win… bitch.”

May 31, 2020
Post War Games

War Games had concluded as Robert was still sitting behind the President’s desk in the oval office with his feet kicked up, hands behind his head with a sense of satisfaction firmly etched across his face.

” Now that is how you make shit happen!

Robert had better be thanking his lucky stars I took that bullet for him much like Demos should know what the fuck he is talking about when he calls my record into question before his time in the goddamn company like he knows what the hell he is talking about.

” I cannot believe you sacrificed yourself for me.”

” Believe it, brother, that is the kind of guy I am. If one wins we both win, tonight we both won, and ultimately that is all that matters. It continues to solidify that we are EVERYTHING that we say we are… the best.”

” We have raised the bar again my friend.”

Shawn Warstein HATES losing… but he despises losing to Robert Main more. This was the fuck you to the entire federation that both of us had been craving for nearly eight months. This was the moment that we took control of everything in the XWF and made it ours.

” If we stick to our plan the world will be ours for the taking sooner rather than later. I have never been more confident that you and I are going to do some REALLY big things, and to think when we first met you thought I was a prick, and now here you are working alongside me every step of the way to crumbling the federation that you once catered too.”

” I would still be blind if it was not for you.”

” We know what we have to do next.”

” Yes we do.”



- 2019 Heel of the Year
- 2019 Locker Room Leader of the Year
- 2019 Feud of the Year w. Robert Main (you’re welcome)
- Former
[Image: OW3ycxe.png]
[Image: fMJwa5h.png]
Robert "The Omega" Main
[Image: OZdvB4F.png]
XWF World Heavyweight Champion
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Miss Fury (04-18-2021), Thunder Knuckles™ (04-18-2021)

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