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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
Songs in the Head
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Mystica Offline
Monsters Are Real


XWF FanBase:
Some men, some teens, few women

(the villain you love to hate; has cult following)

06-25-2013, 09:07 PM

The camera opens to the same graveyard as before, albeit this time, dusk is beginning to settle on the stately burial grounds. Tombstones line the yard as far as the eye can see. The camera gently pans over some of the tombstones, which have been engraved with either one of two symbols: either an M, or an X. Finally, the montage comes to an end as it settles on the blank tombstone Mystica had been sitting on prior. It has been newly engraved with a name: Eli James IV. But instead of being marked with one of the letters mentioned, there is a small sheet of white printer paper taped to the top, with a crudely scribbled question mark adorning its surface.

"Oh, Eli, Eli, Eli..."

The camera pans further over to the bare tree at the edge of the graveyard. Mystica sits atop the branch running parallel to the ground, just above the hanging noose. He is clearly in pain, hunched over, with his face buried in his hands as a headache begins to overwhelm him. He looks up for a moment, giving a glimpse of his powerful light blue eyes. They pierce the camera as he stares blankly.

"You have such an arrogance. I was offering a hand of respect, and decide your first coming is more important than anything else. You expect me to abandon my world? You expect me to abandon all I have built; to abandon all of this?"

He pans his hand over the graveyard, motioning to The Temple in the background, its twisting spire towering into the clouds of the coming evening.

"You get one little Wild Card win, and you think that I'm some sort of obstacle to your holy business. Really? Have you any idea what I have done with my life? Do you not know my story? Let me regale you, mate."

He sighs, spreading his hands and letting them flow up to his temples to try to massage away the headache that is building up in his blood vessels.

"See, everyone thinks one of two things of me. First, that I'm insane. I've certainly proven otherwise. And if you still think me insane...well, I'll let history be the judge. Not you, Eli. You're no good judge of character, it seems. The second thing people think, mate...the second thing they think is that I represent some sort of God. Oh, dear, no. No, I represent something far more."

He grimaces beneath the pain of his migraine. It seems to have spread down into his face now, as his eyes close in what appears to be a combination of pain and rage.

"No, up there in the tundra. Up there in the trees, the north, the barrens...I saw something. I saw something, and it saw me. Most men would lose their minds, but saw me, I saw it, and it saw something in me. See, Eli, the Following of Mystica is not devoted to some God. No, mate. I am devoted to warning and the world. The thing I saw out there in the snow, silhouetted against the breeze, was something eldritch; something unimaginable. Something that revealed the uncomfortable truth...Eli, your God did not create this world. And he does not look over it. Not if that thing I saw is real. No God would allow something like that creature to exist. If only to be mad, mate. It would be a welcome distraction to this all. You told me to find the song in my heart. But there isn't a song in my heart. There are voices echoing through the caverns of my soul. That chorus of something horrific. I preach something of love and tolerance because everything else screams of the coming Apocalypse. Eli, when you told me that I would be a target of woke something that had been slumbering. You woke a sleeping god. The one I saw in the tundra. The million eyes watching from every corner. The cacophony of some hellish abomination of nature, ever beckoning me forward. When I was up there alone, out in the wilds, when I saw this god, I knew. I knew I had to stop it. The only thing that allowed me to escape with my life was the protective arms of the Myst. I offered you the Myst. I OFFERED YOU SAFETY! I even gave you a plot in the cemetery, man! You've denied it. Denied everything I could ever offer you. I am not a prophet of the coming force; I am the prophet here to tell you of the horrors that are sure to come. I needed you to understand. But it's all out now. All the hope. All that potential power we might have shared in saving them all. But you don't buy it. And now, this thing...this slumbering, ever-immortal creature, has found a way through."

Mystica leaps from the branch, hitting the ground and curling over in the fetal position on the ground. He is overwhelmed by the migraine, which seems to have overtaken his entire body.

"I'm sorry, Eli. I can't stop it. I can't stop the coming force. Eli, you have such blood on your hands.


You have woken a sleeping god."

Shamans 21:23 - "In those days, there will be no followers. There will be only a tide of blood, a chorus of the damned, and the bellowing of the great slumbering one as its million eyes open to the one who has awoken it."

[Image: b7zaJm8.jpg]

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