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SHOVE IT! solidarity!
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Dolly Waters Online

XWF FanBase:

(gets varying reactions in the arenas, but will be worshiped like a god and defended until the end by internet fans; literally has thousands of online dorks logging on to complain anytime they lose a match or don't get pushed right)

04-03-2021, 10:33 AM

Dolly Waters woke up.

A balmy morning sun creeping through her window, drying away the sweat of the night from her face.

She had battled the dark alone... again.

But Dolly wasn't afraid. She was resolute.

From somewhere, somehow, Dolly felt a tug. A warm gust of wind pushing through the echoes of battles from the mountain. It whispered to the province of her soul.

Dolly rose and embraced this starving ambiance that swelled inside of her with a humble and well-traveled smile. Her mind barreling towards her fears, her conflicts, her insecurities with a canny doggedness.

She knew exactly what she needed to do.

Outside of her window the grounds of Coreytopia, formerly the Madison Dyson compound repurposed into a commune for the lost, the weak, and the struggling by XWF Gatekeeper, Corey Smith, was beginning to stir.

She gazed down upon Corey, who though having just faced defeat along with their comrade, Thaddeus Duke at March Madness, was laughing and mingling with the residents on the property as they began their busy days at work.

The answers, the needed action, it all became clear as if an old friend had cleaned away the dirt from her window. Dolly would exhibit to her brothers, Thad and Corey, and to the people of the commune who depended on her leadership, exactly what solidarity meant to her.

Continuum will be, and Coreytopia will flourish.

Dolly gathered her cellphone, copied a number from a text thread, and pasted it into the call screen.

It rang once.

You've got Pryce.

We see the back of Theo Pryce's shoulders covered in a pinstripe sports-coat, removing his finger away from a Bluetooth speaker in his ear,

Theo... it's Dolly.


Dolly Waters, sir. I... am still under contract with your company.

Okay? How did you get this number?

Tommy Gunn...

there's a pause,

How did HE get this number?

I dunno, but look I wanted to ask-

You've got to make this quick, kid. I'm extremely busy right now...

He says as we see his magnificent hands bashing away on an original Play Station controller, Hotshots Golf lighting up his office from a massive flatscreen television.

Theo, I want to host a Shove-It here at the commune...

A showing of solidarity with the XWF staff. Let me give them the day off on May Day.

There's another pause before she continues,

I've got the knowledge, and I have the help to put on a kick-ass wrestling show, free of admission! A rumble at Ye' Ole' Commune!

Dolly Waters is offering to help out... for free? What the hell does Corey Smith have in the water down there?

Solidarity, sir!

Stop calling me that, it's weird.

Okay, should I call you...

Look, just make sure to tell Lane. I'll let Karen Hunt and the staff know they have May, 1st off from work.

Great! I won't let you down, Theo!

Dolly's excitement springs from her voice, Theo responds with a wooly chuckle,

Dolly? Do me a favor?

Name it!

Lose this number.

The phone clicks and Dolly's eyes light up with wonder as she again scans the grounds of the commune. She can already see the ring, she can already hear the roaring crowd, she can already feel fellowship and the sense of duty that calls to her through the epochs to come.

On May 1st, in lieu of Saturday Savage, Dolly Waters will host a Shove It! solidarity!

-more details to follow-
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[-] The following 7 users Like Dolly Waters's post:
(04-03-2021), ALIAS (04-03-2021), Andre Dixon (04-03-2021), Atara Raven (04-03-2021), Corey Smith (04-03-2021), Lycana (04-03-2021), Theo Pryce (04-03-2021)

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