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Oliver Main Offline
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(cheered; very rarely plays dirty but isn't lame either; many likable qualities)

03-05-2021, 03:54 AM

Wednesday Night March 3, 2021- Post kicking Oswald’s ass:

Wednesday Night Warfare is in the books which culminate the First Round of the XWF March Madness Tournament. We started with thirty-two names and now we are down to the sweet sixteen. Some heavy hitters have advanced as well as some shocking newcomers to the dance. The one shocker, well perhaps to anyone other than himself would be that of “The Real American” Terry Borden by defeating the head honcho of BoB, Oswald. Terry Borden couldn’t be happier with how things turned out as we catch up with Terry backstage with “Mean” Gene Okraland standing in front of a March Madness Tournament banner that extends from the ceiling to the floor.

”Mean” Gene Orkraland- “Ladies and Gentleman my guest at this time is the man who earlier tonight made an auspicious debut by defeating Oswald in the opening round of the March Madness Tournament, the one and only “REAL AMERICAN” Terry Borden!”

The camera pans back to reveal Terry Borden standing next to “Mean” Gene Okraland.

[Image: giphy.gif]

”Mean” Gene Okraland- ”Terry Borden what a HUGE win tonight in the opening round of the Masters of the Mat Tournament over the leader of BoB in Oswald, I know you have to been feeling great!”

Terry Borden- “Let me tell you something Mean Gene! Tony The Tiger does not have anything on how GRRRRREEEAT I feel after knocking that big, stinky, no good Oswald off his perch and made him realize just how strong the power of AMERICANMANIA really is, BROTHER! Tonight should show the Xtreme Wrestling Federation, one thing DUDE! Age is not anything but a number, and giants fall harder than anyone else BROTHER!”

”Mean” Gene Okraland- ”Terry you now move forward to the Sweet Sixteen as you take one step closer to becoming king of the XWF with the March Madness tournament. Some high-caliber people are standing in your way from Doctor De’ville, Shawn Warstein just to name a few. When it comes down to the next round do you have anyone, in particular, you would like to see yourself paired up against?”

Terry Borden- ”Well Mean Gene I am like this when it comes to who might stand on the opposite side of the ring with me. It does not matter if it is the good doctor, it does not matter if it is Noah Jackson dad and it does not matter if it is any other member of BoB because the end result is still going to be the same, and that is Terry Borden moving forward to the Elite Eight where I will make history win, lose or draw, BROTHER! There are a plethora of solid competitors in the mix but none of them have what I have, DUDE! I have the power of millions and millions of AMERICANMANIACS running wilder than they have ever run before BROTHER! Tonight was just the starting point of what is going to become Borden-Fever running through the entire Xtreme Wrestling Federation BROTHER!”

”Mean” Gene Okraland- ”One thing is for certain Terrister, you certainly showed the world tonight that you indeed still got it.”

Terry Borden- ”Mean Gene I never lost it, to begin with, JACK! The twenty-three and three-quarter inch pythons are going in full effect BROTHER! What tonight should solidify to everyone else in this tournament that if you sleep on me like Oswald did you will suffer the exact same fate DUDE! You are going to have to explain to your friends, family, and peers how you let a senior citizen drop a leg on you and put you down BROTHER! Every match I walk into I am the ultimate underdog, or so everyone will try to make it appear… but I have said it before and I will say it again, when you have the loyalty of millions of AMERICANMANIACS rooting you on and STILL believing in training, saying your prayers and taking your vitamins so you can be the very best that you can possibly be… there is not anything that can stand in your way, no obstacle that you cannot overcome DUDE! I am on the threshold of doing the unthinkable, and if I go down it will not be because I did not put up a fight.”

”Mean” Gene Okraland- ” Any words for whom you might draw for Saturday Night Savage?”

Terry Borden- ”The only thing I got to ask is… WHATCHA GONNA DO!?!”

[Image: Y2xYrES.gif]

Thursday: March 4,2021

Terry woke up Thursday morning hardly able to move. Just the thought of getting out of his bed in his hotel suite makes his back and legs scream obscenities at him. He lay looking up at the white ceiling, breathing deeply. Pain is a mother fucker when you reach his age, and dealing with Oswald last night has reminded him just how human he actually is.

Terry has always lived his life to perform.

It is in his blood.

For forty-two years he has been in the wrestling business selling out arenas all over the world back in the early eighties and through the nineties in his hay day within the business… but is it still worth it?

Slowly Terry starts to move around, pain etched across his face as he sits up in bed. He turns towards his cell phone which is on the nightstand as it flashes at him. Terry reaches over picking up the phone and checking his text messages. It is there that he finds that the second round of March Madness has been drawn by his next opponent, Atara Themis.

Terry tosses his phone on the empty side of the king-sized bed.

He lets out an audible sigh out of discomfort. He throws his legs off the side of the bed resting them on the floor. He clutches at his lower back as he sits on the side of the bed.

Terry Borden- ”Damn I am feeling every bit of that.”

Terry stands up out of bed, nearly falling but catching himself. He limps across the bedroom of his hotel suite towards the bathroom proudly displaying AMERICANMANIA pajama pants. He walks into the bathroom closing the door behind him.

We hear the sound of running water in the sink.

Suddenly there are three taps on the front door of the suite. We see a large sealed envelope sliding under the door. Terry remains in the bathroom, presumably taking a piss. The water in the sink turns off and the door opens back up and out walks a shirtless Terry Borden. He is drying his hands with a white towel that he hurls over towards the door where his eyes take notice of the large envelope.

Terry Borden- ”What the hell is that?”

Terry limps over towards the envelope, slowly and carefully he reaches down picking it up off the floor. He carefully stands back upright opening up the envelope. He reaches in pulling out three different photos.

[Image: 3bq51wv.png?width=400&height=212]


[Image: jimmy_drink.jpg?width=317&height=427]

Terry shakes his head before tossing them on the bed.



Round One of March Madness is in the rearview mirror and guess who is still in the mix DUDE!?!?! That’s right! “The Real American” Terry Borden! Nobody thought I would be in the mix, none of you gave me a fighting chance to step into the mix and lock horns with some of the best and brightest stars of the modern era, BROTHER! Oswald crumbled under the power of AMERICANMANIA and did not know what hit him until it was far too late, DUDES!

There is someone that did give me a fighting chance.


You see what most of you will not understand is just how long I have been in this business, BROTHER! I have played the game longer than most of you have been alive and things can only be said so many times by so many people before they lose any semblance of merit. I will sit back and wait patiently for those mistakes to be made, BROTHER. The fact of the matter is I came to Warfare, I saw Oswald and I conquered him with all my AMERICANMANIACS all over the world, DUDES! They say you are only as good as your last match, and from where the sweet sixteen are sitting we can all stakes claim at being on top of our respective game. The second rounds have been drawn and it appears that a Greek Goddess is on her way to stand front and center while this train known as AMERICANMANIA runs full steam ahead, SISTER!

Who is Jimmy?

Why is he slipping me notes about you?

I did not sign up to be brought into any drama, SISTER!

You look like a sweet person, and while I do not condone intergender wrestling my hands are currently tied because you now stand in my way of changing the landscape of March Madness. I have done a little checking up on you; former Shooting Star Champion, nearly a month as Xtreme Champion, and a little over a month with a title that did not require any real work to defend. I am not going to try and discredit your accomplishments by any means but it appears that holding on to a Championship does not seem to be your strong suit.

Apparently, neither is your ability to pick a good man to share your life with SISTER!.

People have made careers burying you based on your outside endeavors because you have made it that easy, SISTER.

Speaking of sisters; the actions of Osira aligning herself with BoB has to have you scratching your head because how could you let yourself stray so far away from family to allow that kind of mistake, DUDETT! It baffles my mind how evil creeps in when you least expect it. Do you really not care about your own family overriding the coattails of Legacy? Listen I am not trying to bring you down by any means because based off what I have seen you know how to handle yourself inside that ring, right? We can agree on that DUDETT, so why the lack of success within your own career? I know I am new to the block and I probably do not have the grounds to say any of this without you not taking some sort of offense, it is not my intention SISTER! I’m just asking the questions that come to my head based off what I have seen in the few hours I have been able to do a little research on you. How come if you have all the tools to be something special you have not lived up to the potential? Do not throw your TV against the wall. Here is why I have to advance and take that next step towards the Elite Eight. I am just more entertaining and spark more interest than you do SISTER! I am a battle-tested veteran of the sport and am more capable of putting up a better effort to actually want to win this than you ever could. Just take a look at the minimal effort you put in for the First Round of this Tournament if you need more validation to that one statement.

[Image: well-that-sucks.gif]

Let’s see what you bring to the table now because I have already beaten one monster and I cannot think of a better way to add to my resume than by beating up on a goddess that think she is anything more than a prop within this tournament to catapult me into the Elite Eight. Not only can I play your games I can play those better as well.

[Image: tenor.gif?itemid=522272]

You are stuck in the same position as everyone else SISTER! You are stuck like a deer in headlights because you do not know how to deal with “The Real American” Terry Borden. If you give me five minutes of your time, you know, four minutes longer than you gave Round One of your precious time you will only solidify me as a threat that you will try to discredit me as, DUDETT! This is the part where you come to terms with just how screwed you are SISTER! Don’t you worry though, don’t you fret because if you or anyone else in this tournament assumes that I am going to be a pushover, that I am going to be your stepping stone to an easy advancement you should go ahead and has two questions.

One: How did it play out for Oswald?

Two: Are you really capable of standing in the ring with me and all my AMERICANMANIACS?

[Image: 1eJ3.gif]

All you have to rely on is yourself Atara.

There is not a Betsy Granger to carry you. There is not a Legacy for you to fall back on. It is going to be you versus me, and in the process, you are going to learn the most valuable lesson of them all DOVE. You shall learn that the power of Atara does not compare to the power of AMERICANMANIA! Soooooo…..


[Image: tenor.gif?itemid=3518623]

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