John Austin
Grizzled Young Vet
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06-24-2013, 01:31 PM
>> The Convention
We begin in beautiful, Los Angeles, California at the local convention center. Today marks a rally of sorts for the PACM (Parents Against Child Molesters). This is a small non profit group that first started out as a group page on Facebook. Now they have reached to over 3,000 members strong in the California area. Today they have a guest speaker coming in and it is one John Austin.
We see the parking lot slam packed full of cars, everything from Honda's to Toyota's and all different colors. Our camera goes into the building where we see a packed audience. Founder and owner, LaToya Smith is up at the podium giving her usual "rally of the troops" speech so to speak.
YES!.....Yes everyone, we have grown to over three thousand members strong and we can not stop. I want the greater Los Angeles area to be covered in members of the PACM; So when a child molester thinks about moving here, he does a double take and realizes the situation at hand and he thinks twice about moving. Now to close out our convention today everyone, let me bring out our special guest. This man is a professional wrestler for the origination, Xtreme Wrestling Federation. Give it up for John AUSTIN! *starts to applaud*
The audience begins to applaud as we John step out on stage. We can see John is dressed in a sharp looking Armani suit as we know he is dressed for business. He can be seen caring a manila colored envelope. He shakes the hand of LaToya's and goes up to the podium. He opens up the envelope and places what was inside on the screen of the projector that has yet to been turned on.
Your Guiding Light >> JOHN AUSTIN
Hello everyone, my name is John Austin and I wrestle for the X-treme Wrestling Federation...*slight aplause*... I fight big and bad guys every Monday night but there is no one badder than child molesters. Every hour of ever day there is a child around the world that is being molested and half the time, those men and women are not brought to justice. Can I get the lights turned down and the projector turned on please.
The lights go dim and the projector is turned on. We see a picture of Dean Moxley McGovern come up on the screen.
Your Guiding Light >> JOHN AUSTIN
This everyone is a man who is also apart of the X-treme Wrestling Federation and his name is Dean Moxley McGovern. Dean has recently been in the media with charges of child molestation with a young female. I am not going to go into details of the charges, I will just give you the outcome of what happened. It is sad for me to say to you all here today but those charges against Dean was dropped and the charges have been wiped clean from his record.
We hear a loud grumble among the crowd.
Your Guiding Light >> JOHN AUSTIN
Easy everyone, easy. For those who don't know me personally, needs to know if there is one thing I CAN NOT STAND it is that of child molesters. You can make fun of the poor, you can be racist and you can make fun of religion, BUT I WILL BE DAMNED if you are going to go out there and harm a innocent girl or boy. Dean has poisoned the minds of the children out there, our loving fans of XWF. He showers them with gifts and gives them attention that they don't get from their parents. When they fall under that trap, Dean lures them back to his home and things happen. He takes their innocence and they become slaves to his every word.
John motions to LaToya for a glass of water. She quickly walks off stage and comes back with a bottled water for John. John takes a sip from the bottled water and continues speaking.
Your Guiding Light >> JOHN AUSTIN
*clears his throat* Now you all must be wondering, why does XWF management let Dean continue to wrestle? Well it's quite simple, he brings in the ratings for our company and everyone around the world will tune in to see this monster get his as...urh excuse me...his rear-end kicked. He may be cleared of his charges but he is a unfriendly man in the backstage locker-rooms. We have a event coming up on the twenty-nineteenth of June here in LA, at the Staples Center. This event is called Wild Card. At Wild Card, Dean is placed in a match against myself and two other men. Trust me when I tell you, buy this event on pay per view. You will see Dean get destroyed and he will feel the pain he caused those sweet innocent children, you have my word.
The crowd stands up and gives John around of applause.
Your Guiding Light >> JOHN AUSTIN
Everyone, I want you to take a good look at this man. Study this picture hard. Pull out your I-Phones and take a picture of this individual. Anytime you take your kids to the park, the mall, or wherever and you see this the local authorities. This man is considered armed and very dangerous......... Thank you.
The crowd gives John more applause as he waves to the crowd and walks off stage. LaToya makes her way to the podium. The projector gets shut off and the lights get turned back on. The applause dies down and the audience sits back down in the chairs.
Thank you John Austin. Everyone, as John stated, on the twenty-nineteenth, XWF comes to Los Angeles. More importantly, Dean McGovern will also be in Los Angeles. This is the man who got away scot free in his child molestation charges. I want everyone here to show up at the Staples Center on the twenty-nineteenth and witness the devastation of this horrible man known as "The Virus". Dean must be STOPPED!
The crowd stands up in applause.
I want to thank everyone for coming in today. Just a reminder, our next meeting will be July first at three pm. Drive home safely.
LaToya walks off stage and into the crowd. We see the crowd starting to exit out the door. A few stay behind and talk with LaToya as our scene comes to a close.
>> I can be Mysterious Too!
We open up at the home of John Austin's in Virginia Beach, Virginia. We see John sitting on the couch. The camera is focused on the chest up towards the head of John. We see his blood shot eyes staring into the camera.
Your Guiding Light >> JOHN AUSTIN
Usually I would be at the studio office of XWF but I am not allowed at the office right now. So I am doing this for me, not XWF. I recently was apart of a convention in Los Angeles for the PACM. For those wanting to know more about them, just click the link on my site. During the convention I spoke about one man who has been a poison in this company since day damn one...Dean Moxley McGovern.
John takes a short pause.
Your Guiding Light >> JOHN AUSTIN
Dean, you have racked up quite a impressive record here in XWF. I found you to be a great talent but when the news broke out that you molested a poor young innocent child, I lost all respect for you. It is one thing to hate kids but when you take their innocence away from them, I lose all respect for you. Now you can cut these promos and say "but the charges were dropped, you have no idea what your talking about" it doesn't matter what you have to say Mr. Moxley. You can beg for your forgiveness to the God you pray to. Me, I will take the pleasure of kicking your f**king head in this Saturday at Wild Card and I will take great pleasure in taking away your X-Treme Championship.
John can be seen grabbing something off to the side and he places it on the table in-front of him.
Your Guiding Light >> JOHN AUSTIN
Now in our match Dean, there are two other men going after your title. I will talk about you two seperatly because I am good like that. I will start with you Steve Davids. You and I have a lot in common, specially the hatred for one Chris Legend. There is one thing that makes me better than you Steve Davids and that is the fact that I am the best wrestler alive. You are a strong powerhouse, you listen to the voices in your head but for me...I don't need any of the that shit. All I need is to be inside that ring or this Saturday, be inside that parking lot and I can adapt and beat you within a inch of your life.
John takes a short pause.
Your Guiding Light >> JOHN AUSTIN
Finally we have, Crimson Cobra. You are a mysterious individual Cobra. I can sit here and talk shit about you but I am just going to speak your language. Watch I can be mysterious too.
John grabs at the object on the table and brings it into view. It is a toy mask from the Iron Man 3 movie. He presses the button on the side of the mask and we hear "I AM IRON MAN!!!!!!!!" He places the mask on his face and the lights in the eyes light up.
Your Guiding Light >> JOHN AUSTIN
What do you think Cobra? ....I am Iron Man bitch! .....You can't hurt me cause I am Iron Man!......Now Dean, Steve and Cobra...I am the most mysterious man alive as you can tell and I will be taking the gold back home to Virginia Beach, Virginia.
John takes off the mask and throws it to the side.
Your Guiding Light >> JOHN AUSTIN
Damn Cobra, I don't know how you do it, I could barely breath under there. Okay...*John fixes his hair* I don't need some silly mask, voices to tell me what to do or having to be surrounded by kids to be the best in the world. I let my action speak louder than my words and this Saturday whether you like it or not, I will be the next X-Treme Champ.
John grabs the mask and places it back on his head.
Your Guiding Light >> JOHN AUSTIN
*presses the button on the mask* "I AM IRON MAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" ..... and I am the last of a dying breed!
John gets up from his couch as our scene comes to a close.
To find John, turn those lights out because he will then appear...
XWF LEGEND and the only man who punked out Duke TWICE