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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » "Savage Saturday Night" RP Board
Chapter 1: The Beginning
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TheStoryTeller Offline
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XWF FanBase:

(loved by some; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)

02-12-2021, 08:12 PM



I instruct my cameraman to go live to the XWF Universe, which he does.

[Image: cm-punk-sit-down.jpg]

"Hello fans of the XWF, hello wrestlers of the XWF, and hello management of the XWF. I am here inside the Crest Movie Threatre."

[Image: large.jpg?1351707564]

"Now you may all be wondering why I am here watching a movie before I head to the Class 1923 Ice Rink at the University of Pennsylvania? This is where Saturday Night Savage will be. It will also be my debut match. Now according to the stipulation of this match, it's a Valentine's Day Massacre match. Which is also involves extreme rules. So I'm here to see the STORY of the original movie which came out in 1967."

[Image: maxresdefault.jpg]

"So the story is about the 1929 mass murder of seven members of the Northside Gang (led by George "Bugs" Moran) on orders from Al Capone. Basically if you equate this movie to that of the match, it is like an extreme rules match. But it doesn't get as bad as mass murder."

I instructed my cameraman to cut the feed

[Image: 200.gif]


I was working out when I was told by my cameraman that I was once again going live to the XWF Universe.

[Image: CMpunk.gif]

I was getting ready for my debut match which was the first match of the night on the Savage card. I stopped and walked over to stand in front of the camera.

"Good evening. I am just finishing up my training as I am preparing to take part in my debut match in the XWF. I cannot wait. I cannot wait to take John Black, Geri Vayden, Jim Jimson, and Claude Savage apart. I cannot wait to tear them limb from limb. I cannot wait to stand up and win this match. i cannot wait to beat them down. That is going to be the story of this match. That I, the Story Teller, in his debut match, beats 4 others and win his first match. Then you can all stand up and take notice."

"It's time for some rebuttal. First up. Let's talk about John Loser Black."

[Image: Screen-Shot-2019-11-15-at-4.45.06-PM-157...ressed.png]

"John Black stated and I quote: 'How much can one Story tell for one person?' You may say not many but it's obviously you don't believe that your whole life is a story. By you saying not much you are giving credence to saying that your life is not worth being a story. Poor you. You aren't worthy is that you are meaning. No wonder you haven't won any titles."

"You also say and I quote 'people tend not to read bullshit, or they do.' Again this is sad. If people don't read it means they aren't getting an education. That must be why you are an undereducated git. Again that's why you haven't won a title. Again, poor you."

"You also say and I quote 'now this young rookie wants to hang with the big leagues, that’s fine by me. The more the merrier i’d say, as I get my hands on him and feed him some telegram hearts.' First of all thank you for calling me a rookie, but I won't be a rookie for long. You won't be getting your hands on me, as I will destroy you. As for that quip about telegrams. Dude where are you at? There's no such thing as Telegrams these days. Get with the times. You should have used emails, that would have put you in a better light, but alas this shows how dumb you really are."

"You also say and I quote 'Storyteller, as much as it pains me to say this, but you're going to torn pages by the end of the night.' What the heck are you saying? You don't make sense there's no context to this. Or better yet grammar. I'm going to torn pages. Shouldn't that be I'm going to be torn? I don't even know where you are going with that. That's how much of a dumb fuck you are."

"You also say and I quote '.i don’t care about your criticism about me not winning titles, or winning big main event matches, or even being called a loser by the likes of you and half the damn fucking roster.' You obviously do care that you are being called a loser, otherwise, you wouldn't even talk about it. You are such a hypocrite. You do care. You always have cared. And you will always will care. Otherwise what the hell are you even doing here? I must have hit a big nerve."

I take a deep breath. Ready to move on. This time to Jim The Jim Jimson.

[Image: avatar_2357.png?dateline=1604316220]

"Jim the Jim Jimson. What more can I say about you. The guy who hates Dolphins, and the guy who acts like a fool. No wonder you don't win many matches."

"There's not much else I can say about the fool Jim, the idiot John Black, and clearly Geri Vayden and Claude Savage both clearly don't care about this match. Otherwise they would have said something. They all scared that I am going to win this match. That's why Geri and Claude are all worried that they cannot stop me."

"So here's where the story is: I am going to win this stupid Valentines Day Massacre match. I am going to bring the pain to all the other 4. John Black doesn't care, Jim is acting like a fool, and once again Geri and Claude don't give a fuck. I give a fuck. I am going to stand tall at the end of this match, and that my foes is........"


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