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Post Anarchy 1.14.21: Skrippin Our Dignity Away.
Author Message
T.H.U.G.S Offline
Tribalistic Mindstas

XWF FanBase:

(loved by some; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)

01-15-2021, 06:11 PM

Far removed from the events of the show, the handheld footage shows JB and Tommy wearing their street clothes and packing up. Then they watch the recap of the match on some monitor, wwe style to the side at an odd angle, and they laugh at what when down.

"That was a fun ass match, I didn't know these fans wanted us to be in the stripper mode. I thought the would have wanted it a cross the border match, but I guess the fans of Texas wanted to see us embarrassed here tonight."

"No worse than Tula and Boris getting all the heat for taking out BOB members."

"You got that right. She did a number on em, and she turned her back on that cult i'd pay a visit to see her with that new belt she got."

JB then looks into the camera, whipping his nose with his finger. Then Tommy see's the camera in front of them.

"Oh shit i got about this, of we like to do bring in our thoughts about our matches. John, how did it feel to strip Ruby in that ring...just for her to tease these redneck buckers, with another suit underneath?"

"Well Ruby is tease... can't blame her, plus she handed me my wallet. She didn't need to dropkick my ass off, but it comes with the game. So fair game for her, but Tommy I want to know... these redneck and fans at home want to know...about that shit with Kenzi."

"Whatchu talkin bout, JB?"

"Mafuka you know talkin bout... that Kenzi shit you pulled."

Tommy smiles like a he gotten himself a welfare check, then he walks around the room with his head up at the ceiling, rubbing his hands in the process.

"Oh that shit... ohhh shiittt.... Kenzi had it comin. I wished I had gone for her boots earlier in the match, but that moment I knocked her ass out... and she basically BEGGED for me for her toes to get sucked by ME... she was teasin, and I had fallen for it. Did it fuck us over in the match?...nope, it made me give a fuck more about the match."

"So basically people, yes we got our dignity stripped away from us tonight, clothes and all... but we gained more satisfaction that we couldn't image. Two hot broads, in a hot ass city, with a hotbed of covid 19 hicks in mix... shit it made me smile. So people out there, just know we are THUGS we don't give FUCK what y'all gotta say. See y'all busta in the next show from now."

Then we see Tommy and JB gettin their stuff out of the locker room, while we see Tommy bag open with Ruby's in ring gear and Kenzi's boots she worn in the match..then cuts to the Anarchy logo.
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