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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
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DeathMerchant Offline
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP

XWF FanBase:
Monster Heel

(always booed; cheats; hurts people)

06-21-2013, 08:20 PM

After landing at LaGuardia Airport he rented a vehicle and drove to the Double Tree Hotel by Hilton and rented a room. He wanted to make sure he was close to Yankee Stadium so he wouldn't have far to go after the match to celebrate. He couldn't believe he had finally made it. He hated flying almost as much as he hated his ex wife. Almost. He checked into his room and unpacked the few things he had brought with him before heading down to the bar for a drink. He was wearing a pair of black jeans with a new black Death Merchant T-Shirt. He sat down at the bar and the bartender walked down to where he was at.

What's your poison bud?

Death Merchant
I'll have a Jack and Coke and I'm not your damn bud! Got it? Here's a C-Note just keep them coming and shut the F%c# up!

No problem.

The bartender took the money and did as Death Merchant had said. In the meantime Death Merchant thought about what his impact would be. He wondered what they would all think if they really knew his plans. He didn't care, They deserved everything they have coming to them. He thought about his first opponents and almost felt sorry for them. They had no ideal what they were in store for. Of course they would think he was just another fly by night bad guy trying to be scary. How scary it will be for them when it turns out to be a reality. Their futures would scare the hell out of even the strong willed. He couldn't wait for his plan to be revealed. In due time he thought to himself. In due time.

He sat there and went over every bit of information he had come up with on both Agent Orange and 'The Phantom' Jack Kronus. You talk about a couple of circus clowns. Agent Orange went out with the 70's. There are so many better ways to torture and maim someone these days. Ways that would send shivers down your very spine. Phantom? Now that's original. Wasn't that a radio program back in the fifties or something. Talk about Old Man River. Oh how he was going to enjoy hurting them. It's just too bad it wasn't a cage match or a TLC match. He would show them some TLC alright.

Female Voice
Excuse me sir. I don't mean to bother you.

Death Merchant turned around angrily until he took one look into the darkest brown eyes he had ever seen. They were so brown you could almost swear they were black. She had the softest smile that would melt even the coldest heart. She was wearing a waitress outfit that showed off her voluptuous figure.

Death Merchant
Your no bother at all. How can I help you?

My name's Evangeline. Most folks just call me Eve for short. Anyway, The bartender wanted me to see if you would like a private booth. It would be more comfortable.

Death Merchant
They call me Death Merchant, I'm not usually such a very nice guy and I don't give a $h!t who does and doesn't like it. I appreciate the offer just lead the way. These stools are about as comfortable as a bed of nails.

Sometimes a Bed of Nails can be fun.

Death Merchant
Touche' You win round one. Your pretty quick witted. Why are you stuck being a waitress? Not that it's such a bad thing but not for someone who seems to be as bright as you are.

Let's just say that I haven't always been such a nice girl and I didn't give a $h!t who liked it or didn't like it. Just like you!

Death Merchant
What made you change?

Oh, I'm still the same B!t@# I always am when I'm off the clock but here you have to make a living. Doing time can make it hard to find something decent. Were like the bottom of the barrel $h!t as far as they are concerned.

Death Merchant
May I ask what you did time for?

I beat the hell out of some pervert who thought he was going to get fresh with me. Beat him to death with my bare hands. They said what I did went beyond self defense and locked me up for a few years.

Death Merchant
Wow, Now you really sound like my kind of woman. How about if I offer you another job opportunity. One with some pretty good damn benefits built right in! Would you be interested?

You have my attention, Go on.

Death Merchant
I just signed a contract with the XWF Wrestling Organization. I'm looking for someone who has a good sense of business and knows how to take care of herself. You would be my Manager and come out to the ring with me and everything.

Wow. Listen, Is this some kind of gag or what? Where are the cameras?

Death Merchant
I'm Dead serious. If you want the job it's yours.

She asked him to excuse her for a moment as she went into the back, Clocked out, And grabbed her $h!tty tips for the last time. She couldn't believe her luck. It's a good thing she had finished her BA in business management while she was locked up. It sure would come in handy! She walked back out and sat down across the table from him and the two worked out their plans.

~~~~~~~~~~~~ Later that day ~~~~~~~~~~~~

They stood at the top of the cliff looking out across the Ocean. She had set up the camera they bought and had it recording in no time. He smiled as he looked into the camera and back out towards the water and the huge storm clouds building in the distance.

Death Merchant
Do you all see that? How fitting that your demise shall begin with such a storm rolling inland. How totally destructive those storms can be. The pain and horror they inflict on their unsuspecting victims. Chosen only by chance it didn't matter if they were good or bad. That is just what the future holds for the XWF. The time for true darkness has arrived.

Destiny has led us to where we are now. It was foretold long ago of the demise of mankind. So also the demise of the XWF. How fitting that a woman named Eve would come riding in bringing with her the Death Merchant! Why, You may ask, Have I chosen this time and this place? You sure would like to know wouldn't you. That's too damn bad because you will find out when we want you to find out!

Death Merchant
Hey uh, Agent Orange, The Crayon guy. Better yet, How about I call you Gumby. That's what your going to look like when I'm done with you! I'm glad you stepped up and made yourself noticed. It's going to be such a blast picking your sorry @$$ up and slamming you so hard onto that mat you'll swear you were going through it! You need to listen up little boy before you really end up getting hurt because you have no ideal who you are messing with! You piss me off too much and I'll put your @$$ through a burning table! Oh and uh, Phantomless, You need to step your sorry @$$ this way too because I just don't like a phony like yourself. How can you be a Phantom? You don't have an ounce of evil inside you. Step up and I'll have eve embarrass you worse than you have ever been.

That's right little boy. I like beating up fakes like you who think their tough $h!t! Your such a sorry excuse for a man. I bet the best part of you stayed in the damn rubber. Lucky for it!

At that moment thunder crashed and a huge bolt of lightning flashed across the sky. Huge drops of rain began to fall from the dark and angry clouds above them.

Death Merchant
You see, Things just don't look good for the two of you. There's a storm on the way and you are all about to get swept up in it! The beginning of the end is at hand. Even prayer can't help you now!

He raised his arms to the sky as the storm gained in intensity. Eve walked over and packed up the equipment. They drove back to the Hotel and quickly uploaded the video to the website. Afterwards they went back to the bar to continue working on their plans.

[Image: HLane.jpg]
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(06-23-2013), Wallace Witasick (06-21-2013)

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