John Msdison 2.Faggot
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06-30-2013, 01:15 PM
Staples Center
Los Angeles, California
June 29, 2013
Capacity: 21,000
Our camera team gives us a bird's eye view from inside the Staples Center as a thirty second sequence of pyrotechnics brings the sold out stadium of 21,000 to an uproar. Once the flashy display has been reduced to a cloud of smoke, our cameras zoom across the front row of screaming fans.
It's time for Wild Card Weekend!
Jim Ross: "Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the Staples Center where we are going wild! Yes, it's Wild Card Weekend. I'm Jim Ross along with Wayne Witasick. Wayne, how do you feel about tonight? And what's with the neck brace?"
We get our first look at Wayne Witasick who's dressed for business like always except for one thing; he's wearing a neck brace that says "WW" on the side of it.
Wayne Witasick: "Jim, allow me to apologize beforehand. Tonight, I might be a little off my game. As you can see, I'm wearing this neck brace in honor of my fallen brother, Wallace Witasick. If you folks didn't see it, Wallace was put through a table by Tyrone and John Madison."
Jim Ross: "We certainly hope that Wallace makes a speedy recovery and is able to come back to the XWF. His future as of right now is uncertain. But Wayne, that still doesn't explain the neck brace."
Wayne Witasick: "Dang it, Jim. Are you that slow? This neck brace is a tribute to my fallen broth-"
Jim Ross: "Hold on-- wait just a damn minute!."
The lights begin to dim as all attention goes to the stage.
Wayne Witasick: "Why are you asking me questions only to interrupt me? This is how you get punched, Jim! Remember that interview with Peter Gilmour?"
John Madison's new theme song, "Wish" plays as white lights flicker on stage. John Madison steps through the curtain wearing his King of the XWF crown and carrying a cattle prod. He's dressed casually in a black button-down, bluejeans, and an eye patch over his left eye. He walks to the ring diligently as he waves to some of the fans who have chosen to bow before him. He ignores the ones who taunt and boo him.
Once John Madison has entered the ring, he extends his hand to the stage and allows his friends to come out. Here's the lineup:
Luca Arzegotti in a suit.
Shane in an arm sling.
And Tyrone on a scooter.
John Madison: "Thank you for joining me, guys."
John Madison points to the sticker on the front of Tyrone's wife beater shirt that reads: "warfare gm" written in sharpie.
John Madison: "And due to the injuries that Wallace Witasick brought onto himself, this man is your current Wednesday Warfare General Manager! Let's hear it for Tyrone!"
A split crowd response for Tyrone. They aren't too happy about Tyrone forcing his way into Wallace's position. However, some of the folks seem to be moved by his opening speech from last week.
John Madison: "Yes, there will be many changes to Wednesday Night Warfare in the coming weeks, and I'll be there to make sure that it goes down. For one, the show will be uncensored for me, and only me! That means that on Warfare I can now say, "fuck," "shit," "cunt," without the censorship. I can also piss on Mark Flynn's head or go around and butt fuck everyone in the front row. Keep in mind, these rules only apply to me, the king-- not to anyone else. Doesn't that sound like fun?!"
Shane , Tyrone, and Luca Arzegotti give John Madison a round of applause.
John Madison: "Now onto tonight. Tonight is the night where we determine a number one contender at this King of the XWF crown that I carry around at every other show that I decide to attend. The winner will face me on July 13th. Hell, let's just get straight to the point here. On July 13th, I'll be facing LUCA ARZEGOTTI!"
John Madison walks over to Luca Arzegotti and raises his hand in the air.
John Madison: "Luca, you've made me really proud over the past couple of months. Ever since you joined The Black Circle, you've been there to support your king. You stand proud by your king and you carry out all of his requests. Every time I say, 'hey Luca!' you're right there. I couldn't ask for a better squire. And that is why on July 13th, we will NOT do battle! Instead, July 13 will officially be 'King Madison Day' where we celebrate! There will be food, drinks, party hats, prostitutes, a DJ, EVERYTHING! You guys better bring your dance moves on July 13th!"
Luca Arzegotti and the rest of The Black Circle applauds John Madison's proposal for "King Madison Day." He seems genuinely touched by his own idea.
John Madison: "So tonight, Luca, you shall march into battle. You shall march into battle and earn the victory for your king."
John Madison grabs Luca's arm again and raises it high into the air.
John Madison: "And I'll be there to celebrate with you right after you've beaten all five of them. I'll be there to cup you into my arms and rest your head onto my breast. Your exit music won't be 'Nugget.' The only music you'll hear is the beating heart of your proud king. And that will be a greater feeling than you winning the King of the XWF championship. Now before we leave, I think Lord has something to say to his people."
John Madison walks over to Shane and holds the mic up to Shane's mouth.
Shane : "One last thing before we kick this show off... Last week Peter Gilmour was deemed unfit to perform in the Elimination Chamber."
John Madison pipes in.
John Madison: "That's right Peter! You're too fat. Tell him he's too fat, Shane!"
Shane : "Peter just isn't cleared by doctors to compete here. I'm sorry Peter, we'll try to get you in next year. For now, he will be replaced tonight by one very deserving man. I've selected a man who I think could go all the way in tonight's match...
The Crimson DONG!"
The crowd boos Shane 's decision of putting Crimson Dong in the main event. The crowd loves Dong, but come on-- Crimson Dong as a challenger for the crown?
John Madison pulls Luca Arzegotti in and hugs him! He hugs him in a way where he's taken Luca's head and pressed it against his chest.
"Wish" begins to play as The Black Circle make their exit.
Hunter Payne
- vs -
Texas Tornado Andy Morrison
Birthday Bash Match
Birthday presents containing various weapons will surround the ring.
Pinfall/Submission only
The lights go down in arena, sirens in song go off, once guitar starts in, lights come on, revealing Morrison at top of ramp with head down and pumping up and then proceeding to walk down the ramp and once entering the ring goes to turnbuckle and stands on 2nd one and stands with head down before raising fists and screaming
The lights flicker as "Meant to Live" by Switchfoot begins to play in the arena. The fans expect Hunter Payne to come out on stage, but instead he comes through the audience! Hunter Payne and Joy Giovanni walk through the crowd as the crowd goes nuts for their hometown hero.
He hops over the crowd barrier and a pyro explodes as he slides into the ring. What a celebration!
Jim Ross: "We wanna wish a happy birthday to Hunter Payne. He turns 29 tonight and we're celebrating this special day with a birthday bash match."
Wayne Witasick: "And as you can see, we have presents of all shapes and sizes out here."
The bell rings as Payne and Andy both rush to the outside. Andy searches under the ring while Payne goes immediately for the presents. With Payne, it's like watching a kid waking up on Christmas morning. Andy refuses to open presents with Payne though, and instead grabs a weapon from under the ring. What a party pooper, he really is being emo about this whole thing. Meanwhile, Payne grabs a large, thin rectangular gift box for himself. Andy pokes his hand around under the ring but is disappointed to find nothing but a sack of potatoes! Someone must have heard Andy's promo about him being anti-birthday presents. Andy says to hell with it, pulls out the sack of potatoes, and the bottom of the sack breaks open, causing the twelve potatoes to fall out all over the place!
The weapons beneath the ring are nothing but potatoes, are you kidding me? This really has to piss off Andy now.
Payne, on the other hand, has unwrapped...
Two steel chairs that are zip-tied together! See Andy, you should have just opened a damn present.
Payne takes the double steel chair and smashes it into the back of Andy who was still taken back by his choice of weapons being only a bunch of potatoes. Payne doesn't stop with just one shot, he hits Andy two more times over the back.
Payne grabs one of the smaller, cubical boxes and shakes it around. He suspects that there might be something vicious inside. Payne gives Andy a back suplex onto that same box. The box pops open as Andy is dropped on top of it, revealing hundreds of thumbtacks! Some of the tacks managed to find their way into Andy's flesh! Payne goes for another gift box. This one is also very big, what could it be?
Payne rips through the box reaches inside and it's...
The Crimson Dong has popped out of the box. He's dancing, jumping around, and having a good ol' dong lovin' time.
Andy Morrison recovers just in time to find Crimson Dong standing in front of him. He doesn't know what to make of it. How is Crimson Dong a weapon? Better yet, who gifts someone on their birthday with The Crimson Dong? We soon find out as Crimson Dong jumps onto Andy for some mounted Dong punches! The Crimson Dong leaves through the audience right after that short attack . Believe it or not, Payne looks to be thrilled by having Crimson Dong as a birthday gift.
Payne picks out another gift, unwraps it... it's a hammer! Payne swings it at Andy, but Andy ducks out of the way. Andy kicks Payne and follows up with a DDT. Andy throws Payne in the ring and pins him.
Payne kicks out.
Andy Irish whips Payne into the corner and gives him a clothesline. Andy slides out of the ring and goes for the hammer that Payne unwrapped earlier. Andy strikes Payne with the hammer of his back. Andy executes a snap suplex, and then grabs the hammer again. Andy climbs to the top rope with the hammer in hand. He jumps off and attempts to whack Payne over the head with the hammer, but Payne counters with a drop kick! Payne gives Andy a gutbuster.
Payne attempts a Tazmission but Andy moves out of the way.
Andy follows up with some chops. Andy then kicks Payne and tries for the Vortex Pile Driver (double underhook, spinning pile driver) but Payne reverses into a back body drop. Andy falls on his ass conveniently next to the hammer that was brought into the match earlier. Andy sees it and immediately grabs it. As Andy recovers with the hammer in hand, Payne turns around, and gets his face smashed in by the hammer shot from Andy!
Andy with a pin.
I can't believe it. The Crimson Dong ran back into the ring and saved Payne from getting pinned. Who knew that The Crimson Dong would be such a valuable weapon to have?
Andy doesn't look pleased with Dong's interruption. Andy reaches across and takes Dong by the throat. He then throws a kick right into Crimson Dong's dong.
After that, with one hand, Andy takes Dong and throws him over the top rope.
Payne is bleeding from his forehead now as Andy scoops him up and drops him with a slam. Andy focuses his offense on the cut of Payne, nailing him with punch after punch.
Andy grabs that same hammer, turns the claw-end of it to Payne, and starts to dig into his forehead with it! Holy shit, he's really digging into Payne's head with the claw of that hammer.
Andy puts Payne into the corner and feeds him some knife edge chops. He climbs up to mount over Payne on the corner and throws an alternating series of elbows and punches to the head of Payne. Payne is losing a lot of blood as Andy continues to work over that wounded area. Andy throws Payne up on his shoulder and drops him in the center of the ring with a running powerslam.
Andy positions himself in a crouched position in the corner. He waits for Payne to recover so that he can deliver that deadly spear of his. Andy charges after Payne, but Payne side steps and rams Andy shoulder-first into the opposite corner!
Payne falls over on his side as he appears to be looking very weak from the blood loss. Meanwhile, Andy still has his shoulder pressed up against the ring post after missing that spear.
Payne uses the ropes to prop himself up as Andy recovers. Payne throws a punch. Andy returns fire with a punch of his own. They continue to trade back and forth until Andy clotheslines Payne over the top rope. Payne grabbed a hold of Andy though and took him down with him!
Both men are on the outside on their feet now as they continue to exchange punches. Andy throws a knee into the mid section of Payne, and throws him into the railing.
Andy throws a kick at Payne and then directs his attention at Joy Giovanni! Joy is Payne's manager and is there as his manager and nothing else. Why is Andy harassing this poor woman AGAIN?
Andy points down at Joy's bloodied client.
Joy: "STOP IT! Leave him alone!"
With Payne still pressed against pressed up against the railing, Andy goes for a running kick, but Payne moves out of the way and Andy crashes and burns into the steel railing. Andy should have kept his attention on Payne!
Payne gets a burst of energy.
Payne is up on his feet. He throws some punches at Andy. Andy shakes off the punches and charges after Payne. Payne counters the attack by ducking under and giving Andy a Payneful Drop (Samoan drop)! Payne is pumped now as he stands tall with a face full of his own blood. Payne grabs a present which is obviously a fold-up table. Payne slits the wrapping paper off with his blood hand and then shoves the table inside the ring. Payne shoves Andy into the ring and goes to set up the table. It takes Payne a little longer to set the table up due to the wrapping paper but he eventually has it set up a few feet from the turnbuckle. Andy gets up just in time to deck Payne with a right hand.
Andy works over Payne with some mounted punches. Andy throws Payne into the ropes and goes for a clothesline. Payne ducks, bounces off the ropes, and takes out Andy with a heel kick! Payne grabs Andy and goes for the crippler crossface, but Andy reverses into a back suplex. Andy picks up Payne and places him on top of the table. Andy gives Payne a kick to the stomach and sets him up for what could be the Vortex Pile driver (modified Pedigree) but Payne counters with a Payneful Drop through the table!! Payne throws his arm over Andy.
Andy kicks out!
Payne picks up Andy and gives him the Payneful Bottom (Rock Bottom)! He covers him.
NO! Andy kicked out! I can't believe it!
Payne can't either.
Payne rolls Andy over and locks him in the Crippling Payne (Crippler Crossface). He has Andy positioned in the center of the ring. Andy has no where to go.
Payne is pulling back on the neck of Andy who's trying to break out with his free hand.
Andy can't.
Andy is gonna tap.
But he refuses!
Jim Ross: "By Gawd this Andy Morrison boy refuses to tap out!"
Andy still refuses to tap out as he spends well over a minute in the crossface.
Andy is making very little progress in getting to the ropes. Payne looks up at the ceiling, blood streaming down his face, as he pulls back on Andy's head.
Andy motions with his hand but he still isn't tapping.
Andy finally makes some progress. He's getting very close to the bottom rope now...
But Payne releases the hold, picks up Andy, and gives him another Payneful Bottom! (Rock Bottom)
Payne covers Andy.
Hunter Payne wins!
Balloons and confetti rain from the ceiling as Joy Giovanni jumps in the ring. She pops open a bottle of champagne and pours it all over Hunter who has his hand raised by the official.
WINNER: Hunter Payne
Wayne Witasick: "Wow, Jim that match started off a little silly but ended on a pretty inspirational note."[/font]
[color=#00BFFF]Jim Ross: "Andy Morrison refused to quit. Payne couldn't put him away with one Payneful Bottom or the Crippling Payne. Payne had to dish out a lot of punishment to put Andy down."
SVD Promo
"Phenomenon"By TFK begins to play and the crowd begins to give a mixed reaction as Salman Van Dam makes his way out to the ring with a smirk on his face.He looked around the audience taking a glance at every single one that is sitting in the arena as Salman Van Dam begin to strolled down the ramp and walk further closer to the squared circle.SVD wasn't suppose to be here and yet he is here -- but why?for what reason?.
He is not trying to make himself matter around here.He is not here to seek for attention but he is here for something and what?We don't know.The self proclaimed Hardcore Icon than walked upto to the steel steps.He was on the apron as he look around at the crowd.Before,he could enter into the ring and address everyone.
He took the microphone in his hand as he begin to twirl it around his hand as he put his other hand across his chest.He looked from left to right as his eyes pan across every fan sitting in the arena.
SVD embraces the mic to his lips as he finally open his mouth.
SVD:"For weeks I've been doing random promo to hype and promote myself.I tried different thing.I sent emails to opponents.I did random location interviews and yet no body took me seriously.All I get and hear from you people is a loud boo coming out of your disgusting little mouth"
He pauses as the crowd boo and he knew how they would react? So he plan to play into them and use it for his advantage.
SVD:"See there you go again",the loud chorus of boo echoed as SVD hoist the mic towards the audience sitting in attendance as it wasn't soon enough that he brough the mic back to his lips,"See that kind of reaction really really annoys me.They say I am nauseating and big load of crap.I shouldn't be wrestling because my language skills suck.Well too be honest it those people suck that think that language skills makes you a better wrestler.To be honest it might make you one hell of talker but even journalist and news reporters are good at it.They are not called WRESTLERS"
"Then why?Why do you care what sort of language skills do each and everyone of us has.Hell I would just talk in Urdu but you people won't even understand it -- hell you don't even understand Khali.Hey even his people back in INDIA doesn't understand him but no body cares how big he is or how famous he is?but that is all about to change when we talk about Syed Salman Mohsin Naqvi A.KAY.A Salman Van Dam.You see I want to be mattered..I want to be taken seriously here from now on -- you people like it or not.It's no more silly business.It's all about me and taking each of your so called HEROES down and I am gonna do it extreme hardcore Style.I do not need a twenty four by seven championship to prove myself how tough I am?All I need is this damn ring a referee and some jaborani who is willing to fight and get his ass whooped by the WORLDS GREATEST HARDCORE RASSLER...And I am telling you NOW ..The So-called Losing Streak end's here"
He then drops the mic as the camera took a closer look at his face.He extends his hands side way and he in methodical pace raises his head and looks straight up at the rafters with his eyes closed as we cut away.
United States Title
Mr. Satellite (United States Champion)
- vs -
Tony Santos
Whip on a Pole
There will be a whip suspended from a pole in the ring.
The winner is whoever can hit their opponent with the whip 3 times!
Jim Ross: "Up next we have Mr. Satellite defending the United States Title against Tony Santos in a match where you must whip your opponent three times with a whip that's hanging from a pole."
Wayne Witasick: "This stipulation is quite bizarre and random. There's hardly any history between Santos and Satellite, but they've been put into this high risk match anyway."
Jim Ross: "Our ring crew has just finished erecting the pole and we now get our first look at the whip-- or WHIPS I should say."
Wayne Witasick: "That's right, JR. It appears as though they've included an Indiana Jones style whip, a riding crop, and a cat of nine tails."
Jim Ross: "I'd hate to be the receiving end of either one of them!"
"A Lesson Never Learned" hits, roaring guitars filling the arena. Tony Santos descends down the entrance ramp, black trench coat on his back, taking slow, confident strides toward the ring. The disdain from the crowd pouring in, Tony Santos takes it all in with a smirk that would put Alex Rodriguez to shame.
Mr. Satellite exuberantly pops out from a trap door at the top of the ramp like he was being fired out of a cannon. Mr. Satellite lands on his feet a few feet from where he shot in the air from and immediately takes off for the ring. Slapping a high five to random fans who stick their hand out as he passes them on his way to the ring. Mr. Satellite then slides into the ring and climbs the turnbuckle and strikes a pose. The fans scream and shout as Mr. Satellite does this. Finally Mr. Satellite drops down and stands staring out towards the entrance, waiting for the next participant to arrive.
With both men in the ring, the match takes off with the sound of the ring bell.
Santos immediately runs after the whips on a pole which was conveniently located just behind him. Santos gets his finger tips on the riding crop but Satellite pulls him down with a back suplex. Satellite gives Santos a falling headbutt and follows up with some mounted punches.
With Santos down, Satellite looks to retrieve one of the three whips. He's got his sights set on the Cat of Nine Tails whip. He wraps his fingers around the handle of the whip and tries to detach it from the pole, but he's attacked from behind by Santos. Santos climbs up to the top rope with Satellite and rams Satellite's head into the metal pole! Santos pushes Satellite down so that Satellite lands belly-first on the top rope. Santos retrieves the the riding crop whip. He then approaches Mr. Satellite who's still hanging over the top rope with his rear-end pointed to the sky. Santos holds the riding crop over his head, and whips Satellite on his ass with it!
The momentum of the whip causes Satellite to spill over the top rope, holding his ass. Santos continues to chase Satellite around the ring with the whip. As he rounds the corner, Satellite tips over the steel steps and causes Santos to trip! Satellite grabs the steps and drops them over the upper back of Santos. Satellite takes the steel steps and pushes them through the ropes and into the ring. Satellite throws Santos in as well.
Satellite drops Santos on top of the steel steps with a roundhouse kick. After that he gives Santos a leg drop while Santos was still laying on the steps. Satellite goes for one of the other whips on the pole. He grabs the Indiana Jones whip! He goes to whip Santos with it, but Santos rolls out of the way just in time causing the tip of the whip to smack against the steel steps.
Santos collides into Satellite with a crossbody, sending Satellite's weapon of choice flying in the air. Santos drags Satellite over to the steel steps that were brought in the ring earlier, and gives him a Russian leg sweep on top of them! Santos retrieves the Indiana Jones whip. He waits until Satellite gets up on his own, and then pops him across the cheek with the Indiana Jones whip! Satellites holds his face as he flees to the outside.
Santos goes after Satellite again, this time crashing into him with a suicide dive! Santos rolls Satellite into the ring and climbs up to the top rope. Tony extends both arms to balance himself, and then leaps off with... The Tony Award! (Shooting star press) Tony instinctively tries to pin Satellite but remembers that he must use the whip on Satty!
Santos goes for the final whip, the cat of nine tails. He has it in both hands when he's interrupted by Mr. Satellite who takes him off the top rope with an electric chair drop. Satellite throws Tony into the ropes, and takes him down with a flying clothesline. Satellite goes into a chin lock hold momentarily as he prepares Santos for the next move. He gives Santos a fireman's carry onto the steel steps! Mr. Satellite then climbs up to the top rope, jumps off, and lands on Santos with a moonsault on the steel steps. Satellite grabs the Nine Tails whip and strikes Santos across the chest with it! Santos rolls over in pain, and Satellite strikes him on the back! Satellite goes to deliver the third and final strike but Santos rolls out of the ring.
The score is now 2-2, and it's game point.
Oh my, Santos has recovered the riding crop whip on the outside while Satellite is still inside the ring with the Nine Tails whip.
Jim Ross: "Which of these men can give the better whipping?"
Santos and Satellite meet in the center of the ring and they both begin to whip each other at the same time! Both men have executed the third whipping at the same time! They don't stop though, they just keep hitting each other over and over with the whips!
"This match has been declared a DRAW!
It looks like that might be the end of the match, but then the X-Tron lights up...
It's Shane D. !
Jim Ross: "What the hell is he doing here, damn it?"
Wayne Witasick: "Easy, JR! That's the owner of the company."
Shane : "Are you kidding me? We can't have a draw in the first ever 'Whip on a Pole Match!' Referee, restart the match. This prestigious match has officially gone into OVERTIME. Whoever scores a pinfall or submission is the winner!"
With that, the match is officially restarted!
Santos lunges at Satellite with his whip, but Satellite ducks and gives Santos a neck breaker. Satellite takes Santos over to the ring steps and tries to give him a DDT, but Santos blocks it. Instead, Santos executes a take down on Satellite, and gives him the Santos Stretch (Sharpshooter) on the ring steps! Satellite spends thirty seconds inside the torturous submission hold before he finds a way to break out of it. Santos continues to work over Satellite though as he picks up the whip and cracks Satellite over the back with it! Santos nails Satellite with the Nine Tails whip so many times that we lose count!
Santos pushes Satellite back on the steps. He goes up to the top rope again, this time for the Final Destination (Senton Bomb) He flies through the air and is aimed at Satellite, but Satellite rolls out of the way just in time! Santos lands back-first on the steel steps with his finisher.
Satellite recovers, holding his back which is completely red from that lashing he took. He gives Santos the Seeing Stars (RKO) on the steel steps and covers him.
Jim Ross: "Satellite retains! Not without Santos putting up a fight though. This kid showed some heart tonight."
Winner: Mr. Satellite
Some sort of trophy just nailed Mr. Satellite in the back of the head! What's Shane  doing? He stands over Mr. Satellite's fallen body and slowly bends down to pick up the trophy which now can clearly be seen. Shane holds it up high and puts his foot over Mr. Satellite's chest.
Shane : "Ladies and gentlemen, say hello to your winner of this match. Look how impressive he looks!"
Mr. Satellite remains under Shane's foot.
Shane : "So impressive, in fact, that the XWF has found Mr. Satellite to be the MAY STAR OF THE MONTH! What a great month he had in May! No wonder he's got to sleep it off this month!"
Shane drops the trophy onto Mr. Satellite's chest and kneels down to shake his limp hand before exiting the ring to a chorus of boos. Shane has found the perfect way to award Mr. Satellite his SOTM trophy! What a great, great owner!
X-Treme Title:
Crimson Cobra
- vs -
John Austin
- vs -
Matt Lennox (X-Treme Champion)
- vs -
Steve Davids
Parking Lot Brawl
Jim Ross: "Up next is our fatal fourway parking lot brawl match. The interesting thing about this match is that Matt Lennox was a last minute addition due to the title change that look place a couple of days ago."
Wayne Witasick: "That victory for Lennox was surprising indeed. I don't think Lennox expected it to be THAT easy!"
Seeing as how this match begins in the parking lot, there are no entrances tonight for these four men.
Instead, we go straight to the parking garage where these four men have been brought.
Inside, the parking garage is cleared out except for ten cars which make a circle around the four competitors. All four men are dressed in street clothes, that's how you know this is extreme!
The bell rings.
Cobra goes for the X-Treme champion.
Austin and Davids go after each other.
Remember, the champion does not have to be pinned in order to lose the title here.
Davids and Austin are rolling around on the hood of one of the cars, punching each other. Cobra has Lennox on the concrete floor and is kicking him in the torso. Cobra picks up Lennox and tosses him on the hood of one of the cars! He then goes back to work with some more punches on Lennox.
Davids and Austin are still going back and forth, neither man getting an advantage over the other.
Cobra grabs Lennox by his hair and shoves the back of his head down into the hood of the car. He then chokes Lennox with both hands around his throat. Lennox smacks Cobra's arms, trying to break free.
It's not until Davids comes along to break the choke hold that Lennox is free.
Davids takes Cobra and tosses him into one of the other cars, causing Cobra to land on the windshield of the car.
Davids turns his attention back to Lennox who's still on the hood of the car. Davids takes Lennox by the back of his neck and slams him into the side of the automobile. He then opens the drivers door, places Lennox body inside, and slams the car door on Lennox' head!
At that moment, Austin jumps on the back of Davids with a sleeper hold! Davids tries to shake Austin off by slamming him with his back on the side of the car, but Austin absorbs the damage the best he can and holds on as Davids begins to fade.
With Austin still hanging on with the sleeper hold, Davids reaches inside the car with one free hand and pulls a cup of hot coffee out of the cup holder of the car! He removes the lid of the cup of hot coffee, and splashes it into the face of John Austin! That'll definitely break the hold.
Austin is rolling around now with steaming hot coffee in his face!
Cobra catches Davids with a flying knee that pushes Davids' back-first to the side of the car. Cobra throws a combination of punches into the ribs of Davids.
We glance over at Lennox who's being helped up to his feet by his manager Jacob Lewis. This is the first time we've really seen Lewis get involved so this match must be important to Lennox. Cobras sees what's going on and runs after Lennox, but Lennox side steps and shoves Jacob Lewis into Cobra! Cobra smashes through Lewis but falls down in the process. That allows Lennox to mount Cobra from behind for some punches to the back of the head.
Lewis takes Cobra over toward the back-end of the car and gives him a vertical suplex onto the trunk! Lennox climbs up on the car and locks the Incredible Lock (Sharp Shooter) on Cobra!
Cobra has no where to go as he feels to pain of Lennox' sharp shooter on the trunk of the car.
Davids breaks up submission.
Davids drops some elbows down over the back of Lennox' skull. He pulls Lennox off the trunk of the car with a hip toss onto the cement floor of the parking garage.
Davids then goes after Lennox by choking him on the trunk of the car. Jacob Lewis steps in to help out Lennox. Lewis tries to tackle Davids, but Davids side steps, opens the back passenger side door, and Lewis ends up diving head-first into the back seat of the car!
Davids slams the door shut on Lewis, but then he turns right into a clothesline from Lennox.
Lennox turns around and is met by the boot of Cobra as Cobra executes a super kick to the jaw! Cobra looks pleased to see that most everyone is down but seems to have forgotten about one person...
AUSTIN leaps through the air and drives Cobra's face into the trunk of the car with an RKO!
Austin seems to have finally gotten over that hot coffee he took to the face as he's now dragging Crimson Cobra out of the parking garage.
Austin guides Cobra to through the doors and starts to make his way through the backstage area. He'll need to get Cobra all the way to the ring in order to pin him
Our cameras catch up to the two men as Austin throws Cobra into the walls of the backstage area every couple of feet.
They're finally closing in on the area just behind the entrance curtain. At that moment, Cobra fights back with an uppercut to Austin. Cobra is now in control as he throws Austin through a stack of unused production equipment.
Cobra and Austin finally make it on stage with Cobra leading the way.
Cobra tries to give Austin a suplex on the steel ramp, but Austin punches out of it. Austin gives Cobra a knee lift, followed by a headbutt. Austin now takes Cobra from the aisle to the ring! Austin gives Cobra a triple German suplex in the ring, bridging on the third one for a pin attempt.
Cobra kicks out!
These two continue to go back and forth as we go backstage where Matt Lennox and Steve Davids are still fighting.
Lennox and his manager Lewis have managed to double team Davids as Lewis holds Davids back for Lennox to punch. Davids only takes so much abuse before he lifts his leg and throws a boot to the face of Lennox. That triggers Lewis to attack Davids with an upper cut to the stomach.
Lewis goes to work on Davids with some punches. He goes to slam David's face into the window of the car, but Davids counters, and throws Lewis's face into the side of the car instead. Davids finally has the upperhand but then Lennox pounces him from behind, locking in a sleeper hold.
Davids is in a bad spot right now as Lennox has that sleeper applied in a very well formed choke. Davids needs to come up with something quick before he's choked out. This becomes a hell of a problem for Davids as he struggles to come up with a solution. Davids finally removes Lennox as he runs backwards and slams himself and Lennox back-first into the side of it. The momentum of that move cracked the glass a bit.
Davids body slams Lennox on the hood of the car and gives Lennox a running elbow strike to the throat. Davids goes inside the car through the driver's door. He pokes around at the console of the car, looking for something. Once he finds what he's looking for, we hear an audible click. Davids gets out of the car, grabs Lennox... and tosses him into the trunk!
Davids slams the trunk of the car closed with Matt Lennox trapped inside!
Lewis runs up to Davids and tries to punch him, but Davids blocks it and takes him out with a clothesline.
Davids walks away from the parking garage now, and begins to run towards the backstage area. He'll need to hurry his ass to the ring before Cobra or Austin pin one another!
Back to the ring...
Austin and Cobra are still going at it. Austin takes Cobra down with an exploder suplex and makes the pin.
Kick out by Cobra!
Finally, Steve Davids makes it to ringside and walks down to the ring.
Austin sees Davids make his way over and flies into him with a suicide dive!
Austin has claimed the ring as his at this point!
Austin hops up to the apron, springboards off the ropes, and lands on top of Cobra with a leg drop. He pins him.
Davids interrupts the count with a running elbow drop.
Davids goes for an axe kick on Austin, but Austin moves out of the way and tosses Davids aside with a release German suplex.
Austin pulls Davids up into a side headlock as Davids sits on his knees. Austin then goes to work on Davids with a series of Dragon Style elbows to the face. After about twelve of those repeated elbow strikes, Austin pulls Davids up and transitions into the 12 Steps (Sleeper suplex)! Austin pins Davids.
Davids kicks out! So close.
Cobra run up to attack Austin, but Austin hits him with a Giant Chop to the bridge of his nose! OUCH.
Austin slides out of the ring and goes for a steel chair. He steps back inside the ring and goes after Davids with it, but Davids counter attacks with a big boot, sending the chair flying into Austin's face! Davids picks up Austin and gives him the Shockwave (Cradle neck breaker). Davids pins Austin.
WAAAAAIT Austin had his foot on the ropes! The referee nearly missed it. So close.
Davids slams his fists on the mat. He picks up Austin and launches him over the top rope, fed up with him.
As Davids turns around Cobra runs after him for an attempt at a Lou Thesz press, but Davids catches him with the spinning forearm! He landed that strike just perfect and managed to knock out Cobra. Davids covers Cobra.
Austin tries to get in...
3! Yes, he got it! New champion.
Austin had half of his body in the ring, ready to break the count, but he was too late.
Steve Davids can't believe it; he's finally earned some gold here in the XWF!
Jim Ross: "By Gawd he earned it here tonight, Wayne. Steve Davids has bounced back after failing his first quest at the X-Treme Title at High Stakes!"
Wayne Witasick: "No doubt about it. Austin brought a hell of a fight here tonight though. Hey wait a minute, what is Austin doing?"
We turn our attention over to John Austin who's at the time keeper's table. He has the X-Treme Title and is hightailing it out of the arena! Davids doesn't notice until Austin is up on stage. Our cameras catch up to Austin as he stands on stage proudly with the X-Treme title that he just stole from Davids.
John Austin: "I'm the true winner! You didn't beat me tonight, Davids! I'm taking this thing with me."
Jim Ross: "That son of a bitch. Did he really just steal Steve Davids' championship?"
WINNER: Steve Davids
Bad Luck Davids
Steve Davids is furious as he begins to beat up the referee of the previous match. He gives that poor referee a Shockwave before dumping him over the top rope. Suddenly, the lights go out...
Eight seconds later they come back on and...
Holy shit, Brian Braxton and three other masked motherfuckers have just hit the ring and are giving Steve Davids a beat down! Come on guys, the man just had his championship stolen from him. Who in the hell are these masked motherfuckers other than "masked mother fuckers," and why is Braxton leading them in an attack on the newly crowned X-Treme Champion?
Masked Motherfucker #1 is a big guy, probably 6'4 300 pounds. He picks Davids up and falls forward with a World's Strongest Slam.
Masked Motherfucker #2 is an athletic type. He comes off the top rope and lands an elbow drop on Davids.
Masked Motherfucker #3 is the sadistic lunatic type. He takes the only four fingers that he has and jams them down the throat of Davids, choking him!
While the Masked Motherfucker Mafia takes care of Davids, Brian Braxton demands a microphone.
Brian Braxton: "Mr. McGovern I cannot tell you how much it pains me to not see you here tonight, I had hoped to inform yo personally that your time as the European Champion is almost up. I can however, inform the entire XWF locker room that the time for my Order of Pain is upon you all. Tonight is only the beginning."
- vs -
Luca Arzegotti
- vs -
Mark Flynn
- vs -
- vs -
Peter Gilmour The Crimson Dong
- vs -
Elimination Chamber
Special Guest Referee: John Madison
The large structure of the elimination chamber is lowered from the ceiling as we prepare for our main event.
Once the chamber is surrounding the ring, we go to the stage for the entrances.
"Wish" plays as the King of the XWF makes his way down to the ring first. He's wearing a referee shirt and is carrying a cattle prod in one hand. The special guest referee enters the chamber as we await the six participants.
And now, the four men who will occupy the four separate chamber enclosures.
Eleanor Regby plays as Mark Flynn comes out in an overblown robe. No expression, no eye contact with opponent, eyes open when the bell rings. He enters one of the small glass enclosures inside the chamber.
"Scorpions Send me an Angel" plays as Heironeous comes down wearing a light weight pale cloth jacket with the hood over his head. Heironeous stops at the top of the ramp way, lowering his head just a little before flipping his head back making his hood fall back and extends his arms out at Ninety degree angle with triggers the white and yellow pyro some falling just behind him and the rest firing upwards. Heironeous then starts to travel down the left hand side slapping all the hands of the fans before going back to the top of the ramp and repeating it with the right. Sliding into the ring he goes and shakes the hand of the referee before he starts stretching using the ropes of leverage. Heironeous steps inside of one of the other chamber enclosures.
"Nugget" by cake begins to play. Stepping through the curtains precisely when the first verse starts, Luca and Katrina stroll down the ramp, Luca with an extremely cocky grin on his face, Katrina running around and getting in the fans' faces. He steps between the ropes and into the ring, where he steals the ring announcer's microphone and uses it to sing/shout the chorus to the crowd who are booing the two like crazy by this point while leaning against the ropes. Luca Arzegotti occupies the third enclosure.
Eli James comes walking out as if he were walking on the beach on a sunny day... smiling without a care in the world. “In time” by Mark Collie plays we he gracefully approaches the fourth enclosure of the elimination chamber.
That leaves only two men left. Nightmare and The Crimson Dong
The Arena Lights fade until it is pitch black. “Your Nightmare has arrived” is shown on the X-Tron as Avenged Sevenfold - Nightmare begins to play over the loud speakers. A trail of fire begins on the ground at the top of the ramp and begins to head down towards the ring, once it reaches the ring it splits into 2 and heads around the ring. Once the 2 trails meet on the opposite side of the ring Flames explode out of the turn-buckles. An unknown masked hooded figure appears at the top of the entrance ramp and stands there for a few seconds.
The crowd are all at the feet looking in confusion as Nightmare makes his way onto the top of the ramp behind this unknown person. They slowly begin walking down to the ring. The unknown person remains on the outside of the ring as Nightmare climbs up onto the apron and then into the ring.
Nightmare awaits the arrival of The Crimson Dong.
“Trouble” plays as The Crimson Dong runs down the aisle. About half-way down, he does a cartwheel, and then humps the ring post.
Dong goes to enter the chamber when…
Jim Ross: "What in the hell?"
The attacker is in a leather jacket and is ducking his head so that the cameras cannot capture his face.
Once he's finished beating down Crimson Dong, he lifts his head and faces the camera...
Jim Ross: "By Gawd it's Peter Gilmour!"
Wayne Witasick: "What!? I thought he wasn't cleared!"
Peter Gilmour takes Crimson Dong by the throat and launches him over the barricade and into the first row of fans! He then removes and walks towards the entry door of the chamber.
At that moment, road agents, security, and other backstage personnel begin to make their way down the ramp, chasing after Peter!
Jim Ross: "Peter is not medically cleared to compete. He must have sneaked by all of these officials! He's almost inside the chamber, but wait--"
Special guest referee John Madison lunges for the chamber door and tries to close it before Peter can step through. John tries to shut the door, but Peter blasts through it, using his body weight. John falls on his ass as Peter Gilmour is able to step into the cage. Peter closes the door behind him and bolts it shut! He then takes the key that John Madison dropped on the ground and eats it! Peter Gilmour has taken back his spot in the Elimination Chamber!
Wayne Witasick: "I can't believe it. Peter has locked himself inside the chamber and thrown away the key!"
Jim Ross: "One of these men will face John Madison in two weeks! By Gawd, who's it gonna be?"
Wayne Witasick: "This is gonna be WILD, Jim. I don't think any of these men know what's in store for them in this match."
Jim Ross: "I've called many of these in the past, and let me tell ya, they ain't pretty."
Nightmare and Peter Gilmour square off in the center of the ring first. Both of these big men go after each other and smack chest-to-chest, trying to knock each other down. Peter's throws some punches into Nightmare's face, aiming right at the bizarre mask that Nightmare wears. Peter throws Nightmare into the ropes, and hits him in the chin with a back elbow strike. Peter utilizes the elbow again by dropping it over the back of Nightmare's head. Peter takes Nightmare into the ropes again, and clotheslines him over the top and onto the steel floor!
Jim Ross: "By Gaws, we're just under 2 minutes in and Peter Gilmour has already taken this match to the outside. Remember now, every five minutes, one of these small glass chambers will be opened, and bring in a new contestant to the match."
Peter Gilmour gives Nightmare a scoop slam, causing Nightmare to land back-first on that steel platform for a second time. Gilmour gives Nightmare a chain of leg drops; three to be exact. Gilmour picks up Nightmare and signals for the Deathstrike! He tries to lift Nightmare for a Death Strike (double underhook pile driver) on the steel floor, but Nightmare reverses it into a back body drop! Peter gets his first taste of the steel flooring of the chamber as he falls back-first. Nightmare continues to work on Peter with some stomps to the chest.
Wayne Witasick: "One minute, Jim, and a new entry will be cut loose."
Nightmare picks Peter Gilmour up and slams him against the chain-linked cage. He then carries Peter over to the center of the outside floor, and delivers him on the steel with a falling slam! Nightmare isn't done though. He pulls Peter Gilmour up into a full nelson hold, and throws him face-first into the chain-link! As Peter's face bounces off the chain-link, Nightmare catches him with a reverse suplex into a pin.
Peter kicks out.
Nightmare goes to work on Peter with some more stomps as the countdown from 5 begins.
The next entrant is...
Mark Flynn!
Mark Flynn steps out of the enclosure and head straight into the action.
He jumps on Nightmare's back and applies a choke hold! Nightmare was caught off guard by it and loses his balance. The choke hold is locked in nicely as Flynn tries to submit the big man. Nightmare breaks free though as he slams himself and Mark Flynn into the chain-link wall of the chamber. After that, Nightmare strikes Mark Flynn in the face with his knee, causing the back of Flynn's head to crash into the chain-link. Peter Gilmour is back in service now. He attacks Nightmare from behind with a bulldog! Nightmare's face hit the steel on that one. Gilmour with a pin.
Nightmare powers out.
Gilmour continues to work on Nightmare with some kicks. All three men are still located on the outer part of the Elimination Chamber with the steel floor and two of the floor glass enclosures on opposite ends.
Gilmour takes Nightmare and gives him a snake eyes onto the top rope. Gilmour then turns his attention to Mark Flynn and kicks him into the chain-link wall. Gilmour takes Flynn and runs him head-first into one of the glass enclosures! It's the same enclosure that contains Heironeous.
Peter isn't happy that the glass didn't break.
He takes Mark Flynn and throws him back-first into the glass enclosure again!
Still no break.
Heironeous is shaking his head. He's trapped in a bad way.
Jim Ross: "Heironeous is in a very dangerous spot if one of these men goes flying through that glass pod!"
Wayne Witasick: "I think Peter is determined to throw Flynn through it though, Jim. In about one minute, the next entrant will be released into this match."
Peter grabs Mark and throws him into the glass enclosure for a third time. The edge of the glass panel is pushed in slightly in the lower corner, but it's still holding up. Peter knows that it will only take one more smash and Mark Flynn will be put through the glass panel!
Peter scoops up Mark Flynn, and it looks like he's gonna try to shoot Flynn into the glass enclosure like a fucking dart!
But wait--
Jim Ross: "Oh maw GAWD! What a move! Peter Gilmour was carrying Mark Flynn and Nightmare speared both men through the glass enclosure that was housing Heironeous! Nightmare has destroyed all three men!"
Shards of glass cover Heironeous, Mark Flynn, and Peter Gilmour as Nightmare walks away from the scene. There's ten seconds left until someone new enters the chamber!
With both Peter Gilmour and Mark Flynn in a nice, convenient heap, Nightmare covers both men.
Peter and Mark kick out!
The next participant is...
Wayne Witasick: "Heironeous is in next. He won't have to go very far seeing as how Nightmare brought the action to his little cell which has been reduced to pieces. Heironeous was crushed by the bodies of Gilmour and Flynn that came flying through that pod."
Heironeous is now part of the match but is currently down after getting caught in the crossfire of Nightmare's spear to Flynn and Gilmour.
Nightmare pulls Heironeous out of the wreckage and tosses him into the ring. Nightmare then walks up to Heironeous and places his foot over Heiro's throat, choking him. After choking Heiroenous for a couple of seconds, Nightmare throws Heironeous onto his shoulder, and places him in the center of the ring with a running power slam. Nightmare pins Heironeous.
Heironeous kicks out.
Jim Ross: "Heironeous is hurt but he knows this match means a great deal. He ain't gonna go down without putting him a fight, folks!"
Frustrated, Nightmare takes Heironeous and throws him over the top rope, on the end of the chamber opposite to where Flynn and Gilmour are laying.
Both Gilmour and Flynn are slowly recovering as they dust off the tiny glass pieces in their skin and ring gear. Nightmare walks up to Gilmour and greets him with a slap across the face. Nightmare then gives Gilmour an Irish whip into one of the other, empty, glass chambers. The glass doesn't break, but Peter smacks into it hard and falls down on his face.
Nightmare turns his attention to Mark Flynn now.
He takes Mark Flynn and gives him a power bomb onto the hundreds of tiny pieces of broken glass! As if landing on steel weren't enough, Mark Flynn has glass in his ass now!
Nightmare pins Mark Flynn.
BARELY Mark Flynn is able to kick out.
Wayne Witasick: "Wow, Jim. I think you're right. Under normal circumstances, a move like that would have put anyone down. But the stakes in this match are high."
Jim Ross: "Right, Wayne. It's gonna take a lot to put these men down tonight. In two minutes, the fifth contestant will enter. It will be either Luca Arzegotti or Eli James."
The next entrant is…
Eli James!
Eli opens his pod now and goes after Nightmare. Eli clobbers Nightmare with punches, backing him into the corner. Eli transitions from punches to chops, cutting into the chest of Nightmare. Eli pulls Nightmare out of the corner and gives him a DDT. He gives Nightmare a running leg drop and pins him.
Nightmare kicks out.
Peter Gilmour and Heironeous are back in action now. They both go after Mark Flynn who’s still rolling around in the tiny pieces of glass.
Gilmour and Heironeous double team Flynn, by ramming him back-first into the wall of the chamber. Gilmour drops Flynn on the steel with a Samoan drop, and Heironeous hits Flynn with a splash off the top rope! Heironeous moves out of the way as Peter Gilmour sets up Mark Flynn for the Death Strike. Peter tries to pull it off but Flynn hits him with a low blow!
Heironeous jumps in to assist Peter, hammering down on Flynn with punches and kicks.
Once Peter recovers, he runs at Flynn and gives him a Yakuza kick!
Peter takes Flynn again, picks him up, and HE HITS THE DEATH STRIKE! Peter hit the Death Strike on Flynn on the steel floor. Peter Gilmour pins Mark Flynn by placing Marks hands over his chest, similar to the Undertaker style pin. Peter even hangs his tongue out of his mouth.
Wayne Witasick: “What?!”
Jim Ross: “By Gawd, Peter Gilmour just pinned Mark fucking Flynn!”
Wayne Witasick: “I don’t believe it!”
Jim Ross: “Me neither!”
Peter flexes his arms like he Hulk Hogan as he celebrates his victory over Mark Flynn.
From behind, Heironeous takes Peter down with a bulldog! Heironeous tries to eliminate Peter.
Peter kicks out.
Heironeous continues to work over Peter with some ground submissions.
Meanwhile, Nightmare and Eli James are trading punches in the ring. These two big men are dishing out everything they have.
Nightmare tries to scoop up Eli, but Eli bashes Nightmare’s eardrums. Eli gives Nightmare a back breaker. Eli runs off the ropes and hits Nightmare with a running big boot.
On the outside, Peter Gilmour has just stolen everyone’s attention after he countered a hurricanrana from Heironeous with a running powerbomb! Peter Gilmour pins Heironeous.
What the— The referee, John Madison, just attacked Peter Gilmour with the cattle prod!
Peter’s body convulses as he tries to get away from Madison and the cattle prod. Peter gets frustrated and tries to stand up to Madison but again he gets put down by the cattle prod. Peter makes one final stand against John Madison, but Madison swings the cattle prod like a tennis racket into the face of Peter Gilmour!
Jim Ross: “Damn! Madison with a shot to the already broken nose of Peter Gilmour.”
Wayne Witasick: “Pete should have stayed out of this match, JR. He was already going against doctor’s orders!”
Finally, the countdown for Luca Arzegotti begins.
And in comes Luca! Luca rushes in and jumps on Peter Gilmour, delivering a set of lightning-fast punches to the busted open face of Peter Gilmour. Luca is like a vulture as he spins up to his feet and stomps Peter into the floor.
Heironeous gets up and tries to stop Luca, but John Madison takes Heironeous down with the cattle prod as well!
Jim Ross: “DAMN HIM! Damn him straight to hell!”
Wayne Witasick: “Easy, JR! I don’t want him coming over here with that thing!”
Luca works quickly as he lifts Peter up and gives him the Get Away Driver (Omega Driver)!
Luca pins Peter Gilmour.
3! Peter Gilmour has been eliminated.
Jim Ross: “Damn it. Y’know, I don’t care for Peter, no one does actually, but what we just saw was wrong!”
Wayne Witasick: “We’re down to Heironeous, Luca Arzegotti, Nightmare, and Eli James. Luca is going to work on Heiroenous while Eli James is still going back and forth with Nightmare in the ring.”
Luca takes Heiro by the back of the neck and hurls him head-first into one of the chamber pods. Luca then gives Heiro an Irish whip into the pod opposite of them, causing Heiro to hit the glass back-first. Luca works over Heiro with some stomps, cornering him in the steel and glass.
Meanwhile, Nightmare has Eli up in the air and drops him with a vertical suplex. Nightmare impressively lifts Eli over his head and gives him a gorilla press slam to the outside steel flooring! Nightmare continues to work over Eli with some punches and kicks while utilizing the steel structure.
Back to Luca and Heiro, Heiro has made a comeback and just took Luca down with a hurricanrana. With Luca down and out on the steel floor, Heironeous climbs up to the top rope. However, Heironeous doesn’t stop here. He continues to climb until he’s positioned on top of one of the chamber’s glass enclosures! Heironeous balances himself and then leaps off for a senton splash!
But Luca moves out of the way! Heironeous lands back-first on the steel!
Luca gives Heironeous a running double foot stomp. After that, he gives Heironeous a piledriver on the steel floor and pins him.
Wayne Witasick: “Two eliminations in a row for Luca!”
Jim Ross: “Yeah, well let’s see how Luca does against these two monsters in the ring!”
Wayne Witasick: “Monster? Eli is no monster, JR. Eli is just a good ol' boy with wholesome beliefs.”
Luca contemplates jumping into the mix with Nightmare and Eli James but instead decides to stand on the sidelines. It's not like he's the least tired guy in this match!
Nightmare throws Eli James out of the ring and onto the steel flooring with an overhead slam. He then whips his head over in Luca's direction.
Nightmare is going after Luca!
But Madison steps in front of Nightmare...
Nightmare shoves his hand through Madison's face, forcing him onto the ground. Nightmare continues to walk slowly toward Luca.
Wait... Madison just pulled something out of his pocket and tossed it to Luca.
Luca has the object... it's PEPPER SPRAY! He's using the pepper spray on Nightmare! Nightmare's mask is capable of blocking some of the irritant from touching his face, but his eyes are still very vulnerable to the substance. Luca sprays Nightmare over and over. Usually one or two bursts is enough but Luca just doesn't stop! Nightmare drops to one knee as he holds his face in pain. Madison tries to push Nightmare down, but Nightmare grabs Madison by the throat and throws him down. Luca runs after Nightmare but Nightmare big boots him, blindly.
Luca used a lot of pepper spray on Nightmare; probably a dozen times. How in the hell is Nightmare still able to hold himself up on one knee or even fight still?
Luca and Madison are shocked.
Eli James is even beside himself as all three men watch Nightmare rise to his feet, blinded but still going strong. Nightmare has no idea where anyone is; he seems to have lost all sight. Luca goes in for the attack, but Nightmare catches him by the throat. Nightmare throws Luca across the ring into one of the corners. Eli runs in for the attack but Nightmare takes him down with a chop to the chest. John Madison goes after Nightmare with his cattle prod, but Nightmare catches the prod in his hand with a very firm grip! Nightmare removes the cattle prod from John Madison... and he zaps Madison with it! Madison falls on his ass as he gets a taste of his own medicine. Madison tries to get away, but he finds himself cornered in the chamber! Madison begins to climb the walls, trying to get away from Nightmare, but Nightmare shoves the head of the prod into Johnny's asshole! Madison is down, and Nightmare is standing over him. Nightmare moves the cattle prod slowly to John Madison's crotch. Oh my God he's going to cattle prod John's testicles! John is begging Nightmare not to, this has to be worse than when Flo and Sid carved their name into his back.
All of a sudden, Luca comes flying off the top of one of the pods and falls into Nightmare. He saved the king that time, but he hurt himself in the process.
Eli sees that this could be his moment. He pulls Nightmare up and drops him with a reverse DDT on the steel floor! Eli makes the cover.
I can't believe it! Eli James has made it into the final two.
Eli sees the Luca is still hurt from launching his body off the pod and into Nightmare. He covers Luca.
Luca kicks out!
Eli picks up Luca and gives him a reverse DDT on the chamber floor. If it worked on Nightmare, it might just work on Luca. Eli pins Luca.
Luca kicks out!
Eli scoops up Luca and rams him into the chain link wall. He then takes Luca's face and runs it across the chain link before slamming him into it.
Eli pulls Luca up and into a belly to belly suplex. Eli goes straight for Luca's leg, twists it, spins around, and drops back into a bridge. Eli has the Indian deathlock applied! Luca has no where to go.
Eli continues to hold his bridge. He's got a sick smile on his face and isn't gonna let go of Luca until he taps out. Luca is screaming in pain.
Madison is just looking down at Luca, speechless.
Luca puts his hand up; he's about to tap!
He's gonna tap!
He tap---
NO! Madison places his foot down over the arm of Luca! Luca looked like he was about to tap out but Madison is stepping on Luca's hand. He shakes his head "no" down at Luca.
Luca nods his head as if he understands what Madison wants him to do.
Luca turns his hips and reverses the Indian deathlock, transferring all the pressure onto Eli's knee.
Eli is in a bad way now, but he's able to break free from this submission pretty easily.
Eli recovers to his feet and catches Luca in the side of the face with a kick. He waits for Luca to rise and charges at him for a clothesline from hell, but Luca ducks it! Luca throws a back kick into the gut of Eli. He tries for a piledriver but Eli reverses with a double leg take down into... a TEXAS CLOVERLEAF! Eli turns Luca over and has the submission hold locked in!
This is the second submission hold targeting Luca's knee.
Eli has it locked in nicely, with no where to go for Luca.
Luca is ready to tap.
He's got his hand up.
He tap--
No! John Madison reaches down and slaps Luca! He tells Luca again not to tap out.
That slap to Luca seemed to light a fire under his ass as he goes for the ankle of Eli James and breaks out of the hold.
Eli has had it with John Madison's shenanigans. He yells at Madison but then laughs shortly after, like he just had an idea pop into his head. He drags Luca into the ring. He throws Luca into the corner. Eli props himself up on the top rope in a seated position, and goes to lock in the sleeper hold. He's going to apply the Sabbath Nap on Luca!
He gets one arm around the throat of Luca but it's at that moment when Luca blasts him in the side of the head with a punch. Luca spins out of Eli's grasp, and throws a punch into his stomach.
Luca continues to punch at Eli, refusing to give Eli a chance to strike back.
Luca climbs up to the top rope where Eli is already sitting down.
Luca wraps his legs around Eli's neck, and pulls him off the top rope, and to the outside, with a hurricanrana on the steel floor!
Luca pins Eli.
Eli kicks out!
Luca gets up and delivers a running 450 splash onto Eli and pins him again.
Kick out!
Luca takes Eli down to the steel with a snap suplex. Luca then splits Eli's legs and drives his foot directly into Eli's groin.
Luca picks up Eli. He goes for the Get Away Driver (Omega Driver), but he struggles in picking up the 290 pound Eli James. Eli simply forces all his weight down on Luca and Luca falls with Eli landing on top of him.
Eli takes Luca into the ring and puts him into the ropes. He catches Luca with the Big Boss Man Slam. Eli then goes to apply the triangle choke, completing his finisher, "The Cleansing," but Luca bashes Eli in the face with his elbow before Eli is able to lock it in. Luca keeps throwing the elbow as he knows that if he doesn't, Eli will choke him out with that arm.
Eli tries to transition into some mounted punches but receives a punch from Luca as he goes into the mounted position. Luca then reverses the mount into a mount position of his own on Eli. Luca throws a series of punches into the face of Eli and then begins to choke him with his forearm pressed down on his throat. Eli breaks out of this by biting down into the arm of Luca!
Both men get up at the same time.
Eli slaps Luca across the face. Luca throws a roaring elbow, but Eli ducks and takes Luca down with a slam. Eli then tries to apply the triangle arm choke again, but again Luca smashes him with elbows to the top of his head. Luca whips his body around Eli. He pulls Eli up to his feet with a rear choke and tries to transition into the Get Away Driver (Omega Driver) and he hits it! Luca got him!
Luca pins Eli.
Kick out! Kick out! The count was even a little fast but Eli still kicked out.
Luca, frustated, shoots up to his feet and nails Eli with a standing moonsault. Luca drags Eli into the ring. He attempts a second Get Away Driver, but Eli gave him an eye rake. Eli tries to follow that up with a tornado DDT, but Luca counters with a spinebuster! Luca gives Eli a double foot stomp the chest, and then makes his way to the top rope. Luca doesn't stop there though, he continues all the way to the top of he chamber pod!
Luca balances himself...
He takes the leap and lands on Eli James with the Rise Out of Ashes, Motherfucker! (Phoenix Splash). He simply keeps his body covering Eli as Madison goes to make the count.
Jim Ross: "Luca wins! Luca wins!"
Wayne Witasick: "It took a Phoenix Splash off the top of the chamber enclosure, but he got the job done."
Jim Ross: "Luca earned the wildcard, he defended it every week, and now he's beaten all of his competition."
Winner: Luca Arzegotti
John Madison helps Luca Arzegotti to his feet as the announcer declares Luca the winner. The elimination chamber structure is raised as the match comes to a close. Madison has his King of the XWF crown and is putting it on Luca's head as a way of congratulating him.
All of a sudden,
Oh my God
What in the hell is he doing here?
SID FEDER makes his way down to the ring, holding up his trademark three-finger sign as he walks down the aisle. He's got a sadistic look on his face as he looks up at John Madison and Luca Arzegotti. Sid doesn't acknowledge the fans who are booing him relentlessly, until some fat fuck in the front row throws a hotdog at Sid! Sid picks up the hot dog, shoves it down the fan's throat, and pulls the fan by his neck over the barrier and into a DDT!
Madison and Luca just shake their head as Sid Feder makes his way into the ring.
Madison and Feder stare across from each other, with Luca standing between them.
All of a sudden, John Madison pulls a Glock on Sid Feder! Holy shit, Madison has a loaded gun pointed at Feder in the ring! But wait-- Feder has a gun too! Feder pulls out a Glock of his own and points it right back at Madison. Luca is freaking out as he's caught in the middle of these two guns!
SUDDENLY, the lights go completely black in the arena.
SHOTS HAVE BEEN FIRED! Holy shit, Madison and Feder just exchanged gun fire in the middle of the ring. The lights are still out though. We can't tell what's going on.
The lights come back on...
SEBASTIAN DUKE! What the fuuuu-
Duke has John Madison AND Sid Feder by their throats. Neither Madison nor Feder appear to have any gunshot wounds. They're both still holding onto their Glocks as Duke holds them by their necks.
Duke lifts Madison and Feder up into the air, and drops them both with a double choke slam!
Jim Ross: "He's back! I can't believe it, Sebastian Duke is back after being buried alive last month! What in the hell?!"
Even with Feder down, he still has his gun pointed at Madison. Duke kicks the gun out of Feder's hand though. Duke then grabs Madison and puts him into the Pandora's Box! (Hell's Gate)
Madison is tapping out while Sid notices something wrong with Luca Arzegotti...
Luca was shot! Oh my God, Luca is bleeding from his arm.
Jim Ross: "Holy hell! Duke is back but-- but Luca was shot during the fire fight between Madison and Feder! He was caught in that damn crossfire of these two maniacs! We need police and an ambulance here NOW!"
Wayne Witasick: "It was Sid! It had to be! PUT THAT MAN IN JAIL!"
Jim Ross: "We can't possibly know that! For all we know, it might have been Madison who shot Luca."
Luca continues to put pressure on his wound as Duke chokes Madison the fuck out with the Pandora's Box.
Duke pushes Madison to the side like a rag doll and then leaves the ring. He doesn't seem to be interested in hanging around for the police.
Sid Feder sees the cops making their way down to the ring.
Sid Feder: "Fuck the police!"
Sid Feder runs away! He's running from the cops!
Wayne Witasick: "I told you he was guilty, JR!"
Jim Ross: "You can't possibly know that damn it!"
Wayne Witasick: "Then why is he running? He's guilty! And Madison is still here-- not guilty."
Jim Ross: "Because Madison is unconscious, you fool!"
Meanwhile, there are two cops who have already put an unconscious John Madison in handcuffs. Luca is being taken care of by EMTs. The camera pans across the ring where we find a bullet hole in one of the turnbuckles.
After we watch the police carry John Madison away, we switch to the camera team that's following Sid Feder.
Sid Feder is still running away from the police.
The cops are several meters behind him as they call in his description over their handheld radios.
"White male, 6 foot, tie dye pants, black Hart Foundation t-shirt!"
The camera team catches up to Sid Feder in the parking garage. At that very moment, a guy on a Kawasaki motorcycle pulls up. Sid clotheslines the guy off of the motorcycle, and hijacks it!
Sid speeds off in his stolen Kawasaki motorcycle! The cops look angry as hell as they watch him drive out of the arena.
We notice off in the distance of the parking garage, the car trunk that Steve Davids shoved Matt Lennox into earlier is shaking. Matt Lennox is still trapped inside, yelling for help! At that same moment, we see John Austin running up to that same car and hops into the driver's seat! Austin has the X-Treme Title in hand and drives off with Matt Lennox still trapped inside the trunk! Steve Davids is seen running after the car, trying to get his hands on John Austin.
Jim Ross: "By Gawd, ladies and gentlemen. John Austin has stolen Steve Davids' X-Treme Title. Sebastian Duke has returned. John Madison has been arrested. Sid Feder is on the loose. Luca is the number one contender at the King of the XWF, but has been shot! What in the hell happened here tonight?!"