Chris Page
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XWF FanBase: Very random (heel alignment but liked by many; has earned respect despite breaking the rules often)
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Joined: Thu Apr 25 2019
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11-28-2020, 09:12 PM
The scene opens on the historic streets of Tombstone, Arizona.
A lot of history has taken place on these streets. A city that was once looked at as the New York of the West from the gold rush of the 1800s to Doc Holiday and the Earp brother's historic gunfight at the O.K Corral. In less than twenty-four hours from now, the streets are going to be filled with thousands of rabid XWF fans and millions upon millions tuning in from the confines of their own homes for two simple reasons…. The first, will the historic Tag Title reign of Cataclysm eclipse the longest-reigning documented Tag Team Champions in the history of the XWF, and the second is just who will leave the High Stakes Battle Royale as the new XWF Universal Champion.
It's dusk, the sun is starting to set on a seasonably warm Tombstone day as the set for XWF’s High Stakes is in its finishing touches and final preparations. The ring is lit up, the canvass seemingly settling in before beginning the host of tomorrow night’s violence and brutality that will no doubt unfold. It’s clean as the autumn air yet will leave soak in the blood of the XWF Talent. A total of eight title matches but only one that’s carrying an emotional investment than the Ladder Match pitting the challengers of Thaddeus Duke and The Good Doctor taking on the two-man wrecking machine known as Cataclysm.
Upon the opening of “Riders on the Storm” by the epic poet Jim Morrison we see walking out to the top of the ramp draped in Tag Team Gold is none other than the reigning and defending XWF World Tag Team Champions Chris Page and Robert Main, collectively called Cataclysm. Chris and Robert are each dressed in long black trench coats, black jeans, and black snakeskin cowboy boots. The trench coats sit on top of white dress shirts that are tucked in with black cowboy hats channeling their versions of Wyatt Earp and Doc Holiday.
The champions have the belts over their right shoulders as they start to make the walk towards the empty ring. For the first time we see four Ladders; one on each side of the ring. The duo reaches ringside where the look up at the top of the Ladder before Page climbs up on the ring apron before stepping through the ropes and into the ring while Robert turns and makes his way up the ring steps to the ring apron before stepping over the top rope and into the ring.
No microphone is needed as the entrance slowly fades away leaving Cataclysm in the ring, becoming one with the environment that is going to house the biggest gunfight since the fight at the O.K. Corral.
” To think we almost didn’t make it.”
It’s been an interesting ride for the tag champions en route to this one event. Nearly getting caught running guns to Robert getting released from jail over a technicality to buy enough time to make this defense. The roads of adventure never cease to amaze. The versatility Cataclysm carries from one team to another from deeper and darker situations to not so deep or dark issues. The off-balancing off just what you’re going to get directly determines how our opponents will combat us.
It’s usually by now a standard attack that even our very challengers tomorrow night are already guilty of themselves; disheartening, yes, but surely you didn’t expect anything less when Thaddeus Duke is In the mix. We didn’t.
” Reminds me of why I got out of the family business and into the wrestling business.”
” Something told me shit was going to go sideways man, and while I’ve had my issues with the law doing fed time isn’t my idea of fun.”
Chris’s idea of fun is doing what he’s been doing to Thaddeus Duke since the young Duke walked into his life and has decided not to leave…. Slapping him around like the chump that he is while further exposing him as the sheer nobody that he has become.
” That’s behind us now. We made the drop, we made the money and now it’s time for us to complete the story by stamping our ticket to being the longest-reigning Tag Champions in the documented history of this company.”
Robert kneels where he runs his fingertips across the smooth surface of the mat cover as he looks out into the near-empty streets of Tombstone, Arizona.
” Tomorrow night thousands of fans are going to congregate in these streets and are going to be privy to the damnedest fight this place has seen since the eighteen hundreds. It’s going to be the night in which all the talk ends and we solidify ourselves as the best of the best yet again.”
Robert stands back up as we see Chris walk towards the ropes.
” Just knowing the screams of pain that will echo throughout these streets, the massacre that is going to unfold in front of a national audience brings a smile to my face.”
Chris walks over to a set of ropes where he reaches out taking ahold of the top rope before closing his eyes. Suddenly the screen flickers before going black and white.
A roar of boos from the crowd is heard from all sides of the ring as we see Chris Page choking away at Thaddeus Duke with both hands firmly wrapped around his throat back against a neutral corner. Like a boa constrictor, the grip on Thad’s skin tightens, his gasps for air, and the complete look of shock in his eyes as life slips away from him is ever-present.
” They truly have no idea the sand storm they’re about to walk into.
Chris Page laces Thaddeus across the chest with a vile knife-edge shop before he starts to bite Duke across the bridge of the nose.
” An all-out street fight is going to boil over and stain the streets with bloodshed.”
” It’s going to soak into the sands of these streets and leave a lasting impression.”
Visions of Robert Main laying a stiff boot to the face of The Good Doctor sending Louie to the mat is seen. It’s followed up with a leg drop across the throat. The boos from the crowd continue to ring out from all areas around the ringside area.
” The world is waiting for Doc and I to cross paths and finally answer the unanswered question that infests the minds of the mindless; who is the better man? The answer is painfully obvious, that better man is me.”
Robert Main shoots Doc across the ring towards a neutral corner only to charge in after him delivering a running splash that smashes Doc back against the buckles.
” While you’ve been busy sitting on the sidelines enjoying a beverage and some popcorn like the spectator that you are I’ve been in the ring carrying the weight of this company across my broad shoulders. When you’ve been watching as long as Louie has you don’t just jump back in the ring an expect to be as flawless as you once were; which has been evident with how you’ve elected to handle yourself in the final hours before this confrontation.”
We fade from black and white back into a live shot of Chris and Robert, each man standing center ring with the XWF Tag Titles now hanging high above their heads.
” There are a plethora of things in this equation that establishes that we’re the best; two of the main things are hanging above our heads. When Robert and I took these titles from Shawn Warstein and Noah Jackson we took them under the pretenses of making them mean something more than a set of mid-card titles like our predecessors. Robert and I weren’t content with being lackluster; and we knew when we won them that everyone was laying in weight to use the ill-fated “you’ve done nothing” with their routine. We got ahead of that curve by issuing an open challenge, an open contract for anyone to sign at any time.”
” And we are blamed for the lack of pieces of talent that have a pair of nuts to sign that dotted line, that’s cool because that same tired “what have you done” routine is about as played out as Thad’s nineteenth knee injury. It’s a basic bitch response that even Chris and I thought the two of you would have known better but in all actuality, you’ve taken yourselves from legitimate challengers into the pool that is everyone else.”
” Hanging above our heads is the prize that we’ve dangled like a carrot in front of your face to get you to this point, to get you in this kind of environment where all bets are off. The risks that we’re going to take, the number of times our bodies will be put in harm’s way…”
Closing his eyes the screen takes a shift back into black and white as now Chris Page and Thaddeus Duke are shown standing on a Ladder under the XWF Tag Titles that hand above the ring. Thaddeus drives a right hand to the face of Page that rocks Chris nearly causing him to lose his balance. Chris reaches out gouging Thaddeus in the eyes just as he’s reaching up towards the gold.
” The question then becomes how far are you willing to go?”
Instead of reaching up towards the belts we see Chris take Thaddeus off the Ladder with a Swinging Neck Breaker sending both men to free-falling down to the canvass where they land hard to a thunderous ovation from the standing room only crowd on the streets of Tombstone.
” The way you’ve approached us is as if this is Thad versus Page and Main versus Doc; I question f either of you has what it takes to make the sacrifices it takes to be a team. It’s easy to say someone’s got your back, it’s something completely different for that person to have yours. Neither of you is going to crack the code that is Cataclysm thinking singularly while Robert and I continue to think collectively.”
Robert Main and Chris Page are now shown as Chris Page hoists Doc up for a Powerbomb, he runs towards a neutral corner delivering the buckle bomb into a running enziguri on the ring apron from Robert Main. It flashes into Main delivering an inverted atomic drop to Thaddeus while Page bounces off the ropes delivering a clothesline to Duke completing a Hart Attack.
” Chris and I work on a different level than either of you can begin to comprehend. We have something in spades that neither of you can carry. Reliability.”
We cut back to a live shot of Chris and Robert in the ring where now a Ladder sits under the Tag Titles with the Champions standing on each side of the Ladder itself.
” For the last twelve months he and I have shown up for work, we’ve carried the torch of the Tag Division, we’ve kept it consistent every time we’ve stepped foot inside these ropes and put those titles on the line. Can the same be said for the two of you? How long before your next disappearing act? Doc? Are you sticking around in an attempt to re-live glory days from years past? You going to I don’t know, get recognized as a legendary talent that you crave? How about Thaddeus? Can he make it through a major event without having to go home and lick his wounds while tweeting out how glorious he is? “
” Consistency.”
Robert steps forward and away from the Ladder as he continues.
” You don’t get to shit the bed with your first promo and bounce back with one three times as long and us not take the credit for it. In Thaddeus' case, he realized real quick that being his cookie-cutter self wasn’t going to be enough and his attempt to take this to a “lengthy” battle will prove to fail him just as he’s elected to look past me a majority of this run. Rookie mistakes don’t get you to the championships; it gets you the loser’s share of the purse and further exposes you for not being that heavy hitter or main event player that you want everyone to believe you to be.”
Robert stops, he composes himself for a second before he continues.
” The thoughts of shedding your blood for your shortcomings is enough to forgive you for that indiscretion until I can shed it tomorrow night in person.”
Robert closes his eyes as the scene shifts back to black and white. Robert Main has Thaddeus on the floor, Thaddeus face a crimson mask as Robert gouges at Thaddeus' forehead seemingly ripping his flesh from his bone. Thaddeus screams out in sheer pain before dropping to one knee. Robert wipes Thad’s blood across his bare chest as is wearing it as a badge of honor.
Chris Page is shown on the opposite side of the ring with a camera in hand as he measures Doc.
” Making Lou regret his decision of inserting himself into this affair, further showing him why the Hall of Legends isn’t fitting for someone like him, a guy that tries so hard to sell himself on being a fighter but yet was stupid enough to pick a poser to save.”
Chris shatters the camera across Doc’s face sending him falling to the floor like a ton of bricks. The crowd erupts with loud boos as Chris stands over the good doctor taunting him, screaming for him to get up!
” The difference between good and great rests within one fundamentally simple fact. The greats always push the goods to a different level. Take a look at the young Duke for example; yeah he fucked himself three ways from Sunday with his first outing, but look at the time and energy he put into his second one and tell me that it isn’t because WE pushed him to that.”
Returning to the live shot we see Chris Page step forward beside Robert as he continues.
” We can stand here and make that bold assessment and can mean every word of it… can you say the same thing? Have you pushed us to a higher level?”
” You haven’t. You’ll tell yourselves that you have but here in the real world where the rest of us live we have led the entire way while collectively, as a team you’ve both trailed us since day one. You’ve mocked us, you’ve mocked our personalities and you made more false claims in four promos than President Trump has over the last four years! But hey, whatever you need to tell yourselves to put yourselves over, am I right?
” You better go ahead and put yourselves over in your spots leading to this confrontation because I know we sure as shit aren’t putting your over tomorrow night.”
” You boys have followed our trail of breadcrumbs to even going into detail over Robert intentionally dropping the Xtreme Title to Reggie Estrada! We said you’d do it, we said you’d look at it as some sort of kink in our armor going into this critical title defense only to look dumb as fuck yet again when the masterplan unraveled another layer.”
” We don’t expect either of you cunt cakes to understand that this was another layer to a much bigger picture, and yes we’re well aware that you will continue to beat it into the ground like a dead horse because when it’s the only piece of ammunition you’ve got and you’re as predictable as you both have become it’s become expected. The only issue rests with how I was challenged… I took Dick’s words to heart and took Doc’s words to heart when they said the only way I’d win the Universal Championship is with a briefcase, I reflected on my initial title win at Leap of Faith just a few short years ago and how I did climb to the top of the mountain with a briefcase leading the way.”
Robert steps towards the camera taking center stage as his glare sends a chill down your spine like a cold winter’s night in the Arizona desert.
” There’s not a whole lot people can throw at me that’s not easily deflected, but that one I can’t seem to shake. Yes, I intentionally dropped the Xtreme Championship for the sole purpose of making my intentions known that I am coming for MY Universal Championship regardless of whom is holding it and I’m doing it without the fallback of a briefcase.”
” And you fucking mutts lapped it all up like a couple of starving stray dogs that were tossed some table scraps.”
” I made you abandon your initial game plan and divert into a narrative that I controlled; like a puppet master you both danced to the tune that I played for you. In this game, you’ve both been so far behind it’s embarrassing to watch you feverishly try to play catch up while Chris and I truck along continuing to show the federation why we are the top two stars not only in the Tag Team Division but in the goddamn company as a whole. “
” Thad’s got too much on his plate, he’s swallowed by the commitments he’s made and now is at a crossroads as to what’s more important, the Tag Titles or the Universal Title? Time isn’t on your side young man, and if you want to be as good as you claim to be you’d be able to juggle this shit AND be ahead of the curve instead of trying to find a clever response for why you’re so far behind the eight balls.”
There’s a pause from Chris before he starts to laugh under his breath. He reaches over thumping Rob on the shoulder with his right hand as he states.
” It’s like Louie’s justification for being a little butt-hurt over my spot in the Hall of Legends versus his spot on the Top 50… Really? Is that the direction we’re going?”
” Bruh with all the YEARS you’ve spent here versus the collective year and a half I’ve been here since 2005 and you’re NOT on that list of 50 alongside 49 other pieces of talent that gave that same kind of dedication that you gave I’d be pretty pissed off; keep in mind though that list you try to throw in my face as several of Hall of Legends on there, where are you in that Hall? Oh fucking right, you’re still not there. Sorry, not sorry. I’m also not sorry that you are reduced to using a list that hasn’t been updated in three years as a feeble attempt to reduce the hit that I am STILL looked at as a Legend while just looked at as “good”.”
” You didn’t expect him not to try to turn a truth into a lie did you? That’s what he does, it's his deal and while he’s fooled many throughout his career we’re still ahead of that curve and still contemplate why someone like you would stoop to those rookie levels… again. If he thinks that Top 50 list means something take a look at some of the names on that list and tell me they’re not consolation prizes; Michael Graves? Chris Chaos? Robbie Bourbon?”
” You keep that top 50 homie and you’ll find me on the list of 44 that matter; what’s up with that “what have you done?” routine for like the third time in two weeks, and this is from one of the greatest of all time!”
Chris just shakes his head.
” What’s the matter Doc? Running out of things to say that you’re resorting to pulling a Thad?”
” It’s insane to me how people consider this kind of shit as “cutting edge” or “groundbreaking”. Well, since he had to ask again I guess we need to answer… again.”
” Here’s what we’ve done Doc, we’ve beaten everyone booked opposite us, you know kind of what we’re going to do to you and Thaddeus tomorrow night when you can’t hide behind your words and you’re forced to swallow your pride and walk to the ring with a partner that’s in way over his head as he’s shown, and you’re going to have to do what nobody else has been able to do… beat us.”
” And we’ve even given you the advantage by being able to climb a ladder to do it.”
Chris closes his eyes imagining the destruction that is going to be caused to Thaddeus. He envisions Thaddeus on the mat with a Ladder on top of him. Chris runs towards the ropes where he springboards off the middle rope delivering a moonsault on top of the Ladder driving it into the ribs and sternum of Thad Duke.
Cutting back to the live shot Chris has a satisfying smirk on his face as he opens his eyes.
” We’ve catered to your wheelhouse of no rules, anything goes… isn’t that right Lou? Then why aren’t you talking about that instead of constantly repeating yourself with the same dribble you’ve already spoken on. How many times can you look at yourself in the mirror and claim my success was because you weren’t here? Mother fucker you don’t carry that kind of power, it’s a shame that you still think that you do. It’s like you have to reach so far to the most outlandish subject matters to try and tie some sort of relevancy of yourself into it when you don’t play into it at all. Reality is with or without you in the picture I would have still taken my rightful place on top of this federation… and to take it a step further if you still want to question that fact put your name on the dotted line and step into this ring with me one on one and allow me to lend you just a little bit of credibility that you’re seeking.”
” He won’t do that.”
Chris softly states.
” It would mean he’d had to step out of his comfort zone and that’s just not a thing he’s keen on doing. He’s one of those that picks and chooses his times to step in the ring and who he steps into the ring with. He thinks that this is an opportune time to try and stop us from achieving something that we’ve worked towards while he’s been sipping umbrella drinks basking in the glory of years gone past. It’s easy to stand on the sidelines and point the fingers at the guys putting in the work and as he’s learning it’s something completely different to get your ass back in the trenches and fire the shots; again with blanks, but firing shots nonetheless.”
” Just thinking about the pain and suffering we are going to put them through, the imagines of violence that are dancing around in my head….”
” The various ways we’re going to have at our disposal to inflict our will…”
” To cement our legacies as the best by beating two that think they’re the best.”
” Cracking their ribs…”
Robert opens his eyes as we return the live shot.
” You’ve both played the wrong kind of game; this isolate and hope for the best routine aren’t going to cut it. You’ve both failed to give us the credit we’re due when the proof is right there in the pudding. We’ve told you what you would say…”
” You’ve said it.”
” You’ve done shot the same ammo as Centurion and Ruby…”
” Coincidentally also in the Hall of Legends… where’ is Doctor Lou? Oh yeah, he’s not there.”
” You’ve brought nothing tangible to the table that would remotely be considered threatening to our reign as XWF Tag Team Champions. We are primed and ready to go to war, we’ve carefully laid your path that leads you right here to Tombstone and High Stakes where…”
Robert shifts his gaze up towards the XWF Tag Titles that are hanging high above his head.
” Those belts right there are going to be hanging right there for either of you to try and claim.”
Robert lowers his head as Chris states.
” Then we’re brought back to the one question that will separate failure from success. Is either of you willing to do what needs to be done to ascend the Ladder and take away what you claim we’ve done nothing with? Unlike Doc, you know, the one that brags about a reign that can’t be proven yet tries to come at us about knowing history on the same cycle his partner openly admitted to being a lazy fuck to check up on his history! Doc is treating this like a glorified Fatal Four Way as opposed to a match that he has a partner… even if that partner is Thaddeus.”
” What’s the obsession with our masks? More importantly for a guy that hammers people on the history, you might want to go back and check ours and you’ll find the answer to that question in which you’re seeking… but since you won’t do that we will lob you that answer one last time in the off chance you’re both going to remotely pay any attention at all. Our masks represent the level of violence that’s needed to dispose of you; while you’ve both made a focal point out of it… once again by design… we’ve pretty much told you who you’re dealing with because you’re not worth the Omega or the Beast… they’re not needed to wad you, two chumps, up and throw you away like the pieces of trash you are.”
” We aren’t looking for your approval, we’re not looking for you to like us, we’re not looking for your respect or even your praise… we’re looking for your blood, we’re looking to finally end this delusion where Thaddeus is anything other than a second to Corey Smith or anyone else that will put his name in a brighter light for when his name is in that light by itself that light starts to flicker before dimming out to the darkness that infests his inner thoughts and opens himself up to his inner demons; demons that he didn’t know existed.”
” That’s what we do. We lay the traps and you dumbasses walk right into them all the while thinking that you’re in the driver’s seat. You’ve not isolated us, you’ve not broken us, you’ve BARELY motivated us… but it’s not going to stop us from walking down to this ring tomorrow night on Pay-Per-View to show you both exactly how the fuck we’re going to get down. I have that eager feeling in the pit of the stomach; like waking up on Christmas day as a kid and invading my living room to shred open all my gifts that Santa Parents brought me.”
Validation is going to be the ultimate feeling once we’re through using your bodies to absorb all the pain and destruction we choose to force you to endure. We know how good we are and why these titles are looked at why both of your grubby paws want a piece of them.
” Here’s a question.”
” Shoot.”
” Since we’ve done absolutely nothing with these titles other than defending them and not allow them to become paperweights like the good doctor in the past; why are they trying so hard to attain them? Again, it’s not like teams are going to suddenly flood into the federation to challenge you for them; but it doesn’t negate why Doc craves them so bad.”
” Is that a serious question?”
” Fuck no!”
Chris and Robert share a laugh amongst themselves as they each look up towards the XWF Tag Titles which are lightly swaying with a pickup of wind.
” There’s not going to be a Cinderella story at High Stakes, there’s not going to be a situation where good will triumph over evil. We have a stranglehold on those belts and the only way that either of you is going to get them is if you pry them away from our cold dead hands.”
Chris and Robert lower their heads from the title belts.
” History Thaddeus, history has a way of repeating itself.”
Chris has produced a pair of handcuffs.
” History shows us you’ve been outsmarted in this exact situation before… and that time I didn’t have my heavy standing by my side to further shift the odds in my favor. While this is about Robert and I staking claim to what is rightfully ours it will also serve a secondary purpose of ending whatever claims that you seem to think you have when it comes to being better than me.”
” The final hours are upon us and we’re in prime position to go ahead and take this one home. Over the last two weeks, the challengers have been one step behind, they’ve not done a damn thing that separates themselves from the challengers of Chris Chaos and Peter Gilmour from many months back, they’ve done nothing but hinge on our words to form a basis of attack that is just flat out embarrassing and subpar at best.”
” The four of us are about to put ourselves in a dangerous situation that can go from bad to worse within the batting of an eyelash.”
” One ladder tip that’s off by just a fraction of an inch could be catastrophic.”
” We welcome the challenge you’ve put up.”
Robert starts to climb the Ladder.
” But the ending of this story will remain a virtual unknown…”
” Until we decide to takes those steps up that Ladder.”
Robert reaches the halfway point on the Ladder as he looks towards the camera.
” Get a good shot, take a nice long look…”
Robert climbs up one more rung on the Ladder.
” Because one way… or the other….”
Robert takes another step up on the Ladder where he shifts his eyes up towards the XWF Tag Team Championship.
” This story ends with Cataclysm STILL standing on top of the Tag Team Division.”
Robert reaches up towards the titles, his rough, callous hands taking ahold of one of the straps where he pulls it free followed by the second strap on the second title.
” A for effort boys… better luck next time.”
” Don’t shoot the messengers.”
The scene draws to a close with Robert Main sitting on the Ladder with his Tag Title as he passes Chris’s tag title down to him. Main and Page stand tall as we fade to black.