Robert "The Omega" Main
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP
XWF FanBase: The IWC (gets varying reactions in the arenas, but will be worshiped like a god and defended until the end by internet fans; literally has thousands of online dorks logging on to complain anytime they lose a match or don't get pushed right)
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Joined: Thu Dec 15 2016
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Hates Given: 34
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11-28-2020, 08:23 PM
:::::Continued From:::::
Defeat is a state of mind.
"Where is your bother, I agreed to meet with him, not the Main that got caught doing this very same thing..."
Oliver leers in Chris's direction when Page steps forward with an explanation...
"Robert's on his way..."
The man pointed his finger in Page's direction... His hair was slicked back, black and a little greasy the sides white as snow on a winter morning... His teeth were uneven when he spoke. He looked about fifty years old, but he was closer to sixty. Nobody knew the man's real name, but in the business, he was in, a name was the last thing he could afford to give. He was known merely as "Vinnie," and he was one of the highest-paid black market deals in the world.
" I didn't ask you did I, you thin-skinned prick..."
Page takes another step forward cracking his knuckles...
" Take a step back kid before you get yourself hurt... Now I'll ask Oliver here again... Where in the fuck is your brother? I won't ask you again..."
" Vinnie, he got caught up... He told Chris and me to get here on time and make the drop... We're here and everything is accounted for... You can take my word for it..."
" Your word for it huh? Your word doesn't mean shit to me... How the hell, do I know this isn't a setup? You did just get out of the joint right? For all, I know as soon as I make a deal the feds will storm this fucking shit hole..."
Page again steps forward.
" Oliver is not rat..."
Vinneis bodyguard stepped forward this time cutting Page off... The bodyguard was the personification of self-confidence, never saw the value of blending in. He figured he'd let his reputation proceed him - the fact and the fiction. His strategy was to become a legend and let that elevate him.
" Kid, I've told you once now, now I'm telling you twice if I have to tell you a third time you'll be drinking through a straw for the rest of your life..."
" I'm not working for the feds, do you think I jeopardize my flesh and blood?"
Vinnie stares Oliver in the eyes stepping forward...
" A rat would sell out his grandmother..."
"Look man do you have the money or not? Chris and I can leave and forget this shit ever happened... I'm fine with that... Robert is the one who pushed this thing on us both..."
" Yeah, we've got the money... But Oliver, if this is a double-cross, I'll have your testicles on a silver fucking platter... I'll show you the money then you can show us the guns... Deal?"
Oliver and Pages nods as the bodyguard opens a metal case filled with one-hundred-dollar bills.
"Listen the van is outside, there's another set of plates and registration in the glove box... You hand me the money, Page will hand you the keys... We all go off on our merry little ways..."
" Ah, this is just like the old days huh Oliver..."
Vinnie slaps Oliver on the back as they walk out the door towards the van...
" It's good to know your not a fed kid... But this is a double-cross..."
Oliver pulled his 1911 but quickly realized he was outgunned and surrounded.
" Are you fucking kidding me?"
" Nope, now kid go ahead and lower that before you find your brains blown all over this parking lot..."
"You son of a bitch, Robert will kill you for this..."
"Yeah, he'll have to find me first... Now If you'll excuse me, We've got a van full of guns to take..."
Oliver drops his 1911 staring at Page who shrugs.
" Robert's in jail, isn't he?
Oliver nods.
" Yeah he is Chris, he took our place..."
" Main your lawyer is here to see you... You're lucky as hell assaulting a state highway patrol your not locked away with no key... People like you make me sick..."
Robert stood along in the dark, empty, cold, cell staring silently down towards the end of the corridor. The fluorescent lights flickered as the walls screamed out in pain, the lifeless shadowed figures curled up in the corners of their cells, whispering their demented secrets.
" Robert, what in the hell are you out there doing punching cops? Do you know the number of strings I had to pull to get you out of this?"
"Nice to see you too sis... Strings? What strings? How much did it cost me?"
"The judge said he would drop the case if you gave him front row tickets to High Stakes and fifty grand..."
Robert seems shocked...
"Damn he could have asked for more and I would have paid... I assume it's already taken care of right?"
Kayla rolls her eyes.
" Of course I took care of it... I've been cleaning up your messes since we were kids along with Drew and Oliver... Speaking of Oliver he was with you I thought?"
"Yeah he was... He went on without me..."
"To where Robert?"
" Just on a ride..."
" Just on a ride huh? Why did I put that van in Chris Page's name... Something is up... Robert Main, you won't leave this cell unless you tell me what's going on right now..."
Robert steps away from the cell door.
" Do you really want to know? I stepped away so you couldn't grab me..."
"Tell me now Robert, or I'm out of here and you can miss you pay per view..."
" Oliver and I are back in the family business..."
Kayla grabs the cell furious.
" Are you fucking kidding me right now he just got out... You are lucky this cell door is between us or I'd kill you... What are you thinking Robert? Oh, wait you are not thinking... Just like always. You just do things and everyone else suffers the repercussions... I can't believe you... Does Dad know?"
Robert shakes his head.
"Thank god... Oliver is calling... Hey, Oliver is everything alright... Okay... Alright... Wait a second... Slow down... Yeah, I'm here with Robert... You know where we are... Okay, I'll tell him... Oliver said Vinnie double-crossed him and Page taking the guns and the money... Robert, what's going on?"
Robert steps forward laughing...
"All a part of the plan Sis... Vinnie took the bait, the dumb son of a bitch took the guns and money as I figured... Little does he know there is a tracker on the van and in the box of AK 47's... Now we go find him take our money, take our guns, his guns and everything else he has to offer..."
" So what's next?"
"Get ahold of pops..."
Okay, but I want in too..."
” Well Goddamn bro, you dropped the Xtreme Title Reggie-fucking-Estrada and nearly broke the internet…”[/i]
Chris’s voice opens the scene as Robert and Chris are shown in an old saloon within the city limits of Tombstone, Arizona where we find the XWF World Tag Team Champions sitting at one of the bars. Chris is laughing at Robert.
[green]” Reggie…. Estrada. Jesus Christ man... Of all people in the world Reggie? You're going to be the laughing stock of the XWF...”
You would think that Robert would be upset or at the least just a little angry after a sudden loss of his secondary championship… But he starts laughing along with Page .
” Goddamn we’re good.”
Chris holds up a full shot glass followed by Robert.
” To Cataclysm.”
” To Cataclysm.”
They cheers and throwback their respective shots.
” Everyone assumes that kicking out just after the count was an accident, and suddenly that becomes a focal point for young Thaddeus and the Good Doctor only to see it blow up in their faces when they find out what we already know… Fellas you just can't seem to get it... That pin, that shit was intentional. Does anyone out there really believe for a second that I would ever just get "pinned" by Reggie... Fuck no there is a plan behind everything that we do over here... We play chess, you fuck wads play checkers... But hey nice try, go after the only thing you thought you could get us on...”
” I can’t say that I was completely shocked when this scheme came to your mind; but I get it too, people have always questioned you and this is going to be the only way to silence them.”
There’s a sly smirk on Robert’s face as he clears his throat.
” You know this whole thing started with Dick Powers and Doc saying I needed a briefcase tp win the Universal Title... Everying rewound back to 2018 Leap Of Faith when I won my first case... In a moment that I believed would be one of my finest, turned out t be a nightmare int he end... And since I do love shutting the mouths of all my critics to stroke my massive ego... I thought to myself what a better way than to drop the one thing that would validate that claim on the final defense... So, I did just that, I dropped the headache that was the X-title... Now I want everyone to hear this... Watch what happens to that division without me in it, it's going to crash and burn... That title is going to become a game of hot potato... Or Cory Smith will get it... See ladies I needed to make a point and what better wat to make that point then have a guy that hasn’t been around in six months. Or wrestled on a card since I ground him into paste winning the title... I did to the Xtreme Title exactly what the XWF did to me when I held the Universal Title…. I built it up and then shit all over it. The fact is I don’t need a briefcase to ascend to the mountain top, never did and I never will.”
Robert motions to the bartender for two more shots.
” And I think it’s fairly safe to say that if I ask for something I’m pretty sure I’m going to get it… Not because I'm begging for golden opportunities like Thad... No, because I have earned that right... The right to ask for whatever I damn well please and I'll get it..”
Chris chimes in cutting Robert off with sarcasm within his tone.
” Do it.”
Robert’s smirk reappears as he nods his head in approval as he responds.
” Oh I’m about too…”
The bartender pours Page and Main two more shots of bourbon before walking away.
” I am going to officially challenge the Universal Champion on the next addition of Warfare. Whoever that may or may not be... Your ass is mine...”
” I think everyone but me just shit their pants.”
” As well they should because the business has just picked up and daddy is coming back for his gold. The gold that was stolen from me over a year ago...”
” Well, now that begs the question what’s that mean for me if and WHEN I leave High Stakes with that Universal Title around my waist? It means going to Warfare and slapping around Chris Chaos to getting him out of the way, like the sorry sack of shit that he is... Then it means looking Robert Main in the eyes and ACCEPTING his challenge like a man... Stepping up and capping off what ALL of you have been waiting for... The trilogy you’ve all wanted since the day we started running rough shot over this entire federation…Chris Page versus Robert Main… one on one. That ladies and gentlemen sells tickets, that puts asses in seats... Just the two of us on the marquess alone, we sell out the entire arena...”
” Isn’t that what you all want? Isn’t that what you all thought you were doing when you were all trying to drive a wedge between us... You all wanted us to fight one another and here we are openly admitting that we will if the grandest prize in the land is on the line... The brass ring is the only thing that will get Cataclysm to battle one another... After it's over, whoever wins, wins... The brotherhood continues along with he dominance...”
” The cat has already come out of that bag and all the dissention you all thought was within the ranks of Cataclysm has lead you down the wrong path. One more time... See, we're pretty good at setting all you morons up with he slid of hand, the good ole bait and switch... I mean, I deserve a goddamn Oscar for that fucking performance I've put on over the past few weeks... I had everyone eating out of the palm of my hand in the battle royal as they thought this was about stepping out of your shadow… They never realized my shadow was right there beside yours the entire time. We are the master manipulators that have led you all astray and individually to slaughter like sheep.”
” All it took was B.o.B planting the seeds of doubt on Savage and our imagination started to run wild... And once again we have the wrestling world thinking we would be walking into the only title defense that mattered at High Stakes and not be on the same page… Are you kidding me right now? It just goes to show how gullible not only the fans are but the fickle boys and girls that reside in the locker room. Losing the Xtreme Title days before High Stakes came into the cards last week; premeditation is a bitch regardless of how you chumps want to try and spin it. It had to happen...
” Rob and I remain one hundred percent committed to our goal of continuing to dominate whoever opts to stand in front of us... While guys like Thaddeus and Doc are continuing to play defense, we’ve done nothing but be on the offensive the entire time. We set the fucking pace, we dropped our bombs first... They've been dogs chasing cars the entire time... All eyes are locked on this ONE title defense because everyone assumes and have bought into the hype of ONE person when they fail to realize this is a TEAM event. Let's say it together folks... Tag Team match... You see Robert and me together every single promo collaborating as a unit... Now, we don’t have to stand in front of anyone and try to convince them of our greatness… We've done that for months putting in the work these two cowards refused too...”
Robert kicks his head towards the camera leaning in.
” Doc, Thad this is a TAG TEAM MATCH...”
” We do what we want, when we want and to whom we want without and real repercussions because there’s nobody here on this roster that can step to us let alone take us to deep waters…
” Most of you legitimately think that Doc has the power to carry the dead weight that is Thaddeus Duke to victory; that's simply not true, but we do love how the talk of the locker room is how this is going to be epic, it’s going to be bigger than anything we’ve seen all year... This right here is going to be the match of the night, match of the year... The collision course between Robert Main and Doctor Louie is going to somehow even that un-level playing field that so many of you have already stepped on… But what happens when Robert and I do exactly what we say we’re going to do one more time? What will there be to say when the dust settles? Where will the shots come from then?”
” With the Xtreme Title out of the picture; it allows me to give my undivided attention to ending you Doc. Putting you six feet under where you belong... Out of the way and forgotten forever...”
” A little nugget that gets overlooked by the masses but something we’ve kept in our back pockets just for this one moment in time to play. It’s no secret that we’ve owned the Tag Division since our first tag match a year ago against Shane and Tristan Slater, it became a fact at March Madness when we embarrassed The Sick Cunts and gave them a thrashing that sent Noah packing. We did that without carrying the Xtreme or the TV Title divisions. For three-quarters of what WILL become the longest-reigning run of all time Robert and I have had to split our attention; at least one of us did that correctly, my point is that even with other titles being defended and despite double bookings we’ve kept our stranglehold on the Tag Titles…. Just think about what we’re going to do with the time we have remaining while dealing with young Thaddeus and that hack Lou.”
” These God Damn titles are what's important, we brought a division that was on life support back from the dead... I think what my partner is trying to say is that while we’ve owned you even with my focus being split you’re both now officially fucked for no other reason than I have nothing but time on my hands to continue to hammer nails into each of your coffins.”
Robert lights up a Cuban.
” Even with people losing the concept of a Tag Team and choosing to look at this from the perspective of the singles match; they naturally size you and me up Doc and then it’s Chris and Thaddeus. In your case, you’re so desperate to remind people of who you once were that you’ve lost sight of who you are now. You’re so desperate to save some legacy nobody other than yourself remotely cares about... You've reduced yourself into riding along with goddamn Duke; and not even the good one. People are clamoring over you and I sharing the ring that the feud between Chris and Thad that’s gotten you both this far has seemingly become a distant memory; congratulations Doc, you upstaged your own partner’s work just to stroke that fucking ego. That's the King I remember from so long ago... Always willing to undercut a partner to make himself appear better than he is...”
Robert takes a puff on his Cuban while signaling for another round.
” Something that you’ll never be able to change is that while you might have once been good, Lou, you’ll never be Robert Main good; and with Robert smacking you around this comes down to you and I…. Doesn’t it Thad? And we all know how that story plays out. I’ve had you nailed dead to rights since day one and the only thing that’s saved you from being able to amount any excuse for your failures rests within the stipulations that have protected you. Robert pointed out in a previous piece of work how you love to use excuses; like for example, handcuffing you to the top rope…”
The bartender is shown pouring the Tag Champions another shot before exiting the screen
” I call it outsmarting you…. You call it beating yourself. It’s not my fault that you gave too many fucks about Michael Graves getting involved that you took your eye off the ball like a fucking rookie and I seized the advantage. You got outsmarted, plain and simple… but hey then I claim you kissed me because you couldn’t beat me only to hear you turn around AFTER and say I got disqualified because I couldn’t beat you. I hate to break it to you Thad, but when you try and flip something after it’s been said it does nothing but make you look weaker than you already are.”
” He does do a pretty good job of making himself look emasculated all on his own.”
” Tell us all something we don’t know.”
” He comes off as whiney bitch?”
” Again, something we don’t know.”
” He’ll come down with some sort of injury and not wrestle until the next Pay-Per-View while professing he’s earned a Universal Title shot? That ones it..."
” Dude do you not know how this works, you’re supposed to tee me up with something we haven’t already covered or else we will sound more and more like them; because ya know, that’s what they do.”
” Sorry it's Duke... The only bomb he's dropped is his shit career...”
Chris shakes his head as Robert takes another puff off his cigar.
” Like I was saying, this comes down to Thaddeus versus Page then we all know how this is ending and it ends with Cataclysms retaining the most coveted titles in the federation today. You can continue to run around professing to be the coolest thing since sliced bread but even the lowest of intelligence can see just how far you’re overcompensating. It’s like you can care less about being obvious about it because deep down inside you know that you’ll never step out of the shadow of Sebastian. You’re not even one hundred percent focused on us let alone proving that you’re worth the time or energy you’ve already been given. If Doc wasn’t carrying you this would be a bigger runaway than it’s already become and you wouldn’t have anyone but yourself to blame for it. Guy’s like you have to run around kissing the asses of anyone that will lend you credibility… and then the bell rings or you open your mouth and let your ass fall out of it.”
” Just in case you seem to feel otherwise let’s see if you’re as predictable as we claim. Did you spend most of your time trying to deflect the hard truths we tossed in your face... Didn't you?”
” Yep.”
Chris and Robert throw back their shots.
” I would go into greater detail but this game of ping pong is running its course. At this point, Thad’s already been exposed and anything that’s said has already lost its punch because it’s only the ninth time he’s tried to spin it. This is what we’ve been reduced too, downright shameful.”
” At least he’s trying, give the kid a bit of credit. He's about to run into the buzzsaw...”
” But dude there’s still no excuse for stupidity or the lack of knowledge or ability to level his claims of being that Main Event talent that he wants to be taken as; but for the life of me I can’t look at Thaddeus with a straight face knowing how full of shit he is.”
” This is the opportunity to end it once and for all, will establish yet again that Cataclysm is the be all end all that we claim to be. We understand we live under a microscope with everyone looking for a minor mistake to blow out of proportion and hang their hats on it like they’ve done something worth a shit... We understand that as bad as we want to keep these straps Thaddeus and Doc want to take them just as bad... But something they’re fooling themselves with rests with a hypothetical; now, Lou made a point to call out how we’ve done nothing with these titles…”
” As if the contenders are going to come crawling out of the woodwork… Talk about a lame-duck for an agreement.”
” It’s just one of those things Chris, they've hit the same subject matters everyone else has countless times now... Trying to point those fingers back at us like we’re the ones that have done something wrong... Like asking for something I haven’t earned. Did you hear the deflection on that one? Didn’t see that one coming a mile away but that doesn’t change the fact that winning four matches in six months doesn’t qualify you to step past me in that line of deserving challengers. Yet, it’s funny the arguments he chooses to defend versus the ones that he doesn’t. Talk about a pussy.”
” Oh Robert, that’s his game bro. He does this in an attempt to pacify his fan base yet again doesn’t have the mental capacity to fathom that it doesn’t change the facts; he’s a poser, he’s a bitch, he’s not a Main event player and the fact he took to Twitter to try and have some sort of verbal joust for free and regurgitating it into long-form only solidifies it. The good news is we’re just about done with having to have these little back and forth banters for tomorrow night all bets are off and while it’s established we not only talk the talk but walk that walk it’s time to see if Thaddeus is great as he wants us all to believe he is.”
” They’ve run the gambit of the stereotypical dribble and it’s fallen on deaf ears. We picked this fight and now as the final hours draw near it’s time for us to put this one away verbally before taking it home physically under the stars of Tombstone, Arizona. Think about how much both Thad and Doc have relied on us to lead the way as the true trailblazers that we are... Hell, without us feeding them their lines they would be just a cunt hair better than Salt and Pepper…”
” NO!”
” Oh yeah, I said it. If either of them is worth anything like they’ve claimed to be how come they haven’t been firing first shots? Why wait to see what we’re going to do before putting any effort up? Why did it take us hand-delivering a verbal ass raping for Thaddeus to suddenly give a shit? We didn’t have to wait for either one of you to speak before lashing out loudly...Especially to the degree that you’re both still laying back against the ropes while we are patiently waiting for anything worth the tissue we wipe our asses with.”
Robert takes another draw off his cigar before placing it in the ashtray.
” I’ll tell you what I’ve learned about Doc throughout this ordeal. I’ve learned why he hasn’t been tapped into that sacred hall in which he so craves. The people that are in this Hall are people who are natural-born leaders and not a guy that has to double-dip on a closing day.”
Chris slowly turns his head towards Robert drawing an immediate middle finger from his partner. Chris winks at him before turning back towards the camera.
” A beacon of change is what our opponents are striving to be… bring it… you’re not going to see the two of us flinch. If something was so important, if saving a division was detrimental as Louie wants us to believe; I mean it is a driving force that brought him back you know…”
Robert slams his fist on the bar while lashing out.
The entire bar goes so quiet you can hear a mouse piss on a cotton ball. Chris leans over softly asking his partner.
” Was it something I said?”
” I’m through pretending that I’m not completely and totally disrespected! First, of all Louie, any momentum you had going for yourself you’ve killed it by trying to play this cat and mouse game that we’re already hip too. I’m not going to pretend that he’s in my fucking league. Lazy doesn’t cut it and that’s the word that describes the good doctor to a fucking tee. Both of these shitstains are walking contradictions and don’t deserve to be in the same ring as us, they’re an embarrassment to this profession and are latching on to our backs to garner some notoriety. Relevance that they could never get on their own so the two dickless wonders combine their efforts and come after the hottest Tag Team walking on this planet... Hoping to gain just an ounce of credibility... High Stakes needs to come and go so we can move on to other things.”
” Calm the fuck down and save it for the ring brother because anyone can run their mouths and cut lengthy promos, and while Thad’s second nearly put me to sleep at least he isn’t playing second fiddle to my session’s albeit too little too late. He’s Chris Chaosed his way into the history books as a follower. It’s just a shame that in just a few short hours this will all come crashing down and their mounds of excuses will begin.”
"Robert, Oliver what happened witht he guns?"
"Exactly what you said would happen pop..."
"So, now what?"
"Simple answer boys... We go get what's ours!"
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Longest Reigning Tag Team Champions in modern history. W- Drew Archyle & James Raven
Longest Reigning Hart Champion in modern history:280 days
2nd longest reigning Universal Champion :269 days
Tag Team Champions W- "Chronic" Chris Page as Cataclysm
Trio's Champion W- AX3
2020 May Superstar Of The Month
Winning Team Wargames 2020
Winning Team War Games 2019 W- APEX PROPHECY
2019 Feud of the year W- "Chronic" Chris Page
2019 Tag Team of the Year W- Drew Archyle & James Raven as APEX
Roleplay of the Month February 2019 "Junkyard Dog"
Leap Of Faith Winner 2018
July 2018 Superstar Of The Month
December 2018 Superstar Of The Month
December 2017 Superstar Of The Month
Winning Team War Games 2017 W- APEX
Mr. 24/7