” And how has the week been for you?”[b]
The scene opens in the ever familiar psychiatrist office of Chris Page’s shrink. Chris sits on the edge of the couch with a sly smirk on his face.
” I think it’s time…”
There’s a hint of maliciousness in the tone of Chris’s voice. It’s as if this one moment is something he’s put a lot of thought and process into.
[b]” Time for what?”
The same familiar voice that has guided us through these sessions asks.
” It’s time to end the charade and show the world how gullible they are; like a bunch of mindless sheep that have been led to slaughter.”
” I’m sorry Chris, I don’t follow.”
Chris intently looks off-camera towards his doctor.
” Well, you should.”
” How so?”
” Because you’ve played your part too.”
Chris stands up for the first time inside the office and now looks down towards his doctor who is still sitting off-camera as he states.
” I have a confession to make.”
There’s a pause from Chris before he states.
” Ah man, fuck it I can’t do it anymore.”
Chris burst out into laughter individually before composing himself as he runs both hands over his face to help silence his joy. He slides his hands down as face as he states.
” Do you realize how many people bought in? Just how many idiots tried to spin things there way and how they perceived it based off nuggets of inaccurate information dangled in front of their faces like a carrot…”
Chris turns and starts to walk towards the closed office door.
” I’m sorry Doc but this reveal needs to be shown to the world.”
:::: MEANWHILE ::::
The handheld camera shot opens as a shot of the busy street just outside of the office while the voice of Steve Sayors can be heard off-camera.
” This is the right spot, right?”
The voice of the camera operator can be heard responding.
“ This is the same office we’ve picked him up at before.”
The handheld turns towards the double glass doors off the office to see Chris Page open and motion for them to come forward as he states.
” This way gents.”
” Are we rolling?
As the camera approaches the door taking the lead Chris can be seen looking off presumably towards Steve as he states.
” You’ve been covering me for what? Six weeks? Seven weeks?”
” Yeah.”
” We’ve talked at length about the fall of Cataclysm, being in Robert’s shadow, and how much effect it’s had on me, right? We’ve talked about how he wasn’t there, how he left me hanging high and dry and how crushed I’ve been on this road to redemption…”
Chris leads the camera through an empty lobby and past a reception desk before coming to a closed door. Chris stops at the door before saying.
” Come here.”
Steve steps in front of the camera as Chris wraps his left arm around his shoulder while stating.
” Behind this door is the man that has guided me on this road to redemption…. Behind this door is the man that has helped me reign things into proper perspective, and when I leave High Stakes; you know where this entire series has to lead us too, I can assure you that I will destroy all the destroyers.”
Chris removes his arm from around the shoulders of Steve Sayors as he asks.
” I’ve never been more clear-headed than I am right now. Would you like to meet the doctor?”
” Actually, I wouldn’t mind at all since you’ve been pretty tight-lipped with these sessions.”
” All you have to do is walk through that door and everything will be revealed.
Chris turns his attention towards the handheld camera.
” Just him.”
Steve reluctantly shifts towards the camera where it’s etched all over his face. We see Chris step out of the way. Steve reaches out towards the polished chrome knob before slowly starting to open the door. He lets out a nervous sign before jumping as Page barks out at him.
” Goddamn Steve walk in, he isn’t going to hurt you!”
Steve opens the door and steps through before closing it behind him. Chris turns and faces the camera as he starts to state.
” What everyone is about to learn is what happens when the master of the mind games decides to play. For almost eight weeks everyone has witnessed the tensions between Robert and I building, people within the High Stakes Battle Royale are under the impression that my mind isn’t where it needs to be going into a match that carries this much importance.”
Chris leans forward towards the lens of the camera as there’s nothing but coldness within his eyes that sends chills across the body. We hear Steve yell from the other side of the door.
A sly smirk graces the face of Chris as we see Chris continue.
” Sometimes you just have to plant the seeds to dictate the pace you want everyone else to play at; it’s one of the attributes I carry and one that you’ve all fallen victim to. While all of you have been paying attention to what I’ve wanted you too I’ve been doing exactly what I’ve needed to do in order to put me in the position that I’m about to find myself in when the final cards are played.”
There’s a momentary pause from Chris before he states.
” Every step carefully laid out with surgical precision. The mental game is over… and you’ve all taken second place.”
Just then the office door opens where Steve Sayors walks out shaking his head. Chris has a smirk on his face when the good Doctor emerges….
” That’s right boys and girls pick up your jaws; you’ve all been played.”
Chris Page laughs maniacally before spouting out.
” Fucking amateurs.”
Chris and Robert Main walk off leaving Steve Sayors with the camera. Steve asks.
” Are we coming with you?”
” Fuck no, losers.”
Steve stares into the camera before saying abruptly.
” Cut it.. turn off the camera.”
The feed cuts to static.
All roads over the last six weeks have led each of us to this one intersection at this one event properly titled “High Stakes”. Over the last six weeks, I’ve spoken at length on most and subtly jabbed at others, simply toying with the masses while I’ve allowed you all to believe that this has been about redemption for a career that’s seemingly been going on a downward spiral because that’s the story I WANTED you all to sell, and you DID IT! What you all fail to realize is that I am an XWF Hall of Legends member and I’m there for a fucking reason. I’m equally as good at the mental game as I am at the physical game and now here I stand primed and ready to take that torch, that top prize, and give it some validity; something it’s desperately lacked since going around the waist of the Unknown Soldier.
The XWF is in a time of crisis.
Now more than ever this federation needs credibility standing at the forefront and over the last six weeks a plethora of participants have all plead their case as to why they should be that person but only a handful have stayed consistent on the weekly basis. This company doesn’t need a Cult at the forefront we’ve been there and done that, it doesn’t need a teenager with a fresh coat of paint or another immature adult as the focal point… it needs LEGITIMATE change that only I can provide. Over the last twelve months, any program with MY name attached to has drawn the money and the ratings while overshadowing the reign of a satanic prick known as the Unknown Solider and had the Engineer knocking at my door BEGGING to work against me while I gave Shawn Warstein the best match he’s had in a decade.
So my question…
If I’m so lame, if I’m so dull and boring and if I’m so overrated how the fuck can I take someone as irrelevant as Thaddeus Duke and make him mean mere now than he’s meant at any point within his career? Why am I looked to deliver when the XWF needs someone to step to the plate and hit a homerun? What makes me more dangerous now more than ever is contrary to what you’ve been lead to believe my mind is exactly where it needs to be as I am poised to make history to close out the Pay-Per-View series in what has become a very bizarre world in which we’re all living in. Cataclysm has the opportunity to finally silence the critics and put the order in place as we can occupy the top singles spot on this roster as well as own the Tag Team Division as well. What sucks for all of you is how you’re going to have to look yourselves in the mirror when you wake up Monday morning and not only have to swallow your pride and own the fact that you got played… but you also got played by a dude that went through a Ladder match just before!
All will have the chance to FINALLY be right with the XWF world is Theo and Vinnie don’t squander it like they’ve done so many times before. I’m seasoned, I’m experienced and WHEN I take this ball I’m not going to stop running OR leave the federation hanging high and dry. I’m going to give the XWF the gift of having a relevant Universal Title scene for the first time since the LAST time I challenged for it.
I’m the Champion that is needed now more than ever and with each piece of shit that gets tossed over that top rope, my chances will only increase. I’m not going to live in that fantasy world because nobody has a bigger bull’s eye on his back going in than I do; which that in itself is pretty ironic with the level of disrespect some of you have shown to me over the last several weeks since I’m that lame, right?
I’m going to walk into this Battle Royale with no friends, only enemies.
I’m going to walk into this thing with no alliances, only my ability.
I’m going to exploit all of your many weaknesses …
I’m going to have eyes in the back of my head and it’s going to be on a swivel eagerly awaiting the next opportunity to dump one of your asses over that top rope and taking myself one step closer to my ultimate goal at anyone’s expense that stands in my way. I’ve used my time wisely leading up to this final parting shot; and while I have every intention of wrecking everyone from boring Champ Sportsman to the naïve Corey Smith, I’m going to adjust attitudes like Thaddeus Duke and Doctor Lou TWICE in the same night, I’m going to end the rise of an Alias or a Witness before they can even get out of the gate.
The fun and games are officially over.
All that’s left is all of your fast friends and alliances to extend your time in what will no doubt go down I the history books as the night in which CHRIS PAGE showed up, showed out, and officially takes his throne.
Oh shit…
I forgot…
I was supposed to talk mad shit against Alias and Corey as my countdown was coming to an end.
Teased you both the last six weeks for this one moment that you’ve both been feverishly waiting for when it comes to just what I have to say about either one of you. Brace yourselves because I’ve put a lot of thought into how I view both of your involvements within this Battle Royale; because if there are not two men that are the epitome of what is wrong with the XWF and why so many people, so many legends and Hall of Famers have walked away from this federation. When I thought about how carefully I would have to pick and choose my words so that they would pack a punch instead of sounding like regurgitated shit that plenty of others have thrown against the wall and didn’t stick either. So after sitting back and reflecting on either of your involvements I said nope.
I’m not lending either of you any more credibility or validity because quite frankly…. You don’t deserve it.
That pretty much sums up exactly how I feel about both of you waste of procreation. I’ll be waiting with open arms for each.
My eyes are firmly on the prize and the prize is leaving High Stakes as the new XWF Universal Champion; and don’t you think I’ve forgotten one millisecond about Chris Chaos looming in the background; waiting in the winds to stake claim to his shot at that very title. He’d be stupid to not be paying attention to how this shakes out. Sure, this will be an easy first title defense for whoever has that strap over their shoulder only second to Peter Gilmour. He’s the guy that loves to live out Robert and my gimmicks. We go darker and it gets over; thirty days later fucking Chaos shifts dark. Rob and I had a nice laugh at his expense, much like each of yours as well because the one thing that you’ve all got in common with each other rests with the key component that you just don’t know how to attack us. We are the force that drives not only the Tag Division but we’re also the pulse of the entire Xtreme Wrestling Federation. If we go this ship sinks faster than the Titanic As much as you all hate us is just as much as you all NEED us.
We have sat back and watched mistake after mistake after mistake and pointed them out as they happened when they happened and we’ve been correct every step of the way. People have asked or made mention that if we cared we should have intervened. No, the fuck we shouldn’t have! We were telling one of the greatest stories to be told wrapped around that very Universal Title when it meant something more than a goddamn paperweight. Why should we save a company that shit all over the work we put in just to do a cheap switch to a lesser talent that walked back out the door two months later in the Unknown Soldier, or what about the Engineer/Lux or whatever the fuck he’s calling himself today; maybe Smith, he lasted another two months before tucking his tail after getting punked by Shawn Warstein. Shawn lasts another two months before he takes his ball and goes home which leads is to Sarah Lacklan who fell into the same category. We aren’t going to save a federation that didn’t want to be saved.
Now the time is right.
Now we make everything right with the world and to do that it’s going to be up to me and what I bring to the table to determine if we get what we want… The countdown clock for all the talk is in its final hours and while most of you talentless fucks will waste your precious airtime with some last-minute individual trash talk on those that are the highlights of this Battle Royale I’ve once again taken this in a completely different direction and am reaffirming just how crucial it is for Theo and Vinnie to finally do what’s right for this business. What’s right is Chris Page leaving High Stakes as your new XWF Universal Champion.
I’ve got the talent.
I’ve got the ability.
I’ve got the experience.
I’ve got that gift of gab.
… And I’m coming to Tombstone, Arizona to make fucking history.
There’s not going to be a Beast or a Monster…. There’s going to be “CHRONIC” CHRIS PAGE, and he’s a force to be reckoned with all in his own right. I’ll be seeing you all Sunday Night; be prepared and be ready to pay the price for what it means to be the XWF Universal Champion….
Get on my level.”