Robert "The Omega" Main
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP
XWF FanBase: The IWC (gets varying reactions in the arenas, but will be worshiped like a god and defended until the end by internet fans; literally has thousands of online dorks logging on to complain anytime they lose a match or don't get pushed right)
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Joined: Thu Dec 15 2016
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11-21-2020, 07:21 PM
:::::Continued From:::::
Tension is great integrity.
” So, can we crack that crate? I’d like to see the merchandise we’re running.”
Oliver responds first laughing out loud. His laughter was like ripples in a still undisturbed after a stone has been tossed in. At first, his chuckling oscillated outwards. As Robert now also began to snicker as the great waves of hysteria became groundswells of hilarity.
” I’m not sure what’s so amusing? I asked a simple fucking question.”
” I’ll be right back, going to hit the can…”
Oliver and Page each watch was Robert walks off in the distance when Oliver suddenly begins pushing Chris’s buttons with a personal attack.
” Chris I’ll be honest man, the less you know about this entire thing, the better off you’ll be. I’d hate for you to get cold feet and tuck tail…” Oliver pauses mid-sentence pointing at Page. “Have you ever held a gun in your hands before? Feeling the icy metal? I mean a real gun, not some pistol either, a death-dealing gas-operated Kalashnikov assault rifle. Sending 7.62 rounds down range knocking fuckers right out of their socks… Hell, I bet you haven’t have you?” Oliver shakes his head. ” Na man you don’t seem like the type… I can see it written all over that smug face, I can see it in your eyes, that feeble spine and weak knees can’t hold the weight of something that powerful.” Oliver takes a step forward-leaning in. ” Kind of like how you can’t hold your own in the ring without my brother… You can talk a gigantic game, but when push comes to shove Chris Page just don’t have what it takes to be a main event player. So, you nestled yourself quite comfortably in his shadow, riding his coattails to the top of the mountain where you could never get on your own… You’re not fooling me, bro… Don’t think for a second I don’t know everything that went down between the two of you…”
Oliver backs away daring Page to say something.
” What’s wrong dickless? Did I strike a nerve?”
Oliver sighed in satisfaction as if having completed a deeply rooted, personally needed action. Page smirks at Oliver with a sly grin before laughing under his breath causing Oliver to lash out at Page once more.
” I don’t see anything that’s funny…”
” Bro your act is lame as fuck coming from a guy that just got out of the pen. You’re poking the bear and trust me when I say this... If you fuck with me you better bring it…”
Chris eyes Oliver up and down.
” And from what I’m looking at… You’re not man enough.”
Chris spits at Oliver's feet.
” What’s the matter, big fella? Shoot your shot mother fucker.”
The altercation between the two grew within seconds becoming explosive and from nowhere each of their tempers boiled over into a whirlwind. In Chris Page’s exasperation, he suddenly became blind to everything around him… Chris assumed that Oliver was right when he had no real reason to believe a single word. The words Oliver spoke had purity in them and triggered something in Chris that came from agitation. Page grew tired of hearing the same lines of shit, so much so he was ready to fight… Oliver and Page were on each end of the spectrum complete opposites, suddenly blind to each other's intentions, building barricades instead of bridges. As the two men locked eyes Page saw into Oliver’s damaged soul. In Page’s eyes, he knew in a moment shit was about to pop off like the 4th of July… They both wanted the same thing but were lost in how to get there, blind to the paths yet trying to see. They both wanted to do what was best for Robert the general of this conglomerate…
” Ah, shit here we go…”
Before Robert could even open his mouth time became frozen for a few seconds between Oliver and Page… As Robert approached, he could see the aggressiveness in each of their faces and then their eyes flickered. Both of their faces became unreadable, no apprehension no invitational grin. Page stands his ground banking on Oliver making the first mistake… And just as Page predicted Oliver did just that, in that instant, Oliver flew through the air like a fighter jet at Page… There is no pleasure in his Page’s face, as he never expected to be in this moment battling Robert’s younger brother… An unanticipated outpouring of stiffness jolted throughout Oliver’s body. His stomach burned from the stiff boot to the gut, his arms misplaced their tension as a flash of light smashed Oliver over the head, his legs began to weaken as Oliver dropped to the ground. His tongue was drenched with the sweet iron taste of his blood. He wiped the blood away as it began leaking over his teeth, down his lips onto the ground… Oliver grabbed the foot of the Page and pulled him to the ground. His head was throbbing as he raised his clenched fist into the air about to drop bombs on Page when Robert grabs his brother's hand.
” This is over right now… You two are acting like freaking children. Let's all grown the hell up, we've got more important business to take care of...”
Oliver spits a mouth full of crimson on the ground at Page’s feet.
"Mother fucker..."
Robert places his hands on his hips as the air around the three men became so brittle one would think it could snap, and if it didn’t, Robert just might. No-one speaks for several second, what is there to say? Platitudes won't cut it at this juncture. Robert suddenly feels the annoyance in his chest tighten waiting to take over sitting there like an angry ball propelling him towards anxiety he just didn’t need now. Robert gave his shoulders a slight wiggle and rolled his head in a circle cracking his neck on both sides trying to let his stride slacken all the tensed muscles locked in place down his back and in his neck. It was a decent effort, enough to fool the casual observers in Oliver and Page. Robert’s eyes moved with precision that comes from heavy stress and as his hands remained clenched by a deep subconscious demand.
” So, can either one of you tell me what the fuck is going on now between the two of you?”
Robert, roared as Page climbs off the pavement with a smirk.
” What happened was your thin dicked brother started talking shit and I put him down… That’s what happened.”
Oliver moves in again but is stopped dead in his tracks by Robert.
” I was stating the fucking facts, this guy is a leach Robert, he doesn’t have your best interest in mind. He’s only worried about himself…”
Robert pushes Oliver back with one hand…
” What the hell started this entire situation in the first place? I walk away and all hell breaks loose?”
Page answers with force.
” I asked to see one of the AK’s that’s it. Boy wonder over there started running his lips and I popped his bitch ass.”
Robert motions Oliver over.
” Open the crate and show him…”
Oliver tries to refute by shaking his head.
” Now little brother!”
” You are making a huge mistake here Robert… We can’t trust this son of a bitch.”
Robert snatches Oliver by his leather jacket pulling him in close.
” Yeah? He can’t trust us either if we’re not going to be completely transparent. Get a crowbar and open the fucking crate now.”
Oliver reluctantly cracks the top of the crate open tossing the top.
” There now are you happy Chris?”
Page nods as Robert reaches down pulling one of the AK-47's pushing it into Page’s chest.
” There it is the real fucking deal now are we all good? Or are the two of you going to bitch and complain at one another the entire time we do this job? Look we all have issues with one another in some shape or another, we’re going to get over this shit, and get over it right now… Or I'll just shoot both of you...”
Robert rips the gun out of Page’s hands tossing it back into the crate.
” Seal it up and let’s get this shit in the van and roll out…”
Robert points at the van.
Page leers at the van as his insides curdle like milk with lemon. Just the thought of driving this van made Chris’s lip curl and nostrils flare. His mind felt as if he were being led down into the sewers coursing through the trash after heavy rain. Page looks to Robert.
” I’m not driving this hunk of shit…”
” We’ve gone over this…”
” Just look how uncool this thing is Robert it’s a piece of shit on wheels. People know who I am ya know?”
” Dude you're not going to be out picking up a date or anything, your running fucking guns man…”
:::::To Be Continued:::::
” So, now that we’ve crucified the small fry in this shit show. That'd be you, Thaddeus… Just throwing that out there seeing how you have one hell of a time following the bouncing ball around here… ”
Robert puffs on a fresh Cuban as the smoke waltzes all around him with a smooth oaky odour depositing its micro-layers of tar he adjusts his half of the Tag Team Championhips.
” Thaddeus nailed Thaddeus to the cross, dude’s a fucked up mess.”
There’s a purposely pause from Chris as he’s sucking in dramatically before whispering.
” You’re welcome.”
” Which is why I find it slightly interesting that someone like the good doctor would show up and aid the pint-sized puke like Thad in the first place. There's got to be something more to this for Doc to jump in headfirst. What that is though... Who knows... Better yet who in the hell cares what Doc has to say? The guy has been missing in action for years now.”
Robert simply shakes his head in utter disgust as if the mere thought was about to make him vomit.
” Certainly wasn’t a fashionable move to make but then again people do empty-headed things all the time. It just goes with the shit year we are living in... You know what they say, the new normal and all.”
Chris simply rolls his eyes.
” If it was shock value Doc was seeking, that ship sailed a decade ago. The first thing I want to make crystal fucking clear here is this... I have a very high opinion of Doc; I respect everything that the Good Doctor has accomplished in his storied career. A legend with accolades most men dream of, but I'm not most men... I'm what Doc used to be when he was trailblazing the squared circle, only more extraordinary... Doc, you did your thing back in the day, but these aren’t the glory days in which you once lived. Times have changed pal... Back then you thrived with Unknown Soldier in the very division that Page and I now own. But did you ever bring the XWF Tag Team to fruition? Not even close... Those belts were ripped off you because you two never defended them... Then one more time with one of the greatest groups of men that ever walked the face of this Earth in the Kings. Rinse and repeat, right? Now you want to step into the fold, dusting off those tights and try to reclaim something you never gave two shit's about in the first place... You want to step in and take what Page and I have built, I'm sorry to tell you this but you're not going to stop either of us from breaking bread at High Stakes... You see that forward way of thinking now days will get you incapacitated... If there was anyone that needed a lobotomy, that'd be you Doc. This is the era of "The Omega", the point in history of Cataclysm and in this chapter you’re a non-factor. These aren’t the days of The Kings and you don’t have Theo Pryce to fall back on. In this instance, you’re depending on a guy that touts slaying Chris Chaos as his greatest claim to fame… Extravagant choice man, but hey if you want to piss all over your legacy, that's fine with us.”
Robert takes another puff of his Cuban as Page hops back on Doc like a horse.
” In case you haven’t noticed times have changed, and while you’ve made some statements pointed in my general direction I was assured that you'd cross that bridge in short order, but since you’ve enjoyed looming in the shadows perhaps just waiting for a moment to pounce; you picked the wrong moment my friend... You look like you need a drink, Robert.”
Robert nods as Chris reaches for a shot glass just off-camera retrieving a bottle of Bourbon. Robert tears the top off the bottle placing it to his cherry-red lips.
” This isn’t yesteryear and you aren’t half the man you was when you actually gave a flying fuck… but look at you now; reduced to carrying the dead weight that is Thaddeus Duke into a war that you’re out gunned in.”
Robert exhales smoke like a freight train before he chimes in.
” Doc you’re going to familiarize yourself with a straightforward truth... Everyone falls at my feet. I’m the guy that has carried this federation on my back to the highest of highs before watching it all sink like the Titanic, to the lowest of the lows. Chris, and I have benefitted from watching Apollo explode; we’ve relished the fact that upper management is completely clueless... You can see that in their booking, time and time again they have squandered so many opportunities. They've had the prerogative to change the narrative sitting int their laps for a year now, but they’ve continued to put their faith in the wrong people. Chris and I are the Champions of change this company desperately needs, we’ve been the one constant thing the XWF has in the revolving door of Champions... As soon as you came back and began sniffing around, I knew this match was eventually going to happen... Not because I needed it, because you did. See the quickest way back to the APEX of this federation is through me. That's why you came knocking on the door. You find some way to take me down, the limelight shines directly down on your head one more time. Most people would have run from this because of who you are. They would have gotten weak in the knees and shown utter cowardice... I welcomed this match with open arms because I see you for what you are... Another notch on my belt, another head in my trophy case. You are the cement that binds me to the hall of legends...”
” We’re not here to try and convince you we give a shit about you…”
Everyone self-medicates, but one can choose good medication or bad as Chris takes a massive pull from his joint as Robert leans forward.
” We don’t, and quite frankly we never will…”’
Chris finishes blowing several small, thin smoke rings into the air watching them dissipate...
” We could spin the story of ghosts of XWF’s Past versus XWF’s present until we are all blue in the face...”
” But we won’t.”
” Because as exceptional as you were…”
” We are head and shoulders above you when you were in your prime.”
Robert smirks as Chris replies.
” We talk a massive game…”
” And we back it up.”
” We’ve been in the trenches while you’ve stood on the sidelines riding the pine, like a creepy pervert trying to lure children into the back of a van with some candy… Maybe that’s how you and Thad came together, he’s got a thing for daddies.”
Robert cuts his brown eyes that are built upon are a million hues towards his tag team partner Chris.
” That shits disturbing.”
” What? I can’t help the kid’s preferences.”
Chris scoffs before taking another pull from his joint as Robert motions for a shot glass. Page obliges as he reaches off camera procuring a glass as he slides it over to Robert.
” For fucks sake… Back on track… The point is Doc you’ve elected to put yourself in our business; perhaps it was because we put old man Duke six feet under, perhaps it’s because Thad has no one else that would step up and fight alongside him. Whatever that case might be, you know deep down that you fucked up. ”
Robert pours himself a shot as Chris exhales the last bit of smoke before he softly states.
” He’s an annoying turd, I would have been shocked if anyone else would have stepped to the plate.”
” Well let’s not put the horse in front of the cart here Chris, it’s not like Thad found Doc… Doc found Thad, and in essence, nobody would have stepped up, well maybe his pops if he wasn’t still six feet under. Hate to say it Thad, but here, in reality, the Umbrella Corporation doesn't exist... So, no you cannot reanimate your Pop's to save your sorry ass…”
Robert tilts his head towards the camera. His gestures were as devoid as the words that rolled off his tongue before he throws his shot back while Chris has taken the bottle and poured himself another.
” You’re welcome by the way Charlie.”
” Now we’re at the point of no return for the both of you and all things considered you’re now just the next obstacles that we must subjugate on our quest to become the unparalleled Tag Team force that everyone else wishes they were a part of; we’re talking some Avengers type shit here… We are residing in a completely different atmosphere and one that Doc isn’t prepared to handle. You can’t just waltz back through the revolving door and jump to the front of the line without earning your spot at the table; the fuck you think this is the High Stakes Battle Royale? “
” Nah bro you’re about to rumble with two great white sharks in the XWF and there’s blood in the water. We’re circling you, watching as feverishly kick your arms in legs trying to desperately stay above water... We're just playing with our food at this juncture, but when the time is right, we’ll go in for the kill devouring you whole. Doc, I hate to say it, while you might add some name value to the challenger side of this equation, you’re nothing newsworthy in our eyes; more importantly my eyes... While the fans are marking out to finally see what would happen if Robert Main and the good Doctor squared up.”
Chris lashes out with sheer sarcasm within the tone of his voice.
” That’s an uncomplicated one… Doc gets mowed over.”
Robert snaps his fingers.
” Because no matter how you look at the landscape here in the XWF, I am the top of the food chain with or without the Universal Championship... With Chris Page by my side, we have ruled over an entire division with an iron fist crushing whatever darlings they put in front of us. We think as a hive mind and we’ll be damned if you rear your head and think for one millisecond you intimidate either of us.”
Page chuckles under his breath.
” You’re now on this path to liberate the XWF… Unshackling the chains that have held this company back since you’ve been gone?”
Chris and Robert simply shake their heads and snicker at the thought.
” Brother you couldn’t save the XWF if half of the roster was in place back when you were remotely relevant. You haven’t done anything merit worthy and until you do you can sit back and shut your mouth while the grown folks are talking. You get off on taking away what people love the most, right? We covet our Tag Titles and we don’t think your man enough to take them away from us.”
Chris leans towards the camera looking intently into the lens with his cold blue eyes as he’s seemingly in a trancelike state before he methodically states.
” We welcome you to try.”
Chris snaps out of his state as he slams another shot before pouring Robert another as well.
” We can sit back and have a pissing contest about who’s a bigger draw but that’s more a Thaddeus thing, but what I will tell you is that when you compare Cataclysm to Doc and Duke there is no comparison… Because we are just immeasurably above that glass ceiling that holds the rest of you back. You’d think since you’re such a savvy man that you’d seen the writing on the wall when it comes to resurrecting this fed in your shit image; it doesn’t transform unless the powers that be make it change. You know the Lover Boys and your King buddy Theo… They can make things around here evolve into something better. But they chose the ladder when they let Unknown Soldier turn this place into a cesspool… And since that moment, it all went to hell in a handbasket… Cataclysm has been fighting for that reconstruction since we were founded and guess what, nothing has changed for the better. It’s only gotten worse… You are just another spoke on the wheel that is the XWF... It will continue to roll with or without you Doc... This operation that you’ve taken upon yourself to undertake is a kamikaze mission... This ends one way, with a gigantic crash and burn but hey I’ll be more than happy to end before it can even begin.”
Robert gives the camera a thumbs up.
” Awesome.”
” If you think that you’re saving Thaddeus by volunteering yourself to be his partner, that’s not the case. The only thing you’ve done is put yourself back in harm’s way with two best sharpshooters the Tag Team division has ever seen. This isn’t about shadows anymore, and clearly, you lack attention to detail because the documentary you’ve spoken of isn’t fucking complete. It’s called storytelling, it’s called blending in pieces and not blowing your load all at once or are you entirely to senile to comprehend the basics anymore? Surely that isn’t it, you’re Doctor Lou for fucks sake, the man whose name silences a room, right? You send piss down peoples legs… Get the fuck out of here with all that overdramatic bullshit because nobody other than yourself thinks you wield that much power.”
Chris shakes his head as he lets out a deep sigh.
” Do you know who does carry that much potency?”
” Cataclysm.”
Robert and Page exchange a high five as Robert responds.
” Damn right!.”
Robert tosses back his shot as Page takes the last toke off his joint before putting it out in an ashtray.
” Next Sunday night in Tombstone you’re stepping foot on a battlefield in which all bets are off, entering that environment with a man that’s laser-focused on grinding Thaddeus underneath his boot. When it comes to “Chronic” Chris Page and Robert “The Omega” Main you’re dealing with the only poster boy’s that matter. If either one of you presumes for one second that I’m not going to utilize everything that’s not nailed down as an instrument of your destruction. Your sadly mistaken… I’m in the business of proving the point that the days of you being Captain Save-A-Hoe has officially just run its course.”
” What either of you fail to realize when it comes to us outside of the fact that individually we’re pretty badass and cooperatively we’re an unconquerable force… We’re invincible, insurmountable, but you put our Tag Titles on the line, and it takes the games to a completely new level of fucked. Robert and I are unshakeable, we are the longest reigning champions of the modern era as we speak right now… Once we climb that ladder and retrieve our belts at High Stakes, we will solidify ourselves as the longest-reigning XWF Tag Team Champions in history; not the modern era, history. Let that sink in for just a moment and then you come back to us and tell us we’re not about our fucking business… We don’t flinch and we damn sure don’t get shaken to the core by anybody. We’ve already won the match; make no mistake this is just a formality…”
There’s a brief pause from Page then adjusted his half of the Tag Team Championships showing his true aggression. Without combativeness there would be no passion in the world, nor immense art, or sporting illustriousness, so we learn to switch it on and off depending on the situation.
” Thaddeus has followed my trail of breadcrumbs for months and now he’s going to pay the ultimate price; he didn’t have a choice, but you did Doc, and when High Stakes runs its course you’ll both be leaving empty-handed on both fronts… You see we haven’t even begun to reveal the hand that we are holding and don’t either one of you think for a second that we don’t have an ace in the hole.”
” The spotlight is shining brighter than ever and now it’s time for the two of you to step into the limelight and shoot your shots against the unrelenting duo. Doc, you’re in the wrong place at the wrong time but you’re about to absorb some very meaningful knowledge, that some people are just too far gone to save.”
” It’s going to be heartbreaking to hear the floodgates bust open and listen to the laundry list of excuses for your impending collapse. The man that strikes panic into the hearts of everyone he crosses shows up to save the XWF only to disappear after failing to ensnare the Tag and Universal Titles in the same night. It’s you fly by night cuntcakes that pick and choose when you swoop into the fed to satisfy an itch only to bounce just as quickly as you’ve re-entered. When the powers that be see fuckers like you return it makes them jizz in their pants as they remanence over days gone by and you suddenly fill them with erroneous hope… Before growing bored and walking back out that door. Don’t pretend to be a savior when you’re just an opportunist.”
Chris winks at the camera as he mouths the words “eye see you”.
” There’s always somebody trying to find the fast track to a title around this federation. What’s so flabbergasting is the fact that they get what they are asking for when they don’t deserve it. Doc it’s fraudulent mother fuckers like you who give this business a bad name. But hey being a deceitful prick has always been in your nature… ”
Chris takes the pause to interject.
” You might have a lot of people fooled Lou, but you’ll never pull the wool over our eyes, we see you for what you are. An unsubstantiated man standing on a broken foundation built of trumped-up falsehood’s… You’re only saving grace is the EXACT saving grace your think is going to have once we leave you both in the dust… “I wasn’t pinned”. Go ahead and start practicing clever ways to downplay this thumping now. Imagine how you’re going to spin it with dubious theories. Tell me how you can save face after Chris Page and Robert Main demonstrate firsthand by putting on a clinic. Showing the entire world that you Doctor are nothing more than a bogus sham of a man pretending to be a “wrestler”… While we once again flex out insurmountable muscles pushing out narrative even further… We are the greatest fucking Tag Team of any era period.”
” We’ve allowed you to believe that we’re ripe for the pickings when in real-world you have no clue what trap you’re about to walk into. For your sake, I hope you kiss your loved ones good-bye and make your peace with whatever higher power you serve because from where we’re sitting you’re in for a very rude re-introduction to the Xtreme Wrestling Federation.”
Robert puffs on his Cuban before placing it in the ashtray.
” This new era revolves around us and what we are doing because everyone else on the roster is trying to become the talk of the town. I couldn’t help but notice your limited engagements when it came to your involvement leading up to the Battle Royale… you got quiet pretty fucking quick. Why is that, Doc? You try to force us all to believe it’s your turn to SAVE the XWF, and yet you’re too fucking lazy to sit in front of a camera a speak about it. You’re not a part of the solution homie, you’re part of the fucking problem. So it’s fitting that you’re standing before us trying to sell us the same goddamn pipe dream as every other so-called Legend; that’s right buttercup, I’m in the same company because my name is in the Hall just like yours, so excuse the fuck out of me when I see guys like you that circle around to scratch that itch only to fade into the background after whatever ego-driven goal gets accomplished.”
Chris leans towards the camera as he continues.
” Good news for you brother is Robert and I are going to send you right back where ever you came from on the very night of your illustrious return. What either of you won’t come to grips with when it comes to this particular showdown is our goal to be the longest-reigning XWF Tag Team Champions is hanging in the balance. You’re getting the extra attention not because you’ve earned it… but because being able to hold that accolade over every other team that has EVER held these straps is a testament to what we’ve put into making those belts the legitimate biggest prize in this company.”
Chris leans back in his seat.
” All eyes are on us every time our belts are at stake. The world wonders is this going to be the night where some team captures lighting in a bottle and cracks the Cataclysm code; we have fought like hell beating up team after team after team… this instance isn’t going to be any different.”
” What sucks for the both of you is that you’re probably thinking that there’s a rift between Robert and me…”
” Perhaps trouble in paradise?”
” Tension a brewing and it's about to reach the boiling point?”
” Fantastic.”
Both men pause for a moment before Chris continues.
” Games are fun to play especially when you know how to play them when you’re able to navigate the waters of the mental mind game. It’s truly an honor to be blessed with that type of an ability… To draw people in looking at what’s going on in the right hand while completely losing focus of what’s going on in the left hand. This tangled road to High Stakes has had its share. With Thanksgiving right around the corner, Thaddeus Duke had better be thankful that I’ve bent over backwards to carry his ass to the position that he finds himself in today.”
The camera draws towards Chris as he continues.
” Thad and Page is a story all unto its own while Robert and Lou are the icing on the cake. I’ve told you once and I’m going to tell you again… I am going to beat you. I’m going to climb that Ladder for a second time while you’re forced to watch me Thad; putting you once again in the one position that haunts everyone… powerless.”
The camera draws back showing Cataclysm.
” Go ahead and have your advocate get his laundry list of excuses in order for that first Warfare that proceeds this upcoming event, book your air time to try and convince the world that you’re fucking owed a Universal Title shot and be prepared to answer that question that burning questions as to why should you be given an opportunity after you’ve squandered BOTH of the ones just given. I’d love to hear how your puppet spins it while you take to Twitter and pitch a bitch about being a fucking loser.”
” Your fates are already sealed and collectively Cataclysm is coming to High Stakes to fuck some shit up, I just thank my lucky stars that I can wreck Thad and Lou twice in the same goddamn night.”
Robert adjusts both his championships as something flashed just beneath the surface of his hardened expression.
” We’ve arguably have had the best 2020 of anyone on the entire roster, and when you sit back and think about the opportunity, we have to close out 2020 coming off of High Stakes… With the Xtreme Championship, Tag Championship a 24/7 briefcase, and dare I say Chris Page as the Universal Champion.”
” Let’s not put the horse before the race by any stretch of the imagination; is it feasible; absolutely because nobody knows more than I how much I fucking deserve it. One step at a time, first let’s just enjoy another week or so of busting Thad’s balls and exposing ole Lou for the out of touch fuck-nugget he’s already shown he’s become.”
” High Stakes? Damn right it’s a fitting name because that’s exactly what we’re playing ladies… In one night Cataclysm is playing for all the marbles, once again we’re putting it all on the line daring you good for nothing derelict moochers to come and take it.”
” We’re playing for keeps, and we don’t fold…”
” These stack of belts we carry over our shoulders are the XWF’s blood diamonds and we’re willing to fill our boots to the brim to keep them. Neither one of you have anything we haven’t seen…”
Robert admires his half of the Tag and Xtreme Titles.
” We’re playing for your careers because that’s the sacrifice you’re going to have to make if you think you’re going to pry anything we’ve worked our asses off for. The term takes it from our cold dead hands applies here… You’re two singles wrestlers that haven’t even shared a ring before and you’re standing opposite the two destroyers that have made it their personal missions to embarrass those who have stood in the exact same position that you’ve found yourselves in today…”
” And do you know what position that is?”
” Completely fucked.”
Robert smirks.
” So, go ahead and pick your jaws up off the floor and get to the drawing board gentlemen because the bombs are starting to drop… Now that creeping feeling of desperation is going to linger in the air while you try to play catch up with two surgeons… The only misfortune with that is it’s become entirely too late to right the sinking ship… And while this has been real, and it’s been entertaining it hasn’t been anything close to the winning standard that we’ve made this division…”
” And now this is the part where the predictable bullshit babble that’s expected to flow from the tips of your tongues. I’m sure you both thought you had it all figured out and were going to hit us in all the right places… We saw it coming from a mile away, so we flipped the fucking script on you two foolish dead ducks… In the meantime, we’ll continue to what we do and bitch slap the living shit out of the both of you on our way to finally establishing our agenda once and for all.”
” This isn't about luck at this point gentlemen. This entire thing revolves around being outmatched. Page and I are unrivalled generals in that ring. You're a shatter machine away from the lights going out. ”
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![[Image: fMJwa5h.png]]( x2
Longest Reigning Tag Team Champions in modern history. W- Drew Archyle & James Raven
Longest Reigning Hart Champion in modern history:280 days
2nd longest reigning Universal Champion :269 days
Tag Team Champions W- "Chronic" Chris Page as Cataclysm
Trio's Champion W- AX3
2020 May Superstar Of The Month
Winning Team Wargames 2020
Winning Team War Games 2019 W- APEX PROPHECY
2019 Feud of the year W- "Chronic" Chris Page
2019 Tag Team of the Year W- Drew Archyle & James Raven as APEX
Roleplay of the Month February 2019 "Junkyard Dog"
Leap Of Faith Winner 2018
July 2018 Superstar Of The Month
December 2018 Superstar Of The Month
December 2017 Superstar Of The Month
Winning Team War Games 2017 W- APEX
Mr. 24/7