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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » High Stakes RP Board
The Darkness Creeps In
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Ash Quinn

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11-18-2020, 12:16 PM

It's times like these when I sit and reflect after everyone has said their piece and I can take it all in. You could imagine me with a cigarette and a cup of some girlie coffee. You could imagine me on a walk along the beach with my Mom where I talk to her about Jenny's not so fresh feeling. Truth is it makes me focus, makes me realize what I'm up against. I have realized that you all have misjudged me. You ladies think I'm just this sweet smiling little ball of sweetness, truth be told you are wrong.

True I skip to the ring all smiles and rainbows but those bright spots hide my cold calculating mind. Through every smile, every wiggle of this perfect ass, I am watching each one of you. I have fought long and hard to keep this side of me away from you all and the XWF universe. Lately, it's been hard to keep the darkness at bay. It's been more and more difficult to keep up this sunny giggly crap. The fact of the matter is ladies if I intend to I need to have a heaping helping of dark mixed with my light.

Jenny and I have fought a long hard battle since I stepped foot in this Fed. From the time I told folks I was here and ready to jerk that curtain, she was there in my face pushing me. She was the first one to say I will hold those ropes open and you can step into the Queen's court. She expected me to be her dancing giggling fool. I gave her hard-fought battle after battle. Granted she has beaten me more than Ike beat Tina, but each loss gives me more insight into what makes her, her. I used to go on and on about her big fake tits or overdone makeup, but in all honesty, I've kinda ground these into the dirt. I also actually agree with the crazy bitch for once. The ladies are vastly taken for granted in this fed, and our belt is seen as less of an accomplishment because we just beat on each other to get it. Maybe we should put Greggo and Tommy in tight dresses and let them fight with us.

I know I'm supposed to talk shit about the champ. Yes, she does wear a lot of makeup, hell she looks like Pennywie's stand-in in the movie IT. Yes, she has big fake tits, I mean hell, I heard a plane she was in crashed over the ocean and she lived because she used them as a flotation device. God's honest truth is because of these guys and what is expected of us we have all fallen into this trap. Look good rating go up. That's why the four of us are different, we aren't just the makeup and T and A. We are so much more.

The two new ladies have figured this out quickly though. Well, one new and one returning vet that is. I can tell from the things they have said about each one of us that they don't have to have this outlook drilled into them, they know the book from page one. What they don't know is how this book ends. it ends with me holding the gold above my head finally. i have been entertaining people since I was 15! In one way or another through pageants, rock music, or this journey I am on now. Whatever you think of me ladies it will be an honor to step in the ring with both of you.

Betsy, from what I saw you come off-brand spanking new. Like that pair of heels look before you break em in. How the new dress looks before it's crumpled up on some guy's floor somewhere. I see ya though. Your aw-shucks newness hides the same gears always turning mind we all have. A few good ass whippings and you will fall in line, trust me. If ya don't we will just keep on beatin on ya. I'm sure you will try and try to take us all out but, let me tell ya you can train all you want with some foreign lass, but it all goes out the window when you get punched in the mouth. A wise man once said that, either Rocky or Mike Tyson. I'm not sure which.

Geri, Geri, what can I say about you. You think I am sexy, well you got that right, but in all honesty, you are so run through I'm afraid you might break a hip. If we get rolling dust might shoot right out that pussy. You talk about the past in this place. You did this and you did that. Heck, I feel like I should start an XWF old folks home after the past couple weeks. Between you, Jenny, Gilly, and that zombie dude. I feel like listening to all you talk I should be writing it down to preserve the old folks' wisdom. Either that or give ya all a wheelchair and start an Alzheimer's wing. Gilly can spend the day talking about his huge cock and Choas Inc. and you and Jenny can reminisce about when you were bright shining stars on the scene. Not the little rusty things on top of Charlie Brown's tree. You won't have to worry about tossing this belt in the trash if you ever win the Uni. I'm gonna take good care of it.

See y'all at high Stakes!!

Chess In the Park

The sunshine beams through the trees casting shadows here and there throughout the park. Our gaze is drawn to the cement tables where the older men play chess and argue about kids these days. Most of the men are dressed in T-shirts and shorts with New Balance gym shoes adorning their feet. Typical old man wear.
But not these two.

One is wearing a smartly tailored shirt and tie, wingtips on his feet. His hair slicked back, shiny and dark, and his goatee neatly trimmed. His bright eyes both focused on his opponent and the board in front of him. He makes a move and waves a hand in a sweeping gesture.

"It's your move old man. Be careful, I almost have you."

The other man has had his hand in his long gray-white beard watching intently. He reaches for a piece moving it smoothly and gently.

" You never had me Bee. Not in this game not anywhere! Check!"

It was his turn for his eyes to brighten. He smoothed out his cabana shirt and we see he is wearing grey cotton pants and loafers, his longish grey hair tied in a ponytail. He chuckles as the other man studies the board intently. The man in the suit moves a piece deftly his eyes crinkled, a smile breaking his lips.

"it's about time you realize it's my turn to win Dad. Check!!

"I always win Luci, c'mon now. Checkmate!!"

The younger man sweeps the pieces off the board in anger. Growling in his throat.

"You may have won this one but I will win the much bigger game!"

He sits back down smoothing out his clothes. The old man looks at him grimly and shakes his head, clicking his tongue like a disappointed Dad would his son. He sits in quiet contemplation.

"Are you done Memnoch??"

The younger man huffs, starting to speak. He opens his mouth then his jaw clicks shut. It's almost as if he is a child put in his place because his Dad used his full name.

You see these chess players are not just two ordinary men. No, they are Lucifer, the Lightbringer and his estranged father, the Lord, our God. The chess match was just a warm up. The battle for one woman's soul is yet to come....
[-] The following 3 users Like Ash Quinn's post:
Felix Jones (11-18-2020), Marf (11-18-2020), Theo Pryce (11-29-2020)

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