Charlie Nickles

XWF FanBase: Drug addicts, rebels, weirdos (the villain you love to hate; has cult following; may deal drugs on side)
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09-25-2020, 05:46 AM
Grainy video footage from a long forgotten clip plays on the screen.
Jean Paul-Lacklan Said:We find ourselves in what appears to be the room of a child. The room is dominantly pink: The walls are pink, though the accompanying carpet is a pearly white, with the raised ceiling painted to be the sky and stars above. The room features a small desk and chair, white with carnation trim, with a dresser and large toy box similarly dressed, and a small bed, pink with white trim. And, to fit the room nicely, there is a small child sitting upon the white floor, a doll in her hand.
The child is pretty, barely more than two years old, with straight black hair falling to her shoulders, though there is a bit of curl at the very ends. Her eyes are blue, a very bright and deep blue, with fair skin that shows a hint of pink in the cheeks. She is wearing a pink dress with a copious amount of white lace, and a small pair of pink bunny slippers. The doll in her hand is odd, though: It is female, as is to be expected, but everything else is a departure from the norm. The hair on the doll is jet black and there are small silver flecks upon the dolls face, placed as if they were piercings. The doll is dressed in a white robe, made of silk, that falls past her legs.
Regardless of the doll's odd appearance, it is obviously more than enough to keep her happy. She moves the doll back and forth, bouncing her on her knees as if dancing, a song coming from the child.
"I love my Mommy..." Her voice is soft and high-pitched, the words coming out rather well-formed for a toddler. "My Mommy is the best Mommy in the world..."
She plays with her doll, her song for her and her doll alone, even as the man in black enters the room.
Jean-Paul Lacklan is as how we are accustomed to seeing him. He wears his robe, the long black tresses falling to the pearly-white carpet, his hands before him, though they are covered by the far too big sleeves which droop almost to his knees. His cowl is down, though, pulled back away from his face, his scarred head almost blending in with the overbearing pink in the room. He stops a few steps from the child, who looks up at him.
The child smiles as she gazes up at the man in black. Although the alabaster mask covers the majority of Lacklan's face, we see the edges of his lips curl into a smile. And not even the half-smirk we are accustomed to seeing upon the madman's face; this is a full-on smile.
"Hello, Sarah." Lacklan cocks his head to the side a bit. "What is it that you are doing?"
The child looks back to her doll.
"Playing with Mommy."
Unseen by the toddler, Lacklan's smile falters, his eyes falling to the doll. Lacklan lowers himself to his knees, positioning himself behind Sarah, and gently brings the child to him.
"You must never let her go, child, do you understand?" Sarah looks at him without responding, but Lacklan goes on, taking one gloved hand to run his fingers through her hair. "She was beautiful, intelligent, caring. You look so much like her..."
Lacklan grows silent as he looks at his daughter, and at the doll. Sarah snuggles closer to her father. She may be a child, barely older than two, but like most children, she knows more than the grown-ups think. Lacklan holds her tighter, until they are interrupted a moment later.
Lacklan looks to the doorway to see the issuer of the throat-clearing. Said issuer is a woman, her face a few years shy of 30, whose make-up is rather striking and odd. She, befitting the room and child, wears a pinks blouse which features a very high neck, almost up to her chin, and a black skirt that falls to her ankles, with feet enwrapped in high heels. She carries a clipboard, held close to the chest, full of papers.
Lacklan looks at her for several seconds then, with a nod, turns his gaze back to his daughter.
"Work?" the child asks, before he could say anything, which causes the smile to creep from behind the mask again.
"Yes, child. The work of the Savior is never finished. Play with Mommy nicely."
"Yes, Daddy."
Lacklan rises to his feet and leaves the room, the woman following closely behind, leaving the child to go back to playing with her doll.
"I love my Mommy is the best Mommy in the world..."
The screen comes back to life. We see a conventional wrestling table flipped over onto it’s side, laying the wrong way with it's legs extended for support. Behind the table all we see is well-lit darkness. We hear Charlie speak in a high-pitched ‘feminine’ voice as a tattered doll pops up above the table. The doll’s face appears slightly burnt in some areas and flattened in others. What little hair the doll has left is jet black. A torn silk robe with slight stainage atop it’s milky fabric covers the doll’s raggedy body.
“Sarah, it’s mommy. It’s your mommy, Sarah.”
A few snickers are heard from Charlie’s side of the table.
“I love you Sarah. You’re the best Sarah in the world.”
The tone shifts towards a more aggressive inflection.
“But you were supposed to protect mommy. Why didn’t you protect mommy, Sarah? You let mommy go! You let everything your father and I taught you go! As soon as we died, you abandoned us. Abandoned us! You were supposed to protect mommy, but you let me fall into the hands of a dangerous man!”
The doll goes quiet for a moment as a naked black barbie doll joins the impromptu stage, presumably held up by Charlie’s other hand.
“You abandoned our entire tradition. You were supposed to protect it. You want to end our bloodline! All for what?! For this?! A little black slut?”
The mommy doll smacks against the Kenzi doll repeatedly as Charlie screams from behind the table. He throws the Kenzi doll out of frame like it’s a fastball on the last pitch of the world series. Charlie begins voicing the mommy doll again, this time back to his original inflection.
“There’s a good man out there for you, Sarah. A decent man! A family man! Make your father and I proud. We’re looking down on you in heaven, crying every day that you live in sin! Do the right thing, Sarah. We raised you better than this. We rai-”
The voice abruptly falls silent. A few moments of total quiet pass. Muffled whispers soon ruminate from behind the table. A few more seconds tick by before the mommy character is back in action.
“Marry Charlie, Sarah! He deserves it! He needs it!”
Charlie slips into his own voice for a moment before regaining his composure and carrying on with the puppet show.
“Charlie’s a good man! A family man! He’s a good wrestler, too! I know you think he’s a little too big, Sarah. And I know you think he’s a little bit too hardcore. And I know you think he’s not your type, but he is! I’m your mommy, Sarah! I know you best. I know what’s best for you. Charlie’s best for you!
You need to listen to mommy, Sarah. But if you won’t listen to me, maybe you’ll listen to…..
A replica Jean-Paul Lacklan mask comes up to the impromptu stage, likely lifted by Charlie’s other hand. Charlie attempts to speak like the man from the old video footage, but he is still just too intimidating, strong, and charismatic to really pull off a good Jean-Paul Lacklan impression.
“You need to be a good girl, Sarah! You’ve gone down the wrong path. You’ve become a naughty little girl, Sarah. A lost daughter. A dissapointment. I begrudgingly let you train in my dying days. You took advantage of me to advance sin. I never thought you’d go to such extremes. We all sin from time to time. I thought if I could channel your sin, let you wrestle in a gym, you would be saved from sin throughout the rest of your life. I couldn’t have been more wrong.
I never knew you were going to wrestle in front of crowds. I would have never approved. I don’t care who you hire to dress up as me, it doesn’t change who I was. Who I am documented to have been, for decades. You are a disgrace to my legacy. Yes, I wished for one universal champion. One savior to lift up professional wrestling and craft it in a perfect image. One MAN to hold the belt and the crown. Charlie is that MAN. God would NEVER choose a woman!
Have you forgotten the teachings of the Path of the Light Church? You never go there. You never study the scripture. You never quote the holy texts. You never give in depth explanations of our literary offerings and theological principles! You have had the largest platform ever given to a professional wrestler these last two weeks. The biggest game shows. The most watched talk shows in the world. Globally broadcast zoom calls. You have been given a platform with nearly unlimited reach.
And what do you choose to use it on?
Nonsense! You ramble on and on about Soldier, Gilly, Vinnie, and all the other fools and heathens that roam those halls. But when you’re not rambling on about irrelevant bullshit every other word is ‘fat’ or ‘jobber’. The other half of your vocabulary is just references to ‘garbage’ or ‘trash’! Nothing creative, just middle school insults every other jackal on the roster would’ve clinged to when faced with ol’ Charlie.
Oh, and I almost forgot to mention, ‘BEEP’. Try saying that 55 times fast.
You have spent no time spreading the message of our church. You have spent no time preaching my message. You went on Ellen and talked about my fucking theme music? DO YOU THINK I BECAME A WRESTLER FOR THE THEME MUSIC?! I BECAME A WRESTLER TO SPREAD THE MESSAGE OF THE PATH OF LIGHT CHURCH. I DEDICATED MY ENTIRE CAREER TO IT. MY LEGACY TO IT.
You spit on my legacy. You may as well be spitting on my grave.
If you were going to go against my wishes and my teachings, the least you could do is spread my message. Spread the power and influence of our church. Expand the power our family gained through hundreds of years of slavery and genocide. Expanding our Industry. But no!
But maybe, just maaaaayyybeee I could forgive you for desecrating that championship belt if you had a justified reason for it. A compelling narrative. Maybe you could change your daddy’s mind if you put the work into it! Show me, Sarah! Show me everything you are as a person. Show me your FLAWS! Yes, Sarah, FLAWS! Being ‘too good’ at wrestling and underestimating ‘jobber trash’ is not a FLAW! Show me how you have changed the church in my absence. Show me the ideology you have created for our followers using the seeds I planted. Show it to me, Sarah!
I don’t think you can. I think I shook your whiny ass too many times when you were bitching and moaning in that crib! I think I jumbled your brains up a bit too much! Turned them to mush. I wasted my seed on you.
I could have had a son. A real storied champion. Someone who will propel the world of professional wrestling forward into a new light. A new era. A worthy successor.
But instead, I got you. A daughter who has lost her ways. A vile fiend who tarnishes the championship belt more and more with each moment she possesses it. But it’s not too late to make it right.
You can still make me proud, Sarah. For the first time since I died I could look down at you from heaven with a feeling other than absolute disdain. I could finally have a SON, Sarah. Sanctified by Caesar’s law, who I have given unto what is deserved just as I have given unto God what is his. As it says I ought to in the holy book.
You can make Charlie my son in law. I’ve always wanted a son who was a universal champion. A son who soared higher than I ever could. A son who was more of a man, more of a wrestler than I could ever be.
Charlie will be the wrestling world’s Moses, setting our people free, casting off the chains of sinful oppression that bind this business.
No, no. Moses was, as our old friend Dex would so eloquently put it, ‘a jew’.
Charlie will be the wrestling world’s Abraham.
No, no. Wow….you really forget how many of the bible heros are jews until you start thinking about it.
My son in law will be the wrestling world’s David. Against all odds he will do the unthinkable.
Against all odds he will unseat the Goliath that has wrongly taken possession of the one championship to rule them all.
Charlie has been chosen. He WILL be the universal champion. God will deliver that championship to him on high. I can only pray that you will join Charlie in holy, submissive matrimony.
The Jean-Paul lacklan mask is tilted to face downwards, almost as if it is looking sad.
I never accomplished shit in my career. That’s why I crave a son like Charlie so badly. I was inducted into the hall of fame of two separate organizations that collapsed. Disappeared. Vanished into the dustbin of history. No one remembers. No one cares anymore. I never made it in any federation that was capable of withstanding the test of time. My history is all but vanished from the world, erased from all but the darkest depths of the internet. The championships I held. The accolades I was awarded. All….gone.
Is that why you run from me, Sarah? Is that why you run from your history? Is that why you are silent about the teachings of our church? Are you ashamed?
Are you ashamed of every time I called someone a f-a-you-know-the-rest? Are you ashamed of every time I said the word we all know every white man shouldn’t? Are you ashamed of every crass rape threat, every murdered puppy, every shitty promo?
You shouldn't be. It’s who you are. It’s what I passed down to you."
“Well maybe she should be a little ashamed! You were quite the bully!”
The father mask attacks the mommy doll.
The puppets go silent. The mommy doll drops to the ground. Heavy sighing is heard from behind the table. A couple of odd smacking sounds can be heard. Hand connected with skull as a few soft whispers ruminate from behind the safety of the table. After a few seconds silence is restored. Then, Jean-Paul speaks again.
"You don’t deserve my surname. You don’t deserve to be a Lacklan.
But you do deserve to be a Nickles.
Embrace him, Sarah. Make me proud once more.
Abandon your temptress. Abandon your homosexuality! Learn to love the pipe, and never lay with a woman again!"
Charlie stands up. His upper body quickly passes in and out of frame. The camera goes up to cover Charlie’s face, but it is a few seconds behind and catches him mid-speech.
"Gotta disagree with you there, ol’ Preacherman. Those sexy little videos are my kind of treat. She can keep up that little side action so long as she lets Charlie film."
‘No Charlie! It’s sinful!’
"Not to my God, ol’ Pastor Pete."
‘Then you’re a heretic too! You and my whore daughter!’
Charlie starts smacking the replica mask around with his free, unburned, hand.
"You like that, you sissy bitch? After I make Sarah my little bitch do you want me to have a turn with you? A nice little fuck session with your corpse? Sarah says you’re into gay shit now. Well you're out of luck! I only like women on women gay shit, pal!"
Charlie throws the mask on the ground, stomping on it with his foot behind the table. A few moments later he turns to face the camera, an intense expression on his face.
"Do you see what I do for you, Sarah?! I will defend your honor! Even against wrestling legends! Hall of famers! Former lower mid card champions!
I will do anything for you Sarah. I will move mountains. I will lick the gaps between your toes every night.
But why do you reject me, Sarah? I shower you with love, with affection...but still you push me away.
Charlie flips over the table as he flies into a fit of rage. As the table goes flying off camera we see all that was hidden behind it. The dirtied up replica mask and the raggedy doll from ebay of course lay on the ground; but there are other, more interesting objects that may draw the viewer’s eye. One of the objects is a brown box labeled ‘side characters’ with a sharpie. The other object is a smaller red box with ‘Helzberg Diamond’ branding. The scarlet box is a bit grimey as it seems to have small pieces of trash and debris stuck to it. Charlie is breathing heavy and his face is growing more red with each passing second. Beads of sweat begin to drip down his nose, beard, and chin onto his plaid jacket.
"I am everything you could need in a man! You don’t answer me! You don’t talk about my love for you! You barely even address anything I say!
You say I’m nothing, you say you don’t have to worry about beating me. But if you don’t have to worry, why do you pump out promotional video after promotional video? Why are you putting so much effort if I’m nothing but a ‘gimme’ win?
Sarah….SAY MY NAME, SARAH. Talk about our love! You don’t have to keep it a secret. God knows I’m not!
Charlie is working himself into a frenzy, but he recognizes it. He looks towards the ground, trying regain his composure as he shakes his head from side to side. He speaks softly under his breath to himself: but with the great microphones paid for by Vinnie Lane, who still hates Sarah or something I guess, we’re finally able to hear the whispers Charlie tells to himself.
"No this won’t win her love. This won’t do, Charlie….calm...calm…"
Charlie closes his eyes as he tries to control his breathing. He counts to ten inside his mind before he opens his eyes. Once he comes back to the world he’s calmer, more composed. He looks back up to the camera with a tender smile on his face.
"I have something for you Sarah. I got it from Jean-Paul Lacklan’s final resting place, just for you.
I know I’ve been saying we’re going to be married, because we are ordained by God as soulmates...but don’t you think it’s time to make it official?"
Charlie kneels to the ground, grabbing the crimson box. He gets on one knee as he prepares himself for the big moment. He takes a quick glance into the side characters box, which only contains one remaining ‘puppet’. A lone, green blob inside the dark box. He winks at the Kermit the Frog plush before returning his gaze to the camera. He pulls the top of the box open, revealing an incredibly small rainbow colored cock ring tucked into the soft pillowy interior of the Helzberg Diamonds ring case.
"Will you marry me?"
Reigning, Defending, Bloodletting