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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » Savage Results
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Saturday Night Savage 08-29-2020
Author Message
Theo Pryce Offline
King of Kings
Management Lv. E-Rex

XWF FanBase:
The 'cool' kliq fans

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty while setting the trends)

08-29-2020, 02:17 PM

[Image: LKNS3dh.gif]



Jim Jimson
- vs -
Sarina Hazard
Winner will become Number 1 contender to the Shooting Star Championship

The Incredible One
- vs -

Brian Storm (w/ The disembodied spirit of Shane )
- vs -

- vs -
Melanie "Crayzee" Childs
Xtreme Rules

Charlie Nickles
- vs -
Reggie Estrada
Special Guest Ref: Robbie Bourbon
Light Tube Deathmatch

Johnny Legend
- vs -
Hanari Carnes

The Wizard
- vs -
Andrew Logan
Parking Lot Brawl

[Image: rWOE8Gi.png]

[Image: 8K9Z08s.png]

Thaddeus Duke ©
- vs -
"Chronic" Chris Page
Thaddeus Duke chooses the stip in his FIRST RP

Madison Dyson’s music hits to a chorus of boos! She appears at the top of the ramp in a motorized wheelchair, which just draws even more jeers! Her wounded appendage is held aloft in front of her, still in an air cast. Greggo is riding on the back, and as the camera floats around to follow them to the ring, he gestures frantically at the Sarah Lacklan EYES ON HER t-shirt he’s wearing, almost falling off the back of the chair in the process. Mercy ominously brings up the rear, glowering at the masses.

Madison Dyson takes the lead down the aisle as the X-Tron flashes with images of proud African warriors and other Afro-centric imagery intercut with scenes of Madison kicking ass in the ring! The heat from the crowd is damn near thunderous, but Madison seems oblivious to it! She doffs her black crown atop her head and crisscrosses her arms in front of her chest in the well known “Wakanda Forever” gesture as pyro explodes behind her in red, green, and yellow Afrocentric colors. Madison then proudly rolls to the ring, paying no heed to the fans. A huge ramp has already been laid out for her, and she manuevers the chair up the ramp and into the ring.

Mercy takes up a protecting position beside Madison, as Greggo hops off the chair and approaches the camera, offering a warm wink and a seductive smile. He reaches his hands forward and to the viewers at home it looks like he’s grabbing them to pull them in for a kiss!

Greggo: Mmmmm, come a little………………. closer.

And with that, he jerked the camera so close to his face that it bops him in the nose. He starts making out with the camera, making sure his wagging and twirling tongue can get a lot of up close and personal contact with the viewers.

Heather: Greggo’s so gross! What the hell!

Pip: Just watching through our own monitor right now I can feel his tongue on me. Still though, at least he’s practicing social distancing and letting the camera separate him from everybody. He used to just go do this stuff with fans in the audience.

He rubs his hands all over his own chest and stomach, getting his Sarah Lacklan shirt all wrinkled and greasy. Many are curious how filthy his hands are for a shirt that was pristine just a minute ago to already look like it’s coated in cowpie n’ creme.

Greggo looks around and momentarily locks eyes with Madison, who seems to be sourcing an unlimited reserve of patience right now as she simply ignores this raucous crowd and waits for Greggo to “finish up” with his important camgirl spot.

Pip: Wait, Greggo’s a camgirl now? Did I miss that promo? This guy’s just got so much going on. Such a busy man.

Minutes later, Greggo has “finished up” and now has procured thy microphone from a lowly ring peasant! He bends over, blinks innocently at the fans, and acts like he’s going to shove it up his asshole, but then goes “Teehee Just Kiddingz!!!” and hands the clean, non-asshole-penetrating mic over to Madison Dyson.

Madison winces in pain, drawing in a loud protracted hiss. Finally, she musters up the wherewithal to speak.

Madison: Greetings Savage audience! It is I, holder of the “Atara Themis At Least I Showed Up” Participation Award, here to once again….deliver some bad news!

The crowd isn’t having any of it! They set in on her with a vengeance!





Greggo races around the ring, waving his arms in a desperate attempt to quell the jeers.

Madison: Wow, lotta Trump voters in the house tonight. Not really a surprise here in Montgomery, Alabama, where the official state past times are severe opioid withdrawal and hiding an awkward boner everytime your cousin walks in the room.

**BOOOOOOOOS!** (yet, Greggo looks to be possibly aroused?)

Madison: Eh, fuck off you ingrates! Here I am, literally breaking my body for you people, bringing a dash of color to this lilly white roster, and making the Xtreme Championship actually EXCITING again, and all you people do is bitch and nag! Well here’s one more for ya, because my boil has still not sufficiently healed, I am still NOT CLEARED TO WRESTLE! Greggo, tell them what you told me!

Madison carefully hands the mic off to Greggo, making sure not to make contact with his brown hands. Greggo gets down on one knee in front of Madison!

Heather: Oh my god he’s going to propose!

Pip: Oh stop it. He’s fondling her damn foot again. “Proposal” my rear. Women.

Heather: Whatever, Pip. But I guess you’re right. Looks like Greggo is indeed going full “Dr. L. Fond” on Madison Dyson’s injured appendage.

Pip: And for those not in the know, that’s been Greggo’s “I’m not a doctor, I just think I am” alias for well over FOUR decades of very sporadoctorial docstruction. Or at least those are the made up words Greggo likes to use when he talks about his medical experience.

Madison gestures at Greggo, who is in full ”feely trance” but quickly snaps out of it. He then for some reason holds his own balls, lets out a deep cough, and checks Maddy’s temperature an old school thermometer that still uses mercury in it. Greggo informs his patient about the dangers of mercury poisoning should she bite the thermometer, and she seems confident in her ability to make it through this test.

Success- Her temperature has been taken and Greggo just throws the thermometer into the audience without even looking at it!

Greggo: Alright! She’s good! (holding up his arms like goal posts as he proclaims it)

Madison is luckily just close enough to Greggo that she’s able to give him a hard nudge in the hip. He at first giggles, but then mouths “Oh!” as if a light bulb just went off.

Greggo: Like I said people, she ain’t healthy yet. This is why she’s not quite as good as my client Sarah “Title Drinker” Lacklan is. I mean don’g get me wrong people, Maddy’s still real good! She’s also my friend! Even if we will not be voting fer the same man in the 2020 electpollmail! I’d do anything fer this gurl but we gotta tell it like it is and be like, well yeah duh Sarah’s still better. (turning to Madison) Maddy yer not allowed to wrestle yet! Not until you have as healthy and good smelling of a foot as my client Sarah does!!

Madison: See, there ya go! From a veritable foot expert, even. Turns out I won’t be ring ready till’....well, who knows when!

Greggo has a smug grin on his face, looking so proud of himself and his aforementioned absentee client, who he constantly finds ways to talk about and remind people of. It’s clear he really does believe Madison’s foot just isn’t up to par with someone like Sarah.

Madison is about to continue when...

Atticus White bursts onto the ramp, no music with a mic in hand; his eyes don’t leave Dyson.

Madison beams at the sight of the Savage GM.

Madison: ATTICUS! What up my ni-.....!

Atticus: You even try to finish that word and I’ll have you working back at Sunglasses Hut quicker than your disappearance after winning that crown.

Madison smirks and gives a playful shrug of her shoulders; Atticus bites his tongue as his foot taps quickly on the steel ramp.

Atticus: You may have weasled your way out of your match tonight but I am damn sure not letting you get away a second time! Greggo is as much a medical professional as you are an advocate for black lives; so I thought I’d save us from more of this circus and just cut the crap short. Dr. Acula!

A tall thin man in a doctor’s white coat complete with a stethoscope, shirt and tie silently steps from the back and makes his way to the ring.

Pip: Ah, our resident doctor!

Heather: His name is Dr. Acula?

Pip: He’s been helping get the talent back to peak performance since… I don’t know how long!

Heather: Seriously, his name’s Dr. Acula and nobody is mentioning it?

Madison: Yes Atticus, I too have seen Scrubs and suffered through multiple seasons of Zach Braff’s petulant whining. It’s almost as bad as Fuzz’s. But if you think for a second I’m letting your unlicensed quack get anywhere near my dainties you’ve got another thing coming!

Atticus: Madison! With an injury that could be as severe as yours this means we’d have no choice but to strip you of your newly acquired championship and crown, you’d also be out the rest of the year! Please, allow the doctor to take a look.

Madison looks to Greggo as Dr. Acula inspects Dyson’s body, giving light taps of his knuckles to certain areas which Dyson either ignores or gives a delayed ‘ow’. Dr. Acula finishes his exam and leans towards the microphone.

Dr. Acula: She’s faking it.

The crowd feign shock as White smiles.

Atticus: What a lucky surprise, turns out you’ll be able to face Jenny Myst after all in our first ever FALLING STAR MATCH. I thought with the new Shooting Star Championship, why not go all out. The title shall be suspended twenty-five feet above the ring the only way up will be to climb the rafters at each corner and make your way across a narrow scaffold walkway to the title and I thought since stars are bright, why not have blinding strobe lights randomly activate as you walk towards the championship causing you to fall back to earth. Why not line the aprons with light-tubes to use as weapons, hell, why not even throw in a few flashbang explosive traps just to get the whole “stars shine bright” message across.

The crowd grow excited.

Heather: Wow… That’s elaborate.

The two in the ring seem somewhat dumbfounded.

Atticus: I’m sure this match is fitting for you, your highness. See you in two weeks.

Atticus leaves to applause at the camera focuses on Madison’s pale face. Greggo looks like he’s trying to console her, but naturally his ministrations are inadequate. Madison looks like she’s trying to pinch back some serious hate as Savage fades to commercial.

Pip: We're kicking things off here with Jim Jimson, who will be taking on newcomer Sarina Hazard here. The winner will become number one contender for the Shooting Star Title.

Heather: She's not exactly a newcomer. She's been around the block and has a lot of experience, but I guess she's new here.

Jim comes out with a sign saying "Kill all Dolphins" people come out with him handing out Dolphin Rape Awareness Month, pamphlets, making sure that people know, just how evil dolphins are.

Pip: Jim is making his way to the ring here, and apparently, he still hates Dolphins.

Heather: Do you blame him?

The beat of "Tear you Apart" by She Wants Revenge clashes with strobe lights as the crowd lets out a chorus of boos. Sarina Hazard walks out with a smirk on her face before blowing a kiss causing sparks to rain down behind her as the words kick into the song. The lights continue to strobe as Sarina begins walking down the ramp rolling her eyes at fans and flipping off the occasional asshole screaming at her. Once she reaches the ring she jumps onto the apron of the ring and shakes her booty a bit before entering the ring by the bottom rope. Sarina walks to the middle of the ring with her hands raised in the air before running her hands over her body and turning around to smirk at the fans behind her. She then turns to face Jim and bites her lip. He shivers.

Heather: Remember, she is best friends with Jenny Myst and they form the team of Hells Bells. We've yet to see them in action together, but they did mess with Big D last show. That was awesome!

Jim Jimson
- vs -
Sarina Hazard
Winner will become Number 1 contender to the Shooting Star Championship

The bell rings and Sarina gets off the blocks quickly. She hits Jim with a Lou Thez press, taking him to his back. She begins to fire off a series of elbows and punches, before jumping off him and bouncing off the ropes, connecting with a Guillontine Leg Drop. She goes for a quick cover, but Jim kicks out at 1.

Pip: Gonna take more than that to keep Jim down.

Heather: Oh trust me, she's not done.

Sarina picks Jim up and kicks him in the gut, locking him in for a DDT.

Blowing a kiss to the crowd she plants him with a DDT in the center of the ring. Dropping a knee down on the mid section of Jim Jimson, she stands up into a pose. Jim is flat on his back in the center of the ring, and Sarina puts a boot on his chest.



Jim gets a shoulder up.

Pip: She's just toying with him now. I am not even sure Sarina has broken a sweat yet.

She picks Jim back up, whipping him off the ropes. She goes for a clothesline, but Jim ducks, and comes off the ropes the other way. They meet in the middle and Jim shoulder blocks her, taking her down, but she pops right back up. He smiles at her, but she snarls, blasting him in the face.

She backs Jim into the corner, then whips him into the far corner. He bounces out to the middle, where she locks in Chains of Lust (the standing dragon sleeper).

Jim is fading.

Finally, he ends up slumping. The ref raises his hand.


Raises it again, it drops.


And a third time.


Pip: It's over. Sarina Hazard made like work of Jim Jimson tonight and now she gets a shot at either Madison Dyson or her best friend Jenny. This should be interesting, to say the least.

Winner by Submission: Sarina Hazard

Sarina is in the ring with a Miami Dolphins Jersey. She had it planted, it seems like. She lays it down over his face and blows him a kiss as she leaves the ring.

Big D and Atticus White are both shown in their office, arms crossed and frowns in their faces.

ATTICUS: "I'm not happy about this!"

D(shrugging): "Yeah, well, neither am I, but you have no-one to blame besides yourself."

A knock is heard at the door and the co-GMs tell them to enter, simultaneously. In walks Little Feather, who seems confused as to why he's been removed from his post.

LITTLE FEATHER: "What's going on, boss?"

The XWF Head of Security specifically addresses Atticus White, who doesn't respond, but rather awkwardly looks around the room, avoiding eye contact.

D: "I brought you in here........."

A disgusted Little Feather turns from White to D, who explains.

D: "As of this moment, you're no longer Head of Security."

The fans in the arena cheer as Little Feather looks completely shocked.


He turns to Atticus, once again, who still won't say, or do, anything. Big D ignores Little Feather's panic, continuing to rub salt into the wound.

D: "In fact, you're not even a member of our security detail AT ALL, anymore!"

The audience gets louder with approval as Little Feather looks so heartbroken, he just might cry.

LITTLE FEATHER: "But.......... but, why?!"

D: "Geeeeee, where do i begin? You stole a paying customer's sign, participated in a match instead of doing your actual job, AND interfered in a DIFFERENT match that you had no business being anywhere near, other than for the competitors' protection! Go on, Chief, take your pick!"

Little Feather looks from Big D, knowing all those situations involved him, to Atticus, the man who gave him the orders.

LITTLE FEATHER(pleading): "But............ I was only doing my job!"

Big D grinds his teeth and sucks in air, shaking his head.

D: "No, Little Feather, you weren't!"

The, now former Head of Security looks down at the floor in defeat, as Big D pats him on the shoulder.

D: "Look, man, if it was up to ME, I'd fire the person who put you up to it..........."

Big D shoots a dirty glare to Atticus, who looks up at the ceiling, avoiding eye contact as much as he is responsibility. D rolls his eyes and turns back towards Little Feather, shrugging his shoulders.

D: "But since I can't, I have to do the next best thing and fire the man who pulled the trigger."

LITTLE FEATHER: "But who's gonna protect the fans every fortnight?"

D: "Oh, don't worry about it, bro, we've got it taken care of.........."

ATTICUS(surprised): "We do???"

D: "Hell yeah.................... come on in, Marshall!"

As Little Feather and Atticus wait with anticipation, the office door slowly opens up and in walks the new XWF Head of Security................

[Image: 450?cb=20181105183248&path-prefix=protagonist]

Atticus White's jaw drops to the floor at the sight of him, with Little Feather looking on in confusion.

LITTLE FEATHER: "You're replacing me with this guy?!"

D: "That's right, meet your new Head of Security, Marshall Law!"

ATTICUS: "Wait, I know you! You work at the concession stand!"

D: "Not anymore, he's been promoted!"

Atticus and Little Feather stare at Marshall, who happens to be scarfing down what is definitely not his first donut of the day, and most likely will not be his last. After inhaling his snack, Marshall turns towards Little Feather and points to him.

LAW: " 's this the guy?"

D: "That's him..........."

Big D turns around and grabs an envelope off of his desk before handing it to Little Feather.

D: "There you go, your last paycheck......."

Big D turns to Marshall Law, giving him his first order.

D: "We're done here; take him away!"

Marshall grabs Little Feather by the arm, who yanks it away.

LITTLE FEATHER: "I can escort myself out!"

Little Feather storms out of the office, leaving Marshall unsure what to do next.

LAW: "Should I follow him?"

D: "Yes and, if needed, excessive force IS authorized."

Big D's words excite the new security guard, causing him to pull out his nightstick and hurry after Little Feather. Atticus White puts his head in his hand, not at all happy with D's choice of a replacement.

ATTICUS: "You know he's not qualified for this job, right?"

Big D shrugs, walking back around his desk and sitting down.

D: "Yeah, well, neither was Little Feather; so I'd say we're no worse off than we were a month ago!"

Atticus sighs before taking his place behind his own desk, going over paperwork as Big D happily hums to himself.

The opening music of 'Till I Collpase by Eminem starts as the crowd murmurs for the arrival of this wrestler. Spotlights search the arena for him until the beat drops, which reveals the words "TIO" on the main screen. A very large mixed crowd reaction brings out the Incredible One from backstage, he stands at the top of the ramp surveying the entire scene. He nods, acknowledging all the different opinions of him, as he makes his way down the ramp. He rolls into the ring and goes to a turnbuckle, climbing it and raising his hands in the air, for another strong reaction. He jumps off, taking his jacket off and handing it to the ref, stretching the ropes as his theme fades out.

Lights fall with small torches lighting the ramp to the ring. Lights rise and we see the ramp lined with men in Viking garb on bended knee, honoring their king. Njal makes his way clad in his furs, to the ring, ascending the apron, stepping over the top rope, and stepping to the center of the ring. Once there he raises his hand, torches light on each turnbuckle and an eagle cry is heard.

The Incredible One
- vs -

HHL: "Well this next match is between two wrestlers with somethin' to prove."

PC: "That's right, Heather, Njal and the Incredible One are looking to make a name for themselves, but only one will take the step forward tonight with a victory."

The opening music of 'Till I Collpase by Eminem starts as the crowd murmurs for the arrival of this wrestler. Spotlights search the arena for him until the beat drops, which reveals the words "TIO" on the main screen. A very large mixed crowd reaction brings out the Incredible One from backstage, he stands at the top of the ramp surveying the entire scene. He nods, acknowledging all the different opinions of him, as he makes his way down the ramp. He rolls into the ring and goes to a turnbuckle, climbing it and raising his hands in the air, for another strong reaction. He jumps down, taking his jacket off and handing it to the ref, stretching the ropes as his theme fades out.

"Hail to the King" by Avenged Sevenfold begins to play as lights fall with small torches lighting the ramp to the ring. Lights rise and we see the ramp lined with men in Viking garb on bended knee, honoring their king. Njal makes his way clad in his furs, to the ring, ascending the apron, stepping over the top rope, and stepping to the center of the ring. Once there he raises his hand, torches light on each turnbuckle and an eagle cry is heard.

PC: "Njal's a long way from Minnesota!"

HHL: "You're an idiot."

Njal and The Incredible One both get checked out by the ref, who gives the time keeper the OK to ring the bell.


As soon as the bell rings, Njal charges at the Incredible One, who ducks under his arms and traps him in the corner, delivering a hard Chop to the chest. It has no effect on Njal, who puffs out his chest and dares his opponent to do it again. TIO obliges, once again, to no avail. He then swings a right at Njal, who blocks it and strikes back with a right of his own. Njal follows it up with a left, then a kick, that backs The Incredible One against the ropes. Njal Irish Whips TIO to the opposite side and lifts up a boot, only for his opponent to catch himself on the rope and slide out of the ring.

HHL: "Looks like The Incredible One needs a breather."

PC: "Well, he's got nine seconds, which I'm sure will feel like an eternity for Njal."

With the ref barely hitting '2' on his count, Njal climbs out after The Incredible One, who doesn't see him. TIO turns around and gets dropped with a Running Clothesline that fires up his opponent.

HHL: "Njal is a man of few words, but MANY actions!"

PC: "And you called ME dumb?! That may have been the corniest thing you've ever said."

HHL: "Still ten times better than the shit you come up with!"

PC: ", you're probably right."

Njal brings his opponent to his feet and whips him towards the Steel Steps, however, The Incredible One manages to stop himself before hitting them. He then turns around and sees Njal running full force at him for a Spear, causing him to leap out of the way at the last second. Njal goes head first into the cold, hard steel, sending them flying out of position.

PC: "It's alright, there's probably nothing in there to hurt, anyway."

HHL: "Still more than you've got.........."

PC: "You're being very rude tonight! "

Despite the impact, Njal only drops to a knee before trying to shake the cobwebs out. The Incredible One takes advantage, grabbing his opponent's head and smashing it into the Steps. He then sees the ref's count at '7', so he rolls in and right back out to break it. TIO grabs Njal, who retaliates with an Elbow to the ribs, followed by a punch to the face.

HHL: "Njal must have a pretty hard head to be fighting back after that missed Spear!"

PC: "You think his HEAD's HARD, huh?"


PC: "OWWWWWW!!!! I don't wanna commentate with you, anymore!"

HHL: "You hear that, Big D? Make it happen!"

The Incredible One backs up toward the ramp, where Njal puts his hand around his throat. TIO uses both hands to cut through his opponent's power grip, before picking him in the midsection and DDTing him onto the ramp.

HHL: "I don't care how hard your head is, you ain't gettin' up from THAT!"

PC: "And the Incredible One's doing the right thing and letting him get counted out!"

With the referee on '4', The Incredible One jogs at the ring and slides in. He kneels down, anxiously watching his opponent as the ref counts slower than he'd prefer. This allows Njal, who's now got separate streams of blood running down over each eye, enough time to make it to his feet and stumble for the ring. On '8', he climbs onto the apron, where TIO greets him with a right. Njal manages to block the shots and respond with one of his own, backing his opponent enough to allow himself to make it back in at the count of '9'.

PC: "That was much closer than either man would've liked, one way or the other."

HHL: "Yes, but if The Incredible One can get off one more shot to the head, that may be all she wrote!"

Njal comes at TIO, who surprises him with a Kick to the knee, dropping Njal to one. The Incredible One stands beside him and hits a Russian Leg Sweep before rolling onto his opponent for a cover.


HHL: "Njal's gotta have a concussion, as well as whiplash, after that RUSSIAN Leg Sweep."

PC: "The fact he's kicking out is a testament to his Viking pride."

The Incredible One drags Njal up and locks in an Abdominal Stretch. He applies pressure, pulling back on his opponent's arm, but Njal refuses to quit. TIO Hammer's away at Njal's head, but he fights through it and Hip Tosses The Incredible One, before following it up with a Big Boot. The Incredible One looks dazed as he backs into a corner, allowing Njal to put his head between TIO's legs and left him onto his shoulders. Njal walks to the center of the ring and absolutely destroys his opponent with an Alabama Slam. He drops to his knees and puts his hands on TIO's chest for a cover.


HHL: "Oh, wow! The Incredible One showing his own toughness kicking out of that Troll Burster!"

PC: "That's incredible!"

HHL: "..................yes, Pip, yes it was."

The powerful Njal picks the Incredible One directly off the ground and onto his shoulders, setting up for The Pretender. He goes to slam his opponent on his face, but TIO manages to land on his feet, earning himself a gasp from the crowd. The Incredible One hoists Njal onto his shoulders and manages to connect with a Fireman's Carry DDT, laying across his opponent for a cover.


PC: "Njal gets a shoulder up JUST in the nick of time!"

HHL: "What an impressive showing by BOTH men!"

The Incredible One stands up and makes his way over to Njal's legs, lifting them up and putting one of his own between them. He then wraps Njal's feet across each other and flips him over, locking in a Sharpshooter.

HHL: "After everything Njal's been through, I don't know how much longer he'll last!"

PC: "The Incredible One's got that Sharpshooter locked in tight, it's only a matter of time before Njal taps out!"

The Incredible One sits back and applies pressure, as Njal reaches out for anything to help him escape, but they're nowhere near the ropes. A struggle ensues, with Njal pushing himself up by his arm strength alone, while TIO does his best to keep the hold locked in. Slowly but surely, Njal manages to flip onto his back, forcing them into the position they were when The Incredible One first put his leg through. He tries to turn Njal back over, but the Viking shoves TIO off of him with the power in his legs, sending his opponent flying backwards to the mat.

PC: "Njal just kicked the Incredible One off of him like it was nothing!"

HHL: "But the Incredible One's heading back for him!"

TIO rolls backwards to his feet as Njal stands up, as well. The Incredible One runs at his opponent and goes for a Neckbreaker, but Njal pushes him off. He then lifts the Incredible One onto his shoulders in Torture Rack position


and goes to flip him to the mat, but TIO, once again, manages to land on his feet.

HHL: "That's the second time he's escaped The Pretender!"

The Incredible One kicks his opponent in the gut and drives him into the mat with a devastating This Damn Incredible that leaves Njal down for the count.


Winner: The Incredible One via pinfall

PC: "What an incredible debut for the Incredible One!"

HHL: "Well, when you're right, you're right, I suppose. Both men put on a hell of a match and I expect to see good things in the future for BOTH of them."

PC: "Njal took alot of shots to the head, but that last one was just too much."

HHL: "Most men wouldn't even be able to take HALF the amount of punishment he endured here tonight, let alone almost win despite it."

The Incredible One celebrates in the corner, on the second turnbuckle with his arms in the air. He claps for himself for a moment before climbing over the top rope and out to the apron. TIO jumps down and heads up the ramp as the referee checks on Njal.

WINNER - The Incredible One

The Scene opens up with Reggie sitting inside the locker room folded chair, with an image of his daughter behind him, holding his head down. Then he looks up on the camera, and speaks.

Reggie: It all comes to this huh?… it all came to this!?!?… a light tube death match against Charlie with the rights over my daughter on the line. Well, sorry to tell you this Charlie, but i have a huge confession to make to you…

Reggie pulls out a San Diego Birth Certificate for Miranda as of 2014, and it shows it to the camera. Then it shows his baby mothers name, but not his name on it.

Reggie: You see Charlie, you made the assumption that i was her real father. Ever since i’ve been with Miranda, i wasn’t considered the father at all. My baby mother had openly stated, that I wasn’t her father and someone else was. I can still remember the day when she was born, my baby mother had told me straight up it wasn’t mines. She told me, that i wasn’t fit to be a father to her, and she already signed the papers with out me.

Reggie then laughs at that fact, and we see Mr. Wiggles coming into the scene with his briefcase with his hair in a ponytail, wearing his most cheap suit.

Mr. Wiggins: Ah Yes, my client Mr. Reggie Estrada is right, ever since that day his daughter was born, he was basically FORCED to stay out of her life. So now, Charlie’s stipulation is completely null and voided for the paternity for Miranda Estrada Smith. BUT, the match where Robbie is the special guest ref, who I will promise a bucket of crabs after this week is over with the lighttube stipulation, is still on tonight.

Reggie: What he said, it’s still on with him. Charlie, i gotten tired of you bringing my name up in the mud over how i treat my non-biological daughter, and think you will gain sympathy with these fans for how much shitty you are with your own ex-wife and kids. You can be a captain save a ho for all i care, and take my baby mama with you by the end of the night for all i care.

Reggie gets up from his chair, and he pulls down his non-daughter image off the wall, and hands it to Mr. Wiggins to put in his briefcase. Then he pulls some trash bin out of the corner, where there were light tubes inside of it, he then takes one and breaks it over his knee. Then he kept on doing the same motion, until his face turned beat red. Then Mr. Wiggins tries to calm him down.

Mr. Wiggins: Yo Reggie, save all that hostility in that ring against Charlie, you don’t need to prematurely ware yourself out like this. I know, I know that Charlie is a wanna be hardcore tough guy, but is nothing more than a glorified spotmonkey but with weapons and blood. You need to forget about all the shit he’s put you through, and remember that this isn’t a battle for your non biological daughter, it a battle to see if you can decimate him at his own game.

Reggie then slams his hand on the locker room door, and he takes a breather.

Reggie: Man, I understand what you saying. So fuck him, and the world for not believing in me and my parental skills. If I had to acknowledge and to show the world my own personal issues, then he has no right to use that against me!

Reggie then looks at the camera with a broken light tube in his hand.

Reggie: Charlie, you will not see the sunrise… you will not see your children graduate high school nor college… you will not experience on what it means to be a father… you will not even experience on being a fighting X-Treme champion. All you will see is me stabbing you with the lighttube, and brining you death before dishonor. I will make sure, that your kids and ex-wife will witness me making a fool out of you, and make them consider becoming a family with a young man like myself, but fuck all that. Tonight, this is going to be me just taking all my stress out on you, while having a sick smile on my face, as you bleed like a stuffed pig in the woods. I’m done with this shit…

Then Reggie and Mr. Wiggins leave the locker room as the show goes to commercial.

As we get set for the next match, nobody was prepared for the speakers to explode with.........



ME! *ReCoRd ScRaTcH* HER!

The lights in Garrett Coliseum go out before anyone can spot the source of that familiar voice, and a HOT pink spotlight shines down on the entrance ramp. For some reason, right now, there is a curtain at the entrance just like you'd see in the 90's. The curtain moves and........................... the crowd is in awe! Greggo walks out onto the stage, wearing a red dress filled with black spiderwebs, a ridiculously large feathered hat, and-


the XWF Federweight Championship around his waist!

HHL: Oh what the heck is this now?

PC: That's Greggo! He's probably getting ready to tell us all about how wonderful Sarah Lacklan is!

HHL: I know who it is! What the heck is this display we're seeing though?

Greggo runs his hands over his curves, embracing the feeling of the embroidered spiderwebs all over his dress. He puckers up and goes in for a kiss with some random fan, but then pulls away as if to tease the fan! The thing is, the fan was already backing up and shouting "no!" the moment Greggo had started to pucker up.

Greggo slowly and seductively caresses and removes the Federweight title from his sexy waist, and holds it out toward a young kid in the crowd. He asks the kid if he wants to touch the belt, and the kid shakes his head "no" while making a creeped out face and trying to hide behind his mommy. Greggo laughs and YANKS the belt back, saying "that's enough!" - as if the child actually wanted anything to do with that belt.

HHL: Sometimes I wonder if there's any limit to the level of delusion Greggo can descend to.

PC: Descend ? I don't know, but he does such a good job it's more like ascension. In his mind right now, he's on top of the world and everyone LOVES him and his client. Who are we to tell him he's wrong?

Greggo has finally reached the ring! He removes his SEXY red dress and starts swinging it over his head while he let's out a loud.....bird call(?).....of some kind. Down below, his dirty tighty whities aren't white, and that's the most description the network will allow of what Greggo had on under his dress.

Greggo flings the dress into the crowd and the fans scream in horror as they try to part like the red sea and avoid being hit with what seems to be a very SOAKED dress. SPLAT!

PC: Bullseye! Haha!

HHL: That nasty wet dress just wrapped around some poor kid's face! What the heck! Why was it drenched?!?

Greggo grabs a microphone and licks his dry, cracking lips.

Greggo: Mmmmmm, mmmmm, mmmmm! Somethin' suuuure smells good around these parts!

Greggo sniff his own armpit, and then bends over trying to get his face as close to his own crotch as possible for a few more sniffs.

Greggo: But ya know what smells even better? You know who smells like the hottest sex that's ever been had by two horny drug addicts? That's right, she's the one you ALL worship! Mmmm yeah! But none of you deserve to smell her right now because her time is limited because she's IMPORTANT and BUSY. So busy. Ya know, like what happens to people that matter. They got shit to do. That's why none of you ever have that problem.

HHL: What's he even going on about now?

Suddenly Greggo is interrupted!

PC: Uh oh! Greggo isn't going to be happy that he wasn't allowed to spend three hours telling everyone how special his client is! I had my popcorn ready and everything!

Greggo throws the mic down in a tantrum and starts stomping on it!

No wait! He's actually JUMPING up and down on the microphone now! He's screaming and throwing an absolute FIT right now!

Brian Storm (w/ The disembodied spirit of Shane )
- vs -

HHL: Jesus. Get a grip, kid.

PC: I think he's mad somebody interrupted his pre-planned segment without asking him first. I'd be annoyed too, Heather.

HHL: This is a match, not a segment. Greggo can't just control how the whole thing goes and expect everyone to support his creepy agenda.

After a few seconds, Brian Storm emerges from the back! He comes in riding a clydesdale with a corncob pipe in his mouth, twirling a lasso high above his head!

HHL: Why does this guy bring horses to shows?

PC: Yeee hawwww! Ride'em cowboy!

HHL: Ok...

Brian rides the horse down the ramp and around the ring, back to the end of the ramp, jumps off, smacks the horse in the ass and the horse runs up the ramp, returning backstage.

But wait! Brian is pointing toward the back and after a few seconds... the horse comes running back out!

And this time it's got something BIG in its mouth!

PC: Oh my god. Is that... Is that...?

The horse has a large DILDO in its mouth!

The horse brings the dildo to Brian, who happily takes it and waves it in the air while pointing threateningly at Greggo!

Greggo sees the dildo and looks TERRIFIED of it!!!!

PC: Could it be? Is that dildo........ Shane ?

HHL: Well if you paid any attention to the promo "Shane's Ghost" uploaded prior to today's show, he DID claim to have possessed a flying dildo.

PC: Oh! It flies? Or... He flies?

Just then Brian WHIPS the dildo through the air as hard as he can and it totally MISSES Greggo! Instead the dildo flies into the sea of fans!

HHL: Looks like he does, Pip! Shane is officially a flying dildo.......... Wow......


PC: The bell sounds, and "Shane The Flying Dildo" is already flying back into the ring!

HHL: Well yeah, the fans don't want that nasty thing!

The dildo hits Greggo in the back of the head, causing him to stumble forward into the waiting arms of Brian who takes him down with a spinning belly to belly suplex, landing all of his gut weight on top of Greggo in the process.

Greggo's eyes and tongue bulge out like his name was Blanka, and Brian hooks the leg!

HHL: Brian going for the early pin attempt here!



PC: ….....aaaaaaand, almost!


PC: Or, um, ok really THREE! (Jesus, I didn't think it'd be THAT fast)


Winner - Brian Storm w/ Shane The Flying Dildo

HHL: That quickly it's over!?!? Just a suplex?

PC: It was Shane! He cost Greggo the match by whacking him in the back of the head!

The ref raises Brian's hand in victory as Brian holds Shane The Flying Dildo up in the air. Brian goes to the corner and gets his lasso and he ties it around Shane. Brian starts to swing the lasso over his head with Shane at the end of it! Shane's whipping around in circles tonight in the form of a dildo!

PC: He flies! He really flies!

Greggo finally wakes up and he's pissed! He slams his hands on the canvas in a huff and a puff, drawing Brian's attention.

Brian gets just close enough to Greggo...

Brian is still swinging Shane The Flying Dildo around by that lasso... and...

WHACK!!!! Greggo takes one to the face from some big rubber balls!

PC: It's actually a little creepy how large that particular dildo's balls are. And now they're imprinted in Greggo's forehead.

Brian grabs Shane The Flying Dildo and holds him next to his ear as if he can hear him! Brian nods and then says something back to Shane.

Brian takes the lasso and wraps it around Greggo's neck, using all his might to cut off his air circulation. Greggo goes blue and purple in the face as Shane The Flying Dildo cheers Brian on!

HHL: Well word around town is Shane wants Greggo dead for joining up with Lacklan, so maybe this is going to be it? Maybe we've seen the last of- OH GOD WHAT THE HELL??? GROSS!!!! GROSS!!!!! WHY!!!!???

The reaction from the fans very much matches Heather's. Pip does his best to keep the show informative.

PC: …...Heather, there are certain things that happen to the human body when it's at the brink of death.

HHL: Alright folks we have to cut away from the action for a moment here and we'll be right back!

A zoom in shot of a sweaty Johnny Legend's face appears on the screen. The camera zooms back to show him walking down the hallways backstage. Greeting the crew as he walks past them.

Johnny Legend: "Hey, ho, ha! How you guys doing!"

He snaps his fingers at one of the makeup staff.

Johnny Legend: "You're doing a great job, ladies."

Johnny makes his way to catering. A table of all types of food, spread out with the eyes of Legend tearing up at the sight of such a feast.

Johnny Legend: "Oh my.."

A shot of his eyes with the food reflecting off them appears on the screen.

Johnny Legend: "I'll..."

He looks back and forth.

Johnny Legend: "I'll just have a little. For luck."

Johnny digs his hands into the dip for chips, swipes them across the M&M bowl to let whatever stick with the dip, and finally to the bagels. Sticking each finger through a hole of a bagel, Johnny manages to get every finger with a bagel around it. Security taps Johnny on the shoulder from behind.

Security: "Please sir, the homeless shelter is a block down the street."

Johnny Legend: "Wha?"

Johnny turns to the security guards with food covering most his face and starts to spit out pieces of food as he yells at them.

Johnny Legend: "DON'T YOU KNOW WHO I AM!"

The security guards shrug when they look at one another.


Security Guard: "Wait.. Didn't Logan win that match last week?"

The other guard nods.

Johnny Legend: "No he didn't. I mean, how could he? I'm Johnny Legend... I... Where am I?"

The guards start to show pity.

Security Guard: *sighs* "Sir, just come with us and we'll find you a nice shelter to stay at."

Another member of the staff watches as security start to escort Johnny out of the arena.

Staff Member: "WAIT!"

He rushes over to them.

Staff Member: "HE WORKS HERE!"

The security guards have a puzzle look.

Staff Member: "He has a match coming up. It's Johnny Legend..*leans into one of the security guards ear* He's not all there."

The security guards nod and hand Johnny Legend over to the staff member.

Staff Member: "Alright, let's get you ready, shall we?"

The staff member cleans off Legend's hands and face of food.

Johnny Legend: "Uhhh, sure. Wait.. this IS XWF, right?"

He leads Johnny Legend down the hallway.

Staff Member: "Yes, sir. And you have a match against Hanari Carnes."

Johnny Legend: "Who.. I mean, I do?"

Staff Member: "Yes. Here we go."

The staff member drops Legend off at the entrance to the show.

Staff Member: "Just wait here until they call your name, you got that?"

Johnny nods, slowly remembering where he is at.

Johnny Legend: "Yeaaaaahhh. I got it."

The words "They only want you when you're 17, when you're 21 you're no fun...." appear in dark red letters on the 'tron before cutting into the thrashing death metal sounds of "Severed" by Kittie. The Tron comes alive with graphic shots of plastic surgery interspersed with shots of blood dripping on a bright white surface. Mercy appears at the top of the ramp, walking slowly and with a purpose towards the ring, where she slides under the bottom rope.

Melanie Crayzee Childs steps out onto the ramp, and in time with the music skips to the ring. She jumps up on the ring apron. Turns around and starts laughing. She then makes her way inside the ring, followed by her Manager Antony The Jerk

- vs -
Melanie "Crayzee" Childs
Xtreme Rules

The words "They only want you when you're 17, when you're 21 you're no fun...." appear in dark red letters on the 'tron before cutting into the thrashing death metal sounds of "Severed" by Kittie. The Tron comes alive with graphic shots of plastic surgery interspersed with shots of blood dripping on a bright white surface. Mercy appears at the top of the ramp, walking slowly and with a purpose towards the ring, where she slides under the bottom rope.

HHL: "Mercy legitimately scares me."

PC: "Me too. I definitely would NOT accept a blowjob from her!"

HHL: "Yes you would."

PC: ".....................yes, yes I would."

With Mercy waiting eagerly in the ring, "Too Much" by the Spice Girls fills the arena. Melanie Crayzee Childs steps out onto the ramp and, in time with the music, skips to the ring. She jumps up on the ring apron, turns around and starts laughing. She then makes her way inside the ring. Antony the Jerk is about to follow her, but takes one look of Mercy and decides to stay on the outside.

HHL: "A wise decision by Antony."

PC: "If Melanie wasn't so crazy, I don't think she'd be so eager to get in the ring with Mercy, either."

Childs smiles and waves at her opponent, who just stands there, staring. Melanie shrugs as the ref calls over and checks on her, before trying to do the same to Mercy, only to chicken out, backing away and calling for the bell.


HHL: "And this Xtreme Rules match is underway!"

As soon as the bell sounds, Melanie skips her way towards Mercy, only to get dropped with a Headbutt. She looks up at Mercy from the ground, a bit confused, only to get a thumb driven into each eye.

PC: "For being named 'Mercy's she certainly doesn't show any!"

HHL: "Something tells me that's the point, Pip."

Childs cries bloody murder as her eyeballs get squished by her opponent. Luckily for Melanie, Antony the Jerk slides in and breaks a Kendo Stick he found under the ring across Mercy's back. The shot doesn't faze her much, but she does let go of Crayzee, turning her attention instead to the frightened manager.

HHL: "It looks like Antony's bitten off a bit more than he can chew!"

Mercy grabs the Jerk by the head and begins biting him, causing him to cry out the exact same way his client had been. The referee looks on helplessly as Mercy takes a chunk out of Antony's forehead, leaving him a bloody mess as he drops to the mat and outside of the ring. This preoccupies Mercy long enough for Melanie to grab a broken piece of the Kendo Stick and drive it into her opponent's back. Mercy falls forward against the second rope, where Childs repeatedly bashes the broken part of the stick into her forehead, before letting her slide to the outside.

HHL: "This match went from 0 to 100 just like that!"

PC: "We expected this sort of brutality from Mercy, but I'm a little shocked to see Melanie Childs match her with it step for step, so far."

HHL: "I don't think she enjoyed seeing her opponent rip at Antony's flesh like a t-bone steak."

Melanie climbs out onto the apron and hits Mercy with a Flying Clothesline as she's getting back up. She then grabs Mercy by the head and drags her to her feet before smashing her face against the side of the ring. Mercy turns around and shoots Crayzee a wicked look, causing her to take a few steps back.

PC: "Not even Melanie Childs is crazy enough to not be at least a little frightened by Mercy."

HHL: "That smile sends chill down your spine, that's for sure."

Melanie goes to kick Mercy in the gut, but she manages to catch her opponents foot, spinning her slightly in order to deliver a Sidewalk Slam on the floor, right next to Antony the Jerk's motionless body.

HHL: "We've got TWO members of the Misfits down at the hands of Mercy!"

PC: "I don't doubt for a second if there were more out here, there'd be more on the floor."

Mercy lifts up the ring skirt and searches for a weapon, methodically taking her time to find the perfect one. Eventually she finds a crowbar, taking it over to Crayzee and striking her across the back with it. Mercy takes a moment to inspect the damage she's done, before raising the bar above her head and swinging at her opponent, once more. Melanie manages to roll out of the way, narrowly missing what could've been a fatal blow. Childs kicks the crowbar out of Mercy's hand before connecting with an Enzuigiri that drops her opponent to her knees. She quickly grabs the crowbar and bashes Mercy in the side of the head with it, causing her to collapse to the floor.

PC: "Holy shit, Mercy might be dead!"

HHL: "This match would be over right now if she was in the ring!"

Melanie uses all her might to lift up the dead weight of Mercy and roll her into the ring. Rather than follow her opponent, however, Childs heads to a different side of the ring and searches under it for another weapon.

HHL: "This could be a major mistake, she should he covering Mercy while she's out!"

PC: "Well, there's a reason they call her 'Crayzee.'"

HHL: "I can only imagine she's trying to get revenge for Antony?"

PC: "Something tells me the thought hasn't crossed her mind."

Melanie pulls out a trash can with the lid stuff in it and tosses it into the ring near Mercy, laughing maniacally the entire time. She then heads back under and comes back out with a screwdriver. Crayzee slides into the ring and heads over to Mercy, only to be met with a trash can lid to the midsection, followed up by another shot to the head.

HHL: "Was Mercy playing possum the whole time?"

PC: "I don't think anyone plays possum after a crowbar to the head, Heather!"

Mercy whips Melanie Childs to the ropes and connects with a Powerslam onto the trash can on the way back, hooking a leg for the cover.


HHL: "Mercy almost had it right there!"

PC: "Might've served Melanie better to stay down right there."

Mercy grabs Crayzee around the throat and yanks her directly up for a Chokeslam, bringing her down hard on the, now bent, trash can once more. She then bends to a knee and puts a hand on her opponent's chest for a cover.


HHL: "Another kickout! Mercy might have to go for a THIRD Slam onto the can."

PC: "At this rate, she'll have to do MORE than three."

Mercy retreats to the side of the ring, climbing out and looking underneath. After some extensive searching, she comes back out with a bag, shaking them for the camera.

HHL: "I'll give you one guess what's in there."

PC: "Christmas presents?"

HHL: "No."

Mercy slides back in and empties the contents of the bag in the center of the ring....................thumbtacks, naturally. She spreads them out evenly, before heading over to Melanie Childs and bringing her to her feet. Mercy then goes to pick Crayzee up for The Faded, but Melanie responds with a Knee to the Face that forces her opponent to drop her. Childs lands on her feet and wraps her arms around Mercy, delivering a Belly to Belly Suplex that sends her onto the thumbtacks, receiving a roar from the crowd. With Mercy rolling around in the tacks, Melanie Childs crawls over and hooks a leg.


PC: "You've gotta wonder if the suit absorbed some of the impact of the thumbtacks?"

HHL: "I think your right, Pip........... for once."

Melanie grabs Mercy by the head and pulls her over to the corner, resting her against the bottom turnbuckle. She then hurries over to the opposite side before running for her opponent, ass first. Before Crayzee can hit her, Mercy dives out of the way at the last second, causing Melanie to crash into the turnbuckles and fall forward. This gives Mercy the opportunity to lock her arms around her opponent's and flip her over for the Mort Noire.

HHL: "She's got her finisher locked in on the thumbtacks!"

PC: "I don't see Melanie Childs escaping this."

Childs tries to fight it, but there's nothing she can do as the struggle only digs the thumbtacks in deeper. With no other choice, she gives up.

WINNER - Mercy

HHL: "A valiant effort by Melanie Childs, but those were some rough circumstances."

PC: "Walking away from a match with Mercy with your life and limbs intact is a win in itself."

Mercy looks ready to go more damage, but the rest of the Misfits hurry out from the back and pull Melanie to safety. Mercy just stares at them as they make their way up the ramp and to the back.

The camera cuts to a distraught looking Jenny, sitting in her locker room. She has a Cotton Candy pink Bang Energy drink next to her as she sits scrolling through her phone.

The door opens and Sarina Hazard comes in, fresh off her victory over Jim Jimson.

"Heya sport, did you see that match?! Number one contender, baby!"

Jenny shrugs, not looking up from her phone.

Sarina looks concerned, sitting next to her.

"Aww, come on. Where's the Jenny I know and love, she's gotta still be in there! Hell, we'd be having so much fun right now! We're in Alabama.........that's a joke that writes itself!"

Jenny sniffles a little, trying not to laugh.

"You know why there are so many unsolved murders in Alabama?"

Jenny looks up from her phone.

"Because there are no dental records and everyone has the same DNA!"

Jenny sniffles again, but a small smile comes across her face.

"What is 20 feet long and has 5 teeth?"

Jenny shurgs.

"The funnel cake line at the Alabama State Fair!"

Jenny can't hold it anymore, and she smiles big, laughing.

"Come on, I KNOW you've got a few!"

Jenny sets her phone down.

"Umm..........How do you get an Alabama student off your porch?"


"Pay him for the pizza!"

The two laugh and giggle. Jenny goes again.

"What do Alabaman's do on Halloween?"

Sarina shrugs.

"Pump kin!"

The two laugh and slap knees.

"See! I knew she was in there! You can still have fun, don't let Chris and that tramp get you down!"

Jenny smiles.....

"Redneck hillbilly toothless possum-eatin' white trash trailer park racist jokes are as tired as yesterday's Snapchat. And besides, you can do 'em just as easy in D.C. these days."

She cracks open the Bang drink as Sarina belly laughs.

"But the thing that makes Alabama jokes tough is that you can't improve on reality. The stuff that's funny is the stuff that's real."

"What do you mean?"

"This is the week of Confederate Memorial Day - an actual state holiday - and the week of the Flora-Bama Mullet Toss, which is more celebrated and more deserving of a holiday. If you can't find a smile in drunk Alabamians throwing fish in bikinis, you might need to get drunk and half naked and throw a fish. It's what they call therapy."

Jenny stands up.

Sarina's makeup is running from laughing so hard.

"Thanks....I....uh.....I needed that." Both women stand up and hug.

"I know. Now go out there and do your thing girlie, I'll be here when you get back and we can tell more Alabama jokes!"

"You mean facts?!"

"Same thing!" They say simultaneously.

"JINX!" They both yell as the camera cuts back to the booing arena.

The lights in the arena go deep blue as smoke fills the air. Pink and silver laser lights cut through the smoke and it looks fucking rad.

As Some Kind of Monster blares throughout the arena, slowly walking out onto the entrance ramp is Robbie Bourbon. He stops, surveys the whole of the arena, raises his fists at 45 degree angles, and continues his deliberate plod towards the ring. Robbie climbs the steps, then climbs the nearest ring post half way and raises his fists at 45 degree angles. The lights go back to normal and the music stops. The XWF Universe in attendance, becoming hooligans, all chant in unison:


The music hits as a video package of Charlie Nickles laying fools out rolls on the X-tron. Charlie pops out through the entrance, absolutely vibing to the music and hyping himself up. He walks down the entrance ramp with his arms held wide out at his side ala the passion of the Christ. He seems absolutely unconcerned with the jeers and taunts of the audience. As he nears the ring he suddenly brings his arms back to the center of his body, shaking his closed fists in the air while screaming something incoherent. He hustles over to the stairs, quickly ascending them before grabbing the top rope and stepping onto the ring apron. Charlie looks back at the audience with a toothy grin before ducking under the top rope and stepping the ring proper.

The arena lights dim low, and the X-Tron hears the bass of the beat and we hear the words "SLAVE MASTERS" play outloud, then once the song fully kicks in, we see Wrestler82 in his red and black hoodie, with his hood over his head. He then keeps his head down as he walks to the ramp, then he stops midway through the ramp and takes the hood down and poses to the crowd. He then nods his head to the beat, and he gives some fans some high fives and slides into the ring and takes off the hoodie and tosses it to the outside. He stands at the corner as he awaits for his opponent.

Charlie Nickles
- vs -
Reggie Estrada
Special Guest Ref: Robbie Bourbon
Light Tube Deathmatch

HHL: And our next match is the Light Tube Deathmatch!

PC: This is going to get ugly.

Robbie calls for the bell. As he does, both Charlie and Reggie bail to the outside and each grab a light tube! Both men re-enter the ring and wield the tubes as one would a sword. They face each other, and charge, swinging the tubes wildly. Charlie catches Reggie's tube, and Reggie catches Charlies! Both men grimace at each other. Reggie with a kick to Charlie's thigh! Charlie throws a headbutt at Reggie! Both the light tubes fall to the mat as both men recoil!

Reggie bounds towards the ropes and does a springboard cross body! Charlie counters into an arm drag! Reggie rolls through, and as he does, he grabs a light tube, just as Charlie grabs the other light tube! Both men stand facing each other, each holding light tubes again!

HHL: The fans are eating this up!

PC: Someone will be eating light tube!

Reggie does a big swing like the tube is a baseball bat at Charlie's head! Charlie ducks, and swings upward like the tube is a golf club! Reggie sidesteps! Reggie hooks Charlie around the head with the light tube, and delivers a side Russian leg sweep! The light tube shatters, and broken glass carves into both Reggie and Charlie! Reggie goes for a quick pin as the other light tube rolls out of Charlie's fingers!



Charlie gets the shoulder up. Reggie holds on to a fistful of Charlie's hair and pulls him to his feet! Reggie goes for an Irish whip into the corner! Charlie counters and whips Reggie towards the light tube adorned turnbuckles! Reggie bounds up, bounces off the second rope, onto the top, and comes back with a flying forearm! Charlie tosses a foot up and catches Reggie with a big boot! Charlie off the ropes and comes back with an elbow drop! Another snap elbow drop onto Reggie! Charlie mounts Reggie, and looks for the Elbow Wrench!

HHL: He's going to make him tap!

PC: This could be over quick!

Charlie grimaces as he sinches in the hold, and Reggie looks to be in agony! Robbie goes to the mat and checks the legality of the hold, and to see if Reggie will submit!

Reggie's hand quivers...

Reggie's hand wavers...

Reggie reaches out and grabs the other light tube, and swings it towards Charlie, catching him square in the temple! Charlie releases the hold and flops over sideways like a fish out of water, blood pouring from his forehead! Reggie is slow to recover, still holding his arm which was nearly ripped in two!

Reggie makes his way outside the ring and pulls another light tube out of a garbage can. As he turns back to the ring, Charlie comes in with a baseball slide, knocking Reggie into the guard rails ringside! Charlie rolls out of the ring and grabs the rectangular shaped structure made of light tubes, and sets it up on the floor! He scoops Reggie up for a powerslam! Reggie squirms out of it, landing on his feet behind Charlie! Charlie spins, and Reggie hits a step-up enziguri onto Charlie! Charlie teeters over the light tube platform, looking as though he might fall onto it! Charlie instead recovers, and grabs Reggie for a DDT! Reggie struggles and slugs Charlie in the gut! Charlie lets go! Reggie scoops up Charlie and sets for the Turrentio! Charlie wiggles his legs back to earth, and back body drops Reggie onto the assembled light tubes! Charlie goes for a pin!




And Reggie barely kicks out! Charlie starts jawing at Robbie about the speed of his count, and Robbie holds up two fingers, letting him know it was a fair and even count and that Reggie kicked out. Charlie brings Reggie to his feet and throws a crisp jab. Reggie seems to have the cobwebs shaken out of him, and he retaliates! Both men brawl ringside! Reggie gets the upper hand and delivers a Fuck Off Me to Charlie! Reggie grabs a whole bin full of light tubes and dumps them out onto Charlie! Reggie then climbs up onto the ring apron and flies, doing a senton onto Charlie who is covered with light tubes! They explode as glass digs into each man, and both Reggie and Charlie recoil in agony!

HHL: This is sadistic!

PC: This is Savage!


Both Charlie Nickles and Reggie Estrada slowly get to their feet using anything they can find to help prop them up. The two men stand a few feet from each other and start throwing wild punches with what little strength they have. None of which actually come close to hitting their mark. Reggie leans forward and grabs Charlie by the back of the neck locking the two competitors up. They both struggle for the upper hand but neither competitor is willing to give an inch. Finally Reggie manages to wiggle free but only to be met with a kick to the mid section by Nikcles. Charlie takes a step or two back and sizes up his opponent.

HHL: I wonder what Charlie has in store here!

Nickles darts forward and takes Reggie down with a Steubenville Screwdriver and then immediately falls on top of his opponent for a cover.




WINNER - Charlie Nickles

HHL: That was one hell of a match by those two!

PC: Yeah and the crowd ate it up!!

Robbie raises Charlie's hand in the center of the ring. Shattered glass and blood stains fill the ring. Charlie brings his arm down and turns to face Robbie, extending a hand to him for a shake. Robbie shrugs and goes to accept the offer. The two shake hands with smiles on their faces. Then, out of nowhere, Charlie kicks him in the groin! Low blow! Robbie hunches over as he groans in pain. Charlie pulls Robbie in by the hand before immediately securing the DEVIL HOOK DROP (doublearm DDT). Robbie crashes first face into the shattered glass in the ring! Robbie's face lands on the mat with a sickening thud.

Charlie stands up after dropping the Warfare MVP, happy to bask in the boos of the crowd. With Robbie laying still on the mat, Charlie places his foot on the man's back before flexing his muscles. The boos from the crowd only grow in size.

Charlie's theme music hits once again as he exits the ring and walks back to the locker room, a devilish grin on his face the whole way.

We see Big D in his shared office, pacing back and forth behind his desk. After a few moments of this, Atticus White enters the room, receiving a round of applause from his co-General Manager, causing him to look at D with skepticism.

ATTICUS: "Oh God, what the hell did you do NOW?!"

Big D chuckles and approaches White, giving him a hard pat on the back.

D: "Oh, it's not what I did, it's something YOU did!"

Atticus walks over to his desk and sits down, rubbing his back where D slapped him.

ATTICUS: "What the hell are you talking about?"

D: "The way you went out there and put Dyson in her place, it got me REAL hard..........."

ATTICUS: "Oh, for crying out loud!"

D: "I'm being serious, I think it's the single most greatest thing you've done since you've been here!............. of course, that's not saying much, but STILL! I'm proud of you."

Atticus doesn't know what to say, seemingly at a loss for words.

D: "That bitch runs around here, claiming she can't defend her belt, all the while aiming for Robert Main's every chance she gets! The woman who called HIM a coward, is the same one who delivered The Slap Heard 'Round the World to me behind the comfort of having Shane and Engy watching her back; someone who has to hide behind fake medical diagnoses because they're afraid of little ole Jenny Myst! I know Dyson's the supposed Queen of XWF, but that doesn't give her a right to walk all over everyone!"

A visibly passionate Big D huffs and puffs, as a bead of sweat drips down his face. Atticus raises an eyebrow and crosses his arms.

ATTICUS: "Had I known you felt so strongly about it, I would've sent YOU out there to take care of it, instead."

D: "It just really grinds my gears that she could just disappear on the Fed after winning such an honor, and then come on back like she never left. There's been plenty of people who've been working their asses off, while SHE was off getting her's pounded, literally, not doing jackshit to improve the place. Now she wants to walk in, criticize the winner of War Games, AND act like she's a hot shot because she just won a belt that's barely been around for more than a month? She's like Sarah Lacklan after she won the Federweight Championship, except Sarah Lacklan actually DID something during her time as Queen! Robert Main may not have defended his Title in a match, yet, but in case Dyson forgot: she COULD give up her belt to face him at a moment's notice, but would rather sit on her ass and flaunt a belt that has no meaning because she's defended it as much as Main has HIS!"

Both of Atticus's eyebrows are now raised, his mouth open a bit at the shock of hearing another member of management speak so low of an employee. Big D waves his hand, showing he doesn't care.

D: "To hell with her! I'm not here to make friends, I'm here to improve the company and Madison Dyson is a virus that's only gonna drag us down. If we were smart, we'd keep her as far away from the Main Event as possible."

ATTICUS: "So, the Big D treatment?"

D: "Exactly................ wait, WHAT?!?!"

Atticus laughs, throwing D off.

ATTICUS: "What? I can be funny, too."

Big D stares blankly at White for a moment, before blinking three times. All of a sudden, he bursts out laughing.

D: "If you keep up THIS attitude, I might actually enjoy working with you!"

Atticus's smile disappears, reverting back to his usual uptight attitude.

ATTICUS: "Don't count on it."

The lights dim down to black with Destiny by Stratovarius(a shorter starting) starts to play over the speakers. With only a few seconds passing with the intro, the song stops for a moment and an unknown, deep male voice calls out, "The Last Legend" while it also appears on the screen in writing. The music comes back forty seconds into the song as it starts to pick up.

Announcer: Hailing from Detroit, Michigan. Weighing in at 244 pounds...Johnny Legend!!!

Johnny Legend appears from behind the curtain in his sleek black robe with "The Last Legend" on the back. The stitching on the back lettering is starting to come loose and some holes in the robe, he raises his arms in the air to a mix crowd reaction. Sporting a smirk as he struts his way down the ramp, Johnny Legend keeps his distance from the fans as he hopes they don't put any more rips into his cheap robe. He climbs through the ropes and into the ring while his music slowly dies down.

Danza Kuduro hits and Hanari spins and dances his way out to the ramp in traditional latin Bachata style. He is carrying the flag of the Dominican Republic on a flag pole over his shoulder. He swings his hips and points at the ladies in the front row, winking and making the gun symbol with his thumb and index finger of his free hand. He spins again and walks his way down to the ring with a cocky head swing and a million dollar smile. Climbing the ring steps he gets into the ring, getting on the top rope and waving the flag a few times before jumping down and preparing for the match.

Johnny Legend
- vs -
Hanari Carnes

Pip: So this jam packed show continues here with Hanari Carnes taking on Johnny Legend. Carnes has been on a roll lately, and Legend is trying to make a valiant come back.

Heather: It's a shame Carnes is linked up with that pig Chris Chaos, I actually liked Hanari.

The bell rings and the two circle. Hanari slaps at Legend, and he backs up. The continue to circle, and Hanari jabs again, laughing. Legend back peddals and gets into a fighting stance again.

Hanari jabs a third time, and this time Legend catches his arm. He whips him into the ropes and explodes with a clothesline. Hanari hits the deck but pops right back up, a smirk on his face. Legend comes off the ropes again but this time Hanari catches him, planting him into the canvas with an Oklahoma Slam. Hanari doesn't cover, however, but instead comes off the ropes and drops a knee across the chest.

Pip: Hanari is a changed man. Sometimes I think he cares more about damage to his opponent than he does about beating them.

Hanari locks in the Butterfly Lock. He has Legend in a precarious position and the ref asks if he wants to tap. Legend emphartically says no, and begins to rock back and forth in order to try and break the hold. Eventually, he is able to roll out and use his leverage to pin Hanari's shoulders to the mat.



Hanari gets a shoulder up!

Legend, wincing, stays on the attack, stomping a few times on Hanari before lifting him up and locking in a belly-to-back suplex. He delivers it flawlessly, and Hanari rolls away as Legend catches his bearings.

Heather: Hanari got caught there, a quick flurry from Legend and Hanari appears stunned!

Hanari uses the ropes to lift himself up. Legend comes at him with a running knee, and connects. Hanari is on his back again. Legend stays on the attack again, lifting Hanari up and hitting a German Suplex, with a bridge pin.



3-----Hanari kicks out again at the last possible second.

Pip: Legend has looked impressive so far. He is giving Hanari all he can handle in the early going.

Hanari rolls to the corner. Legend lifts him up again, standing him in the corner. He chops Hanari once.....twice.....going for a third time Hanari pokes the eye of Legend, backing him off. Sitting up on the middle rope he jumps off, bulldogging Legend face first onto the mat. Hanari then gets back to his strategy, lifting Legend and delivering a double knee armbreaker.

Heather: Here we go.....Hanari with his game plan, go after the arm. Weaken it to set up his finisher.

Pip: People know the game plan now, they should be able to shut it down.

Heather: Nobody has yet.

Hanari stops on the arm as Legend yells out and recoils his arm back. Hanari lifts him up and his a double knee armbreaker again. He tries to lock in Viva La Repbulic but Legend still has the wherewithal to fight it off, getting to the ropes before Hanari can fully lock in the hold.

The ref forces the break.

Legend is holding his arm, getting back to his feet using the ropes. Hanari lunges, but Legend uses his experience and ducks it, dumping him over the ropes and to the mat outside. Legend drops to a knee holding his arm. He takes a few seconds before rolling out of the ring. Those few second proved costly however because as soon as he gets to his feet on the outside, Hanari is there to blast him with a shot to the head. Legend fires back with his weakened arm, but the punches seem to hurt him more than his opponent. Hanari grabs Legend by the head and rams him into the ring post. Legend flies off and stumbles into the barricade. The ref is counting, and is already to 7. Hanari rolls back into the ring. The ref gets to 8.


Legend, with a burst of energy slides back into the ring to break the count. He pops up and Hanari hits the step up Enzuigiri. The crowd "Ohhhhhh's" as the thud of Hanari's boot collides with the head of Johnny Legend.

Hanari covers.

Pip: Could be over here.




Hanari slaps the mat, but still has that smug smirk on his face.

Hanari stands him up, pulling that weakened arm behind his back. Tugging hard on it, he drives a knee into the shoulder of Legend while pulling on the arm, applying pressure. Legend slaps the mat but refuses to tap. Hanari breaks the count at 5.

He turns towards the crowd and throws his arms up in a pose, smiling the entire time.

Legend rolls onto his back, wincing. Hanari walks towards him but isn't paying full attention, and Legend rolls him up in a small package.




-----HANARI kicks out. He rolls out of the pin as Legend gets to his feet. Hanari pops up into a standing drop kick that sends Legend back into the corner. Hanari runs to the corner.

Punta Cana Kick! (Super Step Up Enzuigiri).

Legend is out on his feet. He stumbles out to the middle where Hanari catches him.

[Image: faDHggM.gif]

Viva la Republic!!!!!!

Pip: Hanari caught him! It may be game over for Legend here!!!!!!!

He fights valiantly but eventually taps.

Heather: Nobody can take much of that! It's tap out or get your arm broken! Sometimes, the choice is obvious!

He breaks the hold as Legend rolls away, holding his arm. The ref holds Hanari's arm up.

Winner by Submission - Hanari Carnes

Pip: Hanari's roll continues here, and he gets more an more vicious every week!

We cut to outside the arena. WAY outside the arena. Like a few parking lots over. The Wizard is dragging a cart full of items behind him. Mof has his hands full. The Wizard sounds like he’s bitching.

The Wizard: Why didn’t you look into this beforehand?

Edward Mof: I don’t know. I guess I just assumed parking lots were free to use.

The Wizard: You do realize that I, wrestler of the month in XWF for July...the month named after Julius Caesar, have had my ceremony bumped for a group of tailgaters, right?

Edward Mof: I’m aware. I was literally standing right next to you when you were informed.

The Wizard: All the invitees. All the pro wrestlers. All planning on, for what? They will be so disappointed…

We cut to a shot of the original location for The Wizard’s celebration. Several wrestlers are spotted drinking beer and partying with some pretty awesome tailgaters. They don’t look disappointed – at all. We cut back The Wizard. He sets a few items up...Mof does the same.

The Wizard: Where is Father Thyme?

Edward Mof: He’s coming. He had to re-route.

The Wizard: Ya know, for a guy named Father Thyme you’d think he’d be more prompt.

Mof shrugs. A truck pulls into view being driven by Father Thyme. He’s got a piece of thyme tucked behind his right ear. He maneuvers a stage behind The Wizard. It’s pre-built...and, well, looks pretty decent. The Wizard and Mof unhook the stage from the truck Father Thyme drives away. The Wizard steps back, taking a gander at the stage. It’s got a “HOORAY WIZARD” banner. He looks around at the barren, empty parking lot that sets almost half a mile away from the arena.

The Wizard: You think this will work?

Edward Mof: We’ve got to try.

The Wizard nods.

The Wizard
- vs -
Andrew Logan
Parking Lot Brawl

We cut back to the abandoned (looking) parking lot which is the new host site for The Wizard’s celebration. A shitty boombox has been placed on the edge of the stage, it’s playing songs from Jock Jams Vol 4. A few people have gathered...they don’t look like wrestling fans. They resemble transients wandering vacant parking lots in search of food, booze, and sex. A few of them might be crack whores, actually. Altogether, they make up about 20 onlookers. They sort of sway and lean various ways to the current song, “One More Night” by Amber. Mof and The Wizard, standing on stage, look down at the very strange, zombie-like movements of the less-than-enthusiastic gathering. Mof seeks for and is granted non-verbal permission to proceed. He tosses a gun salute at Father Thyme. He removes the thyme from behind his ear and turns the music off. The crowd continues swaying.

Edward Mof: Welcome, one and all to a special celebration as tonight we recognize XWF’s The Wizard and his grand achievement of being named Star of the Month!

The people continue to sway.

Edward Mof: An achievement every member of pro wrestling’s premier roster is eligible to achieve.

The swaying continues.

Edward Mof: That means The Wizard had to literally beat every, single member of the XWF roster to win this award. Including Lawkland.

More swaying.


The Wizard pats Mof on the back. He says, “Relax, I got this. Take a time out, chief.”

The Wizard: Friends, I appreciate your attendance for this celebration. The greatest achievement of my career. Ya know, as a young wizard, I had doubts as to whether or not I’d make it in this crazy little business we call professional wrestling. Things certainly didn’t look good. Like, for starters, my mind was mastered…

Mof hops off the stage and nods toward Thyme. They post up and look out for something – someone.

The Wizard: So, that was when I unmastered my mind. It was a tremendous moment. Then I turned my focus toward The Omega...a man named Robert Main. Now, let me tell you about this son of a bitch.

Mof and Thyme continue to scour the terrain with their eyes.

The Wizard: Yep, he’s that bad folks. So...before we unveil the trophy are there, ya know, any questions I could answer for you guys?

It seems as though The Wizard is stalling. The event is so fuckin lame he may as well get it over with.


The Wizard: Uh, sorry, but we left our beer in the arena.


The Wizard: As I previously stated, the beer isn’t with us.


The Wizard: For the last time, there isn’t…

The mood shifts. Mof and Thyme slap the floor of the stage. The Wizard looks out and spots Robert Main heading his way...very much like a giant shark slowly swimming toward its prey. The Wizard appears restless, anxious. Main reaches the crowd and roughly tosses people aside, creating a walkway.

The Wizard: Main! You are BANNED from this event! That means you cannot attend! Leave! LEAVE NOW!

Main doesn’t listen...this should have been obvious. He reaches the stage and steps onto it with menacing ease. The homeless vagrants in attendance all evacuate...they don’t want any part of the coming storm. Main stares into The Wizard’s soul. The Wizard quivers...the mic shakes in his hand.

The Wizard: Stay back, Main! You’ll have plenty of time for this at Super Relentless. You’ve done enough! Stay back! This is MY celebration! MINE!

Main steps forward, bringing him closer to The Wizard. The Wizard appears petrified with fear. Main takes another step...The Wizard’s knees nearly buckle from fright. Main takes one final step, bringing him inches from The Wizard.

The Wizard: NOW!

Mof and Thyme yank on a couple of cords under the stage! Suddenly, a giant cage shoots up from the floor, trapping Robert Main! The top is open, he reaches up, looking to climb out...but Father Thyme tosses The Wizard a remote. The Wizard hits a button and a metal plate slides over the top, trapping Robert Main inside the cage. Realizing his predicament, Main turns his infuriated gaze upon The Wizard.

The Wizard: I got you! You fell for it! My Wizardry has trapped you, Main!

The Wizard starts to hop around...he does some moon walking...he jukes and jives...he’s feeling very proud of himself.

The Wizard: You see? I knew you’d come. I knew you couldn’t resist this opportunity. You are SO EASY to predict, Main. And you’re mine. All mine...and I’m going to make you pay for what you did to Fanny.

Mof tosses The Wizard his staff. The Wizard uses it to poke and prod Main. Each time Main gets angrier and angrier. His hands wrap around the metal bars as though he’s trying to pull them apart. The Wizard is unafraid...arrogant, even. Continuing to mock the caged animal.

The Wizard: That’s right, Main. You don’t mess with THE WIZARD. See this?

The Wizard reaches into his robe and reveals the Star of the Month trophy.

The Wizard: This is PROOF that I’m a force and that I don’t need to be afraid of you. Now, bask in my aura, bitch!

All is going well, until a strange hand reaches out and removes the Jock Jams CD. In its place is a CD we don’t recognize. The play button is hit and "Stand My Ground" by Within Temptation blares from the tiny speakers. The Wizard halts. Mof and Thyme look toward the area that once held a crowd of bums. ANDREW LOGAN is there, with a ref at his side. The Wizard, staggers back...his posture tightens.

The Wizard: Hey...wait...what are you doing here?

Andrew Logan: You can’t avoid destiny, Wizard...

Logan silently nods at the ref. He pulls out his cell phone and hits a button. A BELL RINGS. Logan marches toward the stage. The Wizard sticks out his staff.

The Wizard: No, no, NO! Don’t do this, Logan! You don’t understand...I’ve finally trapped Robert Main. He’s mine. You’re going to ruin it!

Logan gives no fucks. He hops onto the stage and approaches The Wizard. Realizing it’s fight or flight, The Wizard chooses the former, dropping the remote controlling the cage to the ground and kicking it away. He lifts his staff in preparation for the sanctioned parking lot brawl against Logan. Robert Main, meanwhile, looks on from inside his cage.

PC: It looks like the Parking Lot Brawl between Andrew Logan and The Wizard is officially underway! Meanwhile, Robert Main looks on from inside a cage that was set as a trap...a trap that could be undone...which, if that is the case, could spell bad, bad things for The Wizard.

Main eyes the remote. The Wizard slings his staff at Logan...Logan catches it and rips it from The Wizard’s hands, tossing it away. The Wizard lunges forward with a huge clothesline into the barreled chest of Andrew Logan. Logan barely budges. Logan throws a huge clothesline in return...The Wizard stumbles back, but remains on his feet. There are THREE giant men atop this stage which can mean only one thing...they spared no expense in building the support. The Wizard raises his arms up high and attempts a double axe handle...but Logan catches his hands and shoves The Wizard back. The Wizard stumbles on the edge of the stage...concrete pavement awaits him should he fall. Logan charges forward...The Wizard spins away...Logan reaches the edge and stops on a dime. He leans forward, waving his arms...The Wizard grabs Logan and tosses him off the stage, to the ground. Logan hits hard, rolling forward. Mof and Thyme cheer their Good Libation stablemate.

PC: Logan takes a tumble. The Wizard has established early control. Will he go after Logan or look to secure that remote, preventing Main from escaping?

The Wizard, feeling some of the effects from Logan’s clothesline, shakes his head. He then scrambles to locate the remote. He spots it several feet away. Heading over there, he bends down to pick it up. Mof yells for The Wizard to turn around...The Wizard does, remote in hand. Logan is already back on the stage. Wizard is like, “really?” He holds the remote up and yells at Logan to stop. Logan kicks The Wizard in the gut. The Wizard drops the remote. Logan lifts a knee, straightening The Wizard up. He grabs The Wizard and tosses him over with a T-Bone Suplex!! The Wizard’s body nearly lands on top of the remote...Mof and Thyme jump into the air, anxious – realizing what could happen if Main is released. Looking on from the cage, Main’s hands are gripped around the bars, his muscles tense...the minute he’s released he’s going to wage war.

PC: Andrew Logan is a man on a mission! He’s been ripping through XWF since his debut, notching an undefeated record. Meanwhile, The Wizard seems to be singularly focused on Robert Main – doing everything he can to keep Logan from ruining his trap.

Sitting up, holding his back, The Wizard throws his left hand up, pleading with Logan to stop. “Look, man, I don’t want to fight you, okay?” Logan stalks The Wizard, the stage thundering with each of his angry steps. “Seriously, if you let this freak loose he’s gonna try and kill us both.” Logan throws a boot into The Wizard’s face. “Oww! Seriously, man? Stop!” Logan won’t stop. He positions to throw another kick but, this time, The Wizard throws a kick of his own, into Logan’s left knee. Andrew stumbles back, reaching for his knee...a sudden burst of pain shooting through his leg. The Wizard scrambles to all fours and crawls toward the remote, once again hoping to secure it. In doing so, he nears the cage. Main throws his foot out, trying to stomp on The Wizard...but The Wizard manages to avoid it...creating some distance from the entrapped Main. His left hand finds the remote. His right hand is suddenly crushed under the boot of an increasingly angry Logan.

PC: Teetering on the edge of disaster...The Wizard is close to losing this match AND having his trap ruined by Andrew Logan. At some point he’s going to have to start fighting if he wants to salvage the night.

Logan grabs The Wizard by his hood, yanking him to his knees. The Wizard leaves the remote on the stage floor. He yells at Mof, “GET THE REMOTE!” Mof seems anxious to approach the stage and the giant, angry men that are atop it. Logan gets The Wizard to his feet and leans in with a huge head butt. The Wizard stumbles back against the cage. Main reaches out, grabbing The Wizard by the throat, choking him. Logan charges in with a huge boot! The Wizard ducks and Logan kicks Main in the face, stunning the big man and former XWF Universal Champion. Main leans against the back of the cage. The Wizard looks at Main and then at Logan, giving Logan a thumb up. Logan goes back after The Wizard, lunging forward with another boot...but The Wizard manages to duck and hoist Logan onto his shoulders in the Electric Chair position. Logan’s weight is immense. The Wizard stumbles around, showing that his core strength isn’t quite where it needs to be. Logan throws some heavy handed rights into the top of The Wizard’s head. Mof yells, “Let gravity do the work!” The Wizard falls back and drops Logan onto the stage! Logan grimaces, arching his back. The Wizard remains down, holding his head and throat.

PC: Both men are down and Robert Main is stunned. So much at stake in this seemingly throwaway match...can The Wizard keep his streak alive? Will Andrew Logan remain undefeated? Will Robert Main escape and decimate two of XWF’s top up and coming talents? Will Father Thyme ever compete inside an XWF ring?

The Wizard sits up. Logan reaches for him...The Wizard slaps his arm away and hops to all fours, crawling for the remote. Logan pops to his feet...the man is scary big and scary athletic. He stands over The Wizard and hooks him around the waist. The Wizard’s hands are hovering over the remote. Logan hoists him up...The Wizard is too high to reach the remote. Logan spins The Wizard around before tossing him over with a Gut Wrench Suplex!! The Wizard hits HARD. Main has recovered from the big boot. Logan, sitting up after dropping The Wizard, has his hair grabbed by Main! Main yanks Logan up and pulls him into the bars...the two giant men are eye to eye.

PC: Maybe this will wake Logan up as to the severity of the situation. Robert Main isn’t just a former Universal Champion...he’s a monster. A monster that will decimate any man that he sets his sights on. And, right now, in this moment, his sites are set on Andrew Logan after that boot to the face.

Rolling onto all fours before reaching his knees, The Wizard and his pain filled back spot the remote. In between The Wizard and the remote is Andrew Logan, currently being held hostage by the menacing hand of Robert Main. The Wizard sees an opportunity. He has a decision to make.

PC: Is he going to try and roll Logan up or go for the remote? If he can pin Logan then the fear of Main escaping would likely be over.

The Wizard crawls forward and grabs Logan! He’s going for the pin! The ref hops onto the stage. He tries to yank Logan down...but Main won’t let go. Logan throws a right uppercut into Main’s liver. This stuns Main enough for a release. The Wizard yanks’s an awkward looking roll up that takes a diagonal turn. But, Logan slams down, hard! The Wizard rolls him up for the pin! The ref slides in!




PC: Logan kicked out! Oh boy. That’s probably the worst case scenario for The Wizard.

Well, kind of. After kicking out, The Wizard curses. Logan reaches for his back, wincing. It’s red, irritated, and showing some kind of indention. The Wizard sees it. His body freezes...he turns and spots the remote.

PC: The Wizard accidentally rolled Logan up on the remote and...and...THE CAGE IS LOWERING...ROBERT MAIN IS ABOUT TO BE FREE.

Panicking, The Wizard scrambles for the remote, but his nerve riddled hands wind up smacking it off the stage. Logan walks up behind him, reaching down and grabbing The Wizard by the back of the neck, yanking him to his knees. From behind Logan, however, we see the giant body of Robert Main. He is, indeed, free. Logan pauses, sensing something is off. Slowly, he turns around...upon doing so, he’s greeted with a HUGE right hand!! Logan stumbles back. The Wizard rolls out of the way. Main returns the earlier favor by kicking Logan in the head, sending him off the stage! Logan hits hard. Main doesn’t pursue...instead, his head slowly turns in the direction of The Wizard.

PC: Uh oh. The Wizard is in trouble now. He caged a beast. Beasts don’t like being caged. There’s going to be hell to pay.

The Wizard rises...knowing its fight or flight. The magic within his wizardly being says FIGHT. FIGHT FOR FANNY. Through his peripheral, he sees Logan returning to his feet. He motions for Mof and Father Thyme to do something. Mof dives at Logan’s legs. Father Thyme, with the build and skill of an above average fighter, gets in the way, restraining Logan. The Wizard then does something most deem foolish. He yells at Robert Main to come at him.

PC: What spell has come over The Wizard? First he trapped Main, scared to death he’d he wants to fight him? I guess a cornered animal is prone to doing strange things out of desperation.

Main gladly accepts, throwing a haymaker The Wizard’s way. But The Wizard blocks it!! He delivers a few punches of his own...they connect! Main stumbles back! The Wizard hits him again and again! He’s got the upper hand! Main teeters on the edge of the stage, opposite where Logan is being restrained. The Wizard backs up, readying to send Main flying. But...he pauses. He reaches up, clutching his head...he lets out a painful scream.

PC: His head is hurting! It’s still damaged by the attack Main put on it nearly a month ago! He needs to fight through it...any time wasted against Main might as well be a death warrant.

It’s too late. Main regains his balance and grabs The Wizard by the neck with both hands. He proceeds to lean in and headbutt the Wizard once, twice, three...four...five...six...SEVEN TIMES. Each time producing a sicker thud than the one before it. The Wizard’s legs are limp...noodle-like. Main hooks The Wizard in a front face lock and begins pummeling him in the head with monstrous rights. The Wizard appears out on his feet...knocked unconscious by all the blows to the head. Logan tries to fight his way onto the stage but Mof and Thyme do their best to prevent it.

PC: It appears as though The Wizard is finished. He’s been knocked out. Robert Main’s original assault on XWF’s Star of the Month appears to be the difference maker in this feud, so far.

Not satisfied with simply knocking The Wizard out. Main grabs the unconscious XWF star and hoists him up, showing tremendous muscle to get that much dead weight into the air with such relative ease. He looks down, over the stage and THROWS The Wizard onto the concrete with a Jackknife Powerbomb!!!! The Wizard hits the concrete with a sickening thud...a few cracks are produced from the impact. He lands square on his upper back, neck, and lower portion of his head. Upon landing, he doesn’t move.

PC: Oh no!! The Wizard has been powerbombed from the stage to the concrete! We need help out there! Robert Main may have put this guy into traction!

Main, about to leave, steps on something. Looking down, he notices it’s The Wizard’s award for Star of the Month. He snares it...hops off the stage and stands over The Wizard. He slams the trophy into the concrete, breaking it apart. He stomps on it several times, reducing the award to nothing more than unrecognizable debris. Main then turns and leaves...The Wizard and his award destroyed.

PC: And that’s what Robert Main thinks about The Wizard winning Star of the Month. What a terrible...terrible turn of events for The Wizard. His trap, his night, his match...and his award, all ruined at the hands of Robert Main.

Logan finally fights through Thyme and Mof, shoving Thyme away and kicking Mof from his legs. He slides onto the stage and marches across before hopping off and standing over The Wizard. He surveys the damage. The ref stands next to him, ready to count.

PC: This match is Logan’s. All he has to do is pin The Wizard.

Logan scowls. He scoffs. And he turns, deciding to exit the parking lot.

PC: What’s he doing?

Andrew Logan continues to walk away. Mof and Father Thyme rush over to tend to The Wizard. The ref looks on and has no choice but to call for a No Contest. Using his phone, he hits the app which plays the sound of a bell ringing.

PC: And this match has been officially declared a NO CONTEST. It appears as though Logan, while eager to fight and defeat The Wizard, didn’t want to win that way. Admirable, if you ask me.

Mof sends Father Thyme to grab some medical assistance. While waiting, he scoops up the pieces of The Wizard’s award, hoping they can, maybe put it back together.

PC: A rough night for The Wizard. He thought he had Robert Main trapped only for Main to get out and continue his domination over The Wizard. As for the match...well, I’m sure we’ll get a proper Logan/Wizard match in the future...but, as for tonight, it simply wasn’t meant to be.

We cut away with a final shot of Mof leaning over The Wizard, very concerned, with the broken pieces of The Wizard’s award in his arms.


Big D is shown sitting at his desk, making a crude drawing of boobs, when the office door opens up. In walks none other than "Notorious" Ned Kaye, sending a loud roar of cheers throughout the arena. D puts his pencil down, stands up, and greets his former Tag Team partner.

D: "Neeeeeeeeeeed!!!! Good to see ya, man!"

The two share a platonic embrace, as Atticus White anxiously approaches them.

ATTICUS: "Ned Kaye! Welcome! Are you here to resign?"

Big D turns to his co-GM, annoyed by his always business attitude.

D: "Calm your tits, Atticus, Ned's just here to catch up, ain't that right, buddy?"

Kaye nods slowly, taking a seat across from his former tag partner.

Ned: "Yeah, I was just wanting to share a few words, maybe reminisce a tad. No business talk, basically."

Atticus frowns and rolls his eyes, not understanding how someone like Ned could associate himself with Big D. His co-GM reaches into his pocket and pulls out his wallet, grabbing a $5 bill and handing it to White.

D: "Why don't you go grab yourself some chicken strips or somethin'?"

Atticus looks down at the fiver, unimpressed by the amount.

ATTICUS: "You know chicken strips are more than $5, right?"

Big D sighs, pulling out a twenty and slapping it into White's hand.

D: "Here! Get yourself a drink while you're at it!"

Atticus looks pleased to be receiving a free meal, strutting his way out the door as Big D takes his place behind the desk.

D: "So, what's up?"

Ned shrugs, picking up a plaque on the desk with D's name and inspecting it absentmindedly.

Ned: "Just dealing with a bunch. Not quite sure what to do career-wise. Still caught up in my own head over March to a degree. Plus, I got one Chris Chaos deciding that I'm worth the attention to pester and torment."

Ned hands the plaque back to D.

Ned: "So, not much. How's Co-General Manager going for you?"

Big D gives Ned a shrug of his own.

D: "Well, you saw what I have to deal with; other than that, though, not too bad. Booking shows, paperwork, firing people, hiring people, all that fun stuff. Speaking of which, man, when are we gonna get you back? You can't tell me you aren't dying to get your hands on Chaos."

The Notorious One narrows his eyes somewhat.

Ned: "I thought we were just here to catch up, Daniel."

D: "We are............ but I wouldn't be doing my job if I didn't offer you the chance for revenge; not as a GM, but as your friend."

Ned goes quiet for a moment, thinking.

Ned: "Look, I'd love to pummel Chaos and his little group of misfits into the ground, but I promised, D. I vowed that I'd put it all on the table and that would be it. I made my bed, D. Now I'm sleeping in it."

D(sighing): "Ned, the only person wanting you to keep that promise is YOU. The fans want you back, I want you back, for fuck's sake, I'm sure even half of the lockeroom wants you back for one reason or another. Hell, who's gonna bore Sarah without you around?"

Ned: "Heh."

D: "Look, man, I know how badly you wanted to dethrone the Engineer and have your moment of glory, but considering what happened immediately after the match, that's all it would've been: a moment. You should almost be grateful you didn't win the belt, because you would've lost it to Fuzz minutes later. Nobody wants 15 minutes of fame, Ned, that shit's for viral sensations and one hit wonders. You're the Notorious One, you deserve a reign that's as notoriously great as you are! Not some transitional Champion bullshit!"

Ned smiles, picking up a pen and clicking it.

Ned: "You know, D..."

He flips it around in his hand and places it in front the esteemed Co-GM.

Ned: "I appreciate the flattery; I really do. And you're right, I wouldn't want to win the title for a minute just to lose it. But it's more than that, D. The promise might not matter to anybody else, but it does matter to me. I failed myself. I failed Ethan after the Engineer brutalized him. I should have been able to take the one thing that mattered to him away from him, but I didn't. My close friends and family don't deserve that kind of treatment. They never have. I can't just put them in danger again because of my ego."

D(sternly): "Danger? DANGER?!?! Ned, in case you didn't notice, we're ALL in danger! My hometown had a fuckin' land hurricane destroy nearly half of it but, somehow, I was in the right place at the right time and survived it. My garage didn't, but I did! That doesn't mean that I COULDN'T have, though. Every day our bodies are ticking time-bombs waiting to blow; every moment could be our last and we'd never know 'til it happens! You saw what Chris Chaos did to your dad; you've seen the extremes he'll go to in order to get what he wants! Ethan, Robert, his dad, and every other member of Apex is already a target simply for their mere association with you! And after what we saw him do to Theo last Warfare, not even I'M safe as a member of management................ You're not protecting anyone by hiding, Ned; if anything, you're letting us down."

Ned shoots up, leaning over the table, glaring at D as he stares his friend in the eyes.

Ned: : "Hiding? Is that what you think I'm doing? You think it's fun for me to see this happen? To see you, Robert, Theo, everyone put in danger?! It's not. Not for a goddamn instant! You wanna throw my bruised pride in my face? Fine, I can take it. But you are wrestlers, D! Even in this office, I see a wrestler across from me! But Ethan? He got roped into this because of me, Daniel! He has scars because of me!"

Ned slams a fist down on the table, holding back tears.

Ned: "Not a day goes by that I don't think about that. Every time I look my best friend in the face, I get a reminder of where pride got me, D. Not again. I don't want my loved ones in danger. I don't want them getting hurt anymore, even if that's sticking to a promise that torments me."

D(shrugging): "I don't know what to tell ya, Ned. I'm not trying to rub your face in the dirt, but rather, lift it UP from it! But, at the end of the day, it's up to YOU to make the decisions you feel are right................. but just remember, it's also YOU who has to live with them."

Kaye sighs, looking down.

Ned: "I know. I'm just trying to make the right one."

He goes quiet for a moment, sharing an intense but calming silence with Big D.

Ned: "Chaos is only going to keep crossing the line as long as he thinks I'll budge. I'm not going to. Every step of the way, I've shown I'm not going to. I don't even know who he's so intent on my return. His endgoal is.... confusing."

D: "Who the hell knows what runs through that guys head? One minute he's Gilly's best friend, the next he's calling for his arm to be broken!"

Big D pauses for a moment.

D: "Well, I've got alot of work to do, but it was nice seeing you, again, buddy. I hope our talk helps."

D looks from Ned, back down to his drawing, where he begins adding more details to the boobs.

Ned: "Yeah. Me too. See you around, D."

Ned goes to leaves, but Big D calls out to him, causing the Notorious One to back up through the door.

D: "Hey, Ned!"

Ned: "Yeah, D?"

D: "I certainly hope so."

Ned gives D a faint smile before walking out the door, leaving the Internet Champion to his 'work.'

All Hail The Queen from the album GRL and the hit series Queen of the South begins to hit. The arena lights begin to flash. "All Hail The Queen" comes up on the screen every time the lyric is said in the song. The crowd looks towards the still empty stage as pink glitter begins to fall from the ceiling. The crowd dances with the beat.

At about the 1:30 mark, at the words "The Greatest" hit, the voices deepens, as if being chopped and screwed, and the lights go off. Big purple letters come up on the X-Tron.

[Image: P4OI4FG.png]

Heather: It's Queen's court time! But I gotta admit, Jenny seems a little off. I saw her earlier. She hasn't said a word for her Warfare match yet. I just....I don't know. This may be a mailed in edition tonight folks, I think Mandii has really gotten to her this time.

Pip: Can't say I am complaining.

Heather: Shut up.

Jenny makes her way out onto the ramp, and she has a smile that anyone with eyes could tell was fake. She has both her Bombshell Title and the RLF True Title with her, one around her waist, the other over her shoulder.

Pip: A defunct belt here and a legit belt from a defunct fed, she must really be losing it.

Heather: It makes her feel better, shut it!

Jenny walks down the ramp and into the ring, not even bothering to pose. She sits down in her comfy chair and grabs a mic.

[Image: FKvpI5O.gif]

Before she can begin to speak, the crowd in Montgomery begins to chant.

"You got played. You got played. You got played."

Jenny looks less than thrilled.

Pip: These people have a point here! They are letting Jenny hear it!

Heather: These people are from Alabama, they don't know what the hell they're saying. Half of them are probably imbred

Jenny: "Be that as it may, I still have a good show for you tonight. With a guest you'll all love to see."

"You got played. You got played. You got played."

Pip: They aren't letting her forget about those Alabama jokes from earlier.

Heather: Jokes? I thought those were facts.

"Last week, well, that was a rough week for me. Seeing Mandii Rider again after what hris pulled, I......I'll admit, I lost it. I'm still not 100 percent. I really didn't wanna come out here tonight, in front of all you ingrates, but The Queen's Court is already the best thing about this show and honestly, the only thing worth seeing in this entire cesspool of a city."

The crowd boos again.

Heather: The Queen is in rare form tonight.

Pip: No, she's always a bitch.

Jenny: "I owe it to the superstar I am bringing on tonight to at least get through this segment, not that any of you deserve it. So, without further ado, I bring to you........tonight's honored guest to the court.............the reigning Superstar of the Month.........THE WIZARD!"

The crowd pops.

Pip: WOW!

Arena goes dark. Silence. Fans are curious. POOF. Big puff of smoke. The WIZARD is in the ring...Guile's Theme hits.

He sits down in the chair next to Jenny, his hood covering his face as usual.

She sighs and turns towards him, trying her best to get this over with.

"So you've made it known now that you want a shot at Robert Main and that belt. Any particular reason you chose Main and not a different belt or a different challenger?"

Well, you see, there was this nefarious individual by the name of Hibachi Carnes. I had a match with Hiromi for the X-Treme title. I think some guy named Gayge Gaynon was in it, too. Anyway, I really put a lot of my magical powers into training for this match...I wanted that title. I cast several spells. I was ready. Until – Hiroshi Carnes lost the X-Treme title before the match. What a loser, right? Totally screwed up my opportunity. So while Hillary Carnes was failing, I focused on winning and defeated the former X-Treme champ, along with that other guy. The promised X-Treme title was not on the line due to Herbary Carnes inability to protect it, so what was promised was not delivered. However, XWF was kind enough to grant me an X-Treme title shot for my efforts. Once Leap of Faith ended, I turned my focus in that direction, noticed the champion was Robert Main and decided to go after him.”

"Relentless is coming up. A three night event, huge. Its not uncommon for wrestlers to have more than 1 match. Are you going to settle things with Mastermind there or are you focused 100 percent in Main?

"WTF? Are you...are you okay? You’re not experiencing amnesia, are you? Do you need some money? Were you unable to afford the Leap of Faith PPV? Do you not pay attention to the promotion you compete in? Or am I simply not that interesting?"

Jenny smirks, "It's a combo, but mostly the last one."

Wizard looks straight ahead and keeps talking.

"I defeated Mastermind at Leap of Faith. And, no, I don’t plan on having more than one match. Robert Main will be more than enough for this gray beard.”

"But WHY Mastermind? I don't think you've ever truly told us."

"The scrolls of wizardcraft which were revealed the weeks prior to Leap of Faith explained in great detail my reasoning behind the initial focus on Mastermind. Back in the days of my youth, when I was merely a fledgling Wizard, I encountered this mysterious enigma wrapped in a coccoon of confusion known as Mastermind. His mere existence twisted my brain into an insoluable knot. A mess that could only be sorted via one method. One route. I had to face my tormentor and vanquish him with these magical hands. It was a necessary mission if I hoped to ever evolve within the professional wrestling industry. So I came for Mastermind. No Homo."

You've really made some waves here in XWF the short time you've been here. Tell us, why did you choose XWF out of all those other companies, that are, lets be honest for a moment, a little higher rated?

"Companies higher rated than XWF? Where? As far as I can see XWF is by far the ultimate promotion in the world and, well, other realms. The Wizard wouldn’t be here, otherwise. Plus, this is where that nefarious Mastermind housed his in-ring career and, as I stated earlier, the only way I could move on in my development as a wizard and professional wrestler was by defeating him. So, those two reasons...XWF being the best promotion in the world and Mastermind competing here were what led to The Wizard casting his magic spell upon XWF."

"What has been your favorite XWF moment so far?"

“Defeating Mastermind. It freed my mind and enabled me to move ahead in my pursuit of wrestling legacy. I also enjoyed the autograph signing at the local soup and deli.”

"Tell us a little about your history. Obviously, with all these powers, you chose to become a wrestler. Why?"

"I took to it like a politician takes to fundraisers. Or, like a troll takes to the dark, smelly area under a bridge. It came naturally. It’s in my blood, I suppose. Hard to say how, exactly...I never knew my actual parents. I grew up in a very magical orphanage called HogTots. It’s where I was first introduced to the magical arts. Also, being 6’9 both opens and shuts doors to various careers. It shut the door for working as one of Santa’s elves during the Christmas season but it certainly opened the door to professional wrestling – hence why I’m here.”

Jenny brings the mic to her lips again, but the energy is drained out of her it seems. She looks around at the crowd, many of which are still chanting.

"Wizard.....I....thank you for coming on and talking to me tonight. I had more questions for you and wanted to talk about your match tonight with Andrew Logan......and you were great so far but.....I.....just can't do this right now. This may be the last Queen's court for a while. I'm sorry, I just can't."

She stands up, exiting the ring with a frown as the crowd boos. Wizard seems a bit shocked, and just sits there.

Jenny turns back and looks at her setup, still with a sad face on, and turns back, leaving through the curtain.

Heather: Wow.....Mandii Rider and Chris Chaos have devestated this poor girl.

Pip: Record this, because it may be the last time you ever hear me say this.....but I actually feel bad for Jenny Myst here.

[Image: P4OI4FG.png]

Savage goes to commercial.

HHL: We’re back here on Savage, and Pip, we’ve got the main event up next!

PIP: This will NOT be for the feint of heart, folks! Chris Page and Thaddeus Duke have been at each others throats since Leap of Faith!

The bell rings, and everyone’s attention is focused on the ring announcer.

HHL: I don’t know for sure, but I have a feeling this thing WON’T be settled with just one match!

RING ANNOUNCER: The following contest… is a ladder match for the XWF Television Championshiiiip!!

The house lights dim out to a single spotlight that hits the top of the ramp displaying a thick white smoky haze. The fans erupt into thunderous boos as Chris Page walks out under the spotlight.

Chris is without his coveted Tag Title as he stands under the spotlight soaking in the negative reaction from the crowd with a slick smirk etched across his face.

”These two have been on a collision course and in just a few minutes this it’s going to come to ahead.”

Adam Barker is shown walking out to the top of the ramp as he and Chris start to make the walk towards the ring.

”Looks like Adam Barker is back in the corner of CCP, I wonder what Robert thinks about this.”

Speaking of Robert, there’s a cutaway to Cataclysm’s locker room where Robert is seen watching a monitor shaking his head. Chris and Barker reach ringside. Chris climbs up on the ring apron where he looks up at where the TV Title will be hanging from the rafters above the ring.

Chris steps through the ropes and into the ring where he takes center ring under the spotlight where he raises his arms shoulder level striking a pose before suddenly the house lights raise back up and the music fades away leaving the boos from the crowd being hurled in Page’s direction.

HHL: Chris Page! The Hall of Legends member and currently one-half of the XWF Tag Team Champions! A mixed reaction from this sold out crowd here in Montgomery!

PIP: He’s not a particularly likable guy but he’s earned respect over the years and the XWF fans are never afraid to show it!

As Tom Petty fades out, Chris Page stretches out a little with the ropes awaiting his rival.




Gold light bursts through the darkness pointing straight up from beneath the stage illuminating a lion banner above the entrance way. More guitar, the screen flashes to behind the curtain where Thaddeus is shown wearing a white sleeveless Lionheart hoodie with the hood up, rocking back and forth in anticipation and excitement.

Back to the mostly darkened arena. 'OKAY,' the arena lights pop on, strobing in gold colored lighting with Thaddeus Duke, hood up, standing on stage not moving.

GUITAR WINDS UP, CHORUS: The crowd cheers as he throws off the hood and walks to either side of the stage, pointing out toward the fans. He backpedals toward center stage and then heads toward the ring.

HHL: These fans love him!



Thaddeus stops on the ramp, looking around and smiling at the capacity crowd singing his entrance theme.

HHL: Take it in, champ!

PIP: This Savage crowd is just red hot and these two men are about to give them their monies worth!

Chris Page, in the ring, looks around a little at the XWF faithful taking a page out of Duke’s book as they sing his entrance music.



Once Thad can reach fans, he slaps hands old school style, going from side to side. He runs up the steps and pauses, looking at his admirers before hopping over the top rope into the ring. He makes his way to each corner, giving the Bret Hart "I love you" pose.

PIP: The referee, retrieving the Television Championship from Thad!

The referee steps toward Thaddeus Duke who snatches the title back from him to a huge roar from the crowd.

RA: Introducing the challenger.

From Detroit, Michigan.

Weighing in at 2 hundred 48 pounds.




HHL: This! Has a big fight feel, Pip!

PIP: I can’t believe the powers that be agreed to put this on free TV!

HHL: They've never been confused with intelligence, Pip.

RA: His opponent.

From Old Saybrook, Connecticut.

Weighing 2 hundred 10 pounds.

He is… THE XWF Television Championnnn!




Thaddeus scales the turnbuckles and poses with the TV title to another roar from the crowd before stepping down and handing the belt to the referee, who then secures it to the tethered ring. The belt ascends into the heavens as Page and Duke both watch it dangling and shining beneath the lights.

The referee points to Chris Page who nods, then to Duke who nods back.

[Image: rWOE8Gi.png]

[Image: 8K9Z08s.png]

Thaddeus Duke ©
- vs -
"Chronic" Chris Page
Thaddeus Duke chooses the stip in his FIRST RP

HHL: Here we go!

The bell rings and this TV title match is officially under way.




Duke and Page circle each other, sizing each other up as the crowd bursts out into a repetitive DUKE chant. Thad pumps his right fist along with their pulse before he and Page lock it up in the center of the ring. It’s a stalemate in the beginning but soon, Page’s size advantage backs Duke into the corner. The two clean break and get back to the center of the ring where they lock horns again.

This time, Thad transitions Page into a side headlock. Page tries to fight out of it but can’t. Chris then backs Thaddeus toward the ropes and tries to use the forward momentum to thrust Duke off of him, but Thaddeus clutches tighter and rather than release the hold falls to his knees on the mat, taking Page with him. He doesn’t keep him down long though as he gets back to his feet, then takes Page down with a takeover, the headlock still cinched in tight.

Page slaps the mat before reaching up with his legs to clutch Duke in a head scissor which finally breaks his headlock.

HHL: It’s Rembrant and Van Gogh here on Saturday Night Savage!

PIP: And the XWF is the only place you can see their masterpieces!

HHL: I’m not sure if I know of two better master technicians than these two guys right here!

Trapped in the head scissor, Duke uses the only thing available to him as an escape: a kip up. Page gets back to his feet quickly but Thad takes him down with an arm drag. Page is back up quickly again and Thad tries to take him down with another arm drag only for Page to reverse it into a hip toss. Thad rolls through and ends up on his knees, looking across the ring at Page. Duke applauds his opponent as he gets to his feet and the two tie it up for a third time. This time, Thaddeus gets the better of Page and backs him into the corner. They clean break hesitantly just before Page drives a thumb to Duke’s eye! The crowd erupts with boos as Page follows up with several hard right hands to the jaw of Duke rocking Thad back towards the center of the ring. Page rushes forward and into a drop toe hold by Duke who floats over into a side headlock.

”Sweet transition from Duke!”


Thad cranks down on the head of Page who is forced to start working his way to a vertical base where he hoists Duke up and drives him down into the canvass with a side suplex! Page rolls out to the floor where he tosses back the ring apron and pulls out a Ladder where he slides it into the ring before climbing up on the ring apron only to see Thad spring board off the middle rope delivering a Missile Dropkick to Page sending him flying off the ring apron and back down to the floor!

”Thaddeus has a chance!”

Duke turns his attention towards the Ladder in the ring and Page out on the floor before making the break to the Ladder! The crowd roars as Duke picks up the Ladder and sets it up under the TV Title. Duke starts to make the climb up the Ladder towards the title as Page rolls back into the ring with a Steel Chair in hand. Page comes forward swing the chair and cracking it across the back of Thaddeus which sends the Champion falling from the Ladder and down to the mat. The crowd erupts with boo’s as Chris holds up the chair high in the air for all to see.

”The fans here in Montgomery are letting Page have it!”

Thaddeus rolls out to the floor, Chris tosses the chair out to the floor before rolling under the ropes himself.


Page reaches down to pick Thaddeus up off the floor while we see Adam Barker pick up the steel chair! Page picks Thaddeus up unknowingly Barker swings the steel chair at Duke! Thaddeus slips out of Page’s grasp causing Barker to crack Page in the skull! The screen splits to reveal Robert Main turn and make a break towards the locker room door! He pushes the door to open but it doesn’t budge!

”The fuck!”

Main tries to push it open a second time before he pounds on the door. The camera reverses outside the locker room door revealing Wizard sitting on a forklift that’s been backed up against the door of the locker room forcing it shut! Back ringside Adam can’t believe what he’s done as Thaddeus rolls back into the ring where the Ladder is still set up under the Television Championship! Thaddeus staggers towards the ladder where he once again starts to climb the Ladder! Out on the floor Page is slowly getting back to his feet as Adam wills him on!

”Adam Barker might have unintentionally just cost Page the Television Title!”

Page slides back into the ring as Thaddeus nears the top of the Ladder as he reaches up and has a hand on the gold before the Ladder is knocked out from under him by Page! Duke is hanging from the title!! Page folds up the Ladder before jabbing it up into the ribs of Duke causing him to fall down to the canvass below!

We once again get a split screen of Robert Main pounding on the locker room door as he’s pissed!

Back in the ring Page takes the Ladder and leans it back against a neutral corner. He turns his attention back towards Thaddeus who clutches at his ribs. Chris comes forward stomping down at the ribs of Duke before picking him up off the mat where he takes him back into the neutral corner opposite the corner that has the Ladder leaning up against the turnbuckles. Chris looks to fire Duke across the ring, Duke reverses and it’s Page that’s sent crashing back first against the Ladder where he staggers forward into a boot to the midsection by Thaddeus where it’s followed up with a Swinging Neck Breaker by the Television Champion as now both men are down!

”The clock isn’t in the favor of the challenger as both men are down!


Both men struggle to their feet. Page goes for a wide right hand but Thad ducks it.



With Thad regaining his bearings from the missed kick, Page is there to kick him in the midsection then double underhooks him. He goes to lift Thad up for the Page Plant but Thad wisely tenses up, not allowing Page to lift him up at the clock continues to run out.




Page tries once more but Thad kicks his legs wildly causing Page to give up on the attempt and Thad drops to the mat. Page grabs a handful of hair and pulls Thad slowly to his feet.



Thad lands the RKO and slowly makes his way toward the set up ladder in the corner.




Back to a vertical base as Page is down, Thad retrieves the ladder from the corner and positions it in the middle of the ring, beginning the long, slow ascent toward victory. He reaches the top and Page is still down. Thad reaches for the title and gets finger on it, then climbs one more step. He has a full crasp of the strap and looks down at Page still motionless, then...


Mother of all bombs!

Thaddeus Duke leaps off the ladder with a shooting star press...


Page rolled out of the way!

Duke crashes and burns into the mat. Both men lay motionless as back in the entrance way, Micheal Graves emerges from backstage.

What the hell is Graves doing out here!?




Back in the ring, both men are dazed and confused as they each reach a side of the ladder and begin the long slow climb toward the top as Micheal Graves makes his way toward the ring. Duke and Page reach the top and fight over the title a moment before beginning to smash each other in the face in hopes of making the other fall. Below them, Micheal Graves has entered the ring against the protests of the XWF official.

Graves places his hands on the ladder as Page and Thad realize he's there. Graves topples the ladder over only for both Thad and Page to land on their feet. Page and Thad exchange a smirk and...






Graves falls through the ropes after the superkick and Thaddeus leans through and starts jacking his jaw at him...


Page stands beside Thaddeus Duke after having handcuffed Thaddeus to the middle rope.

Fuck! Thaddeus shouts as he realizes what just happened. He swings wildly at Page but CCP backpedals out of reach and climbs the ladder. Below him, Thaddeus is thrashing wildly trying to reach the ladder with his free hand. He struggles to reach as Page climbs higher and higher toward the belt dangling in the air.




Thaddeus throws himself on the mat trying desperately to kick the ladder out from under Chris Page. It's just about to work as Chris Page pulls down the Television title belt.

DING..... DING.... DING.....


The crowd roars with boos as Page holds up the TV Title with his right hand while standing on the Ladder as he looks out across the area before looking down at Thaddeus handcuffed to the middle rope.

”For the first time in over a decade “Chronic” Chris Page is holding singles gold in the XWF…”

Chris starts to climb down the Ladder.

”Has the prophecy been fulfilled? Cataclysm has locked down three title divisions; or at least for the time being!”

Chris reaches the canvass as Adam Barker joins him in the ring ans raises his arm in air only to see Chris jerk it away from his grasp before calling for a microphone. He takes the mic as the music fades away.

”Thad I tried to tell you…”

Chris turns around as Thaddeus is still cuffed to the middle rope.

”You’re nothing but an overhyped failure.”

Chris starts taking slow steps towards Thaddeus as he continues.

”You now have two options; option one, run and tell Theo we’re still waiting, or….”

Suddenly Chris drops the microphone and cracks Thaddeus with the Television Championship in the face knocking Thaddeus backwards through the ropes and out to the floor at an awkward angle while still being cuffed to the middle rope.

Chris turns back around and knocks the Ladder over as he reaches down picking up the microphone.

”Uncle Theo! What are you waiting for?!?! Are you content with letting me punk your own goddamn family while still calling you a fucking coward?”

“You Suck! You Suck! You Suck!” bellows out from all over the arena towards Chris Page as Adam is shown clapping.

”You can only ignore us for so long before you’re not going to have a choice….”

Suddenly the crowd pops huge as all attention shifts towards the top of the ramp as CENTURION arrives on Saturday Night Savage!!

”Centurion is here?!?!?!”

Chris smirks as he shakes his head while Centurion has a microphone in hand as well.

”And now there’s this guy…”

Centurion raises his microphone as he holds up his right hand as he states.

”Pardon my intrusions on this momentous occasion for you…. It’s not every day you win a singles title all on your own.”

”Cute coming from the guy that’s doing what, exactly?”

”I’m the guy that’s making this watchable right now, so if you’ll do us all a favor and shut your mouth I’ll get to the point as to why I’m here.”

Chris looks down at the Television Championship in his right hand. He holds it up face level as he says.

”It’s not hard to figure out…”

”Oh wait, you think this is just about you? Dude check your fucking ego because WE aren’t here for your TV Title…. This is about your TAG TITLES!”

Centurion now smirks at Chris Page as RUBY emerges out to the top of the ramp as Chris is completely beside himself in the ring as he sees Ruby and Centurion running their hands across their waists. We suddenly get a split screen with Robert Main in a now destroyed locker room when suddenly the lights start to flicker before going out completely in both the locker room and the arena itself.

”What’s going on here?!

The lights draw back up to reveal….

Cataclysm stands in the ring, each with their tag title staring a hole through Centurion and Ruby on the ramp as they lay their respective title across the mat as if symbolically accepting the challenge of Centurion and Ruby as the stare down continues as Savage fades to black.

Thank you to everyone that helped write matches and sent in segments

Big D
Robbie Bourbon
Andrew Logan
The Wizard
Madison Dyson
Jenny Myst

And everyone that RPed this week

[Image: XCwEiv2.png]
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(08-29-2020), Azrael Erebus (08-30-2020), B.O.B. D (08-29-2020), Johnny Legend (08-29-2020), Madison Dyson (08-29-2020), Miss Fury (08-29-2020), Mr. Oz (08-29-2020), Nathaniel Idenhaus (08-30-2020), Peter Fn Gilmour (08-29-2020), Prof. Bobby Bourbon (08-29-2020), Robert "The Omega" Main (08-29-2020), thewizard (08-29-2020), Thunder Knuckles™ (08-29-2020)
Prof. Bobby Bourbon Offline
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XWF FanBase:
The 'cool' kliq fans

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty while setting the trends)

08-29-2020, 04:24 PM

We go backstage, where as per the norm almost, we see Robbie being attended to by medics. Fuchsia is at his side, a deep look of concern on her face. Robbie notices the camera.

Oh, hello Universe.

Robbie beckons the medics off.

Babe, they need to...

Robbie reaches towards his forehead and pulls a shard of glass out through his mask, the deep crimson stains becoming expounded. Fuchsia cringes, and he glares at the screen, the whites of his eyes almost glowing in comparison to the caked on gore surrounding them.

[Image: DtUCPfZ.png]
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[-] The following 1 user Likes Prof. Bobby Bourbon's post:
Theo Pryce (08-29-2020)
Madison Dyson Online
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XWF FanBase:

(loved by some; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)

08-29-2020, 06:09 PM


If we were smart, we'd keep her as far away from the Main Event as possible."

And there's the bullshit laid bare! Flagrant bias! And a white man keeping a black woman down, no less!

Okay Big D, you wanna get nuts? Let's get nuts! How about this sunshine, seeing as how Main won't nut up and fight YOU have plans for Relentless? Because I've got a great idea!

You hate me being on your show? FINE. Make me leave by BEATING me in that ring! I will leave the Savage brand FOREVER if you can beat me at Relentless. But, if I beat you, you lose your GM spot!

How bad you want me gone?

[Image: madisondysonbanner2.png]
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[-] The following 1 user Likes Madison Dyson's post:
Thunder Knuckles™ (08-29-2020)
B.O.B. D Offline
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP

XWF FanBase:

(loved by some; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)

08-29-2020, 08:05 PM

(08-29-2020, 06:09 PM)Madison Dyson Said:

If we were smart, we'd keep her as far away from the Main Event as possible."

And there's the bullshit laid bare! Flagrant bias! And a white man keeping a black woman down, no less!

Okay Big D, you wanna get nuts? Let's get nuts! How about this sunshine, seeing as how Main won't nut up and fight YOU have plans for Relentless? Because I've got a great idea!

You hate me being on your show? FINE. Make me leave by BEATING me in that ring! I will leave the Savage brand FOREVER if you can beat me at Relentless. But, if I beat you, you lose your GM spot!

How bad you want me gone?


June 2019 XWF Superstar of the Month
2019 Relentless Fishing Contest Winner
1x XWF World Heavyweight Champion
1x bWo World Heavyweight Champion [despite what Miss Furry or James J. Dildo says]
1x NWF World Heavyweight Champion
2x XWF Xtreme Champion [current]
2x XWF TV Champion
1x XWF Internet Champion
1x NWF World Tag Team Champion (w/Slim)
1x NWF Xtreme Champion
1x NLCW Slamfest Champion
1x LCW Hardcore Champion
3x WWF X-Division Champion
1x WWF World Tag Team Champion (w/Seth Flash)
1x WWF Dark Champion
1x WWF TV Champion
1x EGW Fury Champion
3x XWF Federweight Champion
4x XWF Heavymetalweight Champion
1x 420* Cruiserweight Champion
2x CMW Hardcore Champion
1x XHW T.V. Champion
1x WXC Hardcore Champion
1x XPW U.S. Champion
1x WLFC Tag Team Champion w/Chance
1x WWC T.V. Champion
1x WWC European Champion
1x WWF 24/7Hardcore Champion
2x WLFC 24/7 Hardcore Champion

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Prof. Bobby Bourbon Offline
Active in XWF

XWF FanBase:
The 'cool' kliq fans

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty while setting the trends)

08-30-2020, 12:26 AM

(08-29-2020, 08:05 PM)BigD Said:
(08-29-2020, 06:09 PM)Madison Dyson Said:

If we were smart, we'd keep her as far away from the Main Event as possible."

And there's the bullshit laid bare! Flagrant bias! And a white man keeping a black woman down, no less!

Okay Big D, you wanna get nuts? Let's get nuts! How about this sunshine, seeing as how Main won't nut up and fight YOU have plans for Relentless? Because I've got a great idea!

You hate me being on your show? FINE. Make me leave by BEATING me in that ring! I will leave the Savage brand FOREVER if you can beat me at Relentless. But, if I beat you, you lose your GM spot!

How bad you want me gone?


What the shit is this.

Fuck, I'm not even eligible for the hall of Legends, but this pointless twat is?

Who the fuck was smoking crack and making excuses that got paid for smoking crack and making excuses?

[Image: DtUCPfZ.png]
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[-] The following 1 user Likes Prof. Bobby Bourbon's post:
Johnny Legend (08-30-2020)
Madison Dyson Online
Your Favorite Tag Team Partner!
Badge - Match Writer

XWF FanBase:

(loved by some; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)

08-30-2020, 04:01 AM

(08-29-2020, 08:05 PM)BigD Said:
(08-29-2020, 06:09 PM)Madison Dyson Said:

If we were smart, we'd keep her as far away from the Main Event as possible."

And there's the bullshit laid bare! Flagrant bias! And a white man keeping a black woman down, no less!

Okay Big D, you wanna get nuts? Let's get nuts! How about this sunshine, seeing as how Main won't nut up and fight YOU have plans for Relentless? Because I've got a great idea!

You hate me being on your show? FINE. Make me leave by BEATING me in that ring! I will leave the Savage brand FOREVER if you can beat me at Relentless. But, if I beat you, you lose your GM spot!

How bad you want me gone?


That's what I thought.

Why is it that everytime I try to get somebody in the XWF to nut up and face me, aforementioned nuts seem to drop off the face of the Earth?

[Image: madisondysonbanner2.png]
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Johnny Legend (08-30-2020)

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