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Post Savage 4/18: Misery Loves Bastard
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Tommy Wish Offline

XWF FanBase:
Drug addicts, rebels, weirdos

(the villain you love to hate; has cult following; may deal drugs on side)

04-18-2020, 08:08 PM

After the main event was finished, reported that Steve Sayors was in the backstage where Tommy was about to leave the arena in his rental hoopty in the parking lot, Sayors manages to to get a scoop on what just happened.

Sayors: Tommy, what came over you in that match tonight?

Bastard: Let me tell you something, tonight was something that i promised to the stupid fans that it wasn't going to be good one. Knuckles beat the shit out of me, but I managed to get some good licks in myself, at the end my misery and anger came to play.

Sayors: I see that, Tom--

Bastard: No, just call me bastard at this point Steve...

Sayors: Uh... Bastard... what made you destroy that Television title after your heinous assault on Knuckles?

Bastard: You can come up with own hypothesis, it's was slated in my shitty promos i recorded that I had a dream of winning that fifteen minutes of a belt. But during one of my personal Vlogs, the overwhelming majority of these so called fans voted in favor of Thunder. I told him that he will hear my symphony of Con Chair To; and he was elated to be first ones to hear it.

Sayors: That's not the question I asked, I want to know--

Bastard: Look, i'm tired... beat up... pissed off with what went down tonight. If you and Thunder wants to know what happened to the belt, I smashed it so Thunder can put his shitty XBUX tape over it to devalue that belt even more.

Sayors: Will we see you step foot in a Savage ring after this?

Bastard: Fuck no, fuck it Anarchy is the place to be. Fuck oversea tours, and fuck being a "savage" for one nite only with a Lucille.

The "bastard" walks off in his car, and drives off with his bag as the screen show's highlights of Savage.
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