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Wednesday Warfare 1/16/2013
Author Message
Wallace Witasick Offline
Former XWF Management

XWF FanBase:
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01-16-2013, 11:33 PM

[Image: kQDFZ.jpg]

Wednesday Night Warfare
"A New Era"

The sound of the Warfare theme music by Deliverance cuts out as "Sleep Now in the Fire" blares over the X-tron and the crowd immediately reacts with a huge ovation anticipating some answers from the General Manager along with the start of what looks to be a very interesting night of events tonight in the XWF. Wallace Witasick himself strolls down to the ring, being escorted by the incredibly bulky and thick burly man by the name of Tyrone. A parade of more security slowly follows and surrounds him in the ring before he brings the microphone to his lips and begins to speak.

WALLACE WITASICK: The word of the night... is TRUST.... The one word underlined and on the mind of every wrestler looming as new talent or veteran players here in the XWF, as we move past the era of Miyoko Kawashima. I understand that many of you are unwilling to give full faith in my capabilities to control the power of the XWF. To stick up and live up the Warfare brand in the past, Shane now feels that developing his own alliance and forming a shield to the world by 'pretending' to control the XWF, when in reality we realize this to be a sham. Shane , truth be told, is scared of the Administrator Network and the way they've swept under his nose and obtained half the shares in the XWF, so he's created a wall of wrestlers to protect him while we force him and his goons further and further into the corner. This little 'Black Circle' he's created may be his last stand, and he knows it. Why does he know it?

Because Shane is slowly losing the trust of supreme talent in the XWF so he's hidden himself back in a reality and a time when he felt 'safe.'

I ask you people... Why won't you trust me?

John Madison thinks I'm planning to blow Sid Feder to Kingdom Come? John Madison is also a deranged war veteran suffering from 'post traumatic' stress disorder. Sid Feder is a man worthy of my breath, so I won't sit here and drag on a laundry list of deficiencies about John Madison. Just know this Mr. Feder, you're a man who prides himself on building trust. I like that in a man. It shows his true colors rather than hide behind a mask of deceit. You will learn to trust me Mr. Feder.... in time..... in time.

Peter Gilmour thinks I'm out to get him? Do I have news in store for Peter Gilmour later in the program. Petey, keep your tv set on all night buddy because Mr. Witasick is about to give you exactly what you want! You will learn to trust me Mr. Gilmour... in time...... in time. Warfare is however, very anxious for the December Star of the Month to make his debut on my new program next week! I'll save the big surprises for the end.

In time I will have controlled enough power in the XWF to give you both exactly what you want.... in time...

Let's not forget that the Administrator Network has done the exact same thing Shane did to obtain the XWF in the first place. How can you side with him? Hiding behind the disguise as Faceless and stealing this company directly from under the nose of Jonathyn Brown.

Word has spread quickly in the wrestling world of my arrival in the XWF, and the power and money I have backing me by the Administrator Network. I've brought forth new talents such as John White, Trash, Prophecy, and Dexter Bale. Very powerful men with impressive records in their minor leagues wrestling organizations. Next week, all three of them will bring their impressive records from the minor leagues and make their big debuts in the big show here in the XWF. NEXT WEEK ON WARFARE!!!

The crowd explodes into a rage of yelling and screaming in agreement of the anticipation.

WALLACE WITASICK: I have many, many big things in plan for next week, but let's talk about the show I have here for you all tonight!

The crowd shouts again.

Tonight we have for you, Black Circle's own Cyren against the MasterMind of Madness Mr. Randall Cross!!!

I'm actually sick to even speak the name.... Cyren... let's just call him.... Disappointment...

The man once looked like a figure of respect as he took 'The Cheater' to the brink in an incredible match... until he did two things...

1. Sided with Shane
2. Lost to Michael James

It appears that I was wrong about Cyren....

Wallace Witasick nods to two of his goons and Tyrone nods at him oddly?

TYRONE: You want me to go with them?

WALLACE WITASICK: I'll be fine, there's a dozen others.

Tyrone rarely left Wallace's side, but it seemed like he had a very important mission for him to carry out.

WALLACE WITASICK: Tonight you will also see a very improved and destructive Sebastian Duke, who is thus far the only winner of my Warfare reign. Tonight we find out who else wants to become a winner and begin their road to glory on the new and improved Wednesday Night Warfare. A New Era... bringing in a NEW WORLD where champions are made. Now....

Let's get on with it!


AJ Powell
- vs -
Cassius Stone
Standard Rules

The match begins ! Cassius Stone picks up AJ Powell and... Cross-Legged Suplex! Unique move! Stonepicks up AJ and gets behind him! Whoa! Tiger Suplex! Wasting no time, Stone picks up AJ again and... a nice Exploder! Cassius picks up AJ and... a Suplex! Nope! Horizontal Suplex! Some talent being shown here by the man from Indiana! What's this I'm seeing? GOODNESS! Look at this submission move!

A Butterfly Lock? No! A Butterfly Hammerlock! One arm of AJ Powell's is Hammerlocked in the Butterfly ring! AJ Powell needs to get out of this! He... gets a foot on the ropes! Cassius lets go! He picks up AJ and sends him to the corner! Running Shoulder Thrust in the corner! Punch by Cassius! A few more punches by Cassius! Ooh! That hurt! Knife Edge Chop in the corner! Chop! Chop! Chop!

Cassius Stone now puts AJ Powell up at the top rope! What will he do here? OH MY! Top Rope Butterfly Suplex by Cassius Stone! So impressive, fans! Pin!


No! AJ Powell kicks out! Can he get anything going here? Cassius picks him up and kick by AJ! And another. And another. Cassius drops to one knee and Whoa! AJ Powell with a huge kick to the face sending Cassius to the mat. Now AJ with a standing moonsault onto the downed Cassius Stone. AJ picks up Stone and Knife Edge Chop. WOO! And now a punch to the face. And a punch to AJ from Cassius. Punch by AJ. Punch by Cassius. Cassius grabs AJ by the arm and irish whips him to the rope. AJ is coming back and hits Cassius with a Gigantic Drop Kick! AJ with the pin


Not Quite! Cassius kicks out. AJ cant believe it. Cassius gets up and AJ runs to the ropes and hits Cassius with a springboard body splash! What a move. AJ picks up Cassius and attempts a suplex but Cassius is just a tad to bid for AJ. Cassius hits him with a knee to the face and then a German Suplex sending AJ to the mat! Cassius walks over to AJ and locks him in a Cross Armbar! AJ's arm was already injured from the Butterfly Hammerlock earlier! AJ is screaming in pain. AJ gets a foot on the rope but Cassius dosent let go! What are you doing Cassius?

Ref: 1,2,3,4

Cassius releases the hold and AJ rolls out of the ring. Cassius now with a quick bycicle slide and kicks AJ in the arm while simotaneously rolling out of the ring. Cassius then hits AJ with a Reverse DDT!

Cassius just layed out AJ Powell! Cassius picks up AJ and AJ with a desperation Kick to the Temple! Both men drop and the ref begins to count!

Ref: 1,2,3,4,5, ..........

Stonne slowly rises to his feet before AJ, he tosses him into the ropes with a vengeance and comes flying back off...

Stonne was waiting for him with....


The sheer power of this move and the stamina draining from such a hard fought match causes Stonne to land on top of AJ Powell. This might be it folks!






Think Right - Call White
Think Right - Call White

--We see an office. You can tell it's an office because there's a desk on a carpet, and there's papers on the desk, and there's a mug of coffee and an ashtray sitting on top of all the mess of papers. It looks officey to me. Inside the ashtray smoulders a stubby cigar. Behind the desk there is a window, shades drawn, a sliver of light stabbing through and casting a shadow in one corner.

An exuberant voiceover barks questions as they slam onto the screen in a silly font, sliding around like some amateur fanvid made with Windows Movie Maker:--

Are you in trouble with the law?
Are you allegedly responsible for heinous crimes?
Have your political opponents mysteriously and conveniently disappeared?
Have thousands of children been treated in a less than savoury fashion by your employees and your signature mysteriously turned up on documents swearing them to secrecy?
Then you might just need a lawyer. So if you've made a series of terrible decisions that got you in a whole heap of trouble, don't make another one! Make the right call for once in your life. Think right - call White.

--A man steps forward from the shadows. He's slender, almost gangly, leaning on a cane. His sports coat is exquisite crushed velvet, but it is still purple. His shoes gleam blood red. He flashes a devilish grin, shining brighter than his bald head.--

John Michael White: Pleased to meet you, hope you guess my name. If you've got yourself in trouble, I can get you out. For a modest fee. Trust me, I'm a lawyer.

--The grin remains, fixed, false. The screen is hit with another garish label - "The Offices of Adder, Black &White, Detroit, Michigan" followed by a number and instructions to ask for Johnny. Like there's ever been a successful lawyer called Johnny. Fade to black. Nah, that's boring. Fade to white.--


Benjamin Crane
- vs -
John Black
Standard Rules

Benjamin Crane came out first to “Kryptonite” by 3 Doors Down. His reception from the crowd was half and half with the crowd as the young high flyer walked down to the ring in his Venom hoodie. Next out was John Black who also had a split reaction from the audience. The hardcore technician came out to “Push it” by Static X, and high fived his fans on the way down to the ring.

The match kicked off with some high flying action by Crane. On this night, Black just seemed to be off his game as Crane threw him around the ring with two flying head scissors and a standing drop kick. That drop kick would send Black flying over the top rope. With Black in position, Crane bounced off of the ropes and hit a suicide dive directly into John Black! That move garnered a big reaction for Crane.

Crane looks to be in better shape than last week. He isn’t holding back tonight.

Crane works over Black some more on the outside by ramming him into the steel steps. Once Crane softened Black up, he got him back in the ring, and went for a pin. But it only gets him a near fall. Crane transitions into a ground submission hold on Black as he attempts to control the pace of the match. After several seconds though, John Black shifts his weight out of the headlock, and delivers a back suplex with a bridge. But it only gets him a nearfall. With both men back up to their feet they exchange chops in the center of the ring. Black hits a thunderous chop, but Crane retaliates with a standing dropkick. Crane looks to go for the Blackest Night finishing move, but John Black shifts his weight and counters Crane with a jaw breaker. Black quickly goes for the cover, but it only earns him a two count.

John Black picks up Crane for a spine buster, but Crane reverses it into a tornado DDT instead. Crane follows up with a standing moonsault. He pins Black for a nearfall. Crane once again sets up Black for the Blackest Night, but this time Black blocks the hold and turns Crane over into the Boston Crab. Black has it locked in properly, but cannot control Crane. Crane ends up dragging Black behind him as he gets a rope break. Black sends Crane into the ropes, goes for a back body drop, but Crane puts a boot to the face of Black. He gives Black a swinging neck breaker in the center of the ring.

Crane runs off the ropes and gives Black a knee drop to the chin. Shortly after, he climbed up to the top rope and landed on Black with the For Asgard! That finishing shooting star press was enough to earn him the pinfall over Black. Crane immediately goes for that cover!







Tyrone and his gang of three enormous black males are walking down the hallway when they come across their target. Cyren, who was busy scratching himself and staring at the ceiling is now taken aback by an enormous KNOCKOUT PUNCH! delivered by Tyrone. An insanely devastating jab that rattles his brain against the wall to the right of his shoulder. The three black men continue to pummel and kick him while he is down on the ground... The X-tron image of Wallace Witasick's face sitting in his office appears on the big screen. He is surrounded in a small office by a number of large body guards.

WALLACE WITASICK: Cyren, it's no doubt that you are more of a disappointment to me then when I first arrived here weeks ago. You've taken sides with the enemy and you looked like a complete fool on Madness last night.

The beating is still continuing.

WALLACE WITASICK: Ha, reverse Rodney King style, anywho lets get back to a more important issue....

Mr. Witasick holds up the XWF Championship title in his office.

WALLACE WITASICK: Cyren, your insignificance in defeating Michael James for a second time. I'm beginning to see more of what Sid Feder has to say about you as truth. Oh, and you WON'T be getting anywhere near this XWF Championship if I have anything to say about....

Suddenly, the ring is engulfed in darkness and Shane appears out of the smoke in the middle of the ring. The crowd looks shocked and amazed to see the strange face of the enemy on Warfare. has a mic in his hand and begins to speak, not looking to pleased at his adversary on the X-tron.

SHANE : Don't bother sending your goons down here because it won't be necessary. You see, for the past week now I have been badgered about the likes of that belt and it's the reason I stand before you today Wallace Witasick.

He shifts his weight and starts pacing around the ring.

SHANE : We both know that despite how much we hate each other, we have to find a way to co exist for the time being. As it stands right now, I still own half the shares while Administrator Network hoards the rest of my decent earned infrastructure I have developed in the XWF.

WALLACE WITASICK: What you say is true, a way to determine a true overall champion is not wrapped up in a piece of scrap metal such as this. Plus I can save myself a little money. Tyrone...

Tyrone walks up to Wallace with a grin, he abandoned the beating of Cyren minutes ago to stand by Wallace after appeared. The camera flashes outside where the beating is still ensuing, as Cyren is buried beneath a sea of metal chairs and trash cans.

WALLACE WITASICK: Ok.... Ok.... you can stop now I think he's done...

The big black body guards stop the savage beating of 'The Sickness' and proceed to catch up with Tyrone next to Mr. Witasick.

WALLACE WITASICK: Take this title to the smelter and send my little 'friend' here Shane the gold bar from his 'used to be' XWF Championship title. Primarily, only being held in the hands of a dirty rotten 'cheater' it was never that valuable to begin with. Send it as a token of 'peace' for now as you divulge your little idea before my audience tonight. Make it quick, so we can get back to watching a 'REAL' wrestling program.

SHANE : It is without a doubt that a true champion must be crowned, whether it be within my show or yours and there is only one way to do this...



SHANE : That's right, the one true ruler over all shows who comes to rule his court one day a month. One PPV a month devoted to crowning our new King of XWF in exactly the proper kind of match set to take place weeks from now.

WALLACE WITASICK: You mean? At the Gauntlet?

SHANE : The first KING OF XWF will be named at Gauntlet City and the first of a series of Gauntlets to defend the title of KING OF XWF once every month!!!

WALLACE WITASICK: Put my wrestlers in a ring with yours in a bit match for the biggest position in the XWF? I like the sound of that.

SHANE : Over the next few weeks a series of events will take place to determine who will enter the GAUNTLET! How many people, who knows? I guess as that would deem worthy by both me and you, Mr. Witasick.

WALLACE WITASICK: If there's one thing I can agree with you on, it is proving who really can develop the power within this XWF. It's a deal , for one night a month we will come together to crown the KING OF THE XWF! Where I will prove to you and the world that Warfare reigns supreme! Now get out of here, don't you have a stable to babysit? Go take care of your girlfriend Cyren.




'Playboy' Brett Rayne
- vs -
Sebastian Duke
X-Treme Rules

The lights go out in the arena. Wind is heard momentarily in the background before Johnny Cash's 'Gods Gonna Cut you Down' is heard. The steel frame of the X-Tron bursts into flames and the crowd boos instantaneously. 6 of Sebastian Duke's hooded followers make their way to the aisle carrying lit torches. 3 of each to either side of the aisle lighting the path for their Leader, the Angel of Darkness, Sebastian Duke and the High Priest, Asmodeus. He proceeds down the aisle at a constant methodical pace never once allowing his eyes to deviate from the ring. He makes his way up the ring steps and into the ring when the lights come back on.

Duke paces the ring, awaiting his opponent.

#1 by Nelly starts up as the lights go out in the arena. A spot light hits the stage. A blast of Pyro goes up and Brett appears spinning with outstretched arms as the pyro forms a playboy bunny. He struts to the ring with spotlight following him and slides in, gets up and continues to spin before dropping to one knee and flexing.

Sebastian Duke doesn't wait for Brett Rayne to finish his entrance. He nails Rayne from behind in the back of the head with Asmodeus' cane! The bell rings to signal the match has started. Duke tosses the cane out of the ring and delivers numerous kicks and stomps to the downed Brett Rayne. Rayne tries to retreat to the corner. Rayne sitting down with his back against the corner, Duke nails him with a vicious knee lift to the face. Duke backs off and Rayne ducks and rolls to the outside and down to the floor landing on all fours. Duke doesn't waste any time as he goes to the outside. He grabs Rayne by and drives him face first into the ring steps. Duke drags Brett mid-way up the aisle. Duke sends Rayne crashing hard into the barricade. Rayne finally starts trying to fight back with shots to Dukes midsection. Duke shrugs them off and delivers a quick knee lift to the face of Rayne followed by a few shots to the head. Duke drags Rayne up to the entrance stage by his head. Duke smashes Rayne's head off one of the steel uprights. BLOCKED! Rayne with an elbow to Dukes gut. Then another. Another. Rayne sends Duke head first into the steel upright. Rayne with fists of fury begins pummeling Duke in the head and face. Duke staggers backward and through the curtain to the backstage area. Rayne follows through the curtain and receives a stiff shot to the throat from Duke. Rayne falls to his knees trying to catch his breath. The referee starts asking Duke to bring it back to the ring area. Duke doesn't care. He grabs the referee by the throat. CHOKESLAM! On the referee through a nearby table. That referee is out. Duke returns his attention to Rayne. LOWBLOW! From Rayne! Rayne follows up with a quick DDT! Rayne, a little slow to get to his feet, is finally up and he throws a producer off of a steel chair. Duke is getting to his feet. CRACK! Rayne with a chairshot to the back! Duke staggers forward. CRACK! Another shot. CRACK! Yet another shot! Duke falls to the concrete floor clutching his back. Rayne takes the chair and wraps it around the ankle of Duke. Rayne steps back and jumps into the air. His feet come crashing down snapping the chair shut on Duke's ankle. Duke is writhing in pain on the ground. Rayne does a ground and pound on the fallen Sebastian Duke. Pummeling him with rights and left. Rayne is pumped up with adrenaline. Rayne lifts Duke off the floor by the hair. He drags him deeper into the arena. Rayne slams Duke head first off the concrete wall. Duke stays on his feet but spins around leaning against an office window. Rayne backs up, then charges Duke. He dives....

Duke sidesteps and sends Rayne crashing headfirst through the office window! Blood trickles from the head of the nearly unconcious Brett Rayne. Duke kicks in the door of the locked office. He enters the office and lifts Rayne off the floor. Rayne staggers on his feet. Duke lifts Rayne up onto his shoulder and carries him out into the hallway headed back toward the ring. Duke has second thoughts then launches Rayne like a dart into the cement block wall! Rayne hits the wall then drops like a rock right on top of the scheduled referee who was still laying in the ruins of the table. Duke lifts Rayne up to his feet and grabs him by the back of the neck. Rayne offers little resistance as they had back through the curtain. Duke lightly pushes the back of Raynes head. Rayne falls onto the stage and rolls a couple times toward the aisle. Duke lifts Rayne up and sets him up for a POWERBOMB from the stage to the floor below...



Rayne thwarts the powerbomb attempt and lifts Duke off his feet and dumps him over! Off the stage landing hard on the floor below with a back body drop. Rayne struggles to get to his feet. Duke is moving but not up yet. Rayne, staggering toward the ring. Rayne reaches the ring and barely rolls in, just laying there looking up at the lights. Duke, meanwhile, is back to his feet. The adrenaline and endorphins wearing off, Duke begins to limp from the chair attack earlier on. He limps toward the ring and finally rolls himself inside. Rayne gets to his feet first. He grabs Duke by the hair and lifts him off the mat. He tosses Duke into the corner. REVERSED! Rayne goes crashing hard into the corner! Duke follows in with a clothesline! SUPERKICK! Rayne nailed it hard and Duke staggers back then falls to the mat. Rayne staggers out of the corner, blood pouring down his face, and falls on top of Sebastian Duke. The crowd counts:




Finally, a new referee comes running out and dives into the ring!




Rayne is beside himself! He had it won! Rayne pleads with the referee but to no avail. Rayne turns his attention back to Sebastian Duke. He lifts a leg of Duke and looks around.... FIGURE 4!!!! He has the big man trapped in the submission and Duke struggles and yells in pain! He tries to turn it around but to no avail.

Asmodeus on the outside of the ring, slides his cane into Duke's reach. Duke felt it hit his arm and grabs the cane. Rayne wrenches harder.... CRACK! Duke nails Rayne in the skull with the cane! Rayne falls back to the mat and Duke easily slips out of the hold. Duke clutching his ankle and his knee, slowly crawls over and allows his body weight to fall on top of Rayne. The referee makes the count:




Duke's victory is rejected by the newcomer! Duke slowly staggers to his feet trying to shake off the assaults on his knee and ankle. He lifts Rayne slowly off the mat. He sends him off the ropes. BIG BOOT! Rayne falls flat on his back. Duke, still limping lifts Rayne off the mat and send him HARD into the corner. He follows him in with a hard cloothesline in the corner! Rayne staggers out and Duke lands a stiff throat chop! The chop stuns rayne in the center of the ring. Duke, off the ropes.... SOUL SHOT!


Rayne ducks the Soul Shot. Duke turns around, RAYNE DROP! Brett Rayne nails the RKO on Duke, but both men are down. Rayne, slowly makes the cover:




Rayne's debut victory is REJECTED! Rayne is frustrated. Slowly, back to his feet, Rayne to the outside. He digs under the ring, he pulls out a 2x4 covered in barbed wire. He slides back into the ring, Duke has staggered to his feet but with his back to Rayne. Rayne winds up. Duke turns around slowly. Swing. CRACK! Rayne nails Duke with the barbed wire covered 2x4. Duke is busted open, blood pouring out of his head. Both men are now bloodied. Rayne collapses on top of Duke.




Yet again, Duke kicks out! Rayne is frustrated again. Rayne staggers backward into the corner. Duke slowly makes it back to his feet. SUPERKICK!


Asmodeus has held onto the leg of Brett Rayne! Rayne struggles to get away from Asmodeus' grip! Duke darts to the corner trying to take advantage of the situation. Asmodeus is on the apron with the cane. Rayne with a back elbow to the face of Duke. Duke staggers back a little and Rayne now grabs Asmodeus by the collar. Duke heads toward the corner again. Asmodeus swings the cane....


Brett Rayne ducked his head! Asmodeus just nailed Sebastian Duke with the cane! Duke staggers back, then falls to the mat! Rayne decks Asmodeus! Rayne hooks the leg:




ANOTHER kickout! Rayne, loses his cool, he stomps away on the downed Sebastian Duke. Duke offers zero resistance. Rayne grabs the leg of Duke again for another FIGURE 4!!



Sebastian Duke halted the figure 4 attempt by trapping Rayne in the Hells Gate submission!!

This one is almost definitely over folks as Brett Rayne reaches for the end of the ropes....



But it is no match for Rayne as he taps out viciously...



He's a Little Bit Crazy

We go to the titantron were there is a hype vignette playing for a debuting superstar.

The video starts and we see a handsome man lying on a four-poster bed with his eyes shut. He is clad in only Giorgi Armani boxer briefs and even in the dim light we can see his rippling muscles and his highly defined body. He is sporting a slight bit of shadow on his face and his hair is slept-on and messy. The camera moves so it's looking right down at his face and suddenly the mans eyes open so that his piercing blue eyes are staring directly into the camera. He gives a seductive smile and winks at the camera before rolling out of the bed. He hits a button on a state of the art music system and the sound of Huey Lewis and The News hit-song "Hip to be a Square" fills the audio sound-bytes of the video. As the song is playing the man drops to the wooden-floorboards (oak, of course) and rapidly begins an intense series of press-ups and sit-ups. The man occasionally lets out a grunt but other than that he seems to be doing the exercises at ease. Precisely as "Hip to be a Square" ends he shoots up, wipes a bit of excess sweat from his brow and turns off the music system. He turns and we get a full-body shot, the glistening sweat on his body only serving to enhance his physique. He walks towards a door and pushes it open with the camera trailing his every move.

He he has entered a bathroom and noticeably there are mirrors everywhere. He walks overt to an exquisitely white kitchen sink set in a marble top and turns one of the stainless steel taps so that there is a steady flow of water rushing from it. He cups his hands and throws three hand-fulls of water onto his face. He then reaches over to the glass shelf above the sink and grabs a tube of moisturizer and squirts an optimum amount onto his hand before rubbing it into his face. We see him mouth "One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten." and then fill his hands with water and wash the moisturizing cleanser from his face. He then dips his hand into a tub of Boston Barber hair-grease and puts a healthy dollop of the grease into his hair before producing a fine-tooth comb and slicking his hair back in a very fashionable and up-scale manner. The man then rigorously brushes his teeth before producing dental floss and spending exactly three seconds on every tooth before he gargles for exactly thirty seconds with mouth-wash. The man spits into the sink and then returns to his bedroom.

The man enters a walk-in wardrobe and spends a few seconds flexing various parts of his body whilst staring intensely in the full-length mirror. He then proceeds to put on a crisp black shirt, and matching grey suit pants and jacket. Looking the model of efficiency and boasting the aura of a man of wealth he struts back out into his bedroom and reaches under his bed and retrieves a pair of pointed black dress shoes shined to such an extent that one would be forgiven for believing they had never been worn. The man slips comfortably into the shoes and then reaches over to his bedside locker (wooden, oak to match the floors) and grabs a Rolex watch which he focuses on momentarily while strapping it on his wrist. Finally the man looks up at the camera and gives a full-toothed grin, there is something sinister about the grin and he, while continuing to grin, speaks.

Dexter Bale
"My name is Dexter Bale . . . and I'm a little bit crazy."

The man heartily laughs and as the camera fades to black his laughter turns slightly manic and can still be heard.



Ian Johnson
- vs -
Triple L
X-Treme Rules

First, from Salem, MA, weighing 187 pounds… Triple L!

Pink lights foam around the ring as the band plays live on stage - Triple L comes out with a couple of naked individuals.

His opponent, from Clayton, IN, weighing 185 pounds… Ian Johnson!

Ian shows up on the ramp and lets out a primal scream. Walks down to the ring and slides in. Hops up to the top rope and cracks his knuckles.

The bell sounds and they lock up in the center of the ring. Triple L breaks the struggle, and smacks the taste out of Johnson’s mouth! The legend is not holding back tonight. Johnson shows that he means business by responding with a European uppercut which knocks Triple L down. He goes to apply a kneebar, but Triple L is quick to reach out for a rope break. They lock up again, and this time Johnson takes Triple L down by the leg with a dragon screw. Triple L rises up to his knees, and Johnson charges in with some sidekicks. Triple L blocks each of them, and catches one of Johnson’s legs. He tugs Johnson in and delivers a clothesline. A pin gets him a only a two count

Triple L kicks Johnson while he’s down. He lands an elbow drop to the back of Johnson, and pins him for another two count. Triple L picks up Johnson and delivers a vertical suplex. He picks up Johnson again, and hits a DDT. Triple L rolls him up for the count



Kick out by Johnson. Triple L slows down the pace with a half nelson lock. He pulls Johnson up, and throws him into the ropes. He catches Johnson with a Lou Thesz press and throws some punches to the face. Triple L stands Johnson back up by delivering an inverted atomic drop. He takes Johnson’s head off with a devastating lariat. He attempts another pin.



Another kick out by Johnson. There’s just no quit in Johnson tonight.

Triple L looks to be going for a bigger move as he ascends the corner of the ring. He goes for a flying headbutt, but Johnson moves out of the way just in time. Triple L eats the canvas.

Johnson delivers a double arm DDT, and transitions gracefully into a fujiwara armbar! Johnson has it locked in tight, but his ring positioning is off. Triple L is able to grasp the bottom rope within seconds. Johnson notices his error, and drags Triple L into the center of the ring where he gives him an STO. Johnson goes for a cover.



Triple L kicks out.

Johnson recovers quickly, and gives Triple L a snapmare. He then runs off the ropes and delivers a dropkick to the back of Triple L. Johnson locks in a dragon sleeper! He has Triple L trapped in the middle of the ring with nowhere to go now.

After spending nearly a minute in the submission hold, Triple L finally manages to break himself halfway out of the hold. Johnson quickly throws Triple L into the ropes, and tries for a drop kick, but Triple L catches himself on the ropes. Johnson hits nothing but air as Triple L follows up with a running clothesline.

Triple L picks up Johnson, and gives him a fireman’s carry gut buster. He covers Johnson with a knee across the chest.



Shoulder up by Johnson.

Triple L picks up Johnson to go for the Roll of the Dice. He tries for it, but Johnson reverses into a northern lights suplex. He pins him for



Shoulder up from Triple L.

Johnson throws Triple L into the ropes now, and bends at the waist to deliver a back body drop. But Triple L kicks him in the shoulder instead, and pulls Randal between his legs. Triple L picks up Johnson for The Sickness powerbomb, but Johnson shifts his weight forward, and falls on top of Triple L for a pin while pinning the shoulders.



Triple L powers out.

Johnson quickly flips Triple L over, and locks in the All In, crippler crossface! Triple L had no idea it was coming. Triple L is in trouble; he can’t get to the ropes…

Johnson tightens his grip and it's not looking good for Triple L...


Tapping out!



Just Sign the Contract....

*The Co-Main event is being announced when suddenly all the lights in the arena go out. The ring announcer is startled and searching for answers by waving his head in a sea of darkness. After a couple minutes the theme music hits. Some in the crowd unsure of whats going on, some boo, some cheer. When the electric guitars kick in, from the tops of the turnbuckles, alternating explosions erupt from each corner several times before all four simultaneously erupt in a giant display of sparks and smoke filling the ring. The lights begin to fade back on. The smoke starts to clear and a man in a long black leather jacket, a black T-Shirt with the words "So let it be written...So let it be done" written across it in red letters, and black jeans, is standing in the ring. The reaction from the crowd both boos and cheers intensifies. He grabs the mic from the announcer:

"Let all who hath wisdom and understanding behold! For the last of the seals has broken and I have returned!" *He stands in the ring arms to each side absorbing the energy from the crowd as the cheers and boos intensify, he nods with a slight grin*

"Let it be known, X...W...F, Judgement is now upon thee. It has been a long time, far too long, since some of you have seen me last but the hour is now finally at hand. *He pauses for a moment and looks around the arena pacing around in slow circles.*

"One man has inadvertently opened Pandora's Box. His actions last week, his mission statement, his desire to restore the XWF from corruption, from the lackluster talent, from it's current state to it's former glory, has brought me here. The wrestling God's have answered your prayer and those of these people and back your cause...Wallace Witastic! *The crowd stands and cheers and once again the man stands arms out to his side as he nods in approval to the reaction*

"Consider yourself the John the Baptist of XWF and myself, Prophecy, the Messiah that has come to ensure your words come to fruition. I have dealt with corruption in federations. *the fans that know and remember him chant, "UWF Sucks!" repeatedly. He nods and continues* I have dealt with betrayal. *again those in the know chime in with a mix of boos and a "Shayne is a coward!" followed by a familiar 'Lets go team'-esque, clap, clap, clap clap clap, usually heard by the home town sports teams' crowd. He nods and smirks but continues on* Most importantly, I have paid them back with the vengeful hand of retribution. We may differ as far as the ratings and money go, for these are not my concern, but bringing a higher level of talent and entertainment is! Pride in what I do and where I do it is! And of course, Championship Belts and restoring them to glory and worth are!" *A mix of loud cheers and boos rise up from the capacity crowd. Prophecy reaches into his jacket pulling out from the inside breast pocket a folded stack of papers and holds it into the air*

"This is a contract. One that already has my signature. It only needs yours Wallace Witastic. You want me here. Real wrestling fans want me here. It is however, the people who have down graded the XWF to it's current status, The administrative people in their over priced and undeserved offices and idiotic ideas and plans, The underachieving roster...Well...I can assure you...They do not!" *the crowd cheers and erupts into an XWF chant as the man known as Prophecy hands the contract over to the announcer*

"WHEN this is signed by Wallace Witastic it marks a new beginning. A New Age. If you are one of those that I mentioned that would love for me to be anywhere but here. If you are one who carries gold here in the XWF, then be forewarned, you WILL be put through many trials and tribulations. For I bring with me the fury of thine makers hand. I have come to claim that which you have foolishly assumed was yours. The price must be paid. Today...marks the beginning of the end for some. Stand aside you weak willed and cowardly for you are warned, if you are in my way, you will be shown no mercy! XWF! The dawn of a New Age is upon you all. So let it be let it be done!..."

*The crowd cheers and boos then slowly join in together in an XWF chant. He drops the mic, lights begin strobing abruptly and explosions and smoke erupt from the turnbuckles once more. The lights go dark for a few moments then return on. The smoke clears and Prophecy is gone and the announcer stands there holding the contract looking around confused. Some of the crowd chants, "Sign it! Sign It!" others that disagree boo. The announcer shrugs and goes to continue with the show*


Signing those Contracts

Hi my name is Wallace Witasick and I'm the General Manager of Wednesday Night Warfare.

The manager's face appears on the Xtron again with his feet propped up on his desk, leaning backwards in his chair and holding up four slips of paper to the screen. He is, of course, surrounded by body guards inside his office. He starts shuffling papers and walks around his desk to get closer to the camera. He sits on the edge of his desk and begins to speak.

WALLACE WITASICK: Before we get to this all important 'Main Event' I have four contracts sitting in front of me. That's right Shane , four men dedicated to restoring glory and order to an organization that has been lacking it for almost a century. Wherever money seems to linger, the absorption of power slowly flows behind it.

I have here, four contracts of the most devastatingly brutal new XWF superstars whom are considered some of the best Free Agents in the market of wresting today. Whenever he yells out the word Signed he scribbles across a piece of paper his signature.


John Michael White ... SIGNED! WARFARE


Dexter Bale.... SIGNED! WARFARE

WALLACE WITASICK: Welcome to the league of Champions rookies. I think you all will soon come to realize what I bring to the table in just a few weeks time. I have two very important examples I want to bring to you today.

What Wallace Wants

Witasick Gets!


A Title of Champions

The scene cuts to a hospital in the dark hours of the night as a nurse exits a room to make an announcement to Wallace Witasick and his gang of thugs standing outside the room waiting anxiously.

NURSE: Who are you guys and what do you want with Mr. Kyllen?

WALLACE WITASICK: So, this is the room of Dante Kyllen, otherwise known as the Unknown Soldier?

NURSE: Yes, do you know him?

WALLACE WITASICK: Yes, as a matter of fact I'm his lawyer and we're here to talk to him about that little 'title' of his. He does have it in there, doesn't he?

NURSE: It's the only thing we found on him, he's completely in the nude otherwise, just twitching in the middle of the street. This is his fifth time for overdosing on methamphetamine this week. How his heart still is able to beat is beyond me?

WALLACE WITASICK: So, you'll let us in then so we can take care of him?

NURSE: Of course, I'm probably not supposed to let you, but you're incredibly handsome and you just slipped me two hundred dollars so I'm going to leave now. You have fun dealing with that maniac.

WALLACE WITASICK: That's what Tyrone and Jamal are for sweetie, now move along.

They step inside the room where Unknown Soldier is strapped against a bed and harnessed with thick straps. He looks completely delusional and almost brain fried to the point of mental . He must have been only a hair over 100 lbs as skin was beginning to stick bone.

WALLACE WITASICK: How much vodka did you drink today?

UNKNOWN SOLDIER: A teener plus a ball.

WALLACE WITASICK: How much meth did you smoke?

UNKNOWN SOLDIER: About a gallon and a half.

WALLACE WITASICK: Yeah, he's beyond the threshold of any memory at all. I doubt he'll even notice it's missing.

The trio make their way out of the hospital with the XWF United States Championship title.

Hi my name is Wallace Witasick and I'm the General Manager of Wedneday Night Warfare.

Back to his office again where Mr. Witasick is holding the XWF United States Heavyweight champion title in his hands.

WALLACE WITASICK: If you thought I would let two titles slip away from me tonight, you were sadly mistaken. The KING OF XWF will be announced at Gauntlet City, while the Warfare brand still needed to give homage with a token to the most superior champion of it's brand. The United States Championship belt will now become the title that is held by the most dominant champion of Wednesday Nights. Wallace Witasick's Warfare Champion, if you will.

The United States Champion before it, Unknown Soldier, is quite literally addicted to methamphetamine so much that his whole life is a mystery to him. If you think that the United States Champion represented from Warfare would be a SATAN! worshiping and blood drinking freak, then you were sadly mistaken. As I stated before, I have 'censored' out the freak show of Shane and the gang, and now it's time to move forward with Warfare by crowning it's first champion!!

How do we do that?


In two weeks there will be a sign up for anybody willing to enter. All matches will be on Warfare and the winner WILL BE expected to defend that title on Warfare and Warfare only. The seeding will be done by yours truly because it's my champion and that's just how that's going to work! So I suggest you make a big splash and put on a good showing for the fans and myself if you want the easiest track to becoming a champion!

Tournament starts on (1/30/13) episode of Warfare.

Now, let's get back to the action and the main event. I have another surprise for everyone and will just show you precisely how I intend to deal with 'Shane ' and his little 'Black Circle' ordeal.


- vs -
Randall Cross
X-Treme Rules

"The Collapse" by Adelita's way blares of the X-tron as Randall Cross sprints down to the ring and stands in the middle anxiously anticipating his opponent.

Cyren's music doesn't play, but instead over the big screen is a scene of Wallace's thugs hammering on Cyren again somewhere on a truck ramp outside the building. Wallace is sending a definitive message to Cyren here tonight folks!

As Wallace's thugs have had their fun with Cyren, they go to put him on a table near the rampway. Oh my god! They're going to break him in half!

Oh wait! NO!


The BLACK CIRCLE has come to the aid of Cyren!

SHANE takes to the microphone, after the stable clears Wallace's guys...

SHANE : I came out here tonight for one reason...

The fans in attendance look to Cyren.

SHANE : For ten years, I've watched this man roam about these hallways as a ghost - one day, he's an unbeatable opponent, but the next? He's as meek as a lamb. I'm tired of the inconsistencies and so... friend...

At this, Shane sincerely looks at Cyren whom he's had a decade long friendship with...

SHANE : I'm not going to let you tarnish your legacy any further! This ends here now!

At that, snaps his fingers and stagehands wheel out...

... oh my god!

They wheel out a guillotine!

[Image: guillotine.png]

At this, N.A.Z.I and Anjelus grab hold of the XWF Legend, dragging his broken body to the contraption! Cyren puts up a fight, pulling out a knife from his waistbelt and stabbing Angelus in the thigh!

ANGELUS: Arggh...

At this, a swift roundhouse kick launches Cyren into the shackles and he's quickly chained into bondage.

Shane walks to Cyren, his hand playing over the rope that ends his life.

SHANE : You truly were one of the best... and the last of an Era... good luck in Hell, friend. I'll meet you there someday...

Suddenly, Cyren's body goes stiff and he holds out both hands, middle finger exposed on each...

With that...

... dear god, no!

Oh my god!

Shane did it! He tripped the guillotine!

CYREN's head rolls down the rampway! His lifeless eyes stare out blankly.

His body lands with a sick thud as blood leaks out of his spinal hole.

A Legend is gone.

Cyren is dead.

The scene immediately cuts back to Wallace Witasick sitting in his office.

WALLACE WITASICK: Wow, this is exactly the kind of trash I want to avoid on Warfare. This is the stuff I'm talking about censoring people. We can't be having live be-headings in the middle of a wrestling event. Although, I am happy to say that Cyren lived in the XWF as one hell of a legend. I'm proud to announce my one and only beheading ever aired on my program to be of his, but mark my word it won't happen again.

WALLACE WITASICK: Back to more pressing matters. Mr. Randall Cross?

This entire time Randall Cross was standing back and trying to measure the length of Mr. Witasick's big screen with his hands. Holding his tongue out to the side and gauging the size of the screen from afar.

RANDALL CROSS: I'm sorry, what happened?

WALLACE WITASICK: It appears you won't have a match tonight because Cyren has..... well apparently killed himself?

RANDALL CROSS: Oh so...... What are you saying I should do now?

WALLACE WITASICK: Turn around....

RANDALL CROSS: Turn around?


Peter Gilmour hits an unsuspecting RANDALL CROSS with a devastating KILLSWITCH! He is relentless to get back on top of him and continue pounding away before the ring is engulfed with Wallace's thugs and even Wallace Witasick himself comes barreling down to the ring to break up the brutal onslaught of Gilmour on Randall Cross. The guards look at Gilmour who just kind of backs away in hesitation, but still ready to attack anyone that may get close to him. Peter slides out of the ring and watches the commotion while making his exit towards the back.

WALLACE WITASICK: Main event! Next Week! Randall Cross vs. Peter Gilmour. The winner will gain sole possession of the XWF tag team titles!

Witasick looks down at a bruised and defeated looking Randall Cross. He pulls a wad of money out from his pocket that is a considerable amount of cash. An estimate would say somewhere in the $100,000 region.

WALLACE WITASICK: Take that back to your casino and put it all on Peter Gilmour. I like my odds. You own a casino. I own countries, get the picture?

He smiles and walks back out of the arena as the Warfare logo fades out to a very dilapidated looking Randall Cross who is raking in the money.

A new King to be named in the XWF?

A new Champion to be named on Warfare?

Tag Championship titles finally resolved next week?

Will see you then,

Same time...

Same Administrator Network!
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