The shot opens on a Youtube video playing before you. As the video begins to play, we see the logo for teen magazine J-14 appear on the screen.
We transition into a shot of a room that resembles the lovechild of a Claire's and one of those Lisa Frank Trapper Keepers that you definitely had in the 90's. The room is wall to wall nauseating cuteness, stuffed animals, ponies, and framed pictures of hot young celebrities.
The Engineer is sitting on a pink padded swivel chair across from a girl who looks like Alicia Silverstone from Clueless but with a fraction of the self awareness. She flashes a peace sign at the camera along with a jaunty, well rehearsed smile.
What's up! It's your hostest with the mostest Chiffron Valdez coming at you with some more live content from YOUR source for all the latest young celebrity news. And grrrrlllls, do I have a treat for you! She gestures dramatically at the champ.
It's XWF Universal Champion, The Engineer!
The champ waves at the camera.
Hello fellow teens!
Chiffron throws one leg over the other and plasters on a plastic smile.
So....what's the deal with the name? Can I just call you Corey?
Absolutely not! He doesn't even break his smile.
How about Engy?! Engy's cute!
He turns to her, shakes his head and mouths “no”. Chiffron shifts uncomfortably in her seat.
Well, then Engineer. It's really great to have you on with us! You have been one of our top requested guests for weeks, and we don't get too many wrestlers!
Well thanks Chiffron and it's a pleasure to be here. The word “pleasure” looked like it had to be pried out with the jaws of life.
Sooooo....A playful winning smile towards the camera.
Somebody recently did a shoot for our magazine! And I gotta say, you are lookin' mighty fine champ!
And, just for our viewers, I was thinking we could show off a sneak peek of some of your hottest shots! Shall we?
I guess s-
Roll 'em!
Chiffron claps her hands together giddily.
Oh boy! I think we can all agree that one's a keeper! So! It's the question on everybody's mind: Is The Engineer attached?!
The Engineer looks thoughtful for a moment.
In a manner of speaking.!
I'd rather not, he values his privacy.
“He”? Chiffron's face drops and she looks at the camera pensively for a moment.
Oh...I had no idea.... If a human being could
sound like the air being let out of a balloon, this was it.
The Engineer considers her strangely for a moment, before something seems to mentally click.
Oh! I'm not JUST into guys! I like women too!
Chiffron perks up instantaneously.
So he's saying there's a CHANCE, girls! The desperation is palpable. So much so that the champion curls a lip in disgust before correcting himself.
Anyway, picture time!
If a facial expression could say “sploosh”?
Yeah, that one's from before I got stabbed. He deadpans.
Chiffron laughs nervously.
And he's funny too!
Hey girls, put that on the background of your phones and rest it next to you and it'll be like waking up with him every day! Chiffron gushes.
More, more, more!
Her everpresent smile falters.
Heh, that interesting one. I don't know how that got in there.
Oh! The Engineer chuckles.
I put that there. I just got done tasting human blood for the first time. It was alright I guess. Wasn't mine!
Her smile falters a little more.
Boy, your humor runs pretty dark, doesn't it?
He glares at her. She shifts nervously in her seat again, eyes going to the camera, pleading. Suddenly, he leans over and gives her a playful clap on the knee.
I'm kidding! I'm kidding! I'm a jokester!
Relieved laughter spills out of Chiffron like a waterfall.
Oh! Hahahahaha! Of course! You really had me going there for a minute. Whew!
Whew! He mimes, running a hand across his forehead.
But hey, I'd really really like to talk to the kids if I could?
Chiffron nods.
I was just getting there! Then, to the camera,
For those who don't know, the champ here has been courting a little “controversy”... She cups a hand to the side of her mouth and says the word in a conspiratory fashion making some pretty dark statements. Now, some critics are saying that what you're doing is irresponsible. While others are saying that it's just the persona you're playing in the XWF.
And let's be real here, the XWF has done a might bit worse than me. Michael Graves...Pest....Bilbo Blumpkins, anyone? Ahh, nevermind I'm not supposed to know who they are....
She looks at him a bit quizzically, but trudges on.
Yes, well. The content of your message on XWF programing is pretty dark and dreary. And your opponent
The champ winces, but rolls his hand as though he wants her to get on with it.
….at the upcoming pay per view....Robbie Bourbon seems to be taking issue with it.
Robbie also fucks a centaur woman and was once controlled by a sex obsessed parasite and now wants everybody to believe he's the mature adult in the room, so I'd take anything he says with a grain. He notices that Chiffron is blanching.
You can edit out the f-bomb in post pro.
We're live.
Chiffron nervously laughs at the camera.
As I was, uh, saying....before....some people feel like the things you're saying could impact certain “impressionable” people the wrong way.
He looks impressed.
Well, look who has a journalism degree! Asking the tough questions! Alright, alright, alright!
I mean, I....WE....were just thinking that maybe you could go on the record and clear that up for some of our young listeners. Let them know that it's just part of a story that you're using to hype a match and that you don't actually believe that life is hopeless and everything sucks!
Sure! The Engineer nods his head with a bright smile. And then he gets out of his chair with a small grunt of pain and starts to unbutton his shirt. Chiffron's eyes go wide.
Um...what...what are you doing?
I'm going to make it easier for you all to objectify me so I can make sure all the girls at home listen good and close to my important message! don't need to do that.
What? The Engineer shrugs.
You were practically eye molesting me the whole time anyway and NOW you don't want a piece of this? He takes his shirt off, revealing a toned slim physique marred only by a large bandage wrapped around the stab wound he received days before. Blood is starting to creep out from the sutured slit.
You're bleeding!
I told you, I got stabbed. And then, he starts to unbuckle his belt, pulling it off and tossing it aside with all the savoir faire of a Chippendale.
I think we're done here! Cut! She calls to someone off screen.
He slips his pants off revealing some form fitting boxer briefs beneath. Then, hopping back into the chair with another pained grimace, he looks at the camera.
Turn it-! Chiffron starts to bark again, but she's cut off by two strong white robed arms grabbing her about the mouth and chest and whisking her out of camera range. Another strangled cry can be heard from behind the camera and the champ waves goodbye playfully to whoever that was.
Turning to give his full attention to the camera now, The Engineer begins to speak.
Do I have your full attention? Good! He crosses one nude leg primly across the other.
I want to make one thing unequivocally clear to my legions and legions of young impressionable fans out there. I DON'T WANT YOU TO KILL YOURSELVES! I mean, if you're the type of person that gets all wrist slitty after binging a season of 13 Reasons Why you're probably not really worth the effort anyway. But suffice it to say, your deaths are not what I want.
No. What I want is for you to do is disastrous amounts of hurt to the people, places and things that hurt YOU! He smiles cheerfully and makes sure to give his abs a good flex for the camera. He raises his arms in the air.
I AM MEDIA! GOD OF OPINION MAKING! Play havoc! Rip the tag off your pillow. Set fire to your step dad's Camaro. Punch that little shit head in the face until he loses control of his bowels. Do it for me? Please? He pushes his bottom lip out in a pout.
And hey, I know you're scared. For as much as you like thinking you enjoy breaking the rules, it's still a rather frightening prospect isn't it? But have you ever considered what it would be like if enough of you started breaking the rules all at once? If enough of you just started doing anything you wanted to fuck the man all at the same time?! Who could stop you? He leans in and hisses at the camera.
But there will be NAYSAYERS! The Robbie Bourbon's of the world will stand in the pass, thud their staff on the ground and valiantly declare “NO CYNICISM, THOU SHALT NOT PASS!” But, as I'm sure you're all well aware, grown ups like Robbie Bourbon are the biggest hypocrites of all! Robbie doesn't give a shit about you, Robbie gives a shit about ratings and making money. And if you think he isn't above forgetting all the shady stuff he did in the past to doff a halo when the time came to fight the great evil that is moi and snap up a completely unearned Universal Title match in the process, well, heh, then I got a bridge to sell ya. He stops.
You don't get what the reference means, do you? Eh, never mind.
Anyhow, you like what I got to say? Just ask around for the Church of the Dark Star. It's not a real church mind you! No Catholic Guilt, holier than thou diddlers, or shitty wine to be found! Just the truth and nothing but.
See you around.
He winks as the camera's image devolves to....
The Engineer holds a large silver syringe poised above the red gash in his abdomen. The wound is unbandaged, still held together with tight metal staples in a one inch line. Gritting his teeth together, he plunges the point of the syringe into the flesh just above the wound and injects something. Then, withdrawing the needle, he proceeds to affix a fresh bandage over the gash. He flexes his torso a bit, testing out his pain levels, before slowly rising to his feet. Proceeding to a door that is ajar, he peeks through the opening.
Can I have a little privacy please?
Busted. The Engineer pushes the door open the rest of the way, admiring the view as Malcolm finishes buttoning up his shirt.
It looks good on you.
It looks expensive.
Don't worry about it. The Engineer draws closer, to within a few inches of the young man. He doesn't flinch away. Progress.
Just because I'm accepting this stuff doesn't mean you're buying me. Malcolm intones.
I'm not buying you, for the record. I just don't want to be seen with someone who smells like an entire dumpster set ablaze. The Engineer stares into his eyes, drawing an uncomfortable series of blinks from Malcolm.
You know what.
The Engineer places a hand on the waistband of Malcolm's pants and starts to tuck his fingers in. Malcolm shoves him with an unexpected savagery sending The Engineer to the floor.
The Engineer painfully rolls onto his unwounded side before sitting up.
Too forward?
I'm leaving.
No you're not. Where are you gonna go? Malcolm stares down at the floor as the champ pulls himself painfully up onto his haunches.
You've never been touched before, have you?
I don't want that from you. He turns away from The Engineer, looking out the big window on the New York City skyline.
Are you sure? It must be awfully lonely. 20 years old without a single caress or... The Engineer trails off.
Can I see the marks?
I want to see. Please?
Malcolm remains still and silent, allowing The Engineer to approach him again. The young man flinches a bit as The Engineer pulls up the back of his shirt, revealing the vicious marks lining his back, that bear the characteristic pattern of a large belt buckle.
I didn't even fight back. Malcolm speaks softly.
Why didn't I fight back?
The Engineer runs his hands around Malcolm's exposed waist, finger tips tracking a circle in his skin. He steps up in his toes to properly whisper into Malcolm's ear.
We're going to fix it. I'm going to make you whole. The Engineer's hand starts to dip down the front of his pants again, but suddenly, Malcolm wheels around on him, taking hold of the Engineer and spinning him around and away from him before giving him a gentle shove onto the bed face down.
Don't look at me.
Malcolm approaches as The Engineer's smile goes serrated. The large floor length mirror across the way reflects the entirety of the room, revealing that Malcolm is starting to disrobe feverishly, lustily. The Engineer pushes down on the waist of his own pants, but his eyes settle on the acolyte's hood and robe hanging from atop the mirror.
Don't look at me....