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Obscure Wrestling News
Author Message
BrianLance Offline
Knows No Pain

XWF FanBase:
Hardcore, psycho fans

(cheered for breaking rules and bones; excessively violent; creative with weapons)

10-17-2019, 07:38 AM

The scene opens to a tight shot of a Bright Full Moon with a reddish hue. Crickets are heard along with a distant barn owl hooting. The camera slowly pans away from the moon revealing what appears to be a large grass clearing surrounded by trees. The moonlight casts just enough light to allow you to see a large mound of brush in the center of the clearing and a lone dark figure can be seen kneeled down in front of the mound. Soft mumbles can be heard as the figure strikes what appears to be a match but the match doesn’t light. More mumbling is heard as the figure tries to strike the match again. This time the match ignites and the flames cast enough light to see a small thin framed figure is wearing a black trench coat and he has messy medium length blonde hair and a long blonde goatee. The camera zooms in on him as he stares at the flames of the match which are quickly making their way down the stick towards his fingers. As the flames reaches his fingers the figure flinches and cusses under his breath as he drops the match. As the match hits the ground the pile of brush explodes into flames causing the figure to be knocked backwards onto the ground. He then scrambles to his feet and checks himself to make sure he has not lit himself on fire. He mumbles some more to himself then he looks at the camera. An angry look comes across his somewhat familiar face as he speaks.

Figure: Tell me you wasn’t recording that….

A deep and slightly familiar voice seems to reply from off camera.

Voice: Nope was just gettin’ setup. I told you not to use the much…..

Figure: Bullshit

The figure interrupts.

Figure: You told me to add more but forget it. Let’s just get this done and get the hell out of here. You remember what to do?

Voice: Yeah, yeah. You want to open to a shot to the moon and then pan down to you standing in front of the fire so people can only see your shadow. Yada, Yada, Yada fade out with a shot of the moon again.

The slightly familiar faced figure shakes his head then walks over and stands in front of the large crackling fire. The figure is now cloaked in the shadows created by the bright flames.

Figure: How does this look?

The figure asks.

Voice: Yeah looks great. Let’s just shoot this part now I can edit in the beginning stuff later.

The figure quietly stares for a second then begins to speak in a raspy voice.

Figure: Well, Well, Well. Welcome back XWF viewers. It’s been awhile since I was last hear from but like a bad case of herpes I’m back again. I’ve grown bored with life away from the XWF. My time away has givin’ me WAY to much time to reflect on my self worth and realize I have unfinished business here in the XWF. It seems I didn’t leave a big enough mark on this company to be remember. I debuted as the Xtreme champ when I signed in O2 but I guess that it was just a flash in the pan because ultimately you can say that i never held a major title and that brings me to reason I'm here. I see the likes of Fuzz running around with the Xtreme title and a few others still around makes me think it's time to dust off Ol' Trusty and lace 'em up again. This time my brother is not around to hold me back or get in the way and no management issues to screw me over. Granted that because no one probably remembers me means it's the bottom of the ladder for me but that's fine. It will only make my ascension to the top all the sweeter. Now is my time to pro...

The figure is cut off as a bright white light illiumaltes his face. The man has a long blonde goatee and might be recognized by some as Brian Lance. He's wearing a black trench coat and black jeans that have a tear on both knees. Brian squints his eyes and yells..

Brian: What the shit? Turn the light off dumb ass! Ya know what Seth leave it on.

Brian rubs his eyes trying to adjust to the light now shining in his face. He recollects himself and begins to speak again..

Brian: Take a good long look at this face. This is the face of a forgotten era. I''ve been over looked and forgotten for long enough. The final chapter of my career begins now and it shall be writtin' in gold. Make note of this time as I here by announce my return and this time I will NOT be forgotten!

Brian stares into the camera as the scene fades to black....
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