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Waste of time-
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Chris Page Offline
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XWF FanBase:
Very random

(heel alignment but liked by many; has earned respect despite breaking the rules often)

10-11-2019, 04:51 AM


Wednesday Night Warfare has left the air coming off the heels of an very interesting announcement that UNKNOWN SOLDIER will defend the XWF Universal Championship in two short weeks against what many call the REAL Universal Champion and arguably his single biggest test to date in one “CHRONIC” CHRIS PAGE. There’s certainly a big fight feel surrounding this impending encounter as it’s put up or shut up for both Champion and Challenger.

Are scene opens as we’re in the back a limo containing CHRIS PAGE and his personal manager ADAM BARKER. CHRIS is dressed in a pair of grey sweat pants and a white t-shirt with bold lettering that reads “I Kick Kids Teeth Out” while ADAM is still in his tailor made suit of the night. We join the two men as they are in the midst of a conversation.

ADAM BARKER- “You don’t even seem happy that I got the deal done. You got your title match in two weeks.”

Something doesn’t feel right about all this as it seems entirely too “easy” for a company that’s reputation is questionable at best.

CHRIS PAGE- “It just seems like it was way too simple to get done.”

I’m not on the “powers that be” Christmas card list and for SOLDIER to actually agree to step inside the ring with me at this point in my career when I’m more hungrier than I’ve ever been to shut the fucking mouths of ALL the haters that occupy this roster from talent all the way up to Management is extremely questionable at best. It’s almost as if it doesn’t matter what I say or what I do SOMETHING outlandish is going to happen and my opportunity will be taken away from me like a thief in the night.

CHRIS PAGE- “Let’s keep it real when it comes to the XWF and CHRIS PAGE wrestling in top spots. They used me as a doormat when it came to ROBERT, they had a prime opportunity to deliver a quality Main Event at Relentless but allowed someone who hasn’t been here in years to walk through the doors and cash a briefcase in.”

After they used my name to SELL TICKETS they snatched my Main Event, my feud ending match with ROBERT MAIN and replaced it with UNKNOWN SOLDIER in a fucking ridiculous match concept that SCREAMED fear on the behalf of the Champion to his Challenger.

A six hundred and sixty six count?

It makes me shake my head at the sheer mockery.

ADAM BARKER- “The fact is I got the deal done and you’ve got the opportunity you’ve been waiting for.”

CHRIS PAGE- “We both know this isn’t going to be a legit opportunity and that some sort of bullshit is going to happen; this IS the XWF.”

The only federation where being the best doesn’t get you the major Championship… until now.

CHRIS PAGE- “Don’t get me wrong homie, I’m going to show up like a man possessed and I’m going to takes things to a completely different level while making it known, AGAIN, that I’m the legitimate XWF Universal Champion while taking the prize along with me.”

I once referred to myself as nine tenths the XWF Universal Champion when I TOOK it at Leap of Faith. The plan was to keep it because we all KNOW it was rightfully mine… but when they allowed SOLDIER to shit all over the title scene by swooping in like a bitch I put that title exactly where it belonged, in raw sewage.

Hi Vinnie.

In doing so I no longer have possession there for my claims at nine tenths are out the window and I’m going to welcome and relish in the moment that I am the man to go ahead and end this façade of SOLDIER as paper champion he’s about to become.

ADAM BARKER- “This is all formality and we all know it.”

ADAM takes notice that the limo has clearly past its destination as he shifts his attention towards the front of the limo as he shoots a word towards the driver.

ADAM BARKER- “Hey buddy, you past out hotel.”

CHRIS interjects.

CHRIS PAGE- “We’re not headed to the hotel just yet as we’ve got one more stop to make.”

ADAM shifts back towards CHRIS appearing slightly puzzled as he states.

ADAM BARKER- “And where are we going? We’re not kicking any more kids teeth out, are we?”

CHRIS PAGE- “Nah, I won’t see SOLDIER for another couple of weeks.”

They say SOLDIER is a maniac.

They say he’s tougher than a two dollar steak.


So am I.

SOLDIER loves to get inside his opponents heads with fucking dead folks and doing the whole Satan thing that’s about as played out as anything associated with PETER GILMOUR. He can’t get in my head because I am on a higher level than anything or anyone he’s EVER tangled with.

CHRIS PAGE- “I’m going to bring you in the loop with what’s going on and who I’ve been speaking too and why.”

People can assume whatever the fuck they want too in regards to what I’m plotting and planning next. The rumor fill has been churning but NOBODY is on the right fucking track, it’s funny for sure.

CHRIS PAGE- “I’m on the verge of doing something big, something unheard of. You only have a piece of this puzzle, but tonight you’re going to be brought in the loop.”

Don’t think for one second I don’t have eyes in the back of my head knowing full well that just when it looks like you’re a beaten man that your “friend” won’t try to stick his nose in our business. Rumor is he’s still a little butt-hurt from the beating I gave him the first time he stuck his nose where it didn’t belong.

CHRIS PAGE- “There’s bigger picture that nobody is even looking at and when they finally catch on it’s going to be entirely too late.”

ADAM BARKER- “My interest is peaked for sure.”

CHRIS PAGE- “As well it should.”

When I sit back and really think about what lays before me, the fight that’s going to be brewing because we all know Captain Coattail is just waiting for the right moment to rear his fucking head and what better place for him to do just that is within this one moment where I’ll destroy his minion.

It truly makes sense.

I actually hope that he does for no other reason than I can drop him again because I can and he can’t stop me. The sheer hate and distain with this entire situation is a real as it can get. There’s no love loss.

CHRIS PAGE- “We’re going to shit all over SOLDIER just like he’s shit all over the Universal Title scene.”

The limo pulls to a smooth stop on a side street outside a dingy bar with the only indication it’s open is via the red lights of a neon open sign hanging above a wooden door. ADAM looks out the window getting unsafe vibes as he states.

ADAM BARKER- “Are you sure about this?”

CHRIS PAGE- “We’re about to find out.”

CHRIS opens the back door on his side of the limo where he steps out onto the curbside looking directly at what should probably be a condemned building. Water staining trickles down the walls of the exterior as the street light that the limo has parked under starts flickering. CHRIS turns towards ADAM as he states.

CHRIS PAGE- “ Are you coming?”

Reluctantly we see ADAM slides across the leather back seat of the limo where he makes his exit stepping out on to the curbside. CHRIS closes the door of the limo. Strange there’s no other cars parked on the street and for all extensive purposes there’s no activity.

ADAM BARKER- “I’m getting a bad feeling about this.”

CHRIS responds to the comment with.

CHRIS PAGE- “This is where he said he’d be.”

CHRIS starts to take several steps towards the front door while ADAM stands still and hasn’t moved. CHRIS shifts his attention back towards ADAM as he gives a head nod towards the front door of the bar. CHRIS reaches the door and reaches out towards the door handle where he gives it a light push with the palm of his hand feeling the grooves in the old door before pushing it open where he steps into the bar followed by ADAM BARKER.

We fade inside the dimly lit bar where lit candles every three or four feet are all the light that’s provided. The stench is horrendous that invades your nasal cavity as if you’ve just watched a SOLDIER promo. Behind the bar is an elderly guy in a dirty white dress shirt and suspenders who simply points towards the back of the bar.

CHRIS slowly starts to walk across the wooden floor of the bar. The creaking and sinking of the floorboards screams accident waiting to happen but it nonetheless they press on as they reach a table that is only partly lit up.

“Have a seat.”

A deep voice mutters out from the darkness.

CHRIS PAGE- “I’m shocked you showed up.”

Reality is this was a 50/50 that he’d even bother to make the trip to WALES after everything he’s been through and yet here he sits. This should be interesting.

CHRIS takes a seat on the dimly lit portion of the table as ADAM stands by CHRIS as to not run the risk of ruining those threads.

”You shouldn’t be.”

There’s a slight pause before he continues.

”You were supposed to come alone.”

CHRIS PAGE- “I’m supposed to do a lot of shit… but I don’t. ADAM is here because I trust him and he will be pivotal as we move forward in ways that you can’t begin to fathom.”

There’s a momentary pause from CHRIS before he states.

CHRIS PAGE- “Since you made the trip to Wales I can imagine that you’ve taken the time to think about everything?

”I have and the more I think on it, the more I do want to rip their throats out.”

CHRIS PAGE- “Then it’s settled…

CHRIS Is cut off.

”Under one condition.”

CHRIS PAGE- “Name it.”

”When it comes to , I’m the one that ends him.”

CHRIS PAGE- “By all means.”

”Then I’m in.”

SHANE hasn’t made a whole lot of friends since he took the XWF and turned it into a shit show and in reality he’s the reason why a lot of legends from XWF’s past won’t even give this shit hole a second look. So I’ve went out and found the ONE guy that has a bigger problem with that ass hat than I do and now he’s on board watching my back so that I may kick that kid’s teeth out known as SOLDIER. Oh happy day.

ADAM BARKER- “And who exactly are you?”

The camera angle shift to back in the darkness as it’s looking towards a seated PAGE and a standing BARKER. The head of a man leans forward and into the little light causing ADAM’s jaw to drop and a smirk appear across the face of CHRIS PAGE.

CHRIS PAGE- “Now we can say business has officially picked up.”



I wish I could stand before you and gloat about a victory over someone of the caliber of PETER GILMOUR… but who HASN’T beaten him, am I right? Don’t get wrong, I had a shit load of fun burying him for nearly two weeks verbally and I thoroughly enjoyed thrashing him and his jezebel. What happened PETE? I thought you were supposed to destroy me? I thought you were supposed to beat me within an inch of my life? What happened to is EXACTLY what happens to you each and every time you step into the ring against someone that’s superior to you in every sense of the word; you get owned. Do yourself a favor and walk away now because your idle threats of death mean about as much as your career; nothing.

Fuck you, F A G.

Now that GILMOUR is in the rearview it’s time to move forward and talk about the only newsworthy portion of Warfare and that’s the announcement that UNKNOWN SOLDIER has accepted my challenge and defend the XWF Universal Championship against me in less than two weeks. It certainly brought a smile to my face as I close in on what is TRULY mine to begin with. I will be the first to admit that I was a little surprised that you are stupid enough to step into the squared circle against me, but it’s not like I left you much choice. Let’s not pretend for one second that you WANTED to answer this challenge and call it what it is considering you’ve answered all the curtain jerkers challenges since cashing in that briefcase because had you NOT answered my challenge your credibility would have been shattered.

Nobody on this dismal roster is more deserving of this opportunity.

As a matter of fact this opportunity was signed, sealed and all but delivered until you played spoiler heading into Relentless. You robbed me of my opportunity to set the record fucking straight with ROBERT MAIN, and for that I will hold you accountable. When you cashed that briefcase in you took advantage of a Champion that I broke, you beat a man that I had beaten down physically and emotionally… yet you take the credit as if you did it all by yourself; bruh that’s a bigger joke than you worshiping someone that simply doesn’t exist.

I don’t need to stand before you and preach my credentials.

I don’t need to stand before you and rehash what I’ve done since I walked back through the doors of the FAILING federation. I lit the fire only to have you pour for gasoline; I’m not one to be upstaged and I’m not the one to be blinded by your theatrics because unlike the rest of the roster I see right through you and see you for what you truly are; a punk kid that’s in desperate need of having his teeth kicked in.

… and as we all know I’m the right man for the job.

Let me go on record here and now by saying this opportunity will be my last in the event I come up on the losing end and I’ll willingly go to the back of the line and work my way back into this position, not like it would be challenging after all when I am the only legit Main Event talent in the XWF pond that’s filled with a bunch of never going to be talent that are better served working opening matches in a high school gym. I’ve EARNED this chance encounter and it’s OWED to me with the only piece of the equation that taints what will be my crowning moment is that it’s coming at the expense of SOLDIER.

Since winning the title from ROBERT you’ve had but ONE title defense that mattered while the rest came at the expense of nobodies… until now.

I’m the guy you want to beat because I’m the guy that will establish you as a legitimate champion, but I am also the guy that is your single biggest threat as we both very well know regardless if you choose to admit it or not. I’m walking into this affair with my eyes wide open because I know you’ve got friends lurking around in the shadows just waiting to stick their noses in this party just as soon as things look like they’re going south which is going to be fairly fucking quickly the mere moment that opening bell tolls. SOLDIER I know in your eyes and the eyes of the kliq you roll with exactly what you think about me, the lack of respect you all have for me and what I’ve accomplished in this business and I can honestly give two shits about it. You and your crew don’t like me and I sure as hell don’t like any of you. You all epitomize what’s WRONG with not only this business but this company as well.

I walked back through these doors on a mission to kill this company… but this company killed itself the moment they let you and your crew back into the company. They did my job for me.

So now I’ve went from the devil himself to the savior the XWF desperately needs; talk about some irony.

Let’s all get something straight here and now, I never claimed to be a role model, I don’t care if the fans love me or hate me much like I can give a flying fuck if the boys and girls behind that curtain. I am here to accomplish a goal of attaining the one title that has eluded me my entire career. You happen to have it and I happen to want it, and in order for me to get it I’m going to have to take it from you. While it will be easy for me to shit all over this whole Satan deal, which will no doubt come while we engage in this war of the words I’m going to first acknowledge that after I’ve sat back and watched you and watched film of you that you’re about as unpredictable as they come.

I like that, because it takes this party to a completely different level because it puts you on my level as we’ve all seen I’m about as unpredictable as they come.

There’s no degree guys like you and I won’t stoop to in order to get the job done and leave with that belt and while there’s MANY things about me that makes me dangerous to you one of them happens to be that I’m man enough to take your best fucking shots and ask you for more! You want to bite my flesh from my face? By all means go right ahead because I’m going to bite into yours next. You and your “shock value” style of presenting yourself feels like a been there, done that as absolutely nothing has changed because you’re exactly the same as you were eight or nine years ago, hence the name One Trick Pony. You’ve not evolved, you’ve not stepped outside of what you consider the “norm” or tried new things. You’ve been complacent running around with the while “hail satan” and “lets fuck a dead body” as if it never goes out of style… buddy, I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but uh, it’s stale as fuck. What you better be preparing yourself for is a battle of epic proportions because I’m about to jump all over you like a mother fucking spider monkey before I skull fuck the Universal Title from your grasps and put it where it’s rightfully belonged since Leap of Faith… around my waist.

Now you’ve got the advantage as of this moment when you consider the Champion’s advantage.

You get to name your stipulation.

I can careless what kind of match you want to have because ANY match you pick comes up CHRIS FUCKING PAGE!

You want to have a Street Fight? Let’s go! You want a First Blood? Cool bro. You want to play with explosives? I’m all in. You want to dance inside a Cell? Alright by me. The point that’s being made is I don’t care what extremes you want to go to because SATAN only knows that when it comes to Professional Wrestling you can’t touch me. Guy’s like you need to have the option to call that shot so they can figure out a way to make themselves look good… unfortunately for you I’ve mastered all forms of this game and there’s nothing that intimidates me.

Oh wait.

I’m the shit stain you referred too last week, aren’t I? I’m the bully that you’re going embarrass inside Hell in a Cell? Get the fuck out of here with that bullshit bro. Could you not have come up with anything clever or witty other than the same song and dance EVERYONE else before you has attempted to throw my way? You want to dance with me inside Hell in Cell? I’m down and in the process you’ve literally made my job that much easier in lifting the Universal Title off your waist and putting it around mine.

Let’s talk about Relentless.

Let’s talk about the contingency plan the head honcho had in place after he screwed ROBERT out of the longest reign as Universal Championship KNOWING that had he made it to Relentless his long term savior was going to get owned again by my hands. I get a phone call that went a little something like this…

“Chris, you interested in a Triple Threat with SOLDIER and MAIN?”

Which I answered…


And hung the fuck up.

I wasn’t going to allow them to dictate when I got the shot I wanted… and while it would have been WAY easier to have taken that route I wanted them to see the lack of caring that came from it by the locker room. They drew the line in the sand and I was NOT going to use my star power to elevate a match that wasn’t as advertised… but goddamn if I didn’t make it entertaining to watch for those watching at home on Pay-Per-View! Do you know that I received so much praise for calling that match? It’s true. Some went so far to say that it MADE the match itself, and while I had zero intentions of getting involved I was forced to. Why is it that the shadow that looms in the background specifically picked that spot to stick his nose into things? Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying by any stretch MAIN was on his way to victory but he was on his way to dishing out more pain your way. Isn’t it also funny how his involvement, him getting physical with MAIN created the opening that YOU needed in order to survive.

You can spin this however you want to in order for it to make the most sense to you; they call me a child abuser yet you murder them, they call me a women beater yet you murder them, they call me stale and boring yet you’re doing the EXACT same shit you’ve been doing for years catering to an imaginary entity that simply doesn’t exist. In order for you to “hail satan” you must believe that there’s a “god” and in order to believe in a “god” you must believe that two put where just planted on earth in a garden where a snake talked to them about eating fruit… and I’m high? It’s almost as stupid as this entire match stipulation you’ve drawn out in front of us as if it’s supposed to mean something. Good luck digging a hole to a place that is a figment of your imagination. Good luck trying to convince me and the rest of the world that when I toss your sorry ass into that hole in the center of the ring that you’re NOT going to fall three fucking feet to the floor below.

You’re delusional as fuck if you think I’m one of the sheep that serious expects this to happen.

Pigs have a better chance of fucking flying that the sheer notion that I’m going to be throwing you in a hole that leads to Hell.

It’s stupid.

It’s a mockery of the business and is the same ole happy horse shit that is accustomed to being presented by you.

Let me tell you why you always feel the need to go overboard with your stipulations, it’s because you’re SCARED as fuck! Am I wrong? Let’s discuss it. You remove the notion of being pinned or forced to submit so that when you do lose that little title you covet the most you have an excuse to bounce back on outside of the fact that you just simply suck donkey dick that you carry around in your back pocket like a pacifier. You do this so you have an excuse, a crutch if you will that will allow you to save some sort of face. You did it with ROBERT with a six six six count knowing that he would easily put you away for a three count, and did. I mean if I wasn’t confident in my abilities I’d probably do the same thing… instead what I’ve decided is that when I lift that title from around your waist you’re not going to have to worry about what kind of matches I’ll be having because they’re all going to be Pure Rules Wrestling Matches.

… yet I do find it more amusing that you won’t meet me in my match but you’ll meet DREZDIN in his.

Funny how that works out, isn’t it? Don’t get me wrong I knew you wouldn’t accept because that would mean that you actually have to do what we all know you can’t, wrestle. So I’ll step into this fairytale of a match but I’m not going to pretend that even if by some strange reason when I throw in a hole that I you stand up with your head and shoulders over the mat and fucking climb out and walk away to fight another day. You’re more predictable than you think and for that is a reason that I am going to fucking toast you and take away what you covet the most, take away the only thing that remotely makes you relevant… take away that XWF Universal Championship.

I’m the guy that everyone loves to hate.

I’m the guy that REALLY tells it how it is.

I’m the guy that everyone loves to keep his name in their mouths.

I’m the guy that continues to be one of the most watched men in this federation.

I’m the guy that puts on REAL matches and that stand the tests of time.

I’m the guy that’s going to be responsible for selling out that stadium for this company to go to the bank on because they know I’m more than capable of doing. You can say whatever the fuck you want to about me but the one thing that’s a constant is CHRIS PAGE sells tickets. Can you say the same? Nah, I didn’t think so. You’re about to learn real quick that I’m a completely different breed and that I’m one man that will take you to limits that you never knew existed. This isn’t a joke to me; this is MY last shot at claiming the Universal Title, that very title this company is desperately trying to keep away from me. You and I are in for a long and windy road over the next two weeks and for your sake I certainly hope you have SOMETHING up your sleeve other than the status quo when it comes to you yourself or this is going to be easier than kicking kids teeth out or dropping a whore on her face.

I am your worst nightmare in a living form.

When I beat you… and I will… reality will set in that you are nothing more than that one trick pony that I’ve claimed you are and not even that fictional guy with horns on his head can save you from the onslaught that is CHRIS PAGE.



- 2019 Heel of the Year
- 2019 Locker Room Leader of the Year
- 2019 Feud of the Year w. Robert Main (you’re welcome)
- Former
[Image: OW3ycxe.png]
[Image: fMJwa5h.png]
Robert "The Omega" Main
[Image: OZdvB4F.png]
XWF World Heavyweight Champion
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