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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
A little bit of this and a little bit of that.
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Chris Page Offline
Active in XWF

XWF FanBase:
Very random

(heel alignment but liked by many; has earned respect despite breaking the rules often)

09-30-2019, 01:51 PM


Camera’s immediately pick up CHRIS PAGE has he walks back through the curtain while the now infamous six hundred sixty six count on ROBERT MAIN via the UNKNOWN SOLIDER and his choice of a fork lift and heavy beer pallets is taking place. CHRIS walks with a purpose through the Gorilla position which is dimly lit whilst one of the show Producers hollers out at CHRIS in a very irate tone.


CHRIS continues to walk with a purpose as he shouts back towards the producer at the gorilla position.


A lot has been on my mind since getting shafted yet again at my shot to become the Universal Champion. They say in this business that anything can happen and never have those words held a more powerful meaning than they do right now. Relentless was supposed to be the culmination of a feud that has set the XWF on fire once again and actually made its programming worth watching. Five months of work thrown down the toilet because “they” thought it’d be cool to change the title on a briefcase cash in.

Much like I said on commentary I refused to take part in tonight’s Main Event because I felt that ROBERT should have had his opportunity to re-write a horrific wrong… but he choked, again.

Fact is all SOLDIER did was weasel his way into a position to pick the bones of the man that I already broke.

Fact is the last three days the XWF has held Miami hostage was the lowest performing Pay-Per-View I have ever fucking seen. You had one show on a fucking boat because the talent couldn’t sell out a high school gym while your second day took place on a beach because you couldn’t GIVE AWAY tickets to see the lowest of the low in Professional Wrestling compete and the ONLY reason the third night was sold out was because you ADVERTISED CHRIS PAGE inside Hell in a Cell to begin with!

This event wasn’t a success.

It was a failure in every sense of the word.

”Are we leaving?”

ADAM BARKER, personal manager of CHRIS PAGE meets CHRIS at the end of the Gorilla position while off in the distance you hear the closing bell sound signifying a SOLDIER victory over ROBERT MAIN as he successfully retains his XWF Universal Championship.

CHRIS PAGE- “We’re not going anywhere just yet.”

Naturally I expect ADAM to be confused because I’ve fulfilled my obligation to appear as advertised at Relentless but in my eyes there’s some unfinished business that I am going to resolve before I leave Miami, Florida.

CHRIS PAGE- “Where is ROBERT’s dressing room?”

ADAM loosens his black tie as he spouts out towards CHRIS.

ADAM BARKER- “Tonight isn’t the night to pick a fight with MAIN…”

CHRIS stops walking as he turns towards ADAM as they are now in the backstage hallway of the CASINO headed towards the dressing room areas. ADAM stops talking immediately as he knows the look he’s seeing in the eyes of his client and best friend. It’s a look he’s seen several times before and a look that could kill.

CHRIS PAGE- “Did I ask you for your opinion? I didn’t think so! I asked you where ROBERT’s dressing room is, if you can’t provide that information than might I suggest shutting the fuck up and finding that information… period.”

ADAM BARKER- “I know exactly where his dressing room.”

CHRIS PAGE- “Let’s start with that.”

ADAM motions with his head down the hall as he starts to lead CHRIS down the hallway itself as he then states.

ADAM BARKER- “On the other side of the equation I did get you what you asked for on Warfare.”

CHRIS PAGE- “I ask for so many things it’s hard to keep them straight; which was this?”

ADAM BARKER- “Gilmour, I got you PETER GILMOUR.”

There’s a smirk that graces the face of CHRIS PAGE at the mere notion of getting Peter Gilmour in the middle of the ring and working him harder than a hooker on the Las Vegas strip looking to make that next twenty dollars.

CHRIS PAGE- “Oh yeah… that guy.”

ADAM BARKER- “Listen are you sure you want to reduce yourself to working against that waste of space? I’m sure I could get you anyone else…”

CHRIS cuts Adam off in midsentence.

CHRIS PAGE- “Except a Universal Title match because apparently I’m not worth all that.”

ADAM BARKER- “I know you said starting at the bottom but Gilmour is… well… it’s Peter Gilmour! You gain nothing out of embarrassing him.”

CHRIS immediately spouts back at ADAM.

CHRIS PAGE- “Wrong again! I get plenty out of knocking his dick in the dirt; mainly amusement.”

Listen who doesn’t have a lot of fun slapping around Gilmour like a red headed step child? It’s one of the perks of even being affiliated with this federation because literally at any time you can say feed me Gilmour and they’ll do it! Now usually Peter is trying everything in his power to run away from the fight while continuing to talk his shit from the sidelines like a good little sideline hoe; but this instance it isn’t going to work out for him at all AND he knows it.

Hell I’d be surprised if he bothered to put out a promotional package as he’ll probably wait until after he has my foot surgically removed from his ass before he opens that over grown cock sucker of his.

CHRIS PAGE- “Sometimes even I need to have a little fun at the expense of the lesser talented for no other reason than to make myself feel good. Let’s face it, I’m stuck here for a year; actually I’m stuck here for the next ten months so I might as well have a little fun while cashing those expensive checks they’re having to hand me every time I step through the doors.”

Vinnie is pretty stupid when it comes to business or he would have never signed the contract that I had put in front of him. I mean I know he was in a jam for talent which sends all the bargaining chips to this side of the table but I never would have thought that he’d turn out to be worse than Shane when it came to actually shot calling. Sheesh.

ADAM BARKER- “We’re coming up on ROBERT’s dressing room on the right.”

Sure enough they stop at a closed door that reads ROBERT MAIN.

ADAM BARKER- “What are you about to do? Do I need bail money?”

There’s another sly smirk from CHRIS as he states.

CHRIS PAGE- “I’m about to go in and you’re about to stand out here and wait for him to show up.”

CHRIS reaches out to the door knob and turns it which opens the door. CHRIS walks into the locker room and closes the door behind him while ADAM BARKER stands outside waiting on the former XWF Universal Champion to make his way back. Several minutes pass before we see ROBERT MAIN with a towel pressed up against his face where blood has flown from a horrific encounter.

ROBERT MAIN- “What the fuck are you doing here?”

ADAM BARKER- “MR. MAIN I am here on behalf of my client CHRIS PAGE… He’s inside your locker room and requests a word with you.”

ROBERT brushes past ADAM BARKER opening the door to the locker room where CHRIS PAGE stands in the center of the room with both hands in the pockets of his dress slacks.

CHRIS PAGE- “Goddamn son, you let that little boy fuck you up now didn’t you?”

The door closes behind ROBERT as ADAM BARKER stands outside the door.



Words from the Stoned One:

By now we’ve all seen that horrible shit show that RELENTLESS turned out to be. Who in the blue hell thought it was a “cool idea’ to fill a three day wrestling event with nothing but mid card talent trying to portray them, parade them around as if they’re legitimate pieces of talent? Surely Vinnie isn’t that stupid; or maybe again he is. I’m not even going to waste any of my time talking about that program outside of involved the ONLY piece of Main Event talent on this fucking roster and the man that singe handedly SAVED the entire event by his mere presence with some amazing commentary… AND the man that dropped SHANE like a bad fucking habit!

I’m talking about CHRIS FUCKING PAGE!

That’s right twat waffles, if you thought I was really going to walk away because SOLDIER walked through the back door, cashed in a four year old briefcase, won the Universal Title and took my shot at MAIN away from me you’re sorely mistaken on all fucking fronts! But if you did buy it I suppose you’re more gullible than I originally thought.

Now let’s set the record straight about Relentless because I was offered a spot in that Main Event; a spot that I turned down.

That’s right fuckers, I turned it down.

Why you ask?

Because I wasn’t going to advertise myself for an event with a SECONDARY champion walking into a scene that I set on fire! This company had NOTHING going on until I walked through the doors and made you all relevant in some form or fashion; you’re welcome, and when I say NOTHING… I mean NOTHING!

Do you know the first title match I saw advertised? ROBERT MAIN versus BID D versus MASTERMIND.

What I’m about to say I mean with all due respect… While D and Mind are good talents in their own right you can’t convince me that either of them came close to being on Robert’s level. There wasn’t any excitement behind it, there weren’t any real thoughts of the title changing hands; and that’s not D’s or Mind’s fault because they’ve never been positioned as a threat to the top prize this federation has to offer. Before any of you question how I’m speaking first let me tell you a little about my background as a way to explain my rational thoughts; I’ve ran my own organization for nearly fifteen years before I closed the doors and left the profession, and before that I was a constant full time talent winning World Titles on every roster I chose to appear on. I say this because not only am I a legit talent in front of the camera I’m also a legit mind in the business and knows how it operates behind the scenes.

I have perspective from all angles which is one of the many reasons I’m a threat to each and every one of you.

This company was poised to deliver its single biggest Main Event it’s seen in YEARS before they chose to throw it all away for a side show. How did that work out for you all? I mean I found humor in taking the one star you have off your show and replace him with a turd that hasn’t done ANYTHING new in eight years. Wow, impressive. Not really.

And since the office decided that I am not worthy of a Universal Title match when DEEP down inside they know I deserve it I thought it was a cool idea to have a little fun at your expense… Pete. You’re the one guy I love kicking the crap out of more than anyone else in the business because you still live in this pipe dream that YOU are a legitimate talent as opposed to being the single biggest laughingstock there’s ever been on any roster you’ve ever been a part of. First let me say you’ve SHRUNK a lot since the last time I saw you. You were like 6’7 with long hair and wore some sort of mask to now being like six foot and two hundred pounds and some change.. wait… I’m confused, you look like you’re 6’0 but billed at being 6’5? You look like you weight two and some change but are billed at 260? Call me crazy but somewhere something isn’t adding up.

I’ll let that one marinate before approaching it any further.

You are I aren’t strangers; now I’ll give you a little credit, at least this time when you saw this booking you didn’t cry about to whoever would listen and you’re preparing to take this ass whopping like a man; make no mistake about it, an ass whipping is exactly what the fuck you’re about to take. You’re not going convince me that you stand a chance, you’re not going to convince me that you are anywhere near my caliber of a talent within this business because in reality you’re a skid mark in my underwear! You’re too busy jumping from dick to dick with whoever is giving you any attention; first you’re jock riding ROBERT MAI N as he opposed me and then you jump to SOLDIER’s jock the moment he showed his face… it’s fucking hysterical.

And then you have the audacity in a weak attempt to talk shit muster up the most generic responses I’ve ever seen; “you can’t beat Main or Soldier.”… mother fucker at least my name belongs in the conversation why you on the other hand have a difficult enough time cutting a half way decent promo while remotely being taken seriously by anyone, and I mean ANYONE in this business.

But what’s crazy is at the end of the day you’re not a bad dude.

Your single biggest fault rests with your mouth in front of the camera’s and behind the scene’s coupled with taking the wrong advice from people you think are your friends but in reality use you like a condom and throw you away once they’ve shot their load inside it. If you could curb those two issues you wouldn’t be the shitbag everyone knows you to be now.

Let’s address the other elephant in the room as to how this match is even taking place.

It’s taking place because I ASKED for it to.

That’s right boys and girls this time it isn’t an XWF conspiracy unlike Leap of Faith because if the powers that be can seriously look themselves in the mirrors and convince themselves that I’m NOT a worthy challenger to that Universal Title then I guess I’ll just have to start at the bottom and make my way back to the top; and it doesn’t get much more bottom of the barrel that PETER GILMOUR, am I right? Of course I am, and if I’m going to start climbing that ladder back to the top of the mountain than it’s going to come at your expense. Rumor has it when a new Champion is crowned the first defense is against you and it’s usually on a secondary show because let’s face it… you couldn’t draw a bingo hall on your best day, and since I was nine tenths the XWF Universal Champion and I’ve NEVER lost that fact it just makes sense for me to defend that reign against you.

And while I asked for this match knowing that I was, am and will steam roll right the fuck over you I had some compassion and sympathy for you.

How so? You might ask.

I allowed them to put me in your element of an Xtreme Weapons match.

Why the fuck would I do that? Because you and I both know that’s the only way I could remotely make it entertaining and when you FAIL to beat me yet again at least I can say I beat you under your structure of the rules. Unlike you I don’t need to use weapons in order to dispose of you like yesterday’s garbage and chances are I probably won’t so much as pick up a chair because in my eyes that lends you credibility that you haven’t come closed to earning in all the years you’ve elected to be ONE of the many unsuccessful stories of Professional Wrestling.

I want you to pop off at the mouth.

I want you to talk yourself up into a huge frenzy and fill your own head with false hope and false prophecy’s.

Because when I’m through with you SOLDIER and MAIN or whoever jock you’re riding will be thanking me because next time your mouth is hung open while they’re going to pound town on that throat they won’t have to explain teeth marks to their significant others. Game over for you little girl.

My final thoughts on this little nugget of wisdom will go out to you, UNKNOWN SOLDIER.

It certainly appears to me that you’re a fighting Champion since picking up the title from MAIN followed by a successful title defense at Relentless; and while the powers that be already have an opponent in mind for you I’m going to take this time by OFFICIALLY issuing you a challenge for the XWF Universal Championship on ANY program you see fit to lace those cute little boots up and stand toe to toe with a REAL threat to you or anyone else that carries the crown. From where I’m sitting you’ve got two options; you can accept my challenge and name the time and place or you can decline it and in which case I’ll call you a coward and EARN my shot at the title by slicing and dicing my way through the lack luster talent that is the XWF locker room and by then you’ll be a former champion and won’t have the experience of being defeated for a major Championship by someone as goddamn gifted inside those ropes as a CHRIS FUCKING PAGE!

Oh yeah….

Chances are whatever I choose to do if it’s beating up on GILMOUR or making my bitch it’s sure to outshine you or anything your name is associated with causing the federation to continue to scream my name while you drift off into the background desperately trying to make enough noise to be heard. You’re a one tick pony that’s running on borrowed fucking time. Choice is yours.

- 2019 Heel of the Year
- 2019 Locker Room Leader of the Year
- 2019 Feud of the Year w. Robert Main (you’re welcome)
- Former
[Image: OW3ycxe.png]
[Image: fMJwa5h.png]
Robert "The Omega" Main
[Image: OZdvB4F.png]
XWF World Heavyweight Champion
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