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Hanari Carnes Offline
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP

XWF FanBase:

(loved by some; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)

07-30-2019, 08:43 PM

After Leap of Faith ended, Hanari left the arena in a limo. He didn't talk to anyone, he just walked straight to the limo and got in. He didn't even talk to the driver, he just wrote down where he was going on a piece of paper and handed it to him.

His destination was a hanger at Heathrow where a private charter would take him to Ireland. The hanger was private, quiet, and paid for. He thanked Vinnie again in his mind as they drove. He had given out more of a beating than he recieved and was, above all else, disappointed in not finishing the job. XWF had among the best talent in the world, and the fact that he could go toe to toe with them, however, made his disappointment a little less crushing.

It took about 20 minutes to get to Heathrow, there was surprisingly no traffic. The driver opened the limo door and he walked out, up the ramp into the private commuter plane that was already there with the ramp down, and took a seat in a big, cushioned leather seat.

His team was already on board, they were just waiting on him. Once he got to his seat, they raised the ramp and turned on the engines.

Hanari needed some time to think, to reflect, to understand his place in this business.

Clipped to the seat in front of him was what looked like a go-pro.

"Flight time is 1 hour and 20 minutes......"

He looked at the go-pro style camera in front of him. XWF most likely wanted a promo. Here, in his most vulnerable moment........

Milking everything out of that big dollar contract, aren't they?

They were flying for about 20 minutes when the little red light came on.

"So Hanari es on his way to Ireland, mang. Hanari has to admit, dis whole world tour thing is kinda cool. Hanari has only wrestle on Savage before dis, and that es en de United States and usually in smaller areanas. Chu could say dat Hanari has made de big leagues! Dis Warfare es en interesting one, mang. He get to fight en two matches in de same night, and be de star of de always. Jaha! De first es a match called "Bragging Rights". De second es a five stages of hell match. Everybody know how much of a warrior Hanari es, how he neva quit, how he make people tap. But most of all, how he es a survivor.

HOWEVER, he es gon' focus on one thing at a time, because would no be wise to count chickens before dey hatch an' ovalook the opponents in match one. Et es a triple threat, cha, agains a man known as "Notorious" Ned Gay an' the "Infamous" Peter Gilmour. Hanari es---

Just then his promoter cuts him off, out of a dead sleep, to mumble "its Kaye. Ned Kaye, Hanari, not gay".

Hanari grins.

"Gay es more fitting, but bueno, chico, gracias. Ned Kaye and the fat-boy-slim-boy-fat-boy-B list movie star-back to fat boy Peter Gilmour. Hanari has neva been in de ring with dis man, but oh has he heard stories. Anybody to who thinking of joining XWF hears about Peter Gilmour before dey arrive. He es known as "comic relief". Hanari was briefed all about dis man when he firs' came here, was told neva to take him serious and all he es is hot air, mang. Hanari es not one to sleep on anyone, but the stories he hear about this Peter guy......yikes, rough stuff.

But Hanari es here for blood, here to make a statement, here to win. Since day one Hanari has been making headlines, why stop now? Hanari, despite losing, es more confident than eva! Hanari was one second away from the upset, one second away from glory.....and Hanari loved the taste of it. If anything, it jus' motivated Hanari even further. Hanari knows he can compete with the big dogs, and will show no fear. So de opportunity that awaits....another shot at Tony Santos. If Hanari survives on Warfare, Hanari gets another shot. Bes' believe Hanari isn't going to let ths slip away.

Hanari knows a lot of people here no like him. Either cuz he dress better, look better, smell better, or because dey all know that Hanari can kick they ass all over the ring. Thas a goo' reason, no? Hanari walked out of Leap of Faith in London and onto his charter flight to Ireland. Tony Santos make a trip to de hospital. Nobody has pushed him like Hanari pushed him, nobody gave him dat kind of match. Hanari es goin' to be successful here, so get used to it.

Ned....chu won de briefcase in the signature match at this event. Congrats, chico. Chu can cash in at any time, for any title, so what is ya motivation in dis match? If chu want de Hart title, chu can jus' take it. Hell if chu want the Universal, chu can just take it. So what bragging rights is chu really earning in dis match mang, chu got all ya bragging rights Sunday Night. Chu deserve dem, too, ese. Hanari es no being sarcastic, chu es a hell of a competitor and Hanari es honored to have an opportunity to kick your culo. Hell, chu made Mastermind say I QUIT, and Hanari broke his arm and put him on de shelf after taking his title after a 4 month reign. We es practically hermanos!

Hanari's voice dripped with sarcasm

The stewardess on the plain was attractive. Brown hair pulled back into tight bun, glasses that fit her face well and although hidden by her blouse, what seemed like a good rack. When she spoke, she had a sexy Irish Brogue.

"Mr. Carnes, would you like something to drink?"

It was a private charter, it was just him and his promoter. And the hot stewardess. The way she filled out a dress was nice, too.

"Ahh, señora, sí por favor!"

She smiled at him.

"What can I get you?"

"Do chu have tequila, señora?"

"We have whiskey, vodka and beer, sir."

"Whiskey. Double. Rocks. Gracias."

She smiled and nodded, walking away. He turned back towards the small camera set up in the seat in front of him.

"Dis match es designed to let the entire company sit back an' watch. Everyone esle except us, Kennedy and McBride, have de night off. This es almost like a tryout, mang. Who es going to ascend into the title picture as a mainstay and who es all, as Peter Gilmour es, smoke in mirrors. Dis es a match that will showcase us as talents. Ned Kaye and Hanari Carnes......Peter no count.

But how does Hanari approach dis? Simple.

I break both they arms before they even make it to the second match.

At that point, mang, es advantage Hanari. Check mate, chicos.

See....dey five stages of hell will be a brutal tests of wills, but de opening match es the true test of grit. Who es going to take it seriously when its de Main Event that truly matters? Chu bets believe Hanari es. Deadly serious. Heart attack serious. Hanari questions Ned's motivations.

And Peter? Hanari knows chu don't kno who he is, but what time is better to learn than now? Hanari has seen more than chu think mang, seen more than someone with 8 matches under their belt should have seen. Hanari saw a roster in transition, the old talent thinning out, new ownership taking over......a new era jus' in the dawn of existence...........then Hanari sat back, in dat big house dat Vinnie paid for, and watched as the new era took over. Watched as many big names from Hanari's time as a fan began to leave, an upstart competitors began to take the reigns. Hanari es back now and doesn't know hardly anyone, or recognize. Robert Main es still here, APEX and dem.....but de rest? De new era es upon us, and what es Peter Gilmour doing? De same old shit he always does. Suck just enough to be the but of out jokes, and jus' good enough to stay employed. Peter sticks his nose in places dey don't belong, then complains to everyone when it gets broken. While chu was getting your ass kicked by Rob Zombie, Hanari was stealing de show.

His promoter chimed in again. "it's not Rob Zombie, it's Famine of the Ville. A returning roster member."

Hanari smirked.

Apparently, was no Rob Zombie. But that es what Hanari es talking about, mang. Chor matches are not memorable, an chor promos............yeah.........

Neither Hanari nor Ned will make it to de 5 stages of hell match? Umm......Petey..........EVERYONE ON THE SHOW DOES. Dis match es just for, as it is LISTED, bragging rights. Please try to pay attention, mang. Get that Ritalin refilled. And did chu take a shot a Barney at the end? Chu realize that plus size motherfucker es not even in this match.....on dis card.........even-----"

"Your drink, Mr. Carnes."

There was that pretty smile again. He smiled back as she handed him his drink.

Sipping it, he looked back at the camera with an audible "ahhh".

Looking back at her, he smiled and said he was set for now, looking at her ass as she walked back towards the cockpit.

"Dat is de thing with chu Peter. Chu es either dense, or.....well, yeah, that pretty much covers it. Dense. Like black hole dense. But Hanari will give you this. Chu es one tough motherfucker. Chu can take a beating with de best in de biz, and chu has a lot of experience! Hanari is going to show ya extreme, mang. Hanari es going to make the "God of Extreme" tap the fuck out.

"We will be landing at Shannon International Airport in 15 minutes"

Hanari looked out the window at the dark abyss under him, the small orange lights of the approaching island beginning to make their way into view. He had never been to Ireland before, never even been outside of the western hemisphere before. This was a new experience for him, and he was excited to make the most of it.

Once the plane landed and Hanari grabbed his bag, he looked for the pretty girl who served his drink, and she happend to be standing by the door. He walked up to her.

"I eh.....I never got chor name?"

She smiled.


He smiled back.

" Exotic. what's that mean?"

"God is gracious, in Gaelic".

That stopped Hanari dead in his tracks.
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