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Neighborhood Nuisance
Author Message
bRiaN sTorM Offline
I'm here to help

XWF FanBase:
Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty but isn't lame either; many likable qualities)

05-25-2019, 06:58 PM

Following a good night of putting away a fair amount of whiskey with team captain Donovan, bRiaN offers up his preferred hangover cure of a big cup of dark coffee and a well packed bowl. After a bit of talking and smoking, Donovan requests they go out back, and play with some of bRiaN's guns. bRiaN is aware it was a clever distraction so they can move on from the conversation Donovan was getting uncomfortable with, but bRiaN was happy to get ol Don to open up at all as they are still getting to know one another. With a smirk on his face bRiaN replies

"Lets go out back, I'll start you off with Sally May"

"Sally May?"

Donovan chuckles.

"She's got a rich family history, maybe one day I'll share some of her Legendary tales, when we're exchanging family stories."

bRiaN replied with a wink and playful elbow.

The pair exit and head out to bRiaN's yard. Just as bRiaN finished setting up some targets, they hear a group of neighbors clambering out front.

"Friends of yours... I hope."

"Yea that looks like the whole neighborhood has gathered up, I hope the fam hasn't done anything to piss em off again."

"Awww... raincheck, boo."

"Yea we're gonna want to be halfway through a bottle of brown and at least, a quarter of sticky, when we do this proper like anyway."

"Ah. That sounds... safe. Clear enhancements, when one fires dangerous weapons."

Laughing bRiaN walks on towards the gathering of his neighbors, with Donovan in tow.

"Howdy boys what can I do for ya'll?"

"We got another kitty tracked up to the ol Bell Witch cave, thought you and the boys might care to join in the festivities "

One of the country fellas stated, almost spilling his jar of moonshine.

"Hey bRiaN, quick sidebar, if I could"

"Of coarse, one moment boys. Grab a seat on the porch, I'll be with ya in a minute."

"Um... why exactly are you and the neighbors, chasing a kitty into the Bell Witch cave?"

Donovan inquires, with a hint of concern on his face.

"Well that kitty is a mountain lion and it threatens our livestock, so we as a community who takes care of one another, get together sometimes to deal with shared problems."

"Cool. Alright, I can understand that. One more question, do we have to actually go to that particular cave? It's just... I seen the movies and I'm pretty sure, everyone dies. While I fancy myself a badass defender of the city, I don't think I can protect all of you guys and stay alive, myself."

With a laugh, bRiaN says.

"Nothing to worry about, friend. All that stuff about about an old witch, leaving behind a centuries old curse is just an Urban Legend."

"Really? Well that's a relief."

"I'm sure all those people were simply killed by the demon, the witch left behind and that's why so many folk went missing."

bRiaN casually explained

"As long as you've accepted Jesus Christ as your lord and savior, the petty boot licker can't defeat us."

"Is that all...

Briefly, Donovan seems apprehensive but that quickly fades.

"Oh alright, lead the way. You've captured my curiosity. Lets go hunt a mountain lion and potentially invoke the fury of a cursed witch that isn't real and possibly encounter a demon. Should be fun and not at all terrifying or life threatening."

"Hey is the suit coming er what?"

"Be nice Tommy."

bRiaN said sternly.

"He's with us."

After several miles of hiking through the woods, Brian, Donovan and company, finally reach their destination.

[Image: 7oSkCmM.jpg]

The Bell Witch Cave.

"Alright boys. Check your guns and let's get up to that cave."

They head up the mountain, to the Bell Witch cave and prepare for a hoedown with the "kitty". bRiaN stops the group about 40 feet from the cave and says.

"Ok boys set up shop here. "

"Hold up. Why aren't we going in, oh fearless leader? I thought you weren't afraid of demons."

Donovan jokes, with a grin.

"Well some of the boys, they aint got right with god yet, so I'd rather not put them at risk "

"I see. So then what's the plan of attack exactly?"

"We're gonna lure the cat out with this predator bait. See we take some of this small game meat and mix it with these blackberry bits and place these about ten feet from our cave entrance and everyone takes their positions When it gets to the bait, we unload on it"

Excitement fills bRiaN's voice as he explains.

"Sounds like a legit plan of action."

Brian and his posse get to work and within minutes, the plan becomes a reality.

"Alright traps set, get back Larry and ready boys "

bRiaN says with a smile on his face. No sooner are these words expressed, a mountain lion comes slowly walking out of the cave.

"Hey, look at that, it's actually working. Wow. So inhumane... but so fucking cool at the same time! "

Three...Two...One ....the whole place erupts with gun fire, leaving the only salvageable trophies to claim being claws and teeth. The men divvy up the parts they can and head back to bRiaN's for a celebratory, beast feast and whiskey is once again, flowing like a river. Blunts and bongs blaze up and make their way around. bRiaN comes up to Donovan with a mountain lion tooth charm and hands it to him.

"Here got ya something to remember the night "

Donovan thanks bRiaN for a fun experience and the cool charm, but insists he must be leaving to head home and prepare for War Games, so they say goodbye and try to get themselves in the War Games frame of mind as the event draws near.

"Deacon really? A demon? I heard you were a clown but to fraternize with the side who has already lost? Don't you know God has already defeated them? Damn, you just can't pick a winner to save your soul, can you? Oh Tony, Tony, Tony. I have to thank you. I was having trouble sleeping, till I herd your tired ass rambling. Same eye closing rederick, time and time again. I take it that's your thing, repeating the same boring blathering shit, over and over till your opponents pass out. Good plan. You have a definite future in curing insomnia. Luca have you retired yet? No? Why not? Gary! Why don't you go back to Bikini Bottom and crawl back to Spongebob's pineapple. And then both least and last, Sam I am....not impressed."

[Image: eSXKFMS.png]
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