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05-24-2019, 07:40 AM
Having discovered that the root of his early career injuries and concussions was caused by events from the death of his mother at age 9. In order to work through those issues, he has to confront them head on in a mental counselling type session.
And now the continuation:
Mastermind took a deep breath, he had forcefully blocked out his early years, it had taken a lot of effort and a lot of time to do so.
David McKay, the 'mental' therapist for the training facility, sensed Mastermind's hesitation.
"Now remember," said David quietly "Take your time, if it gets too hard for you, we will stop and take a break. We have as long as you want,"
Mastermind nodded.
"I just want to ask a few questions to ascertain how things were before things changed. Is that okay?"
Once again Mastermind nodded.
"Let's start with your siblings. How many do you have?"
"Two. A sister who is a year older than me, then it's me, and then a brother who is a year younger than me."
"Very close in age then, that had to be a good thing?"
"Up to a certain point we were quite close, but because I was the Middle Child that made things all the more harder."
"Ah yes the middle child syndrome, how much of an effect was it in the early years before the situation?"
"Probably just normal growing up stuff like sibling fights. My sister and brother would always gang up on me either in play fights or trying to put the ones on me when it came to trouble."
"How did it make you feel?"
"At that age?"
"Probably a wee bit of resentment because they have always been close. And it has always stemmed from that early period. Plus also hurt, anger and sadness."
"How was your father towards at that point?"
"I would say early in the piece he was fair but then as time went on, I suppose he saw them as the strongest, and I was the weakest so he sided with them."
"Can you remember how your mum was with this type of sibling rivalry going on?"
Mastermind looked out of the window "Fair on both sides, sometimes and it was very rare, she would take to one side and pass some of her knowledge onto me,"
"What sort of knowledge?"
"Her stats methodology. That's how I've become stats orientated, it was because of her."
"That's a nice memory,"
"It is.... it was... yes," smiled Mastermind
"You were 9 years old when your Mother died?"
Mastermind looked back out of the window and nodded. David studied him and knew he needed to proceed, albeit, carefully and slowly. He leaned forward.
"Do you remember those first few hours after finding out the news?"
"Yes, and the night before,"
"Okay. Are you able to share those memories with me?"
Mastermind looked at David and then looked down on the floor. He noticed some dirt on the carpet.
"That's why I'm here.... part of the issue with me trying to move forward..... If you really want me to talk about it..... I can...."
"At your own time," said David quietly looking to the dirt that Mastermind was looking at
"Well," started Mastermind looking back out of the window "Growing up with Mum we always went to Church on Sundays..... we grew up catholic..... Not full on catholic but still catholic all the same..... I still see myself as catholic.. I know my sister and brother don't...... That's their business.... We went to catholic schools...... Always wound up going to church...."
Mastermind stopped as he felt he was rambling.
"Sorry, I was trying to paint a picture of what life was like leading up to..... Mum's death..... Mum's passing..... Mum's......"
Mastermind stopped again... Feeling like he was rambling again.
"It's okay," said David quietly "Take a deep breath and then exhale,"
Mastermind breathed in and then he exhaled. He did this about three times before he started looking across the room at nothing in particular, but it was like he was watching people moving about.
"You have to be aware that I wasn't aware at what particular age I was when Mum got sick but I only became fully aware that something was wrong in her last few months. Maybe I've blocked the time out when she actually did started feeling sick but I have a couple of exact memories of her in her last few weeks and months."
"If those memories are too hard to express then we can talk about something else,"
Mastermind was still looking across the room when he just looked at David and shook his head.
"Now, now, Mr McKay, we can't go jumping all over the place. I'm doing this... It needs to be done as you keep reminding me.... it's hard..... but I can't stop now.... we need to continue."
"Okay then," said David taken aback "Keep going."
Mastermind went back to looking across the room at nothing in particular but then an image appeared of a family sitting down at a table to eat a meal. They were all almost at the end of the meal when the mother figure got up and left the table and rushed to the toilet. The image then disappeared and Mastermind looked back down at the dirt.
"Every time we had a meal, it would always happen towards the end. We would often see Mum get up, leave the table, and rush to the toilet, and throw up her entire meal. It happened every time she ate. I didn't know why that was happening."
"You were too young to know," said David "It would have baffled anyone at that age group, heck it would have baffled anyone of any age group. It would have been a worrying time for you, for your entire family. I couldn't imagine what your mother must have been feeling. She would have been terrified."
"If she was terrified she wouldn't show it," replied Mastermind "She was always trying to stay strong for us kids."
"That's what parents do."
Mastermind looked up again and stared back at nothing in particular across the room. Another image appeared. This time of a hospital bed, a mother type figure in that bed, and kids around her, looking at her.
"What's going through your mind," asked David as a few minutes had gone by with Mastermind not talking but still staring at the middle of the room
"My last memory of knowing something was wrong with Mum," started Mastermind "Was when we visited her in hospital. I can't even remember she wasn't at home during any period, that's how weird my memory is. And I have a very early memories when I was even younger, like learning to walk, or when we had an accident with Mum driving but that's not the main memories of what I've been trying to say,
"But anyway here we were visiting Mum in hospital and for some reason she showed us her stitches that she had received from an operation. I'm not sure why she even showed us them, but she did. The stitches were from an operation. So they went right around the outside of her upper body......."
Mastermind pointed to the top of his chest and moved his hand around the entire outside of his chest in a square motion. From the top to down the right hand side, across the bottom of her stomach, and then right back up the left side.
"There were a lot of stitches. A lot of stitches. I later found out that the operation that she had was a stomach operation. She had stomach cancer. It was just shocking to see that."
Mastermind sat there for the next few minutes looking at the image that he was seeing, and then it slowly disappeared. He looked back down at the dirt.
"And then came the night before that I knew something was wrong............" Mastermind started to say as he continued to look down at the dirt. "Dad was called in to the hospital....... We were taken out to tea by nuns........"
The camera fades in to the locker room of Mastermind as he his preparing for his War Games match. He is on Team Notorious, with team captain Notorious Ned Kaye as his team captain, and his fellow team mates were Thaddeus Duke, EDWARD, and Luna Hightower. His team was to face Team Big D, with Big D as Captain, and his team was made up of XWF Queen of the Ring Sarah Lacklan, Bearded War Pig, Peter FN Gilmour, and the strange character who was called Rain.
The camera finds Mastermind looking out of the locker room window.
"So here we are. Finally it's nearly time for all of the talking to stop. And for us to start doing what we came here to do. Wrestling. Leading up to this match there has been a lot of talk..... A lot of talk. Some have been nothing short of pure bull shit, while other times it's been plain and simple straight talking. My team is certainly focused, and captain Notorious Ned Kaye has made sure we focused solely on the straight talking rather than the bullshit talking that Team Big D is really famous for.
"It reminds me of where we are at. Moscow, Russia. I'm part of the XWF, which means freedom of speech. I can talk about anything. But if we were like outside of that, and going live to the net, that freedom of speech may be taken away. Russia reminds me that it takes things seriously while it';s biggest opponent the United States, with a certain President at the helm, likes to talk shit. Utter bull shit.
"But luckily I'm not Russian nor American. Kiwis know when to shut up but also know when we can express ourselves. And that's what I'm doing now. Expressing myself. I, no, no.... I know that my team Team Notorious will win this thing. That's how confident I am. Apart from a certain Thaddeus Duke who is yet to turn up officially, the rest of us, is focused. We have it all over Team Big D. So let's get to some of the comments that Team Big D have said shall we.
Let's start with team captain Big D shall we? Normally I would let my team mates speak for themselves but I have to come out in support of my own captain for what Big D said about him. Roll the footage."
BIG D COMMENTS Said:"I attacked Ned Kaye because he doesn't deserve to be in War Games," He doesn't deserve to be in this company, and he certainly didn't deserve the shot he got at the Universal Championship. And yet here he is, one win away from another opportunity he surely will let slip away.
"Do you know what I hear when people call him an 'Indy darling?' I hear the words 'lovable loser.' And that's exactly what Ned Kaye is notorious for. You see, when I hear the name Ned, it reminds me of someone from the TV show, Game of Thrones. There was a very likable character by the name of Ned Stark. He's honorable, a pretty good fighter, and adored by fans. But do you know what happens to Ned Stark?! He gets killed because he didn't have what it took to thrive in the world around him
Mastermind turns to the camera "You are speaking out of your arse Big D. From what I've seen since Ned started here in the XWF, he has deserved every opportunity given to him because of how much of a hard worker he is. He deserved to have a shot of the Universal Championship, because even the Universal Champion Robert Main said it the best.... Ned Kaye made him sit up and take notice that he had to give him a shot. That's what I've seen from Ned myself. He made me sit up and take notice of his hard work.
"What have you done lately Big D? What are you the champion of? Oh that's right, nothing. Nothing but the king of bullshit. I think you are jealous of Ned Kaye's quick rise through his early stages of the XWF. Ned has surprised me. You have not. Let's roll the footage of what you have said about me."
BIG D COMMENTS Said:People will argue that Mastermind was an excellent choice for Team Ned Kaye; well those people are wrong. Sure, Mastermind is the former XWF Xtreme Champion, but what did he do during his reign? Was he in the ring week in, week out defending his gold like a REAL champion? NO. He stood around in the back, picking lint from his ass crack while avoiding being pinned
Mastermind smirked. "Once again Big D you are talking complete bullshit. You know nothing, and because you know nothing, you aren't anywhere on the radar of all the champions. They know not to challenge you, because they don't want to waste their time for an easy win. If you knew the rules of the X-Treme championship then you would know that you don't have to defend the title until you want to. You can take as long as you want. As long as you are defending it 24 days 7 days a week by kicking out of attempted pins. That's the main thing.
"Yes I lost the title to Zane Norrison. That was a low point. But I don't care. Up until then I kicked out of 31 attempted pins. That's 31 attempted pins Big D. You weren't here at the beginning of the year Big D. I was Television Champion. Being Television Champion you had to defend your title on Saturday Nights every week. For 129 days I defended that title. I became outright 2nd on the title reign leader board to defend that title. You weren't here so you wouldn't know a damn thing about it anyways. So instead of opening your mouth and saying I was lazy by not defending the X-treme title when I didn't have to, you should have been doing some major research. That's why you don't get anywhere and yet Ned Kaye does. He learns what needs to.
"So continue to blow it out your hole. You don't know a damn thing. Next Sarah Lacklan. Roll the footage."
SARAH LACKLAN COMMENTS Said:So, what is it that BUGS me about Mastermind so much? Mastermind is FUCKING BORING.
Mastermind starts laughing, then he starts smiking, and then simply smiles, before becoming serious.
"This is what the Queen of the XWF can come up with. I'm fucking boring....... That's funny...... If I was boring why would she go to the bother of listing everything I was being boring about? Come on Sarah. I think you are amazing woman. You are strong. You could even give Robert Main a run for his Universal Title if given such a chance, that's what I think about you. Because at the end of the day you know how to spew crap. A lot of it. When you open your mouth a lot of crap comes out.
"Not like others who tend to spew crap and see what sticks. Everything that you spew mostly sticks. But for you to call me boring and then list a whole lot of stuff about why I am boring, means you are scared. You are scared of me Sarah Lacklan, and at the end of the day I will take that.
"You just don't know what else to say, because you are stuck for words. And for someone like you that means you are shaking in your boots. Thank you for calling me boring, I'll take it as a compliment. Because I don't care what you say. Let's move on. Peter Gilmour.
PETER GILMOUR COMMENTS Said:Me and Mastermind. The two most nefarious humans in the XWF. We have done it all in the XWF. We've fought 2 times and he has bested me which pisses me off. I defeated his team at War Games a few years ago and I think he's still bitter about it. But this time I will finally master him and eliminate him from the match. He will not master me a 3rd time. I promise you that my demon.
"I have to admit Peter, you came out with such a good first promo. You hit the ground running so to speak. That really impressed me. It tells me you give a flying fuck for once in a very long while. Yes I've bested you twice like I SAID in individual matches, but with you on a team your team bested me. We know this, and no you are right, I'm still not over it. Because you barely lifted a finger for that team, and your team carried you to victory. While this time around I am impressed with you pulling your finger out of your ass and doing something,
"Still, you aren't going to win. My team is stronger, and we are ready for you and your team. You have a weakness, and that weakness is Rain. And let's not forget about Bearded War Pig. Then it's your team captain himself Big D, and then yourself and Sarah Lacklan. Team Notorious will stand strong because at the end of the day we are the strongest, and that means everything.
"I don't need to speak about Rain or Bearded War Pig, because we all know if we are going by the television show THE WEAKEST LINK this is what will be said:"
Mastermind looks back out of the locker room window.
"I'm ready. Team Notorious is ready. But can the same be said of Team Big D? We shall soon find out."
The camera fades out.
Overall - 64 Wins 107 Losses 8 Technicals 2 Draws 1 No Contest
Comeback Record - 4 Wins 5 Losses
8th Year Record - 2024 - 4 Wins 5 Losses
7th Year Record 2023 - 5 Wins 16 Losses
6th Year Record 2022 - 5 Wins 8 Losses 1 Draw
5th Year Record 2020 - 7 Wins 12 Losses 1 No Contest
4th Year Record 2019 - 12 Wins 1 Draw 21 Losses
3rd Year Record 2018 - 6 Wins 2 Losses
2nd Year Record 2015 - 1 Wins 9 Losses 2 Technical
1st Year Record 2014 - 24 Wins 34 Losses 6 Technicals
February 2020 Star of The Month
November 2014 Star Of The Month
Former 2x XWF Television Champion
Former XWF Thursday Night Anarchy Champion - 2022 - 1 Successful Defence
Former Three Time X-Treme Champion
Former Two Time Ark of the Covenant Champion
Lost in the 1st Round of the Woodstock Open - Wrestlestock 2019
Semi Finalist in the XWF King of the Ring 2020
50TH CAREER WIN vs TOMMY WISH - Wednesday Night Warfare - 2ND SEPTEMBER 2020
100TH CAREER LOSS vs BOB D - Weekend Warfare - 12TH AUGUST 2023
Check out my page for victories and losses
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