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A beating, A shower, A meeting
Author Message
Jack Nation Offline
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP

XWF FanBase:
Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty but isn't lame either; many likable qualities)

03-17-2019, 08:25 PM

--Sunday March 17th--
--HILITE FC Training Facility--
--Toronto, Ontario, Canada--

It's a slow day at HILITE FC. The sunlight seeping through the windows of the facility give off just enough light to see a solitary figure stretching on a mat.

Upon, further inspection the figure is revealed to be Jack Nation clad in a pair of Nike brand athletic shorts, and shoes.

"" he counts down finishing this particular stretch. He looks up, taking notice of Steve Sayors.

"Hello". He says good naturedly, a smile adorning his face. "Did you find our gym alright"?

In response, the reporter gives a thumbs up, unseen by the viewers.

Nation smiles up at him now stretching his lower back.

"Well if you'll hang out a little bit, I'm almost done with my stretching, we'll be joined by some of my teammates shortly. There's water in our fridge out in the break room. You can help yourself." he says clearly dismissing the veteran reporter.

Ten minutes go by when Union Grand Prix Cruiserweight John 'JB Alan' Baker appears in the gym followed by Union Grand Prix lightweight prospect Misty DeMeans. Nation, who had been forcing Steve to join him in calestenics nods towards the two, as they approach.

"Thank you for helping me today."

"Don't worry about it". JB responds to him.

"One Team, One Dream. We might need Jiu-Jitsu lessons one day."

Nation laughs with a good natured smile.

"That would be great by me, buddy."

Misty who is never one to dawdle, is already in her workout gear, waiting in the ring.

"Are you guys going to talk or are we going to train?"

"Let's get to it!" JB says excitedly while Nation slides in the ring.

Steve climbs in the ring, relieved that JB and Misty have showed up.

"Okay, so you were saying that you wanted help with some striking? That's not a bad idea against this guy. Obviously you're an amazing grappler, but I watched some of his old matches, and so is he. So it would be good to have striking skills. Let me demonstrate some basic techniques."

JB reappears in the ring with the neccessary protective gear.

He hands the majority of the items to Misty, before approaching Steve with head and body gear in tow.

Sayors, realizing his fate, tries to beg his way out of it.

"No, come on John, I'm just a reporter."

"Don't worry about it man. She just wants to show Jack a few techniques." he says placing the gear on Steve, and fastening it into place.

"Alright, now that we're all set. Let's get started. The first thing I'm going to show you is the basic kick to the nuts."

"NO!" Steve yells out terrified, his hands automatically covering his genitals.

"Relax B, I'm just fuckin with ya."

Steve breathes a sigh of relief as Misty turns towards Jack explaining the tender parts of the mid-section.

Steve suddenly lets out a gasp as Misty fires off a one, two combination to his protected mid-section.

Taking no notice of Steve's discomfort she begins discussing the need for utilization of body to head strikes.

Steve having just caught his breath, gasps out again as Misty fires off a jab to the gut, and an elbow to the headgear, which knocked Steve into JB.

JB catches Steve, and pats him on the back.

"You're doing good bud. Thanks for helping us out."

"It's no problem." Steve lies, a slightly dazed look in his eye.

Meanwhile, Misty had been explaining not only the need to have abilities for striking at distance, but in the cinch as well.

"Wait no." Steve tries again in vain, as Misty grabs Steve in a Thai Clinch demonstrating the proper technique of elbows to the head.

JB and Jack watch on intently as Misty explains the neccessity of not only head, body combinations at distance, but in the clinch too.

"So, you're gonna wanna..." Misty brings Steve over to the corner, under his mumbling protests.

Jack and JB give each other looks as Misty explains the techniques involved in clinch striking.

Misty still holding Steve in the Thai Clinch throws several knees to Steve's mid-section, and head, with varying speeds, and timing.

Taking no notice of Steve's discomfort. Misty, once again, turns towards Jack.

"You're not going to want to throw one after the other, because that becomes predictable. You want to be a bit unpredictable, let me demonstrate again.

Misty fires in several more shots; which Steve tries to block unsuccessfully.

Another half hour goes by where Jack and JB continue to feel worst for Steve with every shot he takes.

"So guys I think that's enough for today. Do you have any questions?"

"No, No they don't" Steve says quickly, relieved the torture session is finally over.

"Okay than my brothas. I'ma go work out."

Once she sheds her protective gear, and walks away, Jack and JB approach Steve, relieving him of his gear.

"Thank you for volunteering Steve. We really appreciate it."

"Yeah, it helped the team out a lot."

Steve gives the two incredulous looks as they exit the ring.

"Jerks." he mumbles, as he to exits the ring.


We reopen in the hallway of the HILITE FC gym. The marker on the door reads 'Gentlemen's Locker Room'. A hand appears from behind the camera pushing the door open. Steam engulfs the entire locker room, making it almost impossible to see.

The music you're hearing comes from Pearl Jam's RearviewMirror album. The voices you hear are XWF veteran reporter Steve Sayors, along with the former XWF Heavy Metalweight and X-treme champion Jack Nation.

The camera heads further into the locker room before realizing the two are in the gym shower. The camera guy will do a lot of things for XWF programming, but he's not filming two grown men naked, much less in the shower.

So, like a creeper, he sits on the bench outside the shower where the conversation is still audible.

"So, how long has it been since you've competed in an XWF ring?"

"Somewhere between nine and ten years."

"What exactly made you want to come back?"

The conversation goes silent for a moment, as Jack contemplates his answer.

"It wasn't exactly on my mind. I've been friends with James Raven for many years and recently moved up here to Toronto for training. A couple of weeks ago when Alejandro announced his retirement, James Raven had mentioned to me that Centurion had contacted him about a retirement match with Alejandro.

Well, Alejandro told James that he didn't think it right since he'd only competed in 5 matches for the promotion and lost the majority of them. So, I was right there, and remembered the name Centurion from the past. I was being humorous and told James to sign me up."

"So your heart's not really into it?"

"It is. After James accepted the offer I realized what a great opportunity this is. Steve, you understand, that's Centurion...the guy was around when you first started. He's a true legend! It's going to be fun for the fans, but my only regret is having to put him down...hey pass me that shampoo. Thank you."

" act as it's a foregone conclusion that you're going to get the 'W' over Centurion? What makes you so confident?"

"I've always been confident in my skills. There's not a wrestling match, a grappling match, a fight, whether sport or sport's entertainment that I feel I couldn't go out and be the victor.

In this particular matter, it's different. It's not about confidence. It's about ability. You ask yourself what have I been doing since retirement? I've competed in and won Jiu-Jitsu tournaments all over the world, and that includes 2012 in Abu-Dhabi. I've been fighting Mixed Martails arts since I was 27. I've been active in sports both before my life in professional wrestling and after.

I haven't heard anything of him in 5 years. Now if I'm wrong correct me."

"So according to you, Andy hasn't got a glimmer of hope?"

"No, I know that, and he knows that as well. What this match boils down to is nostalgia. We want to give the fans a blast from the past. That's why the match is labelled 'a special attraction match straight out of 2003'. Yes, it's labelled an attraction."

"So you're not at all concerned that Centurion may surprise you, and the most winning-est wrestler in XWF history can pull out one more?"

A small laugh eminates from Jack.

"You know the saying 'Any given Sunday'? There's always a chance something upexpected can happen and Centurion could win this match. It may be a reality, but I don't foresee it, and he feels the same way. How could he not?"

A pause in the conversation.

"So, you're saying you have no respect for Centurion?"

"No, that is furthest from the truth. Centurion is a legend. He's earned all the respect in the world, and I will show him respect before, during, and after our match. I respect him as a person, and I respect his past accomplishments. Knowing he has a snowball's chance doesn't take anything away from his greatness."

Jack pauses a moment before continuing

"You think of this. Andy is firmly in the hall of legends. Centurion was an XWF world champion, he revolutionized the Canadian division by winning that title eight times. He was the king of both Massacre and Anarchy back when those were the big shows. He has countless tag team, united states, and I believe an X-treme title reign. On top of all that, as you mentioned, he has 137 wins inside the squared circle in the XWF alone. He was voted #12 in the XWF top 50 in 2011, and that was 12th best in the first 12 years of this organization's history...12 years Steve. Do you know how many wrestlers came in and went out during that time?

Who wouldn't respect the man for his past accomplishments? Who in the world of professional wrestling can say Centurion was not one of the greatest of our Era? I wish I had those list of accolades he does.

Look at him now, a hall of legend's member, #30 on the top list in 20 years of this organization, all based on his past doesn't mean he can cut the mustard now.

, but don't think that I haven't gotten undying respect for the man. I just have no confidence in his current in-ring ability."

One of the shower's turn off.

"Towels are out on the rack. Leave it in the laundry cart when you're done."

With that said the camera guy picks up his equipment and hightails it.


The scene reopens in the parking lot of the HILITE FC gym.

"I want to thank you both for a very...interesting day, and I'm proud that I could cover this promo for your last wrestling match."

Jack nods his head towards the reporter.

"You have always been the best, and I do appreciate you coming up."

"Toronto's a great city. I'll take any excuse possible to visit."

The trio laugh as they reach Steve's car.

"I'm sure we'll meet again?"

'Most Definitely' The duo responds.

The pair watch Steve pull out of the parking lot passing an incoming vehicle.

"Have a good night bud."

"You too."

JB walks towards his car, nodding a hello to the arriving James Raven.

"Get in a good practice?"

Jack grins towards the horizon.

"It was pretty good."

"So...was it funny?"

Jack looks at James confused.

"Why the hell would you get Misty to beat him up...without inviting me!?"

Jack laughs.

"Who told you?"

"Security camera's, dumbass."

The pair then share a laugh before parting ways.

1x Heavy Metalweight Champion
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