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Broken Hart Offline
Say hello to goodbye.


XWF FanBase:
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03-13-2019, 09:51 AM





V: Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the beginning of a whole new era in the Realm of Xtreme. I represent a group that is oncoming, looking to shake things to the core, and provide you people with an entirely new XWF. You cannot escape, you cannot fight this, you have no choice but to deal with it.

V: My name is Viruz, I'm an exceptionally gifted hacker, and that's why I'm a part of this group. I bring the skills necessary to give the team a multiple slew of things like repremanding the production truck, fucking with those who oppose us, and many other effects. My real name is Maxwell Gates, and I am the son of Bill, Microsoft CEO.

V: I was born into a lavish life. A gorgeous home, extravagant meals, and everything any man or woman could desire. My father has always been refered to as 'the devil', but to me? He is a saint, an idol and a hero. I'm proud to walk in his footsteps, putting people's concepts to rest and making a living that most people could only dream of.

V: I've created a video game system entitled the 'Paradox Vortex', and I intend to release this console to the world, and I'll be far richer than any of you XWF scrubs. Together, myself and my colleagues will DOMINATE, and eventually we'll buy each and every one of you, take over the XWF, and force you all to work for peanuts!! I hope you all will enjoy busting your ass for minumum wage!! XD

V: We are coming to the XWF to undo the damage caused by talentless hacks, and when we arrive? NONE of you will be safe. We intend on capturing every title in the promotion, destroying everything and everyone in sight. We are unstoppable, we are undetterable, we ARE undeniable and we will be the XWF's only hope. You will all have no choice but to bow before us as we rule with an iron fist.

V: XWF...... prepare for the worst.
V: .....for even that will not prepare you for us.


[Image: black_heart_zpsnnlf1k63.png]

Tear it out. Move in for the kill.
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