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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
What was and never will be Pt#1
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Mezian Offline
Does Fate Whispers Your Name?

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06-11-2018, 02:18 PM

After Mezian killed Draziol he and Abigail found out that his once best friend is running for an office of power in Austrailia. Matt is being funded by The Consortium, which is an organization that is funded by the council. Mezian decides that the only way to stop this from happening is to kill his once best friend. Abigail refuses to help with that but will help him in other ways.

Mezian, Abigail and the rest of her men show up at the Sanctuary. Mezian leads the way in case Cortessa has set up a trap or is ready to kill the first thing that walks into the Sanctum.Which she did when he walks into the sanctum he is met by a katana to the neck. It stops short of his jugular and Cortessa realizes who it is.

Mezian! Goddamnit! I could have killed you!

yeah, with my own katana. That would have been a shitty way to go.

Who are these people? Why are you letting them into the Sanctum?

This is the help I said I was going to get. Abigail Albright this is Cortessa Wrynn. She is a Seraphim like me, she is helping me with this little rebellion I got going on.

Abigail extends her hand out towards Tessa

Charmed Love, I'm here to keep the baddies out or at least I will die trying. These big guys behind me will do the same.

Nice to meet ya. They may just have to do that with the ways have been going lately. By the way , Mezian, Have you spoke to Gaea or Azoth? They went dark after you left. Do you think something went wrong?

No, Gaea and Azoth both are Primordials. They are the oldest of the old. They know how to hide their presence from people so they won't get caught. It took me walking up on both of them to feel them. Like literally right on top of them. So they are fine, you can come with me to Sydney if you want? Abby and her men can stay here and keep an eye on the girls with Jessalyn. How is she anyway?

Tessa looked back to where Jessalyn and the girls were sitting playing with dolls and laughing.

I honestly don't know if she can be used again for an op. I honestly think she is done. Trying to save Hope almost killed her. Seraphim or not I don't think she will ever be okay.

A sadness could be seen in Mezian's eyes. He thought about how Ezariaha was such a strong warrior once. How she would stand shoulder to shoulder with him and fight off hundreds of enemies.Now...Now she was nothing more than a babysitter. She was broken, and there really wasn't a way to fix her. Maybe bringing her back into the war was a bad Idea.

Alright, I guess we will have to go through with the plan of Abby and the Ravens staying here and us going to Sydney. Are you okay with that Abby?

Of Course love, I said I would help anyway I can. And if I have to stay here with the girls I'm more than happy to oblige.

Okay, I have to talk to Jessalyn before we go through. It will just take a sec.

Mezian made his way to Jessalyn and the girls. Serenity and Mercy were playing with dolls as Jessalyn manipulated the air around them to make the dolls dance. She seemed happy, she seemed at peace. A peace that Mezian was going to have to break.

Jessalyn, can I talk to you away from the girls?

Serenity spoke up

It's okay Mezian we know what you will ask and Jessalyn will say yes. Its how the fates have seen it happen. It will not have to come to that but I see the need to make a back up plan.

Mezian somehow forgot that he had two of the Sisters of Fate with him. They literally knew almost every outcome of every occurrence that will happen. Its scary sometimes.

What do you need from me Mezian?

Jessalyn looked up at Mezian and he could see how tired she was. Maybe not physically but emotionally and metaphorically. He knew he had to speak to Ezariaha and not Jessalyn.

He leaned and spoke in Seraph.

Etto evet mesant vahegeh ea Abigail devo acten alloe berah bav enires abith.Egeish ean decow nave,Etto evet mesant polkev enda ebissa naren Terran.Etto gehn Abigail ge heva ictie,derwa vahegeh ea Abigail.Poek avan ebis avane?

Jessalyn's eyes lit up with the life she once had as Ezariaha. She quietly nodded her head and went back to what she was doing with the girls.

Mezian turned back to Abigail and Tessa. He stopped to grab a bag out of his room and headed towards the door.

If anything comes through that door that isn't Tessa, Azoth, Gaea or myself. You are to kill it on sight no questions asked. Do you understand what I mean?

Of Course Pat, I will do my best to keep us safe. I promise.

And with that Tessa and Mezian hopped to the last known location of Azoth and Gaea.

June 10th 2018. Sydney Austrailia. Front Lobby of the Syndey Wentworth Hotel

[Image: sofitel-sydney-wentworth.jpg]

Tessa and Mezian had shown up at the hotel around 3 pm.

I am glad that they at least are comfy while they spend my money.

Why would they be using your money? Don't they have their own money?

No, Tessa, they have no real reason to have money. They also don't have jobs or an alternate source of income. So they get to use my money. I wish they would have gone cheap at least.

Mezian and Tessa made their way to the front desk to ask where Gaea and Azoth's room was.

Excuse me sir, But could I ask about a guest that may have been staying here?

The man behind the counter seemed distracted by something. His posture was slouched and his eyes never made up to meet Tessa's.Mezian leaned over the counter to see what was so important.There was nothing there. He was not looking at anything, no phone, no tablet, nothing. It was then Mezian reached over and lifted the man's head up. His eyes were glazed over.

He isn't dead is he?

Not dead, he is still breathing. It looks like he is enamored by something. Like he was hit by...Oh Fuck!

Mezian moved the man away from the computer and hopped the counter. He began to look for the listings for Azoth or Gaea. Maybe they had used an alias.No..they had not, they used their actual names.

Oh Fuck..What Mezian? Why are you so flustered all of the sudden? What has happened?[/color]

This guy has been hit with a Glamour. Which is only really used by Seraphim and ArchAngels. Which means either another Seraphim is going after the two or Raphael is here in the hotel.

Mezian continues to type away at the computer. Tessa looks on as he seems more and more frantic. Mezian seemed more agitated all of the sudden.

[lightblue]What is wrong Mezian? Did you find something? Did you find them?

Yeah I found them.They checked in a few days ago. But what bothers me is that a person named Eric Rowe checked in soon after they did.

Who is Eric Rowe?

Mezian stepped away from the computer and walked towards the elevator. He could see that the rest of the people in the lobby near the elevators were also enamored like the concierge.

Mezian who is Eric Rowe? Tell me goddamnit!

Mezian kept walking now with more of a purpose. He responded to Tessa without turning his head around.

Eric Rowe is the name Micheal uses when he comes to Earth.

With those word he vanishes.

So let me get this straight. I go toe to toe with Chris Chaos and push him to his limit, almost break him, and barely lose to him. And this is what you give me? A nobody and some asshole who is only here when it best suits him. I honestly don't care, I am going to walk in, beat you two and walk out. I have little to no worries about this match. You have to try in this company to get anywhere and I don't see you two trying anything. Hell Edgar barely showed up to the battle royal. This Sinclair douchbag hasn't really made any type of noise for himself. I think he may have been in the battle royal at second chance too. I guess since neither of them made a showing for me to remember anything they did. So I'm gonna be sitting here waiting for you assholes to pipe up or something. Let me know when you actually wanna be a man.

[Image: lXVtJMr.jpg]

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