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Revenge is best served....
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Mezian Offline
Does Fate Whispers Your Name?

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03-26-2018, 07:51 PM

After the altercation between Mezian and Azoth. Gaea sent them to their respective rooms. While he was meditating Mezian relived a very traumatizing memory of when the Greystalkers were created.Shortly after Mezian was awakened by Gaea. She didn't know where Jessalyn was she couldn't feel her in the veil.

What do you mean you cant find her?

I don't know I just cant feel her. Its not like she is dead its like they turned he signal off.

Where was she last?Did she come back from Africa?

Yeah, she came home and then went to Detroit to get Hope.She left and I had her for a bit then she went away.

Mezian didn't hesitate he hopped to the last place eh knew she was.

Mezian it could be a trap to lure you away from the sanctum.

I don't fucking care. If they wanna try to take my people they have to deal with me. I won't let them get away with this.

Alright just be safe. I cant lose you too. Ill let you know if I can find something that will lead us to Jessalyn.

Mezian arrived to t he house where Jessalyn was supposed to be.Where the house once stood now a charred husk now remained.

Gaea, The house is burned to the ground. There isn't anything here. I'm gonna search it, hopefully I find her or a clue as to where she is.

Mezian entered the rubble that was the house. He began in what was once the living room. He walked further into the kitchen. He could feel the faint presence of something in the basement. He had to move some brunt timber to the side so he could get to the door. Which somehow was still standing almost untouched by the fire.

Once opened Mezian made his way down the stairs. He moved slowly down the steps as he searched for whatever he was feeling.He recognized what he was feeling, It was Jessalyn, she was in the basement. There were two angles, herself and Hope in a stasis field.

I found her Gaea, She is in a stasis. I cant get in there, not unless I wanna wake the Angels too. How do I get her and Hope out?

Gaea appeared next to Mezian. She walked over and just touched the stasis field. The Angels fell to the floor each letting out he scream caught in time withing the stasis field.Jessalyn passed out and Hope followed behind her.Gaea went over to get Jessalyn and Hope.She stopped and spoke to Mezian.

Don't be here for long. I feel others on their way. They may not be so easy to disperse as these two.

Mezian nodded and began to make his way out of the house.He stopped to check the Angels, maybe he could figure out if they were apart of a house or if they were just some of Micheal's goons.He began to search for some sort of crest or insignia.He took their armors off and searched their torso for a tattoo or branding.He shortly found it the brand of the SunSparrows

[Image: 20150513233543]

It was the symbol of the personal guard of the council. The new "Legion" that Micheal had put together to protect him and the council. The thought made Mezian sick to his stomach. The idea that Micheal would bastardize the Legion with his groupies. he felt the energy Gaea was talking about. It was strong and moving fast. It was familiar...but it was different.Mezian made his way up to the house, and the out of it. he stood there waiting for whatever was on its way. He switched to true form and drew his sword.

Mezian that is no way to great your brother. I am hurt, I really am.

It was Draziol. The Seraphim that took over Mezian's Legion. They were the reason the Creator was killed in the Celestials war.

You haven't been by brother for a very long time. I have no connection to you or those "angels" Micheal calls his Legion. You nothing but a glorified hound dog. And as is such I'm gonna put you down like one.

Mezian lunged forward and swung his sword. When it made contact it was with a pillar inside of the Sanctum.

What the fuck Gaea? I had that son of a bitch.

He can wait we have something a little more pressing to deal with.

To be continued...

So I get to face Chris Valley this week. I don't know if I should be worries or I should laugh it off. I mean he hasn't really done anything of note. I guess he gets to prove himself on Warfare. I think that is real nice of the XWF team. Giving new talent a main stage to demonstrate what they can do in the ring. Maybe he will get a title shot or something if he beats me.

Who the fuck am I kidding, I don't even get title shots. Look Chris I'd like to say I have seen your work or even heard of you but the only thing I have seen or heard was an awkward promo you cut a while back. So let me get this straight you are an ex-convict who is taking back his motorcycle club? Im sorry I guess I saw something like that on sons of anarchy once. I have no real experience with you Valley but I can almost Guarantee you won't like the end result. But like I said show me something I should fear.Show me something I should be proud of. Just show me something.

[Image: lXVtJMr.jpg]

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