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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » TURNING POINT 2018 RP BOARD
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The Engineer Offline
Man of Peace

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02-28-2018, 07:28 PM

The Engineer is sitting in a completely nondescript hallway in a metal folding chair. He's leaned over in his seat, as though focused on something before him. Based on his expression, he's deep into a difficult conversation. But who he's conversing with is just off camera.

I think we need to come to terms with reality friend. No matter which way this match goes at Turning Point, you and I are through. I've been tap dancing around it for the last week but....there's just no way you and I can be a **thing** after this match.

Whoa my God! Is this it? Is Engy finally admitting to Jim Caedus that their friendship cannot possibly go on after Turning Point?!

Oh come on, don't look at me like that....

The dream team is over! The end is nigh! The world is ending! May God have mercy on....

...actually, the camera pans back to finally reveal that Engy has been talking to the Xtreme championship. The title is propped up on it's own folding chair, positioned across from him.

The world breathes a collective sigh of relief.

Ok, ok! Jesus! You have a point! Sure, OUR relationship does predate my friendship with Jim. So yes, maybe I should have at least given what this match means for US a cursory mention. I guess....I guess.....I just didn't want to speak the words. Because doing so would make it more real. Would make it FINAL, you know?

Engy reacts to...something? He pulls his face down with his fingers in a show of exasperation.

Don't pretend like you don't know what I'm talking about.

His expression turns bewildered.

Seriously?! You mean it never occurred to you...? Fine. I'll spell it out. No matter how shit goes down for me this weekend, management will never let me keep you. I win the Universal? I have to vacate you under their stupid ass “no competitor can have two singles championships” rule. I lose to Jim? I have to give you up because the match occurs under Xtreme 24/7 rules. Although Jim probably won't be able to keep you either, meaning you'll probably just be whored out in yet ANOTHER championship scramble tournament. I....

Engy stops short, canting his head at an unheard interruption.

If you got offered up in a tournament, would I fight for you again? Wellll....I.....uhhhhh

The camera cuts to a close up of the title. It now has down turned angry eyebrows plastered on it.

It's a more complicated question than it appears on the surface, alright!

The eyebrows on the title somehow get ANGRIER.

It IS complicated though! Fine...look....FUCK! You need me to say it? I'll say it! Fighting for you again would be a step backwards.

Engy turns his body from the title, as though trying to avoid it's gaze. However, when the shot returns to the Xtreme, it's lost it's angry eyebrows and now has big sopping wet tears plastered on it.

Oh come on now...why you cryin'....don't....

The lights flicker, turn off briefly, and when they come back on the Xtreme title is gone. Engy shoots up out of his seat.

Hey, come back! Don't go to bed angry, let's hash this out!

He looks up and down the hall, but there is no sign of the belt. The camera follows his gaze though, and you do start to realize that the hall itself looks unusual. In fact, this blank slate corridor, with it's impressively beige walls and literally no other features, not even a door into an adjoining room, seems to extend in both directions infinitely. Engy starts to pick up on this as well. He does a double take, screwing his head back and forth to look both ways down the hall again. The lights flicker, die, and then blink back to life once again. Only this time, this creepy ass motherfucker is sitting in Engy's vacated seat.

[Image: latest?cb=20180209134120]

The champ starts, and backs away for a moment, before recovering his wits and shaking his head.

.....the fuck did you come from? Look man, if you want a shot at the strap, fine. But give me a few minutes alright, I'm having an issue with my significant other and I would greatly appreciate the breathing room.

The strange looking man, bedecked in a glistening red and black suit with a prominent bow tie, starts to chuckle.

Oh, I'm not here to try to pin you.

Yeah, that's what they all say. Then next thing I know you're trying to turn me into a rebar pinata or throwing acid in my face or shitting in my mouth while I'm asleep (stupid pig) soooooo NO THANK YOU.

Engy starts advancing on the man, hands up as though he's preparing to grab him by the lapels.

You know what, scratch that. I'll just take care a you now so I don't gotta worry about it later. I ain't in the mood for screamin' though so if you could keep your sufferin' to an inside voice level that would be....

The mystery man appears behind Engy in the blink of an eye. Engy goes a bit off balance as he lunges for where the man used to be. Face torn by confusion, he finally turns around to see the object of his aggression standing behind him.


Engy recoils, then looks seriously annoyed.

Oh blow off, Panzer. Or do you need me to show you how your powers somehow don't protect you from complete scrotal torsion?

I'm not Phantom Panzer, Mr. Bright. I think you will find my true identity much more intriguing.

Taking a couple steps back, just to be on the safe side, Engy relents.

I'll bite. Who are you then?

The strange figure bows with a flourish.

The Archon of Xtreme, the very Gatekeeper of these illustrious your service.

Engy scratches his head, looking confused. The strange figure sighs and stands up, shoulders slumped.

Okay, let me put it to you this way. Haven't you ever found certain things about holding the Xtreme championship a little....unusual?

Dude, I find pretty much everything about the XWF unusual. In fact, there is an “unusual shit” rider in our contracts that stipulates that the company can't be held liable for all the weird fucked up shit that happens because their lawyers cannot possibly account for it all.

The “Archon of the Xtreme”, looking nonplussed, continues on.

Ok, fine, fine, fine! But haven't you ever found it strange how sometimes, you just so happen to appear in this very nondescript hallway for no reason whatsoever just in time for someone to try to pin you? Or how you will sometimes find yourself in another place you've never been to, just as someone is attacking you for that title?

Engy looks like he's about to respond, holds up a finger, drops it, and then his features sag with realization.


I know, right?! All that weirdness? IT'S ME! HAHA! And this place that you're standing in? A pocket dimension of my own creation. An arena of random transgalactic combat created just for that very championship you hold so dear.

Hold up, hold up! So you're saying you teleport people here for Xtreme championship defenses?

Quite right! Here, there, anywhere that strikes my little heart's desire. Sometimes it's these hallways if I'm not feeling particularly creative. Other times it's specialty locations like...THIS!

They suddenly teleport to the quaint little tea shop where Engy was ambushed by Doc Deville a few months back.

....or this!

They teleport to the diner where Engy as attacked by Patrick Phife with a basket....seriously, a basket, bro?!....just this week.

It can be anywhere my heart....

In an instant, they return to the mysterious forever hallway. Engy vomits copiously on the Archon's shoes. The Archon winces.

**WWWWHHHHHHHAAAAAAGGGGHHHHHH!** Oh God....*pants*.....oh Jesus.....what...what the bloody fuck.....*cough*....

Hmmmm....yes, sometimes I forget that mortals don't do so well with the rapid teleportation thing.



The Archon hops back to avoid the second round of splatter. Engy, wiping the puke from his chin, pants some more as he tries to recover.

That was NOT like Star Trek AT ALL.

The Archon produces a hankie and wipes his shoes off.

No, I suppose not. But I believe my point has been made.

Engy shakes his head, and then brings his hands up to the sides of his head and propels them outwards in the universal sign for “mind blown”.

So much makes so much more sense now. All those times I showed up in places and got attacked without remembering how I got

But isn't that what the true spirit of combat is all about? Being ready at any time to fight for your life? The constant vigilance....the unceasing struggle to be the best at all times, everywhere? The Xtreme championship, more than ANY other title in the XWF represents those very warrior characteristics. And you, my friend of friends, yee GODS have you been an exemplar.

Yeah well talk to my friend Jim about that. He's been calling me a big pissboy pussy all week.

Well my friend, that's actually why I summoned you here. I hate to break it to you, but Jim's right. You're being a pussy.

Engy turns away from the Archon, throwing his hands up in frustration.

Oh fuck off then! Ya know, I've been having to deal with that shit all goddamn week. Gettin' General Managers on the phone tellin' me I need to put more “oompf” in. Madison bitching at me to man the fuck up. And now you? ...fuck outta here....

Fair enough. You're sick of hearing it. I'm a fair sort. I'll give you a chance to defend yourself against Jim Caedus' most recent round of charges. Let's make this fun too! Picture the person you hate the most who tried to pin you for the Xtreme championship!


Just do it! It'll be fun!

Do I have a choice?

Not particularly, no.

Engy grumbles and closes his eyes. Thinking of the person he despises the most who tried to get one over on him for his title. Finally a smile draws across his lips.

Yeah, you little fucker....

He opens his eyes, and The Archon is gone, replaced with, well.....

[Image: avatar_1848.jpg?dateline=1488576708]


Yes, it's Taco The Pig.



Engy advances on Taco, pure hatred in his eyes. Taco's adorable little porcine face looks up, and he might be a piglet but he ain't no dummy. With a frightened squeal he tears off down the forever hallway!


The Engineer plunges down the hallway after Taco, and as he does so, something strange starts to happen. The walls start to shift and morph, becoming a sheeny mercury like substance. And then, even that substance begins to change and the walls start to show replays of Engy's various defenses of the 24/7 title. But Engy doesn't even seem to notice, so intent is he on poor little Taco. Taco disappears down a tight curve and into a door that just wasn't there before. Engy follows him through and the door shuts behind him. Taco stands proudly on a pedestal in the center of the room, a pedestal made out of Xtreme championships past and present, many of them covered in blood and various other bodily fluids. With a malicious grin, he starts to stalk Taco. Taco opens his mouth.

Jim Caedus Talking Through Engy's Penis Which is Now Talking Through Taco The Pig

Quote:Dear Dexter,

I was going to apologize in advance for what I'm about to say but I think we've both known each other long enough to warrant being frank and honest with one another, even if you refuse to do so with me or anyone else.

The Engineer stops in his tracks, looking shocked. He does a double take on Taco.

Wait a sec, are you Jim Caedus talking through my penis talking through a pig?

That is, in fact, what the text above says.

That is the most meta thing I've ever seen.

Top 5 easily.

Ok Taco, you can live. For now. Let's do this.

Jim Caedus Talking Through Engy's Penis Which is Now Talking Through Taco The Pig

Quote:For starters, that ego of yours and the attitude it spawns (the one that has you clinging to the notion you're so "cool", "edgy" and "badass" ((or any of those labels at all, really)) that no one notices when you get your ass handed to you nor are they smart enough to distinguish your lies from the truth) is not only embarrassing but beyond pathetic. I mean, it's weak, it's small, it makes you appear less substantial. I'm diminutive enough as it is; you in the mix is one too many midgets.

As well, your ego seems to see you perceiving others as here to serve you, to make your life easier, to feel sorry for you for whatever reasons you inexplicably believe are exclusive to you and you alone while you simultaneously insist on disregarding the suffering of everyone else. It's a dick move, Bourbonian even, and for the third time, in context with US, my being a dick means you are, again, one too many in the mix.

Hmmmm. That is a toughie Taco/Jim/Penis. How CAN people notice when I've gotten my ass kicked if I never get my ass kicked? Heh...heh. Okay, okay, cheap shot. Honestly, he's got me dead to rights. There Jim, there's a failing I'll admit to. It probably still won't be good enough because I kinda have the feeling whether I'm up front or not I'm still gonna get shit on, but whatevs. Yeah, I'm a selfish asshole sometimes. That's NOT something I've ever claimed to be otherwise. But are you really accusing me of doing things most of HUMANITY does? Using people to make my life better? To try to achieve a certain end? You mean to tell me you haven't told sweet nothings to a girl to get some strange? That you have been honest and forthright in all your dealings with everyone you've ever met? That you haven't tried to get other people to make life easier on YOU? Jim, I know you have. Everybody has. It's tough pill to swallow, but in reality, every relationship is quid pro quo. We're all serving each other in some form or fashion. You don't get into a relationship without wanting to get something out of it whether it's love, validation, sex, money, drugs, what have you. Selfishness is hard wired into the human condition. As for wanting people to feel sorry for me? Where the hell did you EVER get that impression? I don't want people to feel sorry for me. I want to learn how to be decent from my son, and maybe find out what it's like to be a Dad. Turns out I suck balls at that so far, but I'm giving it a shot. I want to be your friend because I respect you and you're a scary bastard that I'd rather have at my back than not. If you're referring to the shit with my parents, that's not what I wanted either. I wanted to show that I'm capable of forgiving them.

An almost imperceptible twitch registers on his lip with that one.

I wanted to add some nuance to this notion that I am a wholly nonredeemable lying piece of shit. Did I have some anger to work through there too? Yeah, obviously. But when you spend as much time as I did suffering at the hands of another person, it's pretty goddamn human to want to dish some of that back out. I won't apologize for that. I refuse. You can add that as another strike against me if you want.

As far as ego goes Jim, I'll own that one too. But how do you succeed in a business like this without some ego? You can't swing a dead cat around by the tail in that locker room without hitting a dozen complete narcissists. And on a personal level Jim, you've got your own ego issues to work through. I mean, is it not pretty ballsy to tell me that because I'm not promo'ing the way Jim Caedus promos, that I will invariably be an awful champion? Be like Caedus or suck?

Jim Caedus Talking Through Engy's Penis Which is Now Talking Through Taco The Pig

Quote: "Starving the beast"?

Allow me to interpret that via what you want us all to think then expose it for what it really means:

I'll tell you what it means. Brutally. Honestly. It is simultaneously a strategy and a sign of respect. Because what I'm trying to starve you off is rage. Jim, you need rage to function. You are a man of such exquisite duality that you can both love and hate with the rage of a thousand dying suns. And hey, I didn't come up with that. That's just plain old stuff you've openly copped to. I'm not cuttin' you up because I respect you AND because I wanted to take a bit of wind out of your sails. I was hoping that if I could starve the rage beast maybe you'd take your foot off the gas a bit AND make you realize we didn't have to hate each other. Yes, it was a tactic and an olive branch simultaneously.

Boy was I fucking stupid.

Because Jim Caedus is the kind of man who can get angry about ANYTHING. I mean....I can picture you, sitting in your arm chair watching Bob Ross painting his happy little trees and just fucking EXPLODING at the TV goin' “HACK! LAZY ASSHOLE! DIDN'T EVEN CHANGE BRUSHES!” I....hahahahahahaha....

Engy collapses into laughs before composing himself again.

Really though brother, I wasn't laughing at you, I was laughing with you. I LOVE that about you. Your passion. Your anger. It's such an amazing counterpoint to my cynical nature. I truly think that's what makes us WORK. But you can have that one too. It didn't quite work.

Jim Caedus Talking Through Engy's Penis Which is Now Talking Through Taco The Pig

Quote: ×××£|\|Ģ¥ CLAIM×××

2. You would have everyone believe your taking days upon days to respond is further pushing the strategy of "starving the beast"

×××£|\|Ģ¥ TRANSLATION×××

2. You took so long to respond because you didn't expect the response you received and it threw you off balance, it pissed you off and it left you unsure of how best to retort. You NEEDED to take that time to calm down so you could stick to your guns...the guns everyone now knows are loaded with blanks. And for the record, what you've done is tantamount to the sophomoric:

---> "I meant to do that" <---

Actual Effect: You continue to sabotage your own credibility and continue to treat everyone paying attention like they have no brain.

Nah, bro. Your just off the mark with that one. Like I said above, Starving the Beast was never about time. But it DOES lead to an interesting point I wanted to make though. You keep holding what I say or don't say and how long I take to say it over my head like the Sword of Damacles, insisting that all of this makes me some kind of lying bitch ass coward. But maybe...juuuust maybe, in picking apart this time factor you were hoping I wouldn't notice your promo strategy. Which is: Wait for Engy to say something so I can tear it down.

You didn't lead the charge on this. I did. I always do. I'm just not taking it in the direction you want me to. So don't you think it's a tad hypocritical to accuse me of being bitch-made (your word and I'm STEALING IT) and scheming on this when YOU ARE ALSO RUNNING YOUR OWN STRATEGY. When you are deliberately waiting for me to say something instead of taking the lead so you can swoop in and respond? Come on man, don't fault me for playing the game a bit when you're doing the same thing.

Jim Caedus Talking Through Engy's Penis Which is Now Talking Through Taco The Pig

Quote: That all makes you a pussy. Being a pussy doesn't make for being a good dick. Being a pussy makes for being what dicks fuck. Take me, a dick, for example. By nature I get straight to the penetration and I continue to pound away. Now, of course I like wrecking vagina as much as the next actual dick but that doesn't mean the boys and I wish to consistently share close quarters with one beyond the actual act and that feeds into the reasoning behind distancing ourselves from you. The fact that you're great at being an asshole as well doesn't change this in any way.

That's all I got for that one really.

Jim Caedus Talking Through Engy's Penis Which is Now Talking Through Taco The Pig

Quote:  You really think the man who played along with Gabe Reno's friendship act was incapable of playing along with yours as well? You aren't a master of psychology, you're an unjustifiably egotistical idiot. Like Reno, you failed. Get over it and stop inventing straws to grasp at. Inept loser.

Jim?! Are you saying you're....not being honest? That's my job!

Jim Caedus Talking Through Engy's Penis Which is Now Talking Through Taco The Pig

Quote: You say you lost respect for and turned your back on Robbie and Pig because they stopped trying after War Games. Let's set aside the fact that you broke their hearts and THAT was why they stopped trying, you backstabbing pussy, and focus on who exactly stopped trying first.

---> "So, I'm sorry I let you guys down. Robbie, you're right, I dropped the ball and made the team less than cohesive, giving Apex a big advantage. fuck ups led to the decision being made." <---


Recall saying that a short while back? Recall specifying that "being removed from the match wasn't (your) fault" but clearly it was your fuck-ups that cost them the match? You burned that bridge, Dexter, you did, Robbie's desperate take-the-blame response to keep a miserable bastard like himself as a friend notwithstanding.

All this stuff about me being a selfish backstabber that killed The Motherfuckers hinges on the fact that I WANTED to be pulled from our match at War Games. That I made a conscious choice to screw them over when I realized we wouldn't win. Which I DIDN'T. No matter how many times you choose to ignore the fact, me getting bounced from that match was NOT MY CALL. My abuse of pain killers is what lead to the call being made, true, but I would have to be some kind of omnipotent puppeteer to have calculated that far in advance such a strategic master stroke. To have planned to get so fucked up in my Deathmatch with Peter Gilmour that I would need to suck pills down like a Saigon whore on an American GI so I could, in the future, have a way to puss out of that match before it was even formally booked. And GOD DAMN WOULD I LOVE TO BE THAT SMART, but I'm just NOT. The fact is I was fucking PISSED about that decision and I went ahead and cashed in anyway, which they let me to do because quite frankly, the move was just good for ratings so they let it slide. I mean, come on, two members of a rival team as tag team champions? That's dollar, dollar bills for ALL son! Too bad it didn't last. So if you got beef with that, talk to management. Can't blame a guy for wanting to pan some cream corn outta a sea of turds.

Also,if Taylor Mayde did exactly what I wanted her to do by bouncing me from that match so I could bail on my friends and save face, do you think I would have bothered putting that snake in her car!

Engy rushes the camera.

YEAH BITCH THAT WAS ME! And Jim, if you REFUSE to give me props for literally ANYTHING ELSE, you MUST....I REPEAT MUST...give me props for sitting back and letting JENNY FUCKING MYST take the blame for that shit. Taylor even made that bitch PISS ON TV! That will go down in fucking HISTORY as my personal best for trolling. God DAMN Jim, you gotta give me THAT. Fuckin' shit was HILARIOUS.

Engy backs away from the camera, and then, despite himself, busts out laughing.


Engy is mercifully, finally, able to corral himself.

Jim Caedus Talking Through Engy's Penis Which is Now Talking Through Taco The Pig

Quote: You say, "I like you Jim". You say, "(You're) capable of being honest and forthright with people (you) like". Who likes someone they don't respect, Dexter? And who respects someone they show no respect for with all the lies, the lack of a straight up fight and the "starving the beast" shenanigans? Do you remember what you said to War Pig in lieu of an Xtreme Title match following War Games?

Straw man bro. I do respect you. No matter how many times you say I don't.

Jim Caedus Talking Through Engy's Penis Which is Now Talking Through Taco The Pig

Quote: ---> "There won't be any bullshit or shananigans (God I love that word) because I only pull that shit on people I don't respect. You will get a straight up fight. And while I will not hold back, I will give you the respect you deserve." <---


I don't care if you decide to play the semantics game in retort or not, you inadvertently sold yourself out long before ever getting the chance to currently contradict yourself. Liar. Pussy. All you ever do is say what you say at the time to get your way, there's nothing honest about any of it.

If you want to count the severe beating I laid on him as “shananigans, well, A) that kinda shit tends to happen in Xtreme Title match FIGHTS and B) the guy's opening salvo was coming at me with an assault rifle wrapped in barbed wire so yeah, I think he had it coming. I will concede though that the car thing maaaaaaay have been a little much. Got caught up in the moment, ya know? With vehicular homicide. But I think you can sympathize with that whole casual disregard for the lives of others thing when they try to kill you first. In fact, I KNOW you can. The guy also didn't even bother to comment on our match at all after going on record about what a hate boner he had for me now. So yeah, respect nullified.

Jim Caedus Talking Through Engy's Penis Which is Now Talking Through Taco The Pig

Quote:You say you plan to prove how noble your intentions are at Turning Point? How so?

By actually treating the match like it should be treated when it ultimately happens?

That's not noble, that's your job, dummy, and so far you haven't been doing it.

By...lying down for a 3 count to prove your friendship?

That's not noble either, that's disrespecting everything about the business, the promotion and what's at stake.

By...well consarnitt, I honestly can't think of any way you can pull off "noble", so I'll move on 

Damn, my dick is SUPER invested in this match. How do I plan to be noble? Come on man, you're too smart for obtuse. By not cheating. This isn't an Xtreme title match. So I won't be using any weapons, any shady tactics. No ref bumps. No backstage chicanery. You've earned the right to a straight up war that will show who the better man really is. Now, I've said before that this is something you need to take on a mighty huge line of credit. I get that. No matter what I say you're still gonna have eyes in the back of your head, waiting for me to drop some kind of EPIC SCREW JOB or

Jim Caedus Talking Through Engy's Penis Which is Now Talking Through Taco The Pig

Quote:Jim Caedus. The guy you probably intend to use the cash-in power of that Xtreme Title on if you lose.

Yeah, it isn't unexpected.

...which I can't do because I already blew that particular wad becoming YOUR tag team co-champion. You know who does still have that power though?


Projecting maybe, just a little bit?

Jim Caedus Talking Through Engy's Penis Which is Now Talking Through Taco The Pig

Quote:Jim Caedus. The guy you honestly think is limited by his personal code of honor and status as a hero when he's never been better since becoming one (and before you try to head that off at the pass, Dex, do us all a favor and swallow the bitter pill that a hero is what the guy has been trying to be since he got here).

No fucking argument from me whatsoever.

Engy stops to take a deep breath. Taco looks exhausted. Engy salutes Taco.

At ease solider.

Returning his attention to the camera, Engy lets out his own exhausted whoosh.

Seriously. You've always been the hero of this story. Always. I've said multiple, multiple times that I think you are a great person. Despite your faults. Despite your history. Despite the fact that, by your own admission, you have said and done some terrible things in your past. That you've let people down. Lied to them. Hell, stood by and even watched people be tortured. Despite all of that...


You are the type of man I want to train my son. You're a better man than me. And at the end of the day, all I am looking for is the same chance I and the rest of the world gave YOU. The chance to overcome your demons, atone for your past, and be a decent human being. Why you seem so hell bent on overlooking your past in your assertions that you're a good person while highlighting mine and denying that I can be one too I....I just don't understand.

We are complex people, you and I. We hate and love in equal measure. Though I struggle with the love part more than you. And I think that's part of why people find us so interesting. It damn sure is why I found YOU so interesting. We both still make mistakes. We still use people sometimes, or tell lies, or misrepresent because that's human and it's ok to be human. We're both shades of gray, though yours is considerably lighter than my own. Neither of us are angels. But we can aspire to be. And you're ahead of the curve on that too.

All I'm asking is for the same goddamn consideration...the same CHANCE to grow, to evolve, to change....the same chance you were gifted. Now you can say my balls dropped off or gave me two weeks notice before resigning and stealing all my red staplers. Management can be fucking pissed that I'm not repping their match properly.

I don't give a FUCK.

Now maybe I pushed back a little bit more on you this time, but I think it's crystal clear I still respect you. And I do not care a whit who has a problem with me saying that. Even if it's you, Jim. ESPECIALLY if it's you. You're not gonna let off the gas. I get that now. Because you just wouldn't be Jim Caedus if you did. So go on. Savage me. Call me a bitch. I can take it. Because I know, at the end of all this, I can and will prove that I am what I say I am.

A friend.

Engy stops, and looks up at the lights.

I know you're there. So how'd I do?

The Archon is indeed sitting where Taco used to be. He gets up, smoothing his suit as he sidles up behind the Engineer.

How'd you do? Hmmmmm.....

The Archon leans in close to the back of Engy's neck. A serpent's tongue quickly whips out from between his teeth.

To be honest, I still find your warrior's resolve LACKING.

Engy grits his teeth, face tensing for some violence.

So much so that, I think it just might be time for another 24/7 title defense.

Again, that serpent's tongue darts in and out. And for some reason, the fight drains out of the Engineer's expression. His eyes widen, his pupils dilate.

Fear sets in.


Not a warrior.....not anymore......*hsssssss*.....maybe somebody else gets a turn now?

Not like that...not like that!

Engy wheels on The Archon, causing his cosmic adversary to back off a bit but not lose a shred of that malicious thousand knives smile.

I know I don't got much time with it! I KNOW! But let me lose it legit! Don't...don't.....!!

Nah. I don't think so!

Engy's rage starts spilling over now. Fists clench and black spittle forms in the corners of his mouth.


The Engineer comes to back in the halls. James Raven is on top of him. He looks to the side, just as Vinnie Lane's hand claps down on the cold hard cement.


Time slows to a crawl. Any and all sound is drowned out by the pounding of Engy's heart. He is numb. Paralyzed.

James Raven. The legend. With those impossibly white teeth and movie star looks. Top 50. Top 10. Top 5. James Raven. Not Engy.

James gets up off of Engy. He takes hold of the Xreme championship that had fallen to the floor beside them in the fracas. Fracas? Was their even a fight? Did James Raven even pin him? Did he fight back at ALL? It's gone. All gone. Nothing but this moment. This utterly soul annihilating series of SECONDS where one of the most epic championship reigns in XWF history gets dissolved here on this filthy cement floor underneath cheap halogen lights as the smell of stale donuts from catering wafts by.

Raven is up now. He's holding the Xtreme championship. Engy still can't move. He can't hear the words but he sees James Raven's lips move.

“Better luck next time.”

James walks down the hall. Vinnie Lane looks at Engy, wondering perhaps if Engy is going to attack his opponent forTurning Point. Maybe do some of the job for him.

Engy does nothing.

Vinnie smirks, maybe even a touch disappointed, and returns his attention to his phone. Candy Crush.

“Better luck next time.”

Engy doesn't get up off the floor.

“Better luck next time.”

Vinnie's gone.

“Better luck next time.”

The lights go out.

“Better luck next time.”

Engy doesn't move 'till morning. Those final words from the Archon (was that even real?) exploding in his head.

...not a warrior.


[Image: 9QBn3eQ.jpg]

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