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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
Wake Up.
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Equinox Offline
Mr. Ratings

XWF FanBase:
Kids, women, some teens

(fighting the odds; helps others; disliked by adult males)

10-19-2017, 12:37 PM

From the moment your eyes open, shit hits the fan. Shower too hot or cold, socks don't match, a ruined breakfast caused by a stubbed toe. It never fails.

When I was 14, my dad in his infinite wisdom bestowed upon me a single nugget of wisdom that to this day I will forever hold on too.

[Image: geo-carlin.jpg]
Son, one of these days you're gonna have a bad day, but you can always win by giving someone else an even worse day.

That's exactly what's gonna happen come Warfare.

5:00 am, alarm goes off as Nox sits up in his bed and reaches for his television remote. He clicks the TV on watches some old cartoons on Boomerang. As luck would have it, Hong Kong Phooey is on as it's one of his favorite shows.

Alexa, what's on my schedule today?

Here is your schedule of events: Hit the gym at 9:30 am, Lunch at Quiznos at 1:00 pm, Pre-Flight ritual with Luca at 10:00 pm.This concludes your schedule.

The scene jumps to a custard stand owned by Nox's brother Lyle.

[Image: C86RsgaUwAIKD-h.jpg]

Wahey boda, come to finally invest in venture capitalism?

Nah wo, but I will procure some of that tasty scrumptious custard.

All I've got prepped is Bavarian Banana, Slammin' Strawberry, and Periwinkle Passionfruit. Ma's been worried about ya lately, you been ok?

Just been in a real funk, but it passed. Just had to deal with some weight.

Good to hear wo. What ancient secret you use to get out of it anyways, finally discovered the ganj or something?

Luca and I bringing the heat. We figured why not, we was both miserable where we was at so what better time eh? Even Zane boi came out the woodwork for the occasion

That Kingsley fella that owes me twenty? Dude missed my tribute to John Hughes. How's he doing by the way, heard he went a got himself hitched, or was it pinched?

Nah, prolly Zane just being Zane in a place where Zane would go. Anyways, I gotta hit up the gym and get Stella his groove back, Parcheesi when I get home though so sharpen Dem skills.

Right wo, like how I reamed you last time.

Nox departs the custard stand, being sure to snatch up a cup and makes his way to his car. He pulls a utility spoon from his glove box and digs in. In mid bite he hits record on a camera mounted on his dash.

Dear Nigglywinks and Auntie Krakajak, I know your not serious trying to come between Da Qlub and those sweet tag team title belts, so I won't take this match too seriously either. I'm still gonna whoop wholesale ass while Luca beats ya like y'all daddys should have. So don't fret, at least you both can say you've been in the ring with greatness and increase your stock value. As a consolation prize, I'll have some gift cards waiting for, 30 bucks each just for participating in this event.

Later chumps.

[Image: q9xELSp.png?1]
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