10-09-2017, 11:09 AM
The scene opens in Toronto, Canada at the Squared Circling Training academy. One of the longest running wrestling schools in Canada, but why are the XwF’s cameras here? The question will soon be answered when the scene zooms inside the building. Inside the building is the rookie Tyler Cross. He’s standing on the steel stairs, hands on his thighs, and slouched over while staring inside the ring. He closes his eyes and imagines the times he had training in this ring. There’s a man wearing a red windbreaker jacket by the doorway with another official. The secondary man has a clipboard angled at the guy in the red jacket as the man in the jacket is signing off on some paperwork. Meanwhile, Tyler Cross continues up on the apron and steps over the second rope. Entering the ring, he walks over to the closest corner and steps up on the bottom rope.
“Home. This is where it all started for me. The wrestling business that is. I’ve learned how to hit my first body slam in this ring. I learned to soar the top rope on this very turnbuckle. People always say you can’t go home, but is that really true? As long as I have remembered, this place was always just minutes away from where I grew up with my family. The trainers all treated me like a son they never had. The other wrestlers treated me like a brother. A brotherhood I never had. Being back though brings back so many memories of the good old days. The days when I used to be on top of my class. I used to tutor fellow classmates who were just not getting it. They were struggling with certain moves or falls. Teaching them how to sell their opponent’s maneuvers. However, now that I’m back and I’m looking around at all these posters…”
He continues to look around and shakes his head. He steps off the bottom turnbuckle and starts to drag his feet around inside the ring.
“It doesn’t feel like home anymore. This school has evolved and there’s a new class they are representing. It’s heartbreaking to think everything you stood for in this very academy and succeeded to do is almost irrelevant now. The new class is being projected throughout the main ringside area and probably the locker room. I bet this class don’t even know the graduating class before them. They have no ideas that guys like me or my fellow classmates helped pave the way for them. I guess I should have tried harder to make an everlasting impression.”
He starts to massaging his throat while cocking his head up, looking at the ceiling inside the middle of the ring.
“So, why am I? To prove a point. I may not have left an impression on this academy, but that doesn’t mean I can’t leave an impression on XwF. I have an opportunity. I have a chance to help cement my name concrete. I can do something not very many men or women have been able to do. Maybe, just maybe, this school can be proud of me when I succeed.”
The man with the red jacket leaves the guy and starts toward the ring area. He looks up at Tyler Cross who continues dragging his feet around the ring. Tyler goes to turn around and he sees the red jacket climbing onto the apron.
“What’s up coach?”
Tyler calls the man coach as he steps inside the ring. He starts to walk around Tyler and holds his arms out toward the walls of his arena.
“Tyler… Tyler Cross, my star pupil. I’ve been wondering when you were going to come back and visit. How are you liking the look of the new class of students, so far?”
He looks around at the posters and nods.
“They look… look… impressive.”
He says with a little hesitant.
“They are no Tyler Cross, but this is only their first semester. I’ve heard through the grapevine you joining up with two big promotions: XwF and WWH. I know you will make us proud.”
He says as he’s eyeing Tyler Cross up and down. Tyler nervously bites his lower lip and hesitantly looks the coach in the eye.
“Coming up at XwF’s Leap of Faith show though, you have a shot at the Tag Team Championships…”
Tyler’s head leans back up and his eyes widened with surprise.
“Yeah, it’s a pretty big deal. It’s even bigger for me because not only is this only my second XwF match, but I’m stepping inside the ring with a couple of big timers in XwF. Legends if you may. Winning will probably be huge for you and the school though. Most importantly, it would be massive for my career.”
The coach shakes his head while starting to walk behind Tyler. He stops behind him as Cross glances over his shoulder.
“What the hell were you thinking or are you thinking!?”
He taps Tyler’s shoulder aggressively. Cross turns around and shrugs his shoulders.
“To be honest with you? I have no idea.”
Cross looks down in disbelief.
“All I was thinking about when I threw my name into the mix was, how to make a name for myself. I wanted to…”
“It doesn’t freaking matter what you wanted to do, Tyler! The match you’re set to take part in is career suicide! Were you thinking before you said you would team with Barney Green or were you just acting solely on impulse? Barney Green is shit! The guy is no longer in his prime and he’s a few matches away from hanging up his boots!”
He interjects in as he yells at Tyler. Tyler rubs his hand over his head and widens his eye while looking at his trainer.
“Please don’t trash my partner, bud. I know Barney has been in a slump as of late, but anything can happen. Things can change in the blink of an eye. The one thing I respect most about Barney is his passion. His passion really drives him in this business and his passion to getting the respect he’s owed from the Kings is impeccable. I don’t know a lot about him or what he’s managed to do in XwF, but I have a pretty good hunch he’s going to be a partner who I can truly depend on.”
A bit of laughter comes from Cross’ trainer and Tyler looks over at him as he’s shaking his head in disbelief.
“Is this what all my training has led you too? Doing charity in a dog eat dog world? Tyler, you shouldn’t be fighting the Kings; you should be trying to get an open invitation. A smart rookie would be doing everything in his power to get the recognition from the big guys, not some wrestling fan who’s now a wrestling reject!”
Tyler cups his hands and holds them against his chest.
“I’m not going to sell my soul to the devil for just instant stardom. No way Jose am I going to do that. That’s the problem with most of these guys in the back, Rob. They are so worried about being number one; being the greatest; and associating with the best that they lost all their self-respect. I’m not going to be like Peter Gilmour and be obsessed with getting into the Kings. What for Rob? To lose my self-respect? To ride their coattails? Job security? They want to delete me from the XwF because I refuse to play by their rules, then fine but I’m not going quietly. I’m going kicking and screaming: giving it everything in me to take their tag team titles.”
Rob walks over to Tyler and while standing beside him, he starts to pat Tyler on the back.
“I don’t know whether to think of you as incredibly brave or stupid, but I have to say you have a lot of heart kid. You know, despite our differences I am always going to be on your team. You are my student and I want the best for your career. If you think this is where you belong, then I’m going to let you do just that. However, just keep your eyes peel at all times because this match is not going to be for the weak at heart.”
With that being said, the trainer Rob makes his leave. He leaves Tyler Cross is his old stomping ground unattended inside the old ring, he used to train in. He starts to walk around and rubbing his chin while imagining the old days when he used to help put on shows in front of local Canadians that came to see raw talent breaking into the wrestling world.
“I used to believe it was just a person’s subjective thinking when it came to bravery and stupidity, but maybe it’s more than just opinions. Maybe, I am stupid. Maybe, I am foolish. Nobody else thought about stepping up to the challenge. No other challenger stepped up and joined Barney Green in his quest to end the Kings. So, maybe I am just an inexperienced bastard who saw an opportunity way bigger than what I can do. But, what if they are all wrong? What if I actually win? What if I become one-half of the Tag Team Champions at Leap of Faith? Then… what?”
He walks over to the corner and he leans his forearms on the top rope. He sets his left hand over his right wrist and he looks down at the canvas. He starts trace his boots around the canvas while shaking his head in disbelief.
“Who knows? All I could do is try.”
The scene faded to static as he looks up at the poster hanging over the entrance doors. He sees some of the finest young talents of the new class and closes his eyes. He takes himself back to a time where he remembers being at the top of this very academy.
“Are you a fucking idiot Tyler?”
That’s all I have heard from my friends, peers, and even trainers when I volunteered to team with Barney Green at Leap of Faith. But, do these people not understand? There’s a formula to success in this business and it doesn’t involve always playing shit safe. I mean sure, I could have continued to watch from the sidelines and hoped for an opportunity to come eventually. But, why? I mean, what good would that have done for me? XwF’s television haven’t seen me since I made my debut. Hell, do people even recall I had a debut? Did they even see me in a match with both Phantom Panzer and Kropotkin? Probably not.
I’ve been forgettable and it’s time to start making an impact.
The best way for me to make an impact is by accepting the Kings’ Tag Team Championship challenge at Leap of Faith. Barney and I don’t share the same disliking of the Kings, but the Kings are undoubtedly one of the, if not the greatest, tag team in XwF’s history. So, why wouldn’t I use this opportunity to help make my name shine? If you want to get noticed, the best way of that happening is by stepping out from the shadows and challenging the best in the business. While I am doing this match to advance my career, Barney has a personal grudge against the Kings. That’s why he requested this be stipulated to an extreme rules match.
O.K. So, anything goes?
You got it. Barney can trust me. I’m not going to do anything that may hinder the success I have in XwF. What would be the point to even accepting the challenge, if I was just going to turn my back on Barney? Why even show up to my second XwF match and lose, if I wasn’t serious? While the last thing I’m going to do is cost Barney the match or intentionally lose to the Kings, I also realize the danger going into an extreme rules match with them. The Kings come in large numbers and these large numbers are exactly why they have been so dominating. I know, it’s so difficult for everybody to believe that Barney Green and some kid from Toronto, Ontario, Canada have the formula to overtake the Kings’ dominance. I don’t know where my confidence even roots from going into this match, but I’m being optimistic. I’m hoping the moon, the sun, and earth are all in perfect alignment come Leap of Faith because I’m taking the biggest Leap of Faith XwF has ever seen by getting involved in a match against the Kings.
Every team has weaknesses and yes, even the Kings have their weaknesses.
With the numbers on their sides, the Kings are nearly invincible, but when you eliminate those other factors, you only have two men. Two men against another pair of men. What is going to happen with the Kings, if, and when they lose those Tag Team Championships? Are they going to blame one another for the other downfall? Are they going to disband entirely because they no longer have the prominent Tag Team Championships that the Kings have redefined? Will the Kings just start cleaning their house and eliminating the weaker factors to solidify them as the greatest tag team in XwF? I don’t know what the Kings will do, but I know one thing: a loss will set the Kings in a state of confusion. A loss to Tyler Cross and Barney Green will force the Kings to reevaluate their XwF’s standings.
Above all, a loss to us will totally devastate the Kings!
Theo, Doc, I know what you two are thinking. I know because I see the expression on both your faces. I can just about imagine the conversations going on in the Kings’ playroom about Tyler Cross’ foolish pride to accept Barney Green’s championship invitational. You guys think this is career suicide and guess what? You might be right, but why not? I have nothing left to lose in this business, guys. If I can’t be one of the best in this company, then I surely don’t want to be one of the worse. I rather die trying than sit by and let you guys make a mockery out of Barney Green.
Nobody else had the balls to step up and challenge you guys, but we did!
Everybody else has been too afraid to accept the challenge because of the aura The Kings put off. You guys make people feel insignificant, unimportant, invaluable, and useless. Anybody who even thinks they have the courage to step up and challenge the Kings are quickly knocked down before they even get a chance. The Kings are afraid of competition. The Kings are afraid to losing their Kingdom in XwF. The Kings will do anything to make sure their kingdom is safe. Am I close to the truth Theo and Doc, or am I completely farfetched? I think there’s some truth to it though. I think you guys know the words I’m saying are true. There might be some inexactitudes, but for the most part I think I have a pretty good idea what the Kings represent.
Win or lose at Leap of Faith, it’s not going to change anything. It’s certainly not going to change the respect I have for Barney Green because he had the balls to step up to the Kings. Even after his humiliating defeat to John Samuels. Barney might take blow after blow; everything the Kings must throw his way, but Barney keeps getting back up and going right back after you guys. He doesn’t care who he must face, whether it be: Doc, Theo, Samuel, or even your little mascot! That is why I respect Barney and everything he stands for because he refuses to be the Kings’ puppet. The Kings might have been the puppet master for a while now, but it’s time to cut the strings! Without control, what else do you guys have to hold onto?
This match win or lose is also not going to change anything for the Kings. People are still going to look at you two for what you are: legends. Legends with bad attitudes, but legends regardless. You guys will never lose your status in this business, even if you two lose those tag team titles at Leap of Faith. Go right ahead and talk about how I’m not fit enough to be in the same ring with you two. Talk about how I am going to screw this entire thing up for Barney because after all, why is an inexperienced little bastard even in a Tag Team Championship match to begin with, right? Stranger shit has happened in XwF and worse people have won a championship. It will be a huge surprise if Barney and I walk out with the tag team titles around our waist. The ultimate underdogs seizing an opportunity to dethrone the Kings.
It should get your attention though.
Getting attention or earning your respect is far more important to me than anybody’s ratchet ass opinion. We all can think what we want about somebody else, but it’s what really happens out in that ring that matters. What is going to happen out there is Tyler Cross going from rookie to champion in a single night!
![[Image: giphy.gif]](https://media.giphy.com/media/zBwkDGeRmXvcQ/giphy.gif)