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24/7 in heaven
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Scully Offline
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XWF FanBase:
The 'cool' kliq fans

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty while setting the trends)

10-12-2017, 01:48 PM

Scully was sat in his flat in his small lounge area with a bottle of Budweiser in hand. It was 7.30pm and Skull was now chilling after putting little Aston to bed. Aston was staying the night with his daddy whilst mummy aka Natalie was having a girls night with her mother. In actual fact, Natalie was still struggling with the events when she was kidnapped by former Union member and now Scully's enemy, Charles Elton. He didn't work alone though he had help, Ted & Dave were apart of it as was Drew, a guy who despised Guppy Parsh. Anyway Skull simply chilled in front of the TV. A small knock occurred on the back door, Scully paused what he was watching and got up from the sofa. He drew back the curtain and his best mate, Alfie was stood there. Scully opens the sliding, back door and Alfie enters.

"Hey man, why did you knock? I told you just to come in when you came, didn't I?"

"Soz... I just feel rude., opening the door and letting myself in."

"Don't be silly."

Alfie closes the back door and plonks himself down on the sofa. Not too rude to just take a seat then? Scully opens the fridge, grabs a bottle of bud and takes the cap off. He passes it to Alfie.

"Cheers mate."

Alfie has a large swig of the bud then looks up at Scully.

"Aston been okay?"

"Yeah mate, he's been good all day."

"Suppose it takes the pressure of Nat. How is she?"

"She's still a bit you know...."

"Understandable after what happened. So have you heard from Guppy since that night?"

"Nope, I can't get hold of him. I called him a few times. Just gonna concentrate on my own wrestling career. Got a big match coming up..."

Scully swigs his Bud. Alfie looks at the Television screen. The picture on the screen was paused.

"Are you reminiscing? Is this your Uni title match?"

"Yeah but...."

Alfie presses play on the remote control.

Leap Of Faith 3!

Lane and Scully are halfway to the top now. Luna sees Tank's Hart Title around his waist. She rips it off, throws it on the ground, and smashes it. Tank gets to his feet, and grabs Luna. She responds by swinging the Sledge at his good leg, which forces him to drop her. She then whacks Frodo with it one more time for good measure before running off. Ghost Tank picks up his dented belt, and looks at the match going on in the ring. Lane and Scully are about three fourths of the way to the top. The crowd is starting a "Don't fall" chant. It doesn't appear to helping things. Scully is getting nervous, and Lane is looking tired. But, they push on. Because they must. Back on the outside Dewey just body slammed Girard onto the concrete, only to get a chair to the back of the head from Tush. Who begins to stomp on Dewey's head. Both men are at the top of the ladder, when Lane looks over to the ramp and sees Roxy standing there. She's running down to the ramp to see her man and celebrate with him. A shaking and tired hand reaches for the belt. He undoes it, and grabs it. Both men move down the ladder slowly. Frodo is on top of Tank trying to punch him, but not able to find the strength to do so. Dewey is being bashed with a chair by Tush while Girard stomps on him. Macbeth is being ran into the barricade by Abbadon. Roxy is at the ringside calling for them to stop fighting and look. She's crying. No one can tell if it's joy or sorrow.

Will you guys just stop fighting and look. He won! He fucking won.

Everyone stops fighting, and looks to see.
Scully holding the Universal Title. Tush and Girard get off Dewey and run to Scully's side to celebrate. Frodo helps Tank to his feet, and embraces his former brother once more. They release the hug, and he snaps. Someone tosses him a microphone.

"Ladies and Gentlemen. It is my distinct pleasure to give you your new Universal Champion. Scully. Also, Tank, I faked Alysia's sample. But, not Fuzen's. Get her checked for real. Good night everyone."

"Yeah I was just gonna tell you it was near the end of the match...."

"I wanted to watch that aswell! From the beginning."

Alfie stops the video. He looks a bit disappointed.

"Do you have some camera equipment with you?"

"You mean?"

Scully nods his head, "Just like we used too...."

Alfie grins from ear to ear and runs to grab his equipment.

"Welcome to Scully-Cam. Scully is here to save the pay-per-view....
I have been given an opportunity, an opportunity that I've never had before. I don't recall ever, EVER being in a match where the twenty-four, seven briefcase is up for grabs. I've only been in the company, like three years and as far as I can remember this is the first time. I will be in the rafters match against five other competitors. We have FOUR former Universal Champions including myself, of course. The other three are: Jim Caedus, Chris Chaos and Gabe Reno. A former Television Champion, Danny Imperial and a former Hart Champion, Robert Main. Shits about to get cray-zy. I wonder will they supply parachutes? Or maybe something soft to land on? I mean I don't wanna die, I gotta kid. How could you do this to me Xtreme Wrestling Federation? Don't you care about your talent, Vinnie Lane? This is suicide. Maybe I'll hang myself in my locker room, cuz I'm too scared to get hurt according to Danny 'the Fanny' Imperial. He knows me all too well.... That's sarcasm by the way for all you tools out there! Just a reminder my debut match was in a scaffolding match against Vinnie Lanes favourite wrestler, Double D, Darren Dangerous. Let's just put it this way, it wasn't me who fell to the bottom. Get your post cards ready, vaginas!

L.O.F, Leap Of Faith, this pay-per-view means a lot to me. Ignoring what happened at the one in April, when I was forced to face a newbie on the damn pre-show, let's not talk about that at the min, I will get to it though as it is relevent of course. But I'm talking about the one before in July 2016. That is the one that I remember most. Why? It was the night I surprised everyone.... But myself. It was the night I was yet again underestimated and the night I left the XWF Galaxy open mouthed, in shock. I stepped up to the Main Event after surprising EVERYONE by earning my spot when I went through numerous XWF talent, except Ghost Tank, he's talentless.... I won a gauntlet and then competed in a triple threat match with Unknown Soldier and Gilmour.
I went to Lotto three and I represented MY fellow Brits at the time, The Union, England and the whole of the UK. I walked down to that ring to face the longest reigning XWF Universal champion since I have been here, might be ever in XWF history and I, Scully ended that reign when I fought Loverboy Vinnie Lane in a 50 foot tall ladder match for that XWF UNI Championship. Vinnie defended the title succesfully multiple times against all opposition before me but that night it was ME who claimed the gold. July of last year was definitely the month of Scully and once I had the title I had worked so hard for, I took it for granted. Honesty is the best policy and I wasn't a very good champion at all, in fact I sucked. Although to this day I still sorta agree with why I didn't defend the title in the three months leading up to the night I actually put it on the line, I admit that I failed, I failed as a champion. It takes a REAL man to admit his failures and I know I can be a better champion. A fighting champion. I am proud of what I accomplished in July 2016 and defeating Vinnie Lane for the XWF UNI Championship is my highlight reel. But I'm going to make more Scully highlights, starting at L.O.F in three days time. Robert Main, did you know that you can count to three on one hand? Give it a go you helmet. Unless you're Jim Caedus, he can actually count to six on one hand, he has five fingers and a thumb, the inbred Cunt!

Sure, I have held the Xtreme Championship since losing the Uni and I defended that title successfully quite a few times until.... Ghost Tank, Oswald, gimmick thief beat me. He pinned me when I least expected it and I couldn't kick out. The laughter backstage, the grilling I received, I put my head down in shame. I am the guy who gave Peter Gilmour his first XWF Universal Championship reign then I give Oswald the same but with the Xtreme. Jump off a cliff.... My career was flushed down the toilet and the turd got blocked. Life went downhill.

The Lethal Lottery in April is when I gave a debutant, a new guy his first match here. I told you we'd get back to that and Danny Imperial is his name. Even though he had a helping hand from Paul Heyman himself, I lost. I lost to the new kid and i couldn't believe it. I became over confident when I defeated Vinnie Lane and since then my arrogance got the better of me. All the times I was underestimated before and I did the same, against Danny Imperial too. In my head, I thought An easy nights work.. I was wrong. Imperial gave me a hard fought, back and fourth match. When you don't really know someone, you should certainly not judge them.

Danny Imperial, considering I am talking about you already and now you have spoken, this is my cue to talk about you. You beat me in your first match as pointed out, you went on to capture your first bit of gold, the TV championship. You have a chance at a briefcase like me, like the other four competitor's in this match. Not just any briefcase, thee 24/7 briefcase. But that's all it is for you is a chance, nothing more and nothing less. A chance for you to take part. I'm not underestimating you, I just know not to be a fool this time around. I know what you're about and maybe you've improved a little since that night, but you no longer have Heyman at ringside this time to give you that helping hand. I won't be taking you lightly this time, I will be taking you to school, not literally either. You say I'm scared to damage myself, my good looking face? It is the best looking face in the XWF, yes but I'm prepared to do whatever it takes. You really haven't paid attention to my career, have you? The thing is three years isn't exactly a life time. I'm not old, I ain't past my sell by date either. I have experience, I started young.. I'm not even thirty! I could also make that point to you, Robert Main I'm twenty-eight...... Anyway Daniel Son, that wasn't the most inspiring talk you did, in fact it was a pile of horse manure. Try harder next time.

When Danny Imperial beat me, I did take a hiatus, I was close to retiring for good. Retire at a young age? Not to mention hitting my best mate, being arrested for drink driving and now I have to hitch a ride. Oh how I miss driving my own vehicle but they're the consequences when you act like an idiot. I also cheated on my fianceè and now I live in a crummy flat thing, 2017 hasn't been great.
Most recently I formed a team with Guppy Parsh though and I gotta admit he helped me to regain some confidence back and realise that I can do better, be better. As cheesy as it sounds, let's make October 2017 and the future.. All about Scully. Yeah fuck the haters with Gilmours maggot dick. October 2017 will be about ME!

Did you hear that Robert Main? I'm the has-been loser remember?You're a hater right? Welcome to the team. As you pointed out, the team has a population of 1 billion, trillion, zillion. No, you can't count that with one hand, butt slut. Did you really call me a woman? Says the guy with hair longer than his mum's! Is your mum even alive? I dunno, I don't care. In fact come to think about it, am I the only one in this match with a man's haircut? Hey are you sure this isn't for the Bombshell Championship? So basically Scully is in a match with five other competitors who will all be arguing which shampoo is the best and how good their GHD's are? Are you sure this a Rafters match for the briefcase? Before ANY of you say anything, no I'm not a vagina like the other five!
Back to you, Roberto you say I haven't had a match in God knows how long and just show up out of the blue, getting a match I don't deserve right? Mr. Hypocrite, where have you been? Where was you at the King of the Ring pay-per-view when me and Guppy were giving a real challenge to the Kings. How many chances did AX3 have? And they wasn't even close, you wasn't really close! You didn't even touch the sides, just like Chris Chaos can't touch Jennys sides. I'm not exactly saying he has little Willy but she definetely has a Kentucky fried chicken bucket. Your claim to fame, Roberto... Hart Champion? Trios Champion? Beating Robbie Bourbon recently? Do you want a round of applause... Team 2.0 beat Jim Caedus and Trax. We beat Chaos and his ho. We beat Bourbon and Jack the bitch in the lead up to King of the Ring. Oh and I also got 10k for beating the shit outta that fake clown, Panzer on Savage on the 2nd of September. Yeah I know it was month ago, so don't even state the obvious. I don't need 10k to throw you off the rafters Mr. I love Omega 3 in my Birdseye Fish Fingers. I'll throw your transgender ass off for FREE! There she goes... Bye, bye!

Jim Caedus, hello how's your sister? I mean wife? Sister-Wife? How's the inbred Caedus family doing? Still fucking each other? Thought so! You seem to know alot about sexual diseases, speaking from experience I expect? Aswell as educating the masses. All this sibling fucking, granny raping will have some nasty effects, not to mention the confusion if your sister has a baby....Hey niece, I mean daughter... Daughter-Niece? Fucked up shit! Did you question my name? X-Files, how original you are?! Pretty sure you've said that before, your material is weak isn't it?! If you didn't say it, someone else did.
So this is the story all about how my life got flipped, turned upside down.. Jokes. Once upon a time in my non family fucking life, I woke up and turned on the Television, the X-Files was on so I thought to myself, that Dana Scully is hot, I want her surname.. Fox is a dumb name. Scully is going to be my wrestling name. I don't wanna be called 'The Bonecrusher', 'The British BullTerrier' or 'Mighty Spike'. No! Scully it is, all because of X-Files? Nothing to do with the fact that I was born Michael Scully, so I actually have that surname for life. NO! I'm just as sad as Jim Caedus here, who named himself after a starwars character.... What a nerd! Yep, Scully is simply my surname so I'm not that creative, damn.... Scully is also my dad's surname, funny enough, I know your dad fucked your Sister-Wife but you must understand, he fucked her first. Sicko's!
I have no need to talk about the time I had you pinned leading up to the last Lotto pay-per-view. You remember, like you have pointed out. I remember getting screwed by Dolly Waters, I also know that you Jim are a knock off, Muddy Waters. The only difference is, he made more sense than you. Oh and he was a better wrestler than you too. Didn't you say if it was you who for screwed out of a match, you'd simply say
"if I'd been good enough, I'd have avoided the interference anyway"? That's what you said right? Then you bitch about Blingsteen distracting you, so he didn't actually physically touch you like your dad used too and like Dolly did to me, but you whinged like the bitch you are, more than once. You didn't even take a breather whilst crying about it.
I'm also very privileged that you, out of all the others in this match, you want to use my limp, corpsed body to assist you in gliding back down the rafters? Thats the nicest thing you've ever said to me. I know that the deluded idiots who actually think you're gonna win, cuz you are the favourite after all, are going to be very heartbroken when they all lose their money because they betted on you. If ANY of you vaginas want a decent return, put your money on Scully!

So Chris Chaos are you still licking Caedus butthole? 'Hey Jim, guess what? This is between me and you, baybee. Ignore the others. We can get our freak on? We're the only ones that matter. You're so great, Jim.' Hey, you think like that Chaos, you won't be thinking like that when you're taking flying lessons off the rafters. Ahhhhhhhhh... Squashed tomato. Did you actually say this Chaos? This is gayest thing I've ever had to listen to, I'll try and do a camp voice:

Chaos Said:I watched you come into this business, and my first thought was "goddamn, that guy is huge!"

Oh behave, he likes your penis, Caedus Do you feel the same way about Chaos? Chaos does Jenny know about you and Caedus? Bet you share that crackwhore! Do you spit roast her then bum each other? You really did beg for Jims attention didn't you, Chris? It was quite pathetic. You actually think Jim is the only one you should be concerned about? Hope you've been skydiving before, Chris? Cuz you will experience it at LOF. Is this what you want Chaos? People just talking about you and Jimbo?! Only one name will be spoken about at the end of this match......


I can say that I will NOT be using the Plot Device, so it's five against ME! Right now, It's Scully against the world. Team 2.0 has been put on hold and may NEVER return again, who knows what the future brings, I do... I'm about to break the rules, the favourite will not be victorious but I will leave you all uncomfortable, with jizz in your pants. Are you ready to be shocked like you all was last year when I won the Uni? No need to surprised, the spoiler has been delivered.

Da End, Scully Has Spoken!"
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