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JackCain Offline
Fighting to the last man

XWF FanBase:
Teens, some men, few kids

(booed by casual fans; hurts people; often angry)

08-26-2017, 01:27 PM

The thug's head cracked, sending a deep flow of blood onto the concrete floor.

[Image: dd-ep9-18-06.gif?w=618&h=374]

Jack continued to smash the improvised weapon into his head, coating his own face with blood as the other two moved in. Jack though, wasn't phased. He'd pushed through the pain barrier a lot lately - against D'Ville, Duke, Gilmour, Raven, Lesnar - and that had somehow hardened him to the aches that he'd been feeling.

Like an Indian Summer.

One grabbed his arm - Jack jammed his thumb in his eye and pulled hard to one side, popping the eyeball out of the socket and making the man scream in pain. He picked up the hammer he'd been using and buried it in his assailant's forehead, sending him to the floor in a lifeless heap. The other - an attacker nearly as big as Cain - charged. Jack sidestepped him with ease, and watched him crash into a tool bench. He turns, only to have Cain's huge hands grab him on either side of his head, and drive his knee into his nose. There's an audible crunch as cartilage and bone penetrates brain.

He drops, and Cain turns to his target, a grey Plymouth in the corner of the garage. He pops the trunk and finds a large number of clear plastic bags filled with white powder. A quick taste confirms his suspicions.

He picks up a nearby gas can, and empties the contents into the trunk, dousing the heroin inside. He is just about to spark a match from a book in his pocket, when his cellphone rings.


Jack my boy, we've not spoken in a while.

Thank fuck.

Oh don't be like that. You know that I can't cater to your every whim. Some of these fights you're having to win by yourself - you can't expect me to spoon feed you every week.

I don't want any special treatment.

And like I said before, you're not going to get any. You're a project Jack, but I need you to prove that you're going to be worth something to me before I commit to fully bringing you into my inner circle. Now, you're being tested by some of the top guys in the XWF, and that's because I need to see what you're about.

You're the reason I have to keep taking on these fuckers?

No, no, no Jack, I have no power in that regard, but I am an interested observer in your trials. They're proving very useful to me in establishing what your strengths and weaknesses are.

Oh yeah?

Yes Jack. For example, your weaknesses include being able to work out seemingly simple problems, outwitting smarter opponents and taking on younger men who quite frankly, outclass you.

Why don't you say that face-to-face instead on of the end of a phone?

Because I'm not stupid Jack. Your strengths outweigh those weaknesses. You have a tactical mind, not a logical one. You can identify how someone is going to attack you, but not why. That's why you would never be a general, or even a commander. You were always a boots on the ground man weren't you? That's what I like. Raw power, unfeeling, remorseless violence. That's what I like about you Jack, and that's your main strength: If I want someone, absolutely, positively, destroyed, then you're the man I'm calling.

I'm honoured. I'd really care if I didn't this this was another exercise in you jerkin' off to the sound of your own voice.

You'd be wise to watch your tone Jack.

Or what? You're gonna bore me to death with another fuckin' tedious phone call when you tell me I'm valuable, only to just spout shit again and then give me a file that I can go and read, then remove someone's fuckin' head?

No Jack - that's next week. For now, I wanted to offer you a little advice about the quite frankly ludicrous people you're having to take on, on Warfare.

The Cumstain Kid and Anal Annie?

Eloquently put - but yes. Now I know to you The Engineer looks like he's permanently doing motion capture for the Planet of the Apes movies, but please take him seriously.

I am.

Well don't get wrapped up in all this jingoistic bullshit they keep banging on about. It's just a distraction. It covers up the fact he's still having trouble working out which way to sit on the toilet, and she has to fumigate her vagina so much every morning they're bringing the old tins of Agent Orange out of storage to stop her stinking.

Yeah well, they ain't got a file on you like they have me.

Jack, what do you think that file says? It says exactly the same as the one I have. It says that while you're not the sharpest tool in the box, you are more than capable of turning the little shit into a grease spot on the floor. And that bitch is far more concerned with her meal ticket having his arms ripped off that she's texting Trump already looking for a way back into his loving arms, and under that loving rug.


She's not the only one with friends in high places Jack. I have files on her and her bacterial little friend going back years. She's sucked so much Presidential cock she has a timeshare under the press conference podium. Trust me, if this bitch and her America First bullshit had any real traction in the White House, it'd make Trump look like the Dalai Lama.

And the poison dwarf? This little spunk bubble has been abused so much it's a wonder his ass isn't wide enough to drive a bus up there. He's a little bit like you but without the half brain cell.

Watch it.

I'm paying you a compliment Jack. I've had a few jokes at your expense, but, Christ, you're a calm and collected ice cube compared to this little troll. Him banging this "girlfriend" of his? If you could see her track record, you'd laugh - you really would. Neither he or the Iron Pussy he's with can see her little plan. On the phone to dealers and pimps every damned night. All she's with this crowd for is to get some cash to get high. And they keep flashing the cash to keep the troll happy. It'd be funny if it wasn't so sad. Two people who actually think they're in control of the situation, flailing around in the dark thinking that they're actually someone important. If only they knew.

So I guess you want me to do something about it for you?

For me? Oh good God no, Jack. It's immense fun watching these two idiots. When there's nothing on the TV you can always tune into the security footage on their planes, limos and fancy houses. You could stick it on Netflix and people would binge-watch it in one go. You could put it on the big screen in Times Square and there'd be crowds lining up around the block to laugh at them. Do it for yourself Jack, batter the little frog to within an inch of his life, and then, if you want to, put that slut's head through a wall. It might knock some sense into that airhead of hers. It'd take their entertaining little show off my TV, but sacrifices have to be made.

That's very kind of you.

Never let it be said I don't do anything for you. We'll catch up soon Jack. Very soon. Look after yourself - and wash your hands after you've been near that little humpbacked degenerate. You don't know where he's been.

Cain hangs up the phone and goes to the XWF YouTube Channel, striking the match as he does so, and flipping it into the open trunk of the car. The drugs start to burn as he watches Madison and The Engineer's character assassination.

So you pair of fuckin' backwards cunts think you give people freedom huh? Well here's a question for ya Madison, how much freedom has your little goblin got? How much choice does he have in what he does? Doesn't look like it to me - in fact the only choice he seems to have is whether or not he takes the risk of getting and STD from his girlfriend each night - but I suppose you could tell him all about those couldn't ya?

I'll attack your politics all fuckin' day long, because you talk shit. You accused me of having "grade A bullshit" comin' out of my mouth? Well maybe it's because I've been listenin' to you for too long.

Now I think ya'd agree I'm not a progressive, but I ain't a conservative either. The problem is that for you, everythin' is black and white. A guy makes a bad decision, so you punish him for it. There's no context - you don't believe in lookin' at the bigger picture. Kid has to steal because his mom can't afford the rent, because some piece a'shit screws them outta the cash? You'd treat him the same as a guy that bludgeons some old woman over the head and steals her purse so he can buy blow. Don't argue that ain't the case - it's the arguments people like you have been trottin' out for fuckin' years. And it's the arguments you'll STILL be usin' in years to come - no matter how flawed they are, and it's just because you're too dumb, ignorant or biased to see it. Maybe that's the freedom you're after - the freedom to look the other way when the circumstances don't suit your fuckin' argument.

I don't call that freedom. I call that fuckin' prejudice.

And all this rage ya keep talkin' about? Whaddya think drives me, you stupid bint? Rage is a good thing, but you'd quite happily have people pour all that rage into you, to suit your crappy little narrative. Ya use that rage to justify all this horseshit you keep comin' out with.

See, people like you, they're encourage vicious circles. You stoke this fire, then you say you're only actin' on what "the people" have told ya? OK, where are the people sayin' turn people away from the hospitals, from the social security departments. No one in their right mind wants someone to die without knowin' the reason why - Hell, even I like to know the size of the slug I'm fuckin' steppin' on before I grind 'em into my boot.

But you look like ya do. Because it suits ya. These people dyin' proves the system is overworked, proves there's too many malingering parasites takin' out cash from the likes a'you.

No it don't. It proves that the system needs to improve - that the root causes need to be addressed, like why people are in poverty, why people are takin' drugs, and why they need to steal. Root causes - like these fuckers here - THAT'S what needs to be dealt with - only it's too much like fuckin' dirty work for the likes'a you.

I'll agree with you on one front though. War is the lifeblood of this nation. Can't fault ya there. But that's about as far as I'd go. Why do people like you send us to war now? For fuckin' money. Not for duty - however much your fuckin' little frogspawn there wants to play on his console - not for honour, not for freedom. You admit it yourself. Oil. Riches. Fuckin' gold.

That's all people like you care about - linin' your stinkin' pockets so you can get rich, while guys like me go out there and fight. Even if you had any respect for the armed forces like you claim, you've just lost all their respect for you - if they even had any - by admittin' you go to war for money.



Those are the reasons people died on Iwo Jima, in the Ardennes, on the Normandy beaches, in Burma, Italy, Tobruk.

Not for your fuckin' bank balance. And it's actually fuckin' offensive that you tell people that. It's like you're proud of it.

I fought in Iraq. I fought in Bosnia. I fought in Afghanistan. I shed blood. I saw guys die. I held people's guts in while their eyes closed, while they breathed their last. And you're right. I cut throats. Shot people. Stabbed 'em. But maybe at the time I was too naive to realise why. It's when you get out, when you get home, that you realise all the fightin' you did was for people like you - and THAT'S what makes ya sick. That's when ya realise people like you have manipulated people into doin' what they wanted. When you get home, you realise what you fought for has changed, because of cowards like you.

These enemies you talk about - you're right, they ain't wearing fatigues, or carryin' assault rifles, or marchin' in formation. But they are wearin' suits. They're people like you. And yeah, you don't think anythin' about a few civilians gettin' clipped to fit your story - that there has to be "collateral damage". The end justifies the means huh?


Fightin' an ideal? Real easy to make excuses there ain't it? No, we ain't fightin' a country, but maybe we wouldn't be fightin' that ideal had people like you not been cheerleadin' when the time came to flex America's muscles and show how big and bad we are?

Maybe you're to blame for all a this, for stickin' America's nose into other people's business, when we'd a been better takin' care of our own back yard first?

Answer me this - how do you put America First, how do you preach freedom and respect, when you're quite happy for innocent people to die to suit your story? That somehow don't stack up for me.

But Hellfire, you're makin' perfect sense compared to fuckin' Yoda next to ya.

I don't need fuckin' six toed cunts like you to be my friend. I don't need job offers from people like you or your fuckin' witch.

Ya think a title makes ya important? Ya think that title means ANYTHIN'? Ya think bein' King means anythin'? No, it don't.

No one gives a shit about ya King of the Ring win, cos they know all ya done is turn up, beat a few B listers, and then end up fallin' foul of the boss. Did ya really think that he, of all people, would let a fuckin' lizard like you slither around with a piece of prestige like that?

Of course he was gonna take that off ya. He doesn't want this company's rep ruined by your phlegm coated face on posters promotin' the shows he puts out. If he did - he'd'a let ya keep it wouldn't he?

And your Xtreme title? Don't make me laugh. You're about as Xtreme as a herd of Fresian cows: Dumb, simple, and they occasionally bump into somethin'. That's you to a tee.

You're a blunt instrument. Everythin' ya do is for the good of the frigid slag who holds ya lead. She helped you sign the contract? She helped ya get booked in good matches? Really. Then answer me two questions:

How much money is she helpin' ya earn? After all, she's already said money is important - so how much a'that lovely cash are you seein' - compared to her take?

And if she's so great at gettin' ya booked in good matches - why the fuck have ya gotta fight me in a knockout match - when that's what I fuckin' specialise in?

That's right kid. Ya can scratch, bite, claw at me all ya like, try and break my fuckin' neck, but you'll fail, and there won't be anythin' you can do to stop my fist hittin' your face so hard I'll turn ya head into a fuckin' canoe.

And before I leave ya, just a mention to my Motherfucker brethren. Ya know the reason why I can put up with that shit from Jim - because I respect the guy. And he respects me. At least he was honest. I can't wrestle. I don't even like it. I much prefer just to beat people into comas.

There's nothin' so enjoyable as cavin' some little scummer's head in while his right-wing cheerleader screams her conservative panties off that her precious little piece of cannon fodder is gonna be turned into even more of a fuckin' vegetable than he is now.

James Raven knows that. Robbie Bourbon knows that. Hell, everyone else seems to know it.

Apart from you.

Maybe ya really are as stupid as ya look.

Guess that won't matter once I've put your brain through a fuckin' blender though, will it?

Cain walks out of shot as the car continues to burn behind him.

[Image: JackCain.jpg]
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