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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
Birth Of A Champion
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Robert "The Omega" Main Offline
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XWF FanBase:

(gets varying reactions in the arenas, but will be worshiped like a god and defended until the end by internet fans; literally has thousands of online dorks logging on to complain anytime they lose a match or don't get pushed right)

05-09-2017, 06:19 AM

Birth Of A Champion Part # 1

May 15th 1988

His tiny fingers curl around his father’s pinky finger, ever so gently. The new dad watches the newborn peer through his brand new eyes for the first time. He watches as the baby boy looks around the room adjusting to the lights and sounds of this new world. The baby boy cannot see much right now being newly born but soon he will see his mother and father for the first time. Dad smiles and looks out the upstairs window, rocking back and forth in the rocking chair he built by hand. It took him weeks in the garage along with multiple trips to the home improvement store. His hand blistered from hand sanding the chair. He never complained through the miss haps. Only smiled knowing he would soon have his first born child. It had to be perfect. A rocking chair fit for a king he thought to himself. He looks towards the horizon awaiting the sun to make its first appearance of the day. He wonders to himself, just what his newborn son may or may not be thinking. Wondering if his son thought what a world, afterlife in the womb. It’s strange, filled with lights and sounds. Different smells. Very different from what the baby boy was used too. It will take some time to get adjusted to. The womb was a safe and warm place. No light, always food and sleep whenever he wanted it. How things in life change once you are born. Dad takes his eyes off of the Las Vegas sky and looks down at his son once more. His legs kicking in an awkward motion while finishing his bottle. Dad wonders to himself again briefly if moving the legs the way his son is was unsettling or a just relief, it had to have been pretty cramped in there. As the newborn baby boy finishes his bottle Dad places him over his shoulder and gently pats the baby boy on the back. After a few seconds, the baby boy erupts with a loud burp! Dad smiles wiping off the baby’s mouth and walking over to the changing table and setting the baby boy down! Dad places his hand on his hips and looks very unsure!

Dad: Son this is my first time so please work with me here! Okay? Daddy had never done this before! All I ask big boy is that you do not pee on me! Okay? Mommy is asleep and she needs lots of rest. She had a long couple of days. After I change you, buddy, I have to go shower and get ready for work! One day Dads will get time off for the birth of their children just like moms! It’s the 80’s though it won’t be today! Men get screwed son! Okay, here we go, buddy! Ugh… Buddy, you stink! You pooped! Let me get that cleaned up before you get it everywhere. What a life huh? See boobs all the time to eat! Poop, pee, eat and sleep! You got it made man! No, no, no, no, no, no, no, don’t; let me get something to cover you up with! And you're peeing everywhere great buddy! Okay, let’s now wipe up all this pee after I already whipped your butt! Okay! Let’s get a diaper on now and get you back into your crib. Take it easy on mommy today while I’m at work today! Okay, son?

The newborn baby boy stirs about on the changing table, freshly changed shivering from the cool May morning. Life outside the womb is very different, the air feels cold most of the time. He cannot feel his mother any longer, the warm arms that had held him so closely before are now gone. He frantically kicks his legs about, searching for something anything at all. Just for reassurance. He then panics, screaming out. Dad swoops in and picks up his baby boy, kissing him gently on the forehead rocking him back and forth while walking him to his crib. As Dad lays the baby down he places a light blue pacifier into his mouth covering him up, patting his back until he falls back asleep. Dad stands over the crib watching his baby boy sleep and says quietly. ”I love you Robert”Dad quickly tiptoes out of the room like a ninja moving in for the kill. Dad peaks back in a time or two more just to make sure his son is sleeping. He lets out a sigh walking towards the bathroom, ready to take a shower and get the day started with a large pot of coffee. The work day is going to be a brutal one. Dad didn’t sleep all night long up with baby Robert throughout the night when he needed to be. He did it even though he had to work the next day not having time off for a newborn. He also did it because his wife needing the rest after labor of 14 hours. Dad rubs his tired green eyes for a moment. Before stepping into the bathroom.

5 Years Later

Shortly after Robert was born, new neighbors moved in next door. They too just had a newborn son named Michael, just a few weeks older than Robert. Roberts Dad and Mom over time became really good friends with their neighbor’s. Going on vacations together to the beach every year. Always spending the holidays together exchanging gifts or having wonderful Thanksgiving feasts. It was nothing short of destiny, that Robert and Michael would become friends. Robert and Michael meet for the first time when they were two months old since then the two have been best friends. In life finding a true friend is rather difficult. Someone who will be there through thick and thin. Once you find these people in life, you hold onto them. They become more than a good friend they become family. They become a part of you! This was Robert and Michael’s friendship.[green]

Mike: Hey Rob, wrestling is coming on! Let’s go watch it at my house!

Rob: Yeah! Let’s go quick!

[green]Both boys quickly drop their G-1 metal transformers in Michael’s family’s front yard and dart towards the front door. Michael’s house was long and narrow, perhaps only twenty feet wide at the front, but it stretched forty feet back like a giant box. The house was two stories high and had a one story extension at the rear of the kitchen. The house was old but did just fine for Michael’s family. Michael’s dad seemed to work on it every single day for five years. Tearing out the old and replacing it with the brand new. There was always another project. New kitchen flooring, new bathroom sinks, painting, fixing this or that. The battle of owning a home is one that never ends. At times owing your own home can be a joy. Other times it’s a nightmare you wish you could wake up from altogether. The two boys tear through the front door and slide onto the living room floor right in front of the families new big screen television. The two watch in awe as their favorite wrestlers come down to the ring and battle it out. The two boys lose themselves entranced by what they are seeing on television. Lost in their own world. Dreaming of becoming something bigger and better than they could ever imagine. For one of these boys, their dream would come true. For the other not so much. As the wrestling show comes to a close both boys look at one another smiling from ear to ear.

Rob: Mike that was amazing! Wrestling is the greatest things ever! I want to be a wrestler so bad I don’t know what to do! One day I will be a wrestler you watch and see! I want you to be in the front row for my first match! You’ve got to be! Promise me you’ll be there!

Mike: Rob you and I are the best of friends you know I will be there for your first match! I’d never miss it! I promise you I’ll be there! Promise me you will be at my very first baseball game when I play for “The Big Red Machine”! I want to play baseball for the Cincinnati Reds! I love baseball so much! Just as much as you love wrestling! Promise me you’ll be there!

Robert smiles and extends his hand! The boys shake hands promising to be there for one another for their big days! They swore an oath to one another sealed by a handshake! It was an oath that bound them for life. Not the kind you make in front of some preacher or judge, it was the kind you make with spit and blood. It was the kind that made best friends into brothers, the kind that transcended the mess of everyday life to strike an unbreakable bond.

Mike: Hey let's go down to the field and play some ball!


Robert’s walking through the bleachers of an old baseball field, with every step of his white and black snakeskin cowboy boots the old bleachers cry out in pain. Creaking and cracking as he slowly moves along. These bleachers have been in this very location since Robert was a kid! Every so often the wood gets replaced and a fresh coat of paint applied. The memories here are near and dear to Robert’s heart. As a child, he spent countless hours here playing baseball with his friends. As he continues to walk through the bleachers he thinks of everything that happened here. Almost, reliving each moment in time again! He stops for a moment and looks down at his gold Rolex watch before taking a seat in the bleachers. Robert sprawls out with his arms laying across the heavily worn wooden bleachers. He slowly lays back on the bleacher behind him and places his feet on the bleacher beneath him. Robert gently rubs his hands across the rough wood staring down at his blue jeans for a moment. He smiles as he Adjusts the Hart Championship around his waist. He then looks over to his right shoulder and there lies the Trio Championship The belt lays effortlessly on Roberts orange AX3 t-shirt that reads “Better Than The Best”. Robert sits in silence watching the field through his black aviator sunglasses. Then not moving Robert speaks!

As a kid I loved this place! Now I could give a shit if it was hit with a Trump M.O.A.B and whipped off the face of the Earth! Don’t get me wrong there are a lot of great memories here. Lots of great stories to be told. I remember one time this kid named Jimmy, he used to live up the street from Mike and I. Jimmy had to take a piss. So what did Jimmy do? He walked underneath the bleachers, stepped on a hornet's nest and got stung about fifty times before he could run out from underneath screaming like he had got shot. It was funny, man! It looked like someone pelted the kid with rocks. Like I said lots of good memories and funny times. But not all memories tied to this place end with happiness! The last time I was here, was where my last memory of this place ended!

Roberts looks towards the camera.

Danny Imperial! The time for happiness and laughter has now come to a screeching halt. You’ve now crossed over from being a boy to a man! You’ve jumped into the deep end of the pool with no water wings. Not knowing how to fully tread water. Once you realize I am the pool, you’ll have already drown and it will be too late. My question to you is this! What will be your last memory? Will it be one of elation? Or will it be a memory of another fiery crash and burn? You came into the XWF and shook the ground floor! I’m in the penthouse! You don’t go from the ground floor to the penthouse Danny! It just doesn't happen that way! Look at your track record. You’ve slain a lot of dragons on your way up the ladder. But let’s be honest, were they ever really dragon to begin with? Just look at your Television Championship win! Who did you beat? Tidbits? A guy I obliterated! A man who could not even get one defense underneath him! A man who loses more matches than wins! There are times I wonder to myself if Tidbits and Cadryn are trying to see who can lose the most matches! I don’t know if those two have a bet going on or what! Do you get my drift here? You have beaten a lot of names. But none worth giving credit for! Now that you have made it to the second rung of the ladder you believed you were unstoppable! That taste of gold! That feeling of being a champion, ya! That rush you get when you slap that strap over your shoulder! Becoming a champion is one thing, staying champion is another. But here is the thing you, need to wake up and smell the roses! News flash! Kid, you wouldn’t have ever made it to the second rung if it wasn’t for Jim giving that belt up! Jim would still be champion today if he didn’t have bigger fish to fry! That week as champion must have been a huge rush. A real shot in the arm! Too bad your ego got checked in the ring! You were never champion! You were a placeholder. Now here we are on a collision course! I guess it was destiny for you and me to face one another. I just thought our match would mean something more! Champion - vs - Champion! A match for the ages! The challenge I’ve been looking for. Someone to test me, push me further than I have ever been pushed before. I guess I should have known better. So much for that second rung on that ladder huh kid? It all went up in smoke!

Robert smiles as he stands up leaning over the chain link fence in front of him. He looks down at home plate noticing a baseball bat and a few balls. He continues his verbal assault on Danny Imperial.

Danny it was funny watching you win that championship! The way you looked at it for the first time when it was in your hands. The way you hugged it, like the girlfriend you most likely never had! Like a small child in a candy store. Pathetic!

Robert snaps his fingers never taking his eyes off of home plate.

Just like that gone! See I’ve heard the whispers in the back. I never believed them! I wrote them off as fiction Danny! Then in one week’s time, you proved every naysayer right! You were what they thought you were! A PAPER CHAMPION! I don’t know why I didn’t see it, Danny! Maybe I was blinded by my own hope you were something more. A man who would give me what I crave! Real competition. You see Danny I walked into this company much like you did! I shook the ground floor! Once the big dogs started circling. I took them out one by one! I became a two-time champion all in the matter of months. You and I took far different paths. You rolled in like a lion. Winning match after match after match! But then your true form showed. You were no lion at all. You are not even a cub! You, Danny, are a loser! A man yearning to be something more than he is. You want all the bright shiny trinket’s that come with being a top star in this company but you just can’t seem to obtain them for very long. Now that being said I do not know Nixion! Not at all. But let me say this I know he is not on my level! You have men that I have pulverized taking you to the limit! Beating you within inches of your life. You have left twice in a few weeks on a stretcher and ended up in the hospital. You let a man who believes there are lizard people or whatever in the hell he thinks beat you! Where was the fire? The will to go beyond your breaking point? Fighting out like a man? Danny, it’s a simple question I’ll answer for you! You don’t have it in you. When the pressure is on, and in our match, it most certainly will be! You crumble faster than a sand castle next to the ocean. You don’t deserve a championship match against me! You are not even in the same ballpark as me when it comes to talent. I need you to get used to that feeling deep down in the pit of your stomach Danny. That feeling of emptiness, failure and being injured! Because Warfare I will make sure single-handedly, your dreams come crashing down all around you once more. There isn’t going to be an after party Danny! No champagne, no club. Nothing, other than a beaten man. I’ll leave you a shell of your former self if I decided to leave anything at all.

Robert points to the baseball bat laying across home plate!

Mr. Imperial it all started at Savage a few weeks ago. Didn’t it? I remember it like it was last night. You see I decided to get involved in a match with a brother of mine. I climbed half way up that chamber not really ever doing anything! I couldn’t get into the chamber. That was already taken care of! I was just a decoy! Once I hopped down who did I see chasing after me wielding a baseball bat? You Danny! Not to mention you decided to seal your fate right there and then when you took a swing at me missing your intended target altogether! Swinging and missing is something you have become quite good at Danny! You’ve done it in several of your matches over the past few weeks. My question is why stick your nose in our business? AX3 didn’t have our sights set on you! But you decide to throw yourself into the fire head first? Makes no sense! Maybe you were trying to make a bigger name for yourself? Putting any member of AX3’s name in your mouth will get you some traction. It also signs your death papers! Congratulations you got my attention! Right after you won the right to be called the number one contender I came out. Just like my entrance theme Danny! I made bad dreams come true for you! Right there. Right then! You see Mr. Imperial I don’t know if anyone ever told you this so I will! If you’re going to pull the trigger! Make sure you kill your target! You missed me and I made you pay for it! I don’t miss my target! Retribution at its finest! All it took was a little planning! After Graves and I laid you to rest in the middle of the ring. Bloody and tagged with AX3! You left on a stretcher yet again. When I shoved the Hart Championship into your face. I told you that was as close as you would ever get to becoming the champion! I still stand by those words! As long as I am the champion you will never take this strap from me! We don’t need champions who cannot keep their championships longer than a week at a time. Danny after Warfare comes and goes. Two things will happen. I will retain my championship, and I’ll send you back down to the bottom floor of the XWF right where you belong! You are nothing more than a bottom feeder. You will learn to bend at the knee and kneel to AX3 Danny! Or you will pay the price each and every time! WE are your superiors point blank!

Robert hops the fence as his cowboy boots hit the soft dirt field a small could of brown dust fills the air around him. He stands there for a moment letting the dust settle around him before picking up the baseball bat laying across home plate. He takes the Trio Championship and lays it over the fence behind him twirling the bat around while doing so. Robert grins taking the Hart Championship from around his waist and placing it right next to the Trio Championship. He dusts both championship belts off gently before turning to home plate. Robert steps inside the batter’s box and takes a few swings loosing himself up.

Over the past few weeks we have seen you, Danny, out and about. Cutting small promos while trying to get a point across! You tried desperately to flip the script. Change people’s minds about AX3! You’ve tried trashing AX3! You’ve named called like a second grader on the playground not getting a chance to play. Where has it gotten you? I’ve said nothing because it wasn’t the right time. I see no need to get into a pissing contest with a man way below my standards! I’m talking now because we have a match! I worry about the right now! Not the later on! It tickles me pink knowing I’m under your skin! You cannot stand me but there is nothing that you can do to me or any member of AX3! I will tell you this Danny. During our match no member of AX3 will get involved, unless someone else from the outside sticks their dirty nose into our match. So you will have nothing to worry about on my end! I might attack you from behind and I may be a snake. But one thing I am not is a liar. No one in AX3 will get involved unless needed. Take me for my word or not I really don’t care. But if you decided to have the Kings help you. There will be certain hell to pay! You see Danny we in AX3 always have a plan A-Z! I’ve seen you backstage rubbing elbows with the KINGS and Pryce! Do you want to be one of them, Danny? Certainty you do! Your only problem seems to be losing and not being on the level they see themselves as! They think they are gods among men! They see you like the rest of us do Danny a PAPER CHAMPION! A PLACE HOLDER! Maybe Cadryn will share his spot with you! Two clowns entertaining the KINGS! You already have the face paint all you need now is an offer! That offer though will never come! I’ve seen some suck asses in my day but Danny you have actually become the number one! Does Pryce grab that bitch handle you call a goatee and pull you in nice and deep? Hell, maybe that isn’t face paint at all! The KINGS just put you in the middle of the circle jerk and aim for your face! You’re nothing more than a cock holster for them! You’re their cock jockey!

Robert picks up one of the balls and tosses it into the air. He keeps his eye on the ball and takes a huge swig. As the bat hits the ball a loud smack can be heard. Robert watches the ball travel off into the distance dropping over the fence.

Now I don’t know if your memories have bruises or what is going on with you. All of the beating you have been taking lately must have you delusional! You think you are going to kill me? In what lifetime? I assure you! You’ll do nothing of the sorts! I’m no these talentless scabs you have been wrestling over the past few weeks getting cheap wins! I have legitimate wins kid! I’ve beaten former and current Universal Champions! You’ve done nothing that has impressed anyone anywhere! You are nothing more than a flash in the pan. The flavor of the month! Once I pin your ass to the canvas your fifteen minutes of fame are up! You will never have your name spoken again with mine in the same breath! You can talk tough behind a camera when I’m not around. Let’s see how big and bad you are when I am in the ring with you face to face Danny! You won’t be talking then you’ll be pissing in your tights. You already know deep down in the pit of your stomach you cannot beat me in the ring! Once that bell rings I’m going to paint a beautiful painting of destruction, and Danny you are going to be my paint brush! If you think that you are having nightmares now. Just wait until I get ahold of you! I’ll haunt your memories forever! I’ll live in your thoughts! You will always remember the day you faced THE OMEGA and fell from my blade. I’ll leave you with these parting word Danny. I didn’t start this whole mess. You have sown the seeds to your very own nightmare! You have now placed your career in my path! Your last few weeks has been nothing short of a train wreck! This is what happens when you stick your nose where it doesn’t belong! Being noble gets you fed to the wolves! The XWF is my jungle, Danny! I said it a long time ago! Even before you were ever a thought here! I am a champion guys want to be! I will take this championship to heights never seen. You are below me! You started this war! You pulled the bat on me. I’ve already won a battle. Warfare I win this war!

To Be Continued…………

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Longest Reigning Tag Team Champions in modern history. W- Drew Archyle & James Raven
Longest Reigning Hart Champion in modern history:280 days
2nd longest reigning Universal Champion :269 days
Tag Team Champions W- "Chronic" Chris Page as Cataclysm
Trio's Champion W- AX3
2020 May Superstar Of The Month
Winning Team Wargames 2020
Winning Team War Games 2019 W- APEX PROPHECY
2019 Feud of the year W- "Chronic" Chris Page
2019 Tag Team of the Year W- Drew Archyle & James Raven as APEX
Roleplay of the Month February 2019 "Junkyard Dog"
Leap Of Faith Winner 2018
July 2018 Superstar Of The Month
December 2018 Superstar Of The Month
December 2017 Superstar Of The Month
Winning Team War Games 2017 W- APEX
Mr. 24/7
[Image: Qfgvjya.png]
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