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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
Mad Men Making Madness Prt. Two
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The Monster of Htaed Offline
War is just an All You Can Eat BUFFET...

XWF FanBase:
Some men, some teens, few women

(the villain you love to hate; has cult following)

03-06-2017, 08:40 PM

Continued from Mad Men Making Madness Prt. One...

Fade in...

What the hell had happened? Was the attack a dream? I questioned myself at the time as my weary eyes slowly peeled open from a gooey crust coating the corners of my eyes and about a quarter of the way across my eyelids. Rip. Some of my eyelashes ripped from the skin stuck in the goo, I attempt to wipe my eyes but my muscles are stiff and extremely sore, almost like they had been exhausted from very intense training. How? I barely broke a sweat taking down the three attackers in the pole barn, how is this possible, what is wrong with me? Slowly my eyes adjust, maybe it wasn’t a dream, and what if whatever I had been injected with was something that has to do with my immobility. No, this has to be some kind of trick, the compound couldn’t be under attack, and no one would have any reason to kidnap me.


Chang. Chang. Chang.



Bang! The sounds, someone was placing a key into the door’s lock and turning it. Followed by the sound of the key being removed and the door swinging open and smashing back closed behind the sounds of footsteps. What next, I started sweating bullets; you know being in one of those situations with not the slightest clue as to what is happening. My left eye slightly opens it revealed to me a man dressed in what looked like some kind of advanced turquoise rubber scrubs, black rubber boots, black rubber gloves, and a blood-stained white apron. The man’s face looked burnt beyond belief, he had a small strip of shoulder length hair off of the top of his head, suddenly; a bright LED light blinded my only open eye at the time.

The pain from the brightness of the light was enough to stop me in my tracks with trying to lift my other eyelid open. Suddenly, a hand covered in rubber grasps my right forearm and begins squeezing tightly as if they are trying to pop my veins out from hiding behind my forearms muscle. What kind of sick experiments are these bastards going to perform on me? Began running through my mind, soon the soft prick of another needle piercing my skin, this time in my arm and not my neck. Before whatever drug the doctor from hell had injected me with started to activate a loud almost fake robot voice began to speak before I went out, it echoed hard through my ears, almost feeling as if it was scrambling my brains.

Robot Voice: “Dr. D please be gentle, don’t surpass the recommended dosage, we don’t want the same outcome as the last test subject do we? Plus this one is special I have a faith in his abilities, he will be the perfect specimen.”

My conscious mind begins to fade before it goes completely dark I hear the man now known as Dr. D chuckle and most likely he had a sickening grin that his own mother would most likely vomit from the sight. Dr. D had also replied back to the simulated voice over some sort of PA speaker.

Dr. D: “Please excuse me, I know how important this one is to you, but I am the scientist you chose to head up this department of your company, now please let me continue my work in peace. I assure you this patient is just as important to you as he is me, this is my life’s long research, I’ve sacrificed everything to figure this serum’s formula, my looks, my recognition in the science industry world, and most importantly my wife and son. So if you have to second guess what this means to me, maybe, we should go separate ways, and do this on our own?

My mind went blank before whoever Dr. D was communicating with could reply, still to this day, that whole scenario haunts me, not because of what occurred, but the fact of not knowing exactly what happened. I am almost sure they experimented on me with complete control of my body and thoughts, I don’t know if it is even possible, but what the hell, right? Anyways, the next thing I remembered after that was waking up again, this time my muscles were under my own control. With my eyes wide open, my vision blurry still, probably because my brain believes I haven’t opened my eyes in most likely days, from the stench my body was giving off.

Another difference was this time I was chained to a stake in the middle of the floor of what looked like a mud or clay hut with one barred window on the northwest wall of the hut. The place was probably only eight by eight, with myself attached to what seemed to be a three-foot chain. Slowly as I sit up and stare at what looks to be very sturdy and almost impenetrable steel door, kind of weird since the rest of the place looked like a third world country house. Hmmm, I was thinking, how could I get out of a cell cheaply made but so complex and very well structured, with nothing but my bare hands? Maybe I could have just given up and given in, but that was not how Father Slathe and the followers of The Truth had trained my heart, body, mind, and spirit.

Instead of sitting on my ass, I had decided I was at least going to be free to move where I please in the room, quickly I scurried to the stake in the ground. Using the chain from my ankle to the stake as a beating tool, I continually beat the ground around the stake, until I felt it was soft enough to dig with the chain as well. Slowly but surely I had done it, I freed the stake from the earth, lifting it over my head with both hands dirt, mud, and debris showering my face and body, I had let out a sigh of relief. The whole ordeal probably took me over three hours, having no proper digging tools and being malnourished made what normally is a simple task extremely hard!





The sound of what I was assuming at the time was a mother-fucking giant, yeah, like a “Jack and The Bean Stock” kind! That reminds me before I continue; Suicide Jack can suck my Purple Headed Yogurt Slinger! Now, where was I, oh yeah, I looked towards the door where the sound of the extremely large creature was stomping towards, quickly knowing I wouldn’t have had the strength to attempt an escape at this moment, I set the stake back in the hole and slightly covered it back up. Quickly, I laid back down on the dirt floor, lightly closing my eyes to the point when looked at one would presume my eyes were indeed closed, but slightly opened enough for myself to see what is going on.





Okay, so some sort of very heavy key opens the door and locking mechanism was nice to know at that point, I smile slightly with my mouth tucked into my forearms. The door opens and a man with a very large arm and hand flys in through the doorway, almost filling the whole opening, there is a tray of what seems to be raw beef steak, a couple raw potatoes, and a half loaf of moldy homemade bread. The large armed thing drops the tray from about three feet up, the tray had crashed hard on the floor, sending one of the potatoes tumbling across the dirt floor, and my eyes roll in the back of my head in disbelief. The door then slams shut, followed by the so, so familiar sound.





Once about fifteen seconds passed, I sat back up grabbing the stake chained to my ankle, I then scurried over to the tray of food after gathering the runaway potato, my stomach was gurgling, twisting, and basically begging to be fed. Not giving a single fuck, my teeth sink into the first completely raw beefsteak, tearing a chunk by holding my mouth closed, twisting, and pulling with both my hands, blood from the freshly butchered cow runs down my chin. Barely chewing the steak for maybe two seconds I swallow, the piece almost got stuck in my throat, I slow down a little, but not much. After all, I had been starved for what had felt like days, it probably only took me five minutes to finish every last edible piece of food on the tray. Actually, there was quite a bit now that I think about it, probably at least two pounds of raw steaks plus carbs. Why would someone keep me captive supply so much food and why not cook it, maybe saving manpower, heating resources? Probably, the strangest occurrence of my life to have happened so far, which is a pretty strong statement considering the life I’ve had.

For what seemed to be around three to four hours, I would occasionally check out the surrounding landscape and environment, trying to memorize guard routes and times, through the barred window. This escape was going to have to take proper planning and patience, something I had no time for. Suddenly the sound of the giant like man began stomping towards, my door, what to do? My mind wasn’t clear on what to do, I wasn’t feeling like my ordinary self, whatever Dr. D was injecting me with, definitely was taking its toll. The thuds of the massive footsteps stop, I had to make my decision right at that moment, slowly I walked over to the left side of the door. The sound of the large key entering the lock, twisting, and pulling out echoed through my prison, the wind from the massive door swung open with such force, it almost sucked me right out the doorway. Embracing the suction, I stood my ground, in comes one massive partial arm and hand, grasping the stake with both hands; I raised the stake over my head and thrusting downward with all my strength I pierced the massive hand like a teenage girl's earlobe.

The man or whatever lets out a thundering roar and starts to attempt running away, my dumb ass had forgotten I was still chained to the stake. Suddenly my feet were ripped from underneath myself, my back had slammed into the ground hard followed by the back of my skull, and then I was drug out the doorway banging my body on the way out. Dust kicked up behind my trail while tumbling through the prison camp chained to a wailing giant, who is about eight feet tall, one normal size arm, the other well much more massive, probably some form of elephantiasis or something. Let’s just say it was fucking grotesque and would scare the literal shit out of a baby, much like my opponent on Warfare, Chrissy Pooh Chaos. Anyways, the giant deformed man continues to run through this prison camp past a few normal size and looking guards, who finally get the giant man to halt in his tracks. I grabbed my head for it was aching like no other headache I have ever had, the giant man realizes what had happened and grunts at me as he raised me in the air upside down.

The other guards chuckle amongst themselves as the man with shiny chevrons on his collar, probably the office of the camp, steps forward with a grin on his face.

Officer: “Looks like you met Gumphrey, he is the prisons local dummy, I don’t think he is very happy with you stabbing a steel stake through his hand. Haven’t you ever heard the quote don’t bite the hand that feeds you? Well looks like we might have a prime example of why that quote was said in the first place, don’t you boys?”

Still dangling from a giant man’s hand, the officer looks back to the other guards who nod in agreement and laugh like a couple bullies from middle school, you know the ones who never got their hands dirty, just stood next to the real bully and instigated for more punishment. Just as I was going to beg for forgiveness and attempt to make a wager, I remember a few words from the officer’s mouth.

Officer: “Gumphrey, please would you be a kind sir and conduct a head thumping in such a way the prisoner would not wake for let's say ten hours?”

Just as fast as the officer finished his request, Gumphrey let out a lion-size roar and swung all two hundred and five pounds of my helpless body into a large and very solid clay pillar, luckily my skull absorbed the majority of the impact, at least I assume since I had been knocked instantly unconscious and he did obey, Gumphrey used enough force to keep me in a small coma.

To be Continued...
Fade in...

Tap. Tap. Tap. The sound my wooden souled shoes make as I walk down the hard stone floor of the Catacombs of The Truth's head Church in the United States, in an undisclosed location, somewhere in the middle of a thick evergreen forest, in Northern territory. Coming to a wall with barred windows all the way across the wall like it had been used at one point for detainees or prisoners of some sort. My legs stop moving, I begin whistling an old executioners hymn as my right arm swings upward, holding a barbwire wrapped aluminum baseball bat, flat black, with the words "Tiddle Bitties" tagged in white paint on the leather gripping around the handle. My head tilts to the left as I stare into the camera with my soulless eyes hidden under my leather mask, my free left arm bends slightly up as my purple clothed glove covered hand begins waving slowly and childishly as I begin walking down the hall really tight to the wall with the barred long horizontal window. Tap. Tap. Tap.




My custom bat bounces off every bar with every three to four steps I make, all the way down the whole hall, I chuckle a few times, before reaching the end, where I stop. My bat slings off my shoulder and lands tip on my left dress shoe point where my toes would be. Letting out a small sigh of disappointment, my mouth begins to animate under my mask, projecting a muffled and eerie tone.

Mr. Tidbits: "Oh hello there, didn't see ya, just joshing you, of course, I saw that big bulky camera, being carried around by an overweight filmography student drop out, with Cheetos stain on his stubbly double chin. All so societies violent demands can be met and their brains can be programmed to obey and never question authority or what they are taught. Which has led them to believe a man named Chris Chaos is their Universal Champion, well I say it is time to reveal The Truth to the ignorant, it is time to reveal what Chris Chaos really is! No, I mean who Chris Chaos really is! Not a Champion in my eyes, not a Champion in The Truth's eyes, matter if fact, Chris is a coward, a coward hiding behind gold, whenever he fears a worthy opponent he hides behind his belt, oh they only beat me, because I only care about this belt, boo fucking hoo! A real Champion, Chris would have already come out and defended himself instead, no word, no appearance, not a peep, why Chris? The slobs want to hear from the King of Slobs, oh chaotic one, please display yourself crown on head, and tell the XWF Universe how you plan to use the Xtreme Rules stipulation to beat and break me! I've never heard a coward's words come from a so called Champion! Please, Chrissy Pooh, come out of hiding and give your tongue some exercise and no I don't mean by tongue punching obese fan's fart boxes, but by delivery a speech of such chaotic enlightenment it sends me back to the depths of hell from which I was probably born! No? Nothing? No one knows where Chrissy Pooh is? Oh well, I guess I can introduce a special someone who may accompany me down to the ring for my match on Warfare. Her name is Tiddle Bitties, well she really loves when people motor boat her over and over again, she even told me earlier today, she has a special crush on Chris Chaos. To be precise she said, she would love to have his blood lubricate her all over! Yeah, she is a very naughty and gory girl, honestly, I just don't know yet, it would be fun to see what kind of connection you two would have Chris, probably a very strong one that would knock a punk like you off of your feet!"

Just as I pop my foot up and swing the bat up in the air to show it off more for the camera, Chris Chaos, and all the other viewers to see what a beauty she is. Two small prongs press between my third and fourth left ribs from behind, an electrical shock surges through my body. My hand unclenches the bat, it falls sliding down my thigh, the barbwire ripping my dress pants a tidbit of my bloody flesh is attached to the fabric. As I shake from the electrical charge I slowly fall to my knees to review Father Slather standing behind me, pulling the cattle prod back from my ribs. Slowly I collapse to the stone floor unconscious, while Father Slathe says a few words to the XWF Universe.

Father Slathe: "Dammit Mr. Tidbits, I told you to keep your mouth shut and I would do all the talking for you. You were doing so well too with obeying, guess he needs to be locked back away until he can learn his lesson. Oh and Mr. Chaos don't look at this as an advantage because being caged up is probably only going to anger the very violent Mr. Tidbits and I see he has already introduced one of his toys, Tiddle Bitties, wretched name if you ask me. She is a very wretched tool for the opposed as well, can cause a concussion or literally rip flesh from the body, kind of a double edged sword, if you know what I mean. Though The Truth has yet to reveal what weapon or weapons Mr. Tidbits is to use to repent the sin from your soul Mr. Chaos, but come Warfare you will find out, sorry, to be brief, but I have a pet who needs a severe punishment! Toodles."

Fade out...

[Image: tzaJpcU.jpg]
Death before Dishonor...
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