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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » 24/7 Heavy Metalweight Championship
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Pinnacle to the Pit
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02-26-2017, 10:11 AM

It's a cold Sunday afternoon and RANDOM is on the hunt for a title.

RANDOM suddenly spots ThEWiTcHDoCtOr carrying around a title.

Oh golly I want that belt that there.
RANDOM quickly runs towards the Witchdoctor, he sees him coming and lands a back elbow on RANDOM and throws him off guard.
Damn it I am here to pin you, the land down and accept defeat by pinfall.
Poor RANDOM ThEWiTcHDoCtOr is more than likely thinking, he has only just begun to properly and productively immerse himself into the world of wrestling, he's failing very hard at achieving a name for himself. RANDOM dazed by the nagging elbow snaps out of it and proceeds to go on the attack. I will be victorious! I will pin you, I will pin your body to the ground with an amazing pin like move, then boom! 1.2.3 you'll be finished. And just like a mongoose on a king cobra, RANDOM springs into action, jumping on the ThEWiTcHDoCtOr delivering strike after strike to the face of the poor man. I have been chomping at the bit for this opportunity and with nothing stopping me from pinning you. RANDOM lifts ThEWiTcHDoCtOr up as if he is worshipping him as a fallen angel. Then out of nowhere hits the RANDOMIZER, he goes for the pin.


[Image: iR3bFnl.jpg]

8===D ~~~~ RanDoM ~~~~C===8
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Vincent Lane Offline
Rock n' Rolling XWF Owner and Megastar

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02-27-2017, 09:54 AM

WD- apparently stuck in a ritual-

New Heavy MetalWeight Champion

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