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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
Putting Down The Old Dog
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Robert "The Omega" Main Offline
Active in XWF


XWF FanBase:

(gets varying reactions in the arenas, but will be worshiped like a god and defended until the end by internet fans; literally has thousands of online dorks logging on to complain anytime they lose a match or don't get pushed right)

01-28-2017, 11:07 AM

*****Putting down the old dog*****

Main: I’m just happy someone responded! Finally! The last match I had nothing from my would-be opponents! Not one single peep! What happened in the match? Complete dominance and utter embarrassment! See I knew it would just be a matter of time before you had something to say. Thank you, Jim! From the bottom of my dark black hate filled heart thank you. Now on to the truth I honestly do respect you. You’re champion for a reason! But for some foolish reason. I blame myself really on this one I dropped the ball here and I apologize! I thought you were smarter than the words you spoke. Have you ever heard the saying “it’s better to act dumb; than open your mouth and take away all doubt”. Just listening to you open your mouth and regurgitate the same old, boring, tired sCENSORED makes me want to puke! If I had a nickel for every time I heard the same lines. I’d be a billionaire by now. You’re going to do this to me! Make me regret the things I’ve said! Get some new material, please?! It’s a snooze fest listening to you! It’s actually quite comical! You strut on by like a King with that Television Championship hanging over your shoulder. The arrogance is honestly next level!

The heat from the mid-day sun is sweltering. Almost unbearable! The air is thick and sticky instantly making sweat pour from every inch of his body! South America is hot and humid constantly; it’s hot enough to make the devil himself sigh! The mud lay in uneven patches, scattered about over the farmyard. The smell of manure hangs in the air. The humidity keeping the smell locked in place. Almost forcing it upon you. Further down the way there is very poorly constructed large gate made up of wooden planks rusted nails and a small amount chicken wire that seems to flex and bow whenever it is opened or closed. Packed full of chickens running about! It’s amazing their still in their coupe. A little further up there are two stables of rotting wood with a corrugated metal roof. The stables have stood for years! Now dilapidated and falling in! One good tropical storm would take them down swiftly without thinking twice! Robert stops at the stables and places his sunglasses on his head pushing his long curly hair out of his face and holding it in place. He takes his red XWF tank top and wipes the sweat from his brow before kneeling and petting the dog he’s walking!

[Image: WCFPRM8.jpg]

He gently pats the dog on its head as he dose the dog sits enjoying the love! The dog is an older golden retriever more white and grey now than gold. Over the years this dog has had an amazing life. The farmer’s kids loved the dog! They treated the dog like a member of their family! Eating when they ate sleeping when they do. Even getting bathed regularly. This dog has seen it all the good times and the bad he was always there for his family. Always loving and caring. This dog would walk through fire for his family! His favorite thing to do was playing in the fields running mostly free on the farm. But as the years went on the kids grew up the dog got noticed less! The once young puppy was now an old dog barley getting around! Robert gets up and looks over towards a very large slope that has been trampled hard and bare, washed away from the gullies by the very heavy rain over the years. At the bottom, there sits a very large now muddy little pond. Once teaming with life! Robert begins heading towards the pasture with the dog

Main: Courage? Overestimating my own abilities? Old man let me make myself crystal clear when I tell you this! When I step in-between those ropes overestimation isn’t possible! Once you step foot in the ring with me you will realize you’re in way over your head! I will defy the things you dream! If you doubt me; you honestly don’t have a clue! I’m not some snot nosed punk. I’m no armature wrestler. I’m the real deal. The future is here with me! You think because you’re older and wiser you know it all. That’s what I don’t get about you older guys being the business for years. To this day! You still don’t know when to keep your freaking mouth shut! See Jim you’ve lived along time thinking you were something that you’re simply not. The time you had in the past was plentiful. Now that time isn’t on your side. In fact, it’s running out! It’s a harsh reality isn’t it Jim? It’s quite a drop from the top! After I beat you and I will! You’ll face a cold, cruel reality. This dream you’re living is about to become a nightmare! One you just cannot wake from! There will be no pinching yourself to wake up!

[Image: VYBAYUB.jpg]

Father time has been chasing you for years! Always one step behind you. Knowing it’s been nipping at you heels for years! You’ve done a great job of avoiding the crash and burn of your career. Father time didn’t give up the chase! He just stopped and decided to send me instead! I’m not trying to overstep boundaries here! I’m just trying to tell you the truth! Warfare times up. The final grains of sand drop from your hourglass and run out. It will be time for me to do what so many others might not want to do. But I will. Jim like an old dog past its prime. I’ll do you a big favor! I’ll let you play one last time in the ring. Like a dog slowly chasing after its toy on the farm. Once I see it’s just simply too much to bare! I’ll put you down! The difference here! You’ll feel every single painful morsel! It won’t be quick and painless. No! I’ll make you scream out in agony. I’ll make you beg me to finish you! Once I’m done playing with the old dog! Lights out! I’ll take that burdensome torch you’ve carried all those years!

Robert turns to the camera stopping at the pasture gates! Is he getting under Jim’s skin? He seemed very upset when speaking! Words shaky! Unhinged at times! Robert grins! He really doesn't care how Jim is feeling! He just knows what he is doing is working! Robert opens the gate and takes the dog off its leash! The old dog takes off through the ankle deep green grass and disappears. He shuts the gate behind him and leans against it. He sees nothing but grass whipping around as the dog runs through and a woods in the distance! The woodland seemed quiet, dead! A small gust of wind then blows in cooling everything around the farm Robert shuts his eyes and enjoys the feeling for a few moments! The trees sway as the leaves flutter dancing about! Suddenly the cool breeze is gone and the heat rises almost instantly. The trees were abruptly calmed, stopping dead in their tracks almost as if they were hypnotized.

Main: This spitfire attitude you talk about me having! That isn’t attitude Jim! It’s who I am! Inside the ring, outside the ring. Hell, I’m the same way on taco Tuesday! It’s ingrained in my DNA! You’re not going to get a song and dance. I’m not going to make false claims. There’s no deception! I tell you how it is! When I tell you I can wrestle circles around you. I freaking mean it! Then you go on to talk about the Television Championship and giving me a shot! Jim, what makes you think you’re going to still be champion come Warfare? If you intend on defending it like last week! There’s a very good chance you won’t be champion! If you’d like to make our match at Warfare a triple threat for Television Championship I’ll take it. But before I accept anything under any terms! Prove you can defend that strap first. Show me you’ll actually be able to give me a championship caliber match! Once you do that and only if you can if the powers that be wish to change our match. So be it! If that happens! Your championship run is over!

Once you drop that strap to me and you will if the match is changed! Your short insignificant title run will be forgotten! Just like everything else that you’ve done! I’ve wrestled the greatest wrestlers all over the world Jim! I don’t need to scout an old man who’s been broken down and deflated! I don’t need to look up your history to see what’s in front of me! I know what I see and I see a king who is undeserving to wear his crown. I see a wrestler past his prime. Trying every so mightily to stay in the spotlight! Honestly I just that damn good Jim! I’m not shaking in my boots. I’m salivating over the thought of putting down another veteran. The funny thing is your screaming from the rooftops about how you beat Nixon! Touting what you have accomplished! You’ll bend anyone’s ear that is willing to listen! You put your face neck deep in any camera you can find. Again no one cares! Nobody is listening to a washed up old wrestler who cannot let go of his glory days. If we had you versus Nixon for The Television Championship match 10 times! Nixon wins 9 out of 10 every time! Did the thought ever occur to you? That maybe you simply just got lucky? It happens! From the way you talk and from what others have said. It honestly sounds like you were born with a horseshoe up your ass.

Robert looks towards the farmhouse. The house wore the color of unfinished wood, weathered for countless years by the South American elements baked for years by the blistering hot sun. Bathed in a deep, rust color. The wood cracked, splintered, warped and broken away in many places the old farmhouse wore what it was with pride. That old farmhouse spoke of hardships and hope of a better future. This place has a very rich history. It faces the world proudly and defiantly with a rusted roof and porch detached from the house itself slowly seeping down towards the ground where it will eventually come to a rest. Over the years the house has been falling apart beaten and dreadfully still standing! Robert watches as an older man leaves the house with a rifle in his hand. The man stops and looks towards the pasture before lowering his head and heading that way. Robert turns his back and stares into the ground knowing what’s coming next isn’t going to be pretty! The end has come. Oddly enough he thinks about Jim’s career for a few seconds![purple]

Main: Luck seems to follow you! Everywhere! If anything you should be in my hometown of Las Vegas taking them for everything they have. Are you getting where I am going here, Jim? You got lucky! Point blank! You seem to think you have this oversized bag of tricks that no one has seen before! I think you used your last trick in the bag against Nixon! We share the same finishing move? Robert grabs his heart as if he were having a heart attack. He acts shocked for a few moments before laughing manicallyHoly sCENSORED! I…I… I don’t know what to say other than! Who gives two [shits]! You want to preach scouting! Do you want to make me look foolish? Listen! I don’t care what they call your finishing move! As far as I am concerned you can stick a burning hammer right up your [ass]! My finisher The Dead Man’s Hand and Moon Light Drive can be “coined” as an American term. But I promise you this! You’ll get to know each of them very well at Warfare when I drop your old [ass] down on your neck and get the one two three! There is room for me old man! Finishers aside! I’ll make you go away one way or the other. If you’re looking for someone to end your career. Look no further!

Seraphina again with this sCENSORED and not scouting! She may be a pyro! She may be a lot of things, Jim! She also maybe a great cook! Who cares! I don’t listen to the careless whispers of others! I don’t have time to listen to the grapevine day in and out! I concentrate on winning matches! Training. That’s what is important! Jim you must have me confused with someone else. I plan every single match out. I play mind games! I’m cocky! I know I’m one of the best wrestlers on god’s green Earth! I know this and for someone to tell me otherwise. Is foolish! I’m more worried about if she can wrestler! Is she a wrestler? I won’t think twice walking right up to her and slapping the sCENSORED right out of her! On that note, I’ll do the same to you! Because you’re an old bitch! I really don’t think you get the mess that you’re in. You can’t see the forest from the trees, can you? I will take her with a grain of salt! You as well! Why? Because I know I have more talent than you two combined! I can outwrestle out fight, grapple anywhere this match goes I’ll have a clear advantage and I know it! You may think otherwise! Don’t worry I’ll show you in a few nights!

I’ll be showing you both the true meaning of wrestling. Seeing how Jim you’re so familiar with Japan and wrestling! I’ll show you two “Strong Style” all night long. The Sad thing is I’ll probably knock you both out like the children you seem to be!

[purple]Robert stops for a moment before changing his tone to a much more serious one.

Main: Who do I think I’m talking to? No Jim! The question here is who do you think you’re talking to? I know what you are! I’m talking to a coward! A weak broken down shell of a man! I’m talking to the insignificant! A man who I already have beat! That’s who I am talking to! You want to talk about what I had to say! You know the blackness all so well? Good thing you’re well versed. Because when it all fades to black this time Jim! There is no coming back! There is no magic potion! When I put you down and the blackness fades in! It’s over! You’ve experienced death and know it all so well. The story is a sad one, Jim! A bigger man took you down! What’s that say about who you are when I put you down? It just proves everything that I have said is the truth! See what you don’t understand here is one very simple thing! I don’t make weak threats! I don’t promise and never give! I’m telling you, Jim! You come to the ring and face me! I’ll fucking end you! You can't censor everything dick! Robert points at the camera man Jim, you won’t be ripping my eyes from my head and beating anything out of my hide! No! That will be hard to do laying on your back looking at the lights unable to move! You have nothing to threaten me with! I don’t fear you! But you should fear me, Jim! You want to bring out the darkness in my go ahead! This time around feeling death will be your last!

The old man walks into the pasture rifle in hand. The man has a bewildered look on his face! A look of heartbreak and full of sadness. Robert looks at the old man wearing his old beaten coveralls with no shirt underneath. Shaking holding the rifle in his tired wore down hands. The old man nods to Robert! Robert places two fingers in his mouth whistling loudly! Both men stand staring awaiting the old dog. Robert and the old man look out across the pasture. The sea of grass dead still. Suddenly the old dog emerges from the grass and sits in front of the two! Looking up at them wagging its tail. The old man’s hands now trembling as he pulls his rifle up staring into the dark tired eyes of the dog! Tears begin to fall from the old man’s eyes!

Main: You see Jim all things come to an end. You either go peacefully! Or someone has no choice. Jim, you’re forcing my hand here! Your threats I know are idle. But they’re threats none the less! Wednesday night Warfare! I’ll have to do what I have to do! Everything I’ve said will come to pass Jim! Will you accept it? Warfare you will once again become acquainted with the darkness. This time there’s no coming back. No waking up! Jim, once it’s all said and done and I hit The Dead Man’s Hand! It will slowly fade to the darkness you’ve spoken of! You’ll hear nothing more than the sound of silence!


The scene fades to BLACK nothing can be heard but silence!


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[Image: fMJwa5h.png] x2
[Image: WPoUWuI.png]

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[Image: Qfgvjya.png]
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