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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
Triple Threat? More like No Threat...
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Brian Campbell Offline
Flipping you upside down...

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05-06-2013, 02:30 PM

We find ourself inside a Japanese Dojo. Everywhere we look, we can see people training different martial arts. In one of the corners, we can see Brian Campbell fighting two opponents at once. One of his opponents is already on the ground, bleeding from his nose.

Brian Campbell: "You want a piece of me too?" Brian yells, as he hits his opponent with his signature crescent kick, followed by his finisher, the "Gamechanger".

Master Takeshi: "Brian, could you spare me some minutes of your time?"

Brian Campbell: "Yes master. How can I help you?" Brian asked, as he approached Master Takeshi and bowed.

Master Takeshi: "I feel a negative vibration coming from you, my young student. What is bothering you?"

Brian Campbell: "Well Master, as you might now, I became a professional wrestler..."

Master Takeshi: "I see. You are nervous about your next match."

Brian Campbell: " No Master Takeshi. I am still angry because of my last match. I was about to defeat my opponent when he managed to turn the tables around.

Master Takeshi: "I see. But you have to understand that it is your own fault. You are to busy thinking about women, fame and all other none important aspects of your career that you forgot to prepare your match. You have to find your inner peace.

Brian Campbell: "You sound just like White Lion..." Brian mumbled to himself.

Master Takeshi: "You see, my friend. That's what I am talking about. You can't focus. You are too angry. I noticed it earlier today. You seemed a little bit off when you fought two of my younger students today. You applied too much strenght in your moves. There was no need to hurt them. Brian, my friend, you have to forget about your previous match. Anger is not a good thing. Do not seek revenge. Don’t be fueled by hate.

Brian Campbell: "You are right master. I am sorry for disrespecting your teachings. From now one, I will try to be as calm and relaxed aspossible

Master Takeshi: "Good. That is very important. So, how come you aren’t nervous about your next match? If it is going to be against 2 other opponents, the odds don’t seem to be in your favour…"

Brian Campbell: This week, I will be facing AJ Powell and Jason E. Smith. They don't worry me too much. AJ Powell is just a pretty face. He claims that gravity doesn't affect him. Well, I guess he never saw my 450 splash... And his hair... It is RIDICULOUS! It makes me want to burn it!

Master Takeshi:: " Brian, my young student, never underestimate your opponent. He might be tougher than it seems. What about your other opponent?"

Brian Campbell: I wouldn't care too much about him either. He is just a steroid addicted loser. He knows nothing about wrestling. A strong crescent kick to his nose is enought to make him bleed. And now, with the "Gamechanger", my modified version of the Ippon Seoi Nage, the Judo throw you taught me, neither of them stands a chance! They will both leave the ring with a few broken ribs.

Master Takeshi: "Remember, the Ippon Seoi Nage as been banned for being too dangerous. Please, be careful. You might end up killing your opponent if it goes wrong."

Brian Campbell:: "Sure, I will be careful. Very careful..." Brian answered, with a sadistic smile on his face.

After bowing again as a sign of respect for his master, Brian went to the locker room. After taking his black belt off, Brian looked at it. "It would look beautiful tied around Jason Smith's neck." Brian thought, as he went to take a revitalizing shower.
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