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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
Greatness Arrives and Chaos Ensues - Milwaukee Sucks
Author Message
Kristen Silver Offline
The Most Important Person In The World

XWF FanBase:
Some men, some teens, few women

(the villain you love to hate; has cult following)

05-06-2013, 12:48 PM Heart  Greatness Arrives and Chaos Ensues - Milwaukee Sucks -->



The scene fades in as the sun shines brightly from the sky, a moment of peace setting in. That moment of peace is brought to a screeching halt as the sound of a roaring engine echoes throughout the airwaves. Suddenly, into sight comes a Bentley Continental, speeding into the picture with the roof off. The car comes to a screeching halt and at that very moment, the passenger's door opens up and a figure comes rushing out, quickly scuffling round the front of the car and to the drivers seat, opening it up in the process. Out of the drivers seat steps a female figure, her legs sparkling in the sun, parts of her hair waving in the slight breeze. She stands at full length, moving away from the car as the other female closes it shut.

"You told me it was a short drive Erin!"

Erin: We just drove five blocks, Kristen!

Kristen: It took forever!

Erin: We were driving for five minutes...

Kristen: This is Milwaukee, Erin. Five minutes in Milwaukee is five minutes too long. Now here, take a picture of me that I can show daddy!

Erin can be seen shaking her head as she flutters her eyes back and forth before returning a smile to her face and quirkily bouncing a few yards away from Kristen.

Erin: Smile!

Pulling a camera up, the assistant of Kristen Silver snaps a picture.

[Image: abizfIpl.jpg]

Erin: Here, take one of me.

With her arm extended and camera in hand, Erin smiles at Kristen as she awaits her to take the camera off of her.

Kristen: We haven't got time for fun and games Erin!

Brushing past her assistant, Kristen begins to walk straight towards a set of doors at the massive arena. Erin, left standing still in her tracks, takes a deep breath while letting out a sigh along with it, before quickly beginning to follow after Kristen. The two proceed to enter the building, Kristen continuing to hurry along with Erin catching up to her side. The two are suddenly stopped in their tracks though.

"Excuse me ladies, can I help you?"

The two women stop in their tracks, both turning their attention back to the doors they just entered through to see a large male security guard standing besides them.

Kristen: Does it look like you can help me?

The rude tone of Kristen fires back at the male, Erin quickly taking a step forward to interject.

Erin: Sorry, excuse her.

Kristen: HER?

Erin takes a few steps forward towards the security guard, ignoring Kristen in the process, almost embarrassed by her character.

Erin: This is the Bradley Harris Center, right?

Security Guard: That's correct ma'am.

Erin: Brilliant. Hi, I'm Erin Williams and this is Kristen Silver. We're here for the XWF show.

Security Guard: The show isn't until Wednesday, if you'd like to buy tickets, you'll have to head to the front of the building.

Erin: Oh no, you've got...

Before Erin can continue, Kristen has stepped forward and in front of her, butting in halfway through her sentence.

Kristen: Tickets? TICKETS?

Security Guard: Yes, tickets Mrs.

Kristen: Do you know who I am?

Just as the man is about to respond, Kristen interjects, which she's showing a strong habit of doing.

Kristen: I'm Kristen Silver. I'm the star of the show. I don't need to buy tickets. I can buy this whole Goddamn arena. I can...

Before Kristen can go on any further, Erin is the one who now steps in front, quickly cutting her off before she can go any further.

Erin: My apologies, there must have been a mix up. Would you excuse us for a moment.

The security guard tilts his head to one side before slowly shaking it, almost as if to say go ahead. Erin pulls Kristen to one side, finally drawing her attention away from the male.

Erin: You told me it was today we had to be here?

Kristen: You told me it was today we had to be here!

Erin: No...

Kristen: Yes...

Realising she's about to get into a back and fourth childish argument, Erin decides to give in, despite knowing the mistake laid with Kristen.

Erin: Well we're here now. It looks like we're going to have to wait around till Wednesday.

Kristen: That's two days time...

Erin: Which means two days in Milwaukee.

With those words spoken, Kristen bursts into a mini tantrum, throwing her hands into the air and stamping her right foot, the expression on her face quickly changing.

Kristen: I hate Milwaukee!

Erin: You got the dates mixed up, it's not my fault!

Kristen: It is your fault!

Erin: No it's not!

Kristen: YES IT IS!

Once again realising she's getting dragged into a childish back and fourth argument, Erin quickly brings a halt to the madness.

Erin: LOOK...we've got two days until the show. I'm sure we can find something to do in that time.

Kristen: Like what?

Erin: Museums, a ball game, local attractions...I don't know, everything else that people from Milwaukee do?

Kristen: Art is boring unless it has me in it. Baseball sucks. And Milwaukee attractions? Eww.

Erin: KRISTEN...let's just go!

Erin calms herself as she almost snaps at Kristen, the assistant clearly becoming agitated by the behaviour of Kristen. The two finally begin to head back through the doors that they entered through, both fading into the distance as they begin to enter Kristen's Bentley Continental. As they do, Kristen can be heard uttering the words...

Kristen: It's still your fault!

We slowly fade out to see Erin shaking her head as she slumps back into the passenger's seat, looking up to the heavens as the sun shines brightly upon the two.

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